Just Sing!

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“Daddy, you okays?"

The first thing Branch saw was his daughter staring at him anxiously, her body completely colorless.

“I'm fine, sprout, I'm fine," he replied, hugging her. Flower helped him up as he took a good look at himself. He was no longer covered in tattoos, but now had the same grey complexion he had for most of his life.

No longer possessed, King Quincy, Queen Essence, Trollzart, Delta Dawn, and King Trollex noticed themselves colorless, too. They had almost no idea what had just happened.

Poppy stared at the guitar's remains and noticed how badly damaged the six music strings were. They began burning out like fuses. She turned and noticed her dearest friend hugging their daughter sadly.

“Branch!" she cried out, running to them.

“No!" Barb muttered, dropping to her knees at what was left of her guitar. She held the strings in her hands as they burned out completely. “My strings..."

“Mommy," Flower said happily as Poppy picked her up.

“Thank goodness you're okay," Poppy said gratefully, holding her daughter to her chest. Branch wrapped his arms around both of them and they all turned to face Barb, who stared at Poppy, hurt.

“What have you done? You've destroyed music!" she said angrily. The rest of the Trolls gasped in horror. “Give it up everybody! Thanks to the Queen of Pop, we've all lost our music!"

Willow and Ash glanced at each other, feeling heartbroken.

“History repeats itself," Barb continued. “Pop has ruined everything."

The entire Troll race had never felt so despondent. How could any of them live without singing or dancing? They all began grieving over the loss of their beloved music...

But then, one of them heard a sound.

Cooper looked down and noticed his own chest letting out a pink glow. Curious, he took Barb's microphone and pressed it to his heart, which was playing a rather catchy beat.

The Trolls looked up curiously as they heard the sound playing over the stadium's speakers. Queen Essence gazed at her twin boys as Prince D began beatboxing to the rhythm.

“Those are my sons... making music!" she realized with a smile on her face.

Ash then noticed her own heartbeat, which glowed red, and began stomping her right foot, brushing it against the floor in between two stomps. Feeling inspired, Willow created a silver ball of light and it made a chime to go with Ash's sound. Barb looked on in amazement, she had never seen her sister so happy!

Delta Dawn heard her own song coming from her orange heartbeat and began clapping her hands and stomping her hooves to the beat, her fellow Country Trolls followed suit.

Poppy watched in amazement as Trolls all around her began making their own music, each of their heartbeats glowing a different color for their own type of music. Rock was red, Pop was pink, Funk was purple, Techno was blue and green, Classical was yellow and gold, and Country was orange and tan. Each kind of music in between had their own distinctive color as well.

“Queen Barb can't take away something that is inside us," Queen Essence spoke up, “because that's where music really comes from."

“It started with the strings, but now it comes from us," King Quincy said as the Trolls began harmonizing together.

“Yeah!" King Trollex agreed. “It comes from our experiences!"

“Our lives," Delta Dawn added.

“Our culture," Queen Essence finished.

Ash turned to Willow, whose heart glowed pink, and quietly whispered, “Our feelings."

Willow smiled at the Alternative Troll. Poppy, Branch, and Flower noticed their own hearts beginning to glow.

“Beautiful!" Trollzart praised.

“Listen to that," Poppy quietly said to herself. “Barb can't take that away!"

Barb was still confused, however. How was all of this possible? How was any of it possible?

Poppy noticed Queen Essence nodding at her as she and her husband smiled at the young queen. Listening to the music in herself, Poppy closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and...

Let me hear you sing

Sing it together, louder than ever

Smiling at each other, Branch, Willow, Flower, and Ash joined in with Poppy one by one.

Forget everything, just sing

Like it's what we've been missing

And they're gonna listen, listen

Forget everything, just sing

Barb felt confused as the five Trolls magically regained their colors. “Dad?"

“It's alright, Barbara," King Thrash assured her, playing a keyboard as his own colors returned. “Just let everyone be what they want to be, including you."

Barb thought about this as Poppy and her friends encouraged the other Trolls to join in.

Poppy: You think you gotta hide it

Don't keep it on the shelf

Let your waist start moving

Watch the way I do it, do it

Poppy and Willow: See me do it like nobody else!

As the Royal Funk Family joined in, the Snack Pack and the rest of the leaders except Barb regained their colors.

Queen Essence: If we sing it all together

Branch and Prince D: If we sing it all as one

Queen Essence: It's louder than yourself

Branch and Prince D: All together, everyone

Queen Essence: Everybody's lookin'

Prince D:

See you lookin' now

Queen Essence: Watch the way we do it, do it

Prince D:

Hold up, watchin' how I do it

Poppy, Ash, Delta Dawn, and Queen Essence: 'Cause we do it like nobody else!

All: Let me hear you sing!

Don't you stop it, don't you fight it

Let me hear you sing!

If you got it, can't deny it

Let me hear you!

It's waiting for you, already you know

That you do it like nobody else

Letting the music take over, every Troll in the audience had their colors restored and began dancing with the other Trolls, embracing their differences!

Just sing! Sing it together

Louder than ever! Ever!

Forget everything, just sing!

Like it's what we've been missing

And they're gonna listen, listen

Forget everything

“Come on, Daddy!" Tiny Diamond shouted. “Just sing!"

Guy Diamond: Let me hear yo-o-ou!

With their mayor playing her banjo and her niece on the Jew's harp, the Country Trolls got down to a heartfelt melody.

Delta Dawn: Hey, I've been right here where you're standing

Branch and Willow: I've been standing on the ground

Delta Dawn: And the walls are caving in

Ash and Prince D: All the walls are falling

Delta Dawn: But my lips start moving

With the soul I put into it

And you never heard it done like this

In a fit of giggles, Flower put on a ten gallon hat as Hickory and Dickory yodeled in the background.

All: Let me hear you sing!

K-Pop Gang:

리듬 타봐 멈추지마


Marimba and Tambora: Si lo tienes, no lo niegues

¡Te quiero oír cantar!

Barb watched as the rest of the leaders, including Ash, headed to front stage and continued singing together.

It's waiting for you, already, you know

That you do it like nobody else

Just sing! Sing it together!

Louder than ever! Ever!

Forget everything, just sing!

Like it's what we've been missing

“Play, play!" Trollzart encouraged his orchestra as Riff played the drums with them. “Beautiful!"

“And they're gonna listen, listen," Willow sang right before Ash grabbed her wrist with her hair and pulled her into her arms.

“Forget everything," Ash sang sweetly and dipped Willow, kissing her on the lips.

Let me hear you!

Tiny Diamond: I said a one, two, three, and four

Let's go everybody, get on the floor! (Let me hear you!)

Queen Essence: Oh, let me hear you sing it (Let me hear you sing!)

Prince D: I want you to sing from your soul, I want you to reach with your elbow (Let me hear you!)

“We can't hear you, way in the back!" Tiny Diamond shouted to Cloud Guy, who stood in the back of the audience, sipping on a juice box and began dancing to the beat.

Branch: Alright, alright, alright!

All: Let me hear you sing!

It's waiting for you

Already, you know

That you do it like nobody else

Finally feeling the music in her, and realizing how differences should be celebrated, Barb grabbed her guitar and played a loud chord as her colors returned, her red mohawk turning into a colorful rainbow.

Barb: Just sing! Sing it together!

Louder than ever! Ever!

As the crowd did a wave with their hair, Willow took in some of the Trolls' energy and transferred it to Poppy, giving her a colorful makeover!

All: Forget everything, just sing!

Like it's what we've been missing

And they're gonna listen, listen

Barb: Yeah! Rock!

Poppy: Forget everything, just sing!

Willow flew up and let her magic turn the volcano's orange lava into every color of the rainbow. She rejoined the others and continued singing with them as they embraced each other, and their differences.

All: Sing it together! (Just sing!)

Louder than ever! Ever!

Forget everything, just sing!

Like it's what we've been missing

And they're gonna listen, listen

Forget everything, just

Poppy: Sing!

“I love you guys," Sid Fret said to a Pop Troll and Funk Troll, hugging them as the crowd cheered.

Poppy saw King Peppy standing at the front of the audience and helped him up the stage.

“Dad," she said, “I should've listened to what you had to say, and not run off like that."

“I'm so glad you didn't listen to me," he told his daughter. “You weren't naive about this world, you were brave enough to believe things could change. Braver than me."

Poppy felt rather proud of herself and smiled at her father.

“I raised Poppy to be strong and self-confident! I was a genius!" King Peppy shouted to the audience, and began crowd surfing.

Barb, meanwhile, noticed Ash hugging Willow and nervously approached the two.

“Hey, Ash?" she spoke up. Ash pulled away from her girlfriend to face the Rock queen. “I-I'm sorry... for everything."

“Yeah, me too," Ash admitted, smiling at her sister.

“Go on, hug it out!" Willow said, gently pushing Ash by the shoulders towards Barb. Although it felt awkward at first, Barb and Ash found themselves wrapping their arms around each other. Willow smiled at the sight.

Poppy approached the two sisters and said to Barb, “Well, now that you're not forcing me, I hope we can be friends."

“Yes!" Barb agreed. “Did you hear that, Carol?! We have a girl group now!"

“A girl group?! Nice!" Carol shouted ecstatically, tossing her can of spray cheese aside.

“Yeah, Carol!" Barb laughed. “She's psyched."

“Yo, Brancho!" Willow called out. Branch turned to face the teenage Troll. “I missed you. And your little friend."

Branch glared at her and said, “I missed you, too, Will."

“Daddy, can I go pway with them?" Flower asked, pointing to a group of children from the other tribes. She was more than eager to make new friends.

“Okay, just don't go too far!" Branch warned, but she had already run off to play with them as Poppy approached him. “They grow up too fast."

“Branch," Poppy said, “I love that we're different!"

“And I love you, Queen Poppy," he finally confessed.

Poppy smiled at the father of her child. “I love you too, Branch."

Branch raised up his hand and said, “Shall we?"

Poppy held out her own hand, ran up to him, and in a flash of pink and turquoise, they made a perfect high-five!

“Now, that's a good connection!" Poppy exclaimed, hugging and kissing Branch.


In the beginning, the Trolls were divided. They thought they were just too different to get along. It turns out, they we're wrong.

Very, very wrong!

You have to be able to listen to other voices, even when they don't agree with you. They make us stronger, more creative, more inspired! So whether your song is sad and heartfelt, loud and defiant, or warm and funky, or even if you're a little bit of each, it's all these sounds and all our differences that make the world a richer place!

Because you can't harmonize alone.

Well, that's my version of Trolls World Tour with my OCs. It'll take me a while, but I'm gonna write something else that will take place after this. It mostly focuses on Willow, but the other characters will have their own little slice of life moments. Long story short, the other types of Trolls adjust to living in harmony, and form a truce with the Party Crashers to lift a centuries-old curse while they're at it.

And Flower will be there, too!

Live long and prosper. 🖖

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