Another Fun Day!

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The drawing at the top is by me. On with the story!

It was another beautiful morning in Troll Village. Little Princess Flower woke up early enough to see the Moon leave the sky and the Sun would take his place.

“Bye-bye!" she said, waving. The Moon waved back, the Sun gave him a high-five, and he left as the Sun warmly waved at the baby princess. “Hewwo!"

Suddenly, Flower noticed two pink arms reaching down to grab her. Those arms belonged to her mother, Queen Poppy.

As Poppy sang a cheerful, catchy beat, she took a shower and Flower played in a small bathtub, making sculptures out of the bubbles. After brushing her teeth with a lollipop, which is only recommended if you're a Troll, Poppy dried herself and Flower off and they both put on cute dresses. Poppy, who was a pink Troll, wore a blue dress, so Flower, who was a blue Troll, wore a pink dress. All Poppy needed now was her flowery crown.

Woke up in the morning light

Today is the day that I do everything right

Now that I'm queen, I've got a kingdom to run

'Cause Trolls, they wanna have fun

Yeah, Trolls just wanna have fun!

As Poppy headed outside, with Flower holding onto her ponytail, the rest of the Trolls in the village began singing and dancing, ready to start another day!

Trolls just wanna have fun!


Meanwhile, Flower's father, Branch, was inside his bunker, lying in bed as he looked at a picture of himself, Poppy, and Flower. It was usually kept behind a sign that read, “NOTHING IMPORTANT!" Although their daughter was born as a surprise, Branch found himself falling for Poppy and decided it was time to confess.

Lived underground to get away from the world

Till I had my life changed by a beautiful girl

Just need the guts to tell her that she's the one

But you know, Trolls, they wanna have fun

Oh, Trolls just wanna have...

Springing out of his bunker, Branch joined the Trolls for the morning medley, and gave the Sun a fist-bump... which set his hand on fire.

That's all they really want (Hey!)

Some fun (Hey!)

When the working day is done

Oh, Trolls, they wanna have fun

Oh, Trolls just wanna have...

“Mownin', Daddy!" Flower said cheerfully. Branch scooped her up in his arms and planted kisses all over her glittery cheeks.

“How's my little angel this morning?" he asked sweetly, and returned his focus to her mom. “All right, Queen Poppy. I've prepared an agenda for the day."

“Oh! Well, I hope it says singing, dancing, and hugging! Ow-ow!" she said cheerfully.

“Uh, isn't that what we do everyday?" Branch asked as Poppy grabbed a pair of roller skates.

“Yeah! Good times!"

Good times! (We have a good time, yeah)

These are the the good times! (We have a good time, yeah)

Leave your cares behind (Yeah!)

These are the good times! (Having the best time, oh yeah)

Leave your cares behind–

Their fun was interrupted by a high-pitched, auto-tuned screaming. Guy Diamond was in trouble!

“Poppy, come quick!" he cried. “It's an emergency!"

“Guy Diamond, what's wrong?" she asked with concern. The rest of their friends came to see what all the commotion was about.

“I'm having a... baby!"

“We're on jumpsuit duty!" Satin and Chenille said in unison, knitting a pink and blue onesie.

“I get to be a role model!" Cooper said excitedly.

“I don't want to be a big sister!" Smidge pouted.

“I do!" Flower cheered.

Suddenly, they all heard a DING! And a sparkly, silver egg popped out of Guy Diamond's hair. It cracked open instantly, revealing a tiny baby Troll who looked just like his sparkly, silver father, sucking on his little thumb.

“What should I name him?" Guy Diamond asked his friends.

“Hmm. How about... Tiny Diamond?" Poppy suggested. Immediately liking his new name, the baby put on diamond earrings and a pair of yellow glasses and began rapping to hip-hop music.

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Tiny Diamond is my name

Come straight from my daddy's mane

My whole body's made of glitter (Yeah!)

And I'll throw it in your face! (Face!)

I love when I make music (Oh, yeah!)

And the groove is in my bones (My bones!)

Just like my Aunt Queen Poppy

Someday I'll sit on the throne (King Tiny!)


To celebrate the birth of Tiny Diamond, all of the Trolls sang, danced, and bounced on mushrooms. Some of them even danced on their hair like they were an extra pair of legs!

Groove is in the heart


Groove is in the heart

Ah-ah-ah-ah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

They just wanna, they just wanna (These are the good times!)

They just wanna, they just wanna (These are the good times!)

They just wanna, they just wanna (These are the good times!)

They just wanna, they just wanna

Trolls just wanna have...


With the morning medley over, everyone in Troll Village moved on with their day.

“Flower, I see someone's been working on her hairstands!" Poppy cooed. “You make your mommy so proud!"

“Thanks you, Mommy," she giggled as Poppy picked her up and spun her around.

“Hey! That was some fancy footwork, Cooper," Poppy said to the long-necked Troll.

“Some people just got it," Cooper replied.

“Biggie, Mr. Dinkles, you two were on fire!"

“Yeah, sorry about that, Queen Poppy," Biggie apologized, snuffing out the flame on his pet worms head.

“I'm digging that new anklet, Legsly!"

“Thanks, Poppy!" Legsly said, dancing like a ballerina on her long, stretchy legs, the bells on her anklet jingling. “Kisses and donuts and sprinkles!"

“Ah, what a Troll," Branch sighed, amazed by Legsly's unconditional sweetness.

“Tiny Diamond, welcome to the family, little buddy!"

“Thanks, Aunt Poppy," he said in a deep voice, quite different from his father's. “And thanks to this silver-haired daddy of mine for bringing me into this world!"

“Aww!" Poppy cooed as Flower giggled.

“I never knew my heart could be so full," Guy Diamond said quietly. Branch briefly glanced at both Poppy and Flower, knowing exactly what Guy Diamond was feeling.

“Peace and love, bless up, Tiny and Daddy out!" Tiny Diamond said, blowing a kiss at Flower, who pretending to catch it. With that, the Diamonds left the three of them alone.

“Oh, okay, bye!" Poppy replied, waving. As she took Flower to a nearby garden, Branch nervously rubbed his hands together. Now was the time to tell Poppy he loved her.

“Hey, uh, Poppy, there's something I was hoping to ask you," he began. “I– I mean, I guess it's something I want to tell you, more so."

“Uh-huh," Poppy said as she placed Flower down on the ground and began watering her garden of pink flowers.

“Uh, but listen!" Branch said nervously, which was making Flower curious. “You could feel free to respond to it, uh, with an answer, i-if you wanted."

“Sure, what's up?" Poppy asked, smiling at him.

Branch just found himself feeling more nervous. “Uh, what's up is, I, uh, I-I-I-I-I-I-I wanted to tell you that... Uh..."

This wasn't going the way Branch planned. What if she rejected him? Or laughed or felt disgusted? He couldn't tell her. But he had to say something.

Groaning in defeat, he finally said, “... you're crushing it at this queen thing."

Flower smacked herself in the face.

“Aw, Branch, thank you!" Poppy said gratefully. “Being a good queen is the most important thing in the world to me. Other than Flower, and being your friend."

“Friend, friend, friend, friend, friend..."

“Uh, five it up?" Poppy suggested, raising her hand up. Snapping out of it, Branch attempted to give her a high-five, but missed. “Huh, that could've been better. Let's try that again!"

Flower watched as her parents missed again.

“Okay, one more," Poppy said. Nearly getting it this time, but it ended up looking rather sloppy. “Huh. For some reason, we can't seem to make a good connection."

As Poppy chuckled a little, Branch looked at his own hands nervously. Fuzzbert walked up to them, held up his hand, and Poppy high-fived him enthusiastically.

“Oh, yes, Fuzzbert!" she cheered. “Now, that's a good connection!"

Branch groaned as he grabbed his chest, feeling his heart ache. If he and Poppy can't even make a good connection, how could they be more than friends?

Branch then noticed Flower tugging on his vest. She only did that if she had something to say, despite never speaking full sentences. It amazed Branch how smart the toddler was.

“What happens, Daddy?" she asked worriedly. All Flower wanted was for her father to be happy.

“Sorry, sprout," he said, kneeling down to her level. “It's just... If you need something to build you a survival bunker, I'm your Troll. But talking about feelings... Not so much."

“Mommy tawks about feewinks," Flower pointed out.

“Yeah, Mommy and Daddy are two completely different Trolls," Branch admitted sadly. “Maybe we're too different..."

“Like Wiwwow?" Flower asked sadly. Branch wasn't sure how to respond, since it was something she couldn't understand.

“No, Flower, no," he replied. “Willow left because she felt her... differences made her dangerous. She just wanted to protect us."

“I miss her," she pouted softly. Branch picked up his daughter and gently hugged her.

“I miss her, too," he admitted. “I even miss her cracks about my weight."

Flower's face teared up, but just before she could actually cry, they heard someone screaming. It was Biggie!

“Poppy, help! Poppy!"

Believe it or not, I've actually written this a couple of weeks ago. I just wanted to finish Poppy's Secret before I put it up here. There's more, but I'll put them up one at a time.

Until then, rock on. 🤘

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