~ Chapter 4 ~

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- I feel it, we are close ... HERE!

Then, without another word and with a powerful fin move, King Trollex propelled himself towards a big rock. Poppy, Branch, Biggie, and Mr. Dinkles scarcely had time to follow him that he had disappeared in the darkness of the abyss.

- We see almost nothing here ... Poppy tried to find the light of Trollex, but she did not find it.

She turned to her two friends who were waiting to know how they were going to do for find their new friend. One hand on the chin, Poppy thinks; they could just wait for Trollex to realize that they are not following anymore and come back for them, but she did not want to waste time, knowing that he was in a hurry to help his family ... She loked at Branch, he trying to chase his light antenna out of his face, she found herself stupid not to have thought of it earlier at this option:

- Branch, go in front of the group! She ordered him

- What? He was surprised, Why me? He tried to blow on his antenna, all that came out of his mouth, it was bubbles.

- Because you're the only one who has a flashlight on the head! Come here right now !

She grabbed his hand and pushed him before them. But, still not controlling his fish fin very well, Branch found himself upside down in front of her. He croised his arms, smiling teasingly; finally his antenna did not fall to him in front of his face and that made him happy:

- And what do I get in exchange, My Queen? He teased her with relaxed air.

Poppy took the same teasing air and leaned over to bring her face closer to his. For a moment, Branch was lost in her pink eyes and thought that something else was happening. He brought his face even closer to his, their skin... -they had no nose I remind you-... brushing against each other ... But quickly, she put her finger on his heart always beating in unison with her and pushed him so that he finds himself in the right direction again:

- Help to get up, Grumpy! She laughed and forced him forward to light them, Biggie burst out laughing accompanied by happy sounds of Mr.Dinkles

Branch blushed furiously, rolling his eyes before taking the lead.

They quickly found King Trollex who was in front of a big rock. Another was falling in front and blocking which seemed to be the entrance to an underwater cave. He was already trying to clear the entrance by pushing on the rock, but he will obviously not be able to do it alone:

- King Trollex, who are his other hearts that we hear? Asked a voice from inside the cave

- He had find help! right, King Trollex?

- We're all here! Help us ! Exclaimed another voice.

- Celebration can begin!

King Trollex continued to reassure his people and to answer their questions, Poppy thought he must be a good leader and everyone seem to loved him.

- We're going to push the rock all together, the king of the Techno Trolls explained to them

Then, taking his mission very seriously, he placed his companions in different places on the rock. When everyone was in place, King Trollex made a count:

- In 3 ... 2 ... 1 .... PUSH!

Waving their fins, the four mertrolls tried to move the rock, it barely moved. In despair, the poor king sat down on the seabed, buried his face in his hands. Poppy tried to comfort him, but Branch was faster:

- Don't tell me you're giving up already? He was surprised, Your family is counting on you!

- How are we going to get them out of there? This rock weighs tons!

Then Branch began to think, looking around him. He saw thick algae floating nearby;

- King Trollex? He caught his attention, These algae are not dangerous?

- No, why?

Then, after a good hour of work punctuated by a song of the Techno Trolls, the four mertrolls had fabricated a system of algea rope imagined by Branch to lift the rock more easily.

- Okay, I need three of you to slide your fin under the rock and push! Branch commend to the trolls of the cave, the strongest of you!

Then Branch swam to the top of the rock with Poppy, taking one of the rope:

- 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... NOW! The blue troll gave the order.

Everyone started to push or pull the rock, then, in a crack, the rock moved away from the entrance and the fish-tail trolls managed to open it so that the Techno Trolls free. With a shout of joy, they came out of their prison and all went to their King who sighed with relief. A little green fish flung himself into his arms and Poppy realized that it was the string's protector that had been stolen by Queen Barb.

- King Trollex!

- Finally we are free!

- You saved us!

- My fin was tired of staying still!

- Fortunately, you succeeded!

- Long life to our King!

Poppy marveled at seeing so many colors and light. Their hearts were beating on their chests as a unique means of communication, expressing their relief and joy at finally finding their leader. King Trollex approached his new friends and bowed to the Queen of Pop Trolls:

- You have my eternal respect, I thank you Queen Poppy, he says with a sincere voice.

Branch felt a slight sense of jealousy, but he knew it was a royal habit. It only meant respect between tribal chiefs.

- It's nothing, Poppy laughs softly, No troll left behind ... Even if this troll has a fishtail, she joked

This little joke made the King laugh. Branch stood beside Poppy while King Trollex continued:

- I must thank you and give you a service in exchange, I thought I understood your plan, and I promise you that The Techno Trolls will be with you until the end of this dispute.

Poppy tried somehow to hold her joy. Trollex then gave them an object that would be of great help to them:

- Here is a map of our kingdom, it will serve you to unite the rest of the kingdoms ... And then ..

Poppy knew what Trollex was asking for: the Rocks Trolls attack completely destroyed the Techno Trolls village. No more light was shedding their village and all the houses were destroyed. they could not live here for a long time:

- You can come and at GlitterFalls, She gave them permission, and I'm sure my people will love to bathe in the river with new friends.

- Thank you very much for your help, King Trollex bowed again as the group was already starting to come to the surface, help by the map.

Poppy discreetly approached Branch, an enthusiasm she could barely contain:

- See ? We have already assembled a first tribe! She said happily as Branch laughed lightly.

- I guess, he replied

Gently, he grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently. Poppy looked at him with a surprised look.

- To help me swim, Branch lied as the tip of his fin brushed hers gently. There was a game teasing behind this gesture, I grant you.

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