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In the darkness of the ocean, there was nothing at first sight of very interesting ...

But when you try to listening, it was another story....

Barely audible, far into the depths, if you listened, you could hear a joyous music. It was when you were swimming behind big, unusual rocks that a spectacle of color and joy dazzled you.

Waving their fishtail and their bright and coloring hair, half-troll, half-fish creatures sang happily. Their leader, a blue mertroll with green hair and arms covered in rainbow colors, happily danced and sang:

- One more time ! sang the head of the Techno Trolls, King Trollex.

All his people shouted with joy and sang with him. Families, friends, and even foreigners all celebrated together with the catchy music of their king. His best friend and faithful adviser, a green fish stood at his side made happy sounds.

This music was, as I tell you, very strong. Which allowed others to locate the Trolls Techno who didn't suspect anything. In a submarine, a troll rock with dull lilac skin and red hair prickly stood in front of the window. Her hurt ear showed that she was not a stranger to violence. (And that she was a freaking reference to DragonHeart haha) Seeing the light of the feast piercing the darkness, an evil smile appeared on her face.

- They are rather easy to find for stupids fishes, she laughed as the submarine changed direction

King Trollex was still singing. Wearing headphones, he had not heard the noise of the submarines behind him ... Seeing the threat, the Techno Trolls screamed in fear and started hiding behind corals or rocks. Troubled by this sudden reaction, their leader turned his eyes, removing his headphones. He open his mouth when he saw the submarine army behind him.

- SWIM AWAY, GO HIDE! He yelled at his people before taking his green fish, which was also hidden before looking for the largest submarine.

He finally found it, with a powerful flick of a fin, he found himself in front of the submarine, his green fish behind him. The heart on the king's chest beat at full speed, a sign of his fear; who were at the controls of his scary silhouettes?

Then he widened his eyes as he saw the trolls inside the gigantic machines that had scared his family. Dull colors and hair prickly: Rocks Trolls. His fear calmed slightly, but he was still not worried, why they were here?

- Thrash! The king of the ocean called the chief of the tribe, Thrash, where are you ?!

But it was not King Thrash who showed himself, but another troll rock. Trollex recognized her without problem:

- Princess Barb? He asked, What is happening, why did you come here? You need help?

The expression on the face of Thrash's daughter made his fear grow again. Trollex forced his fish hind behind his back, protecting something else at the same time.

- What are you doing ? He asked then that his heart began to panic again, his expression showed his fear and misunderstanding of the situation.

- 1), she started, you should really follow the news, because you actually talk to Queen Barb! She corrected the error of the techno troll, and 2), you are the one who needs help, stupid fish!

Trollex's eyes widened, not understanding what was happening. The techno trolls watched what was happening without understanding too, exchanging whispers of panic.

- Ah ah! laughs another voice, stupid fish !!!

- SHUT UP, RIFF! Queen Barb screamed before finally explaining what was happening: Listen well, stupid fish, I think you have something that belongs to me, and this thing is behind your fin!

His fish made a fear sound and snuggled against his best friend's shoulder. Trollex understood immediately what the troll rock was talking about:

- So, I'm gonna need your string, she smiles

- No ! Why do you need it? I will not give you our string !

Queen Barb seem to be angry, but resumed her calm and frightening air to continue her explanation:

- I'm going to unite the six strings and destroy all music! Except for rock!

Then, she raised her hand before scratching her guitar's strings with power. Incredible energy disturbed the water, tipping Trollex and tearing algae on it way. The poor king understood that he was trapped.

- Your string, or I would destroy your flock of stinking fish! She threatened him, ready to replay her guitar.

Trollex was frozen by fear, his people were not only his people, they were his family. If something happened to them, he would not know what he would do. Slowly, he forced his fish to come to take him if he had been protecting for years; a blue string that shining in the darkness.

Trembling, King Trollex handed the precious object to the Queen of Trolls Rock.

- That's a good fish, she laughs as a troll rock activates a pliers to bring the string back into the submarine.

Queen Barb immediately took the precious string, looking at it with a big smile. The techno king looked at her, his heart sank:

- You have what you wanted, now I would ask you to go away and leave my family alone!

But the lilac troll turned her eyes to him, smiling:

- Finally, I change my mind, goodbye stupids fishes! She laughed, raising her hand to play another destructive note.

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