The Country Trolls

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After a few hours before Barb got here, the crew finally made it to Lonesome Flats, the home of The Country Trolls.

Queen Poppy: We did it. All we just have to do is say hello, and get them to join our side to stop Queen Barb from this string stealing-thing.

Branch: I don't know if they will be friendly, so we did it, come on guys, let's go home.

Queen Poppy: There is no "I Quit" in team!

Branch: *sighs*

Reef Marina: When you think about it, isn't there a T in team already?

After a few minutes, they finally get to a barrel to hide near, waiting for their day to start. Their mayor, Delta Dawn sings the start of the day.

Queen Poppy: That song was so sad.

Branch: Well, I kinda liked it.

Queen Poppy: Really?

Branch: Well, yeah.

Reef Marina: While songs may give you harmony and joy, some songs could sink you into the real world and tell you, not everything is supposed to be happy.

Branch: He makes a big point.

Delta Dawn: *looks at the Trolls*

Delta Dawn: Hmm. Those Trolls ain't look like something I ain't seen before.

Growley Pete: Growly Growly Growl.

Delta Dawn: Well, try not to be angry 'bout them, Growley, the colorful ones look like they got beaten up by a rainbow, and the fish one looks like he has been on the wrong side of the reef.

Reef Marina: So what's your plan?

Queen Poppy: We have to sing the most important songs in the history . . . of music.

Reef Marina: And my plan is not making a bad impression so imma do that.

Queen Poppy: Well, we got this! We are Pop Trolls!

Delta Dawn: Member to make a good impression, cause the fish one is coming near.

Reef Marina: Why, hello there.

Delta Dawn: Hello, to you too. My name is Delta Dawn.

Reef Marina: Nice to meet you, Delta. My name is Reef. Reef Marina.

Delta Dawn: I can tell you must belong to the Techno Tribe, right?

Reef Marina: Yep.

Delta Dawn: Then why the Rock-Related clothes?

Reef Marina: I used to belong in the human world. After my parents died, a Techno mother found me and turned me into a Techno Troll. That, and my human father liked Rock.

Delta Dawn: So sad for you, little young'n.

Reef Marina: Say, have you heard of Barb's World Tour?

Delta Dawn: Yep. I ain't bringing my string no where, and it's staying right here.

Reef Marina: Well, I seriously need you to lock up everything now!

Delta Dawn: Why's that?

Reef Marina: Cause Barb attacked our town first. None of us knew. She destroyed my home badly and blasted me away, badly bruised.

Delta Dawn: Poor kid. Say, that group part of yours?

Reef Marina: *looks at the Pop Trolls getting dressed, open eyed look* Um, noooooo.

The Pop Trolls then get thrown in jail after that "crime".

Delta Dawn: I cannot believe you. That was a crime against music.

Reef Marina: Well, i think that all music should be free to be stood out.

Delta Dawn: Look at this paper.

Reef Marina: Yes. I know about the paper.

The other half was covered up.

Delta Dawn: It says One Nation Tour. She's trying to unite us.

Reef Marina: *sighs* That's not all.

Reef wipes the dusted part.

Delta Dawn: *gasps* You're kidding.

Reef Marina: I wish I was.

Delta Dawn: We need to talk a bit. But as for you three, i need to wipe that so called "Music" out of my ears.

Queen Poppy: No! What do we do now!

Branch: Hold on. We will figure it out.

*at the Mayor office*

Delta Dawn: Hopefully this isn't that bad, right? She'll teach us the music, right?

Reef Marina: I wish I was joking. Trust me, I do. But this is serious. I remember what she said before she blasted me.

Delta Dawn: Well, what did she say?

Reef Marina: "By the end of my World Tour, we're all gonna have the same vibe. We're all gonna be one nation of Trolls . . . under Rock!" What I could get from that, and I know Rock instruments well, but she wants to play this guitar that turns us into this. *points at himself*

Delta Dawn: She wants to turn us into fishes?

Reef Marina: What, no. No, she gonna turn us into full on Rock Trolls. You know, listening to the same music, dressing up the same way. That World Tour.

Delta Dawn: That's terrible. We have to warn everyone.

Reef Marina: Yeah, so I have to go to their place and save the tribes that are there.

Delta Dawn: You sure? It's a suicide mission!

Reef Marina: It's what I have to do.

Delta Dawn: Okay, a Country Troll needs to drop you down near some water so you can swim your way there. Everyone! I need you to lock up all your doors and stay inside your homes cause Barb of the Rock Trolls is coming and she's gonna do no matter what to steal our string and us! So get in there!

Every Country Troll locks every door and themselves, making sure Barb doesn't take them.

Reef Marina: You know, I can walk there myself. I need to stay on the run so Barb doesn't capture me.

Delta Dawn: You make sure to save your tribe. I believe in you.

Reef Marina: Thank you all!

Delta Dawn: You're welcome!

Country Troll: Um, the Trolls escaped from jail!

Delta Dawn: THEY WHAT?! Clampers, go get them.

Clampers: Sure, auntie.

Queen Poppy: Okay, all we need to do is get a safe distance from them and . . . hold on, what is that?

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