Good Queens Listen

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Despite having no power, the Funk Trolls fought as hard as they could. But since they were completely defenseless, the Hard Rockers had the upper hand in battle.

Willow, meanwhile, had enough of not knowing what Barb and Ash were doing. She flew out of Barb's Tour Bus, into Vibe City, and came across the battlefield, which left her not only in shock but pure disbelief.

“It's over, Funk Fam," Barb said with a smirk on her face. “Hand it over."

“Barb, I don't know if–"

“Ash, be a dear and don't interrupt me," Barb replied, gently pushing her aside.

King Quincy and Queen Essence stood their ground, they weren't going to let Rock try to destroy their music. Shrugging, Barb raised her guitar pick and...

“STAY AWAY FROM THEM!" a loud, demonic voice boomed. The Rock queen and her sister noticed Willow standing on a stage. Lighting striking the floor around her as she glared at them all, her violet eyes as black as night.

“What is that thing?!" Prince D exclaimed.

“She's my friend!" Cooper answered.

“Get her!" Barb ordered her fellow Rock Trolls, who ran after Willow. Much to their surprise, however, she threw a fireball at them! “What?!"

No one was hurt, luckily, but nothing was stopping Willow. She opened up her wings, which were now black and ragged, and flew straight towards Barb, attempting to hit her with everything she had. Barb struggled to avoid the attacks, and ran into the Hall of Records. No matter how hard she tried to avoid her, however, Barb got blasted by a powerful wind as Willow let out a blast of fire and ice that destroyed the Hall of Records. Noticing the Funk string, Barb grabbed it and held it to her chest protectively as Willow flew down to her.

“No, please!" she pleaded for mercy. But Willow either couldn't hear or didn't listen, and prepared to finish off the Queen of Rock with a strike of lightning mixed with dark energy.

Ash ran into the Hall of Records and saw Willow about to kill Barb. With a burst of courage, she used her bright orange hair to spring herself up, landed in between the two Trolls, and let out a loud blast of rock music from her guitar, knocking Willow down as her jacket flew off.

While Ash went to check on Barb, Willow's eyes returned to normal as she snapped back into her senses and noticed all of the Trolls, Rock and Funk, staring at her in shock. She looked down at her hands and noticed her markings spreading to her fingertips, which were turning pitch black.

She couldn't fight the curse.

“No..." she muttered as the purple streaks in her hair began to fade to black. Ash turned around to notice not only Willow's markings, but a large scar across her left eye that was normally covered by her bangs. Willow caught one last glance at her friend before flying out of Vibe City, hoping to get as far away from the Trolls as possible.

“Willow, wait! Wait!" Ash called out, but it was too late. She was gone. Ash attempted to run after her, but Barb stopped her.

“Where are you going?!" she asked, grabbing her sister's wrist. “Did you not see what just happened?!"

“I don't think Willow did this on purpose," Ash argued. “She may need help!"

“What if she can't be helped?!" Barb warned. “She's too dangerous, she said so herself!"

Ash couldn't believe it. “Right now? This is when you choose to listen?"

“Choose to... What are you saying?"

“Ever since you became queen, you don't listen to anyone but yourself!" Ash replied, with tears in her eyes. “Not Willow, not your subjects, not even me. And I thought we were sisters."

“Ash, we are sisters," Barb insisted. “I just want to protect you–"

“From the Pop Trolls?" Ash finished, picking up Willow's gold broken-heart necklace off the floor. “Barb, for the first time in my life, I've met someone who actually sees me. And I just saw someone who's afraid of her own power and tried to hide from the world just to keep everyone safe from herself."

Barb was left speechless. She didn't think about what was going on in Willow's mind.

“Good luck with your Rock-pocalypse," Ash said bitterly, and flew off on a motorbug.

“That was my ride," said a Rock Troll named Sid Fret. Barb ignored his complaining and watched as her little sister left them.

“Ash..." she muttered sadly. “Don't go..."

“You okay, Queen Barb?" Riff asked, reaching a hand out to her.

“I'm fine," Barb growled, glaring at the drummer as he backed away. “Let's just finish this."


“No!" Poppy cried, fighting the bubble as it floated farther away from Vibe City. “Ugh! We have to get back down there! There's still hope! We can still fix this!"

“Poppy, enough!" Branch shouted, putting his foot down. Or, at least, he would, if he wasn't floating in the air. “I've listened to you, and I've done it your way, and now, it's your turn to listen. It's time to get back home."

“I'm not like you, I can't just give up!" Poppy argued.

“Give up? I want to protect our friends and family!" Branch insisted.

But Poppy wasn't ready to give in. “I can't go home until I've proven myself as a good queen!"

“So that's what this is really all about?" Branch asked, not believing his ears.

“Why are you so upset?"

“Because your dad was right, and Biggie was right, and Queen Essence was right!" he replied. “And I've been backing you up, even when you ignore them. But you never listen to me."

“Branch, what are you talking about?" Poppy asked, confused about her friend's change in tone.

Branch didn't want to say this to Poppy of all Trolls, but this was something she needed to hear. “You want to be a good queen? Good queens actually listen. You know what I heard back there? Differences do matter. Like... Like you and me. We're too different to get along. Just like all the other Trolls."

Once their feet touched the ground as the bubble popped, Branch made his decision. He would look for Flower and take her straight home, even if Poppy wouldn't. After one last glance at his queen, Branch began walking away.

“We are really different," Poppy said quietly.

“So different!" Branch said angrily.

“Completely out of harmony," she added.

“Completely!" he echoed.

“Why did we have a daughter?" she asked.

“I don't know!" he answered, feeling hurt.

“I don't even know why we're friends!" Poppy blurted out.

“Neither do I!" Branch said, and continued to walk away. But right before he could leave her, he turned back and asked her, “So... why do I care about you more than anybody else in the world? Weird, right?"

Poppy could only watch in disbelief as Branch sulked off into the forest. She felt as if her whole world was falling apart.

What have I done?

I knew Ash and Barb were gonna fight, but I didn't want it to look like they hate each other. They are sisters, after all.

Rock on! 🤘

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