Chapter Two

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(A series of flashbacks begins as Black Sabbath's "Paranoid" play in the background. Red is standing in line. When the bird behind him tries to move up, he moves that bird back. He reads a comic book. A mime bird comes by, and he punches him. He is younger and is making a sculpture.)

Young Bird: Hey, Eyebrows. (She laughs as she and the young birds whispered to each other. They have cut paper into eyebrow shapes.) Eyebrows!

Four Young Birds: Eyebrows! (Red looks angry, then sad.)

(Amy's house shakes and a potted cactus falls on Amy, who is sleeping. She goes out to see a small bird kicking a ball toward her house. The small bird raised his eyebrows and she does the same before she kicks the small bird into the ocean. Red is watching a play. A bird sneezes three times onto his popcorn. He then shoves the popcorn on his face. A doctor taps his leg. He punches the doctor. A girl bird waves, then winks. He winks back. She blows a kiss. He and another bird blow a kiss back. They move to go to her, and the other bird steps on Red. As he gets his head out of his lunchbox, he goes away with the girl bird. He indignantly kicks, but trips himself. An egg is in lost-and-found. It hatches, revealing an angry-looking Red. The series of flashbacks ends as the music ends.)

(A court case is going on outside. Judge Peckinpah and the tribe leaders: King Peppy of the Pop Trolls, Queen Barb of the Hard Rock Trolls, Conductor Trollzart of the Classical Trolls, King Quincy and Queen Essence of the Funk Trolls, King Murrow of the Techno Trolls, and Sheriff Delta Dawn of the Country Trolls, listened to what Eva has to say.)

Eva: Your Honors, our family has always practiced natural child-hatch. The risks of having a scrambled infant are too great. There was going to be music. The nest was going to be full with beautiful, fresh-cut flowers. And the first two faces he was going to see were the loving faces of his mother and his father. (A tear falls off from Edward and on their baby, who giggled.) We can never get that moment back.

Amy: Ma'am, we never wanted Red's face to be the first face your kin saw. I mean, what are we talking about here? He probably doesn't even remember him.

Red: Yeah, she's right.

Baby Bird: (to Red) Daddy! (gasps from audience)

Red: No, no, no. No. Shh. Shut up. Shut up. (Edward growls) Cool it.

(A bird carves a picture of Red and the other birds.)

Amy: Ladies and gentlemen, is Red a passionate bird? Yes. Guilty as can be. It was a quality cake. Look, we worked very hard to get it there, on time, and he wouldn't even try it!

King Peppy: Mr. Red and Miss Amy, we are a happy, happy bird and troll community.

All: Mmm-hmm.

King Peppy: Under the protection of Mighty Eagle, (He points at a statue of Mighty Eagle.) we work, we play, we laugh, we love, and we live our lives free from conflict and strife, sir.

Red: (muttered) We love the sound of our own voice, too, evidently.

Judge Peckinpah: Perhaps you never heard the joke, "Why don't birds fly?" I'm gonna tell you why. Because where else would we ever wanna go (He and the bird audience laugh.)

Red: Wow, not a good joke.

Amy: Yeesh.

Judge Peckinpah: So now, what are me and the tribe leaders to make of the likes of you two? There seems to be a recurring issue here. Anger. (murmurs from audience.)

Red: (scoffs) I don't think we have an anger issue. I think you got an anger issue.

(gasps from audience.)

Judge Peckinpah: (walks to Red and Amy.) Anger is a weed growing in our garden. And what do you do when you find a weed?

Amy: I don't know, but I bet you're gonna tell us.

Judge Peckinpah: You pluck it out!

Mime: Oh my gosh.

Judge Peckinpah: Mr. Red and Miss Amy, when you both moved your homes outside of our village, did you notice that nobody tried to stop you? Birds and trolls, they may smile at you on the street, but that doesn't mean they like you.

Amy: Hey, you know what? I got a question for ya. Are ya aware that that robe that you're wearing ain't foolin' anybody?

Trollzart: (confused) A robe?

[Judge Peckinpah lowers his head, as if he has something to hide.]

Red: We all see you, prancing along the street, "Your Honor"! And you're what, and I'm just approximating here, LIKE AN INCH TALL!

[Red suddenly grabs Peckinpah.]

Judge Peckinpah: You... What are you doing?

[Red pulls Peckinpah's robe to reveal he is actually a short bird standing on top of a taller bird. He sneezes, which moves him backwards and moves Peckinpah onto the floor.]

Red: Violà! [gasps from audience and tribe leaders.]

Baby Bird: Daddy!

King Peppy: Mister Red, given the severity of the crimes, me and the other leaders have discussed, and we have come to an agreement, to impose the maximum penalty allowed by the law: anger management class. Anyone that opposes, raise your hand or wing.

(Nobody raised their arms up to oppose. Delta was about to raise her hand to oppose, but she hesitated for a moment until Queen Essence spoke to her.)

Queen Essence: Are you feeling alright, Delta?

(Delta turns to Queen Essence before she turns to Red and Amy. She decided to let the punishment make the better of the two.)

Delta: Yeah, I'm alright.

Red: Uhhh... Pluck my life.

[Red and Amy angrily walked out of the court.]

Early Bird: Fresh worms, caught today. Hey, Red. How are ya?

Red: Oh, I'm horrible.

Holly Darling: Oh, hi, Amy. It's good to see you!

Amy: I wish I could say the same.

Holly Darling: Oh.

Daddy Bird: [lifts his son over Red.] Upsy-daisy!

Red: Aw! Ow. [Sarcastically.] Thank you.

[A bird plays a saxophone, and Red takes another bird's apple and puts in in the saxophone]

Monica: [Blocks Red's path with a flag.] Let's go.

Red: Oh.

[Amy managed to get by before Monica would block her. A bird leading some baby birds walks across the street.]

Monica: How are you, Suzie? You good? No running, no running.

[Monica lifts her flag, only to put it right back down.]

Monica: Oop.

Red: Come on.

[More baby birds walk across.]

Monica: Hey. How's that nap schedule coming along?

Red: Oh boy. Ya guys ever thought about bird control?

Hatchling: Oof!

Red: Left, right, left, right, there ya go.

[Monica hums. Red hums sarcastically.]

Hatchling: Hey, hey. [sticks tongue out at Red. He sticks his tongue out back.]

Monica: All right. [She lifts her flag, only to put it right back down.]

Red: Oop!

[An old lady bird named Shirley starts walking across.]

Shirley: Shirley. Girly, you got this.

Monica: We don't want you to fall now. Take your time.

Red: Ugh.

Shirley: Here we go. That's it. (groans) Oh, you're doing it!

Red: Seriously?

Shirley: I'm almost there.

Red: Ugh.

(A pink bird named Stella is seen walking with the prince of Techno, Trollex, as they talked while the prince was lost in thought before he bumped into the dark grey country troll.)

Trollex: Oh, sorry about that.

Amy: (irritated) Watch it, Glowstick.

Trollex: Apologies. I was lost in thought. Are you okay?

Amy: (huffed) I'm fine. Now move outta mah way.

(Amy walks around the two)

Stella: Rude, much?

Trollex: No, I think it's more complex in a way. But come on, let's go to that new place Poppy is helping out.

(He and Stella went to the same direction, surprisingly where Red and Amy were heading.)

[Cut to Hug Trader trying to hug Red and Amy.]

Red: Nope.

Amy: Ya touch me, and I'll kick where the sun don't reach.

[They continued walking as the same Mime Bird from court follows them, imitating Red. As the three pass a salon, a bird sweeps feathers onto Red. He then angrily moves them off himself. The mime bird mimics him and gets huge cheers from the crowd.]

Workout Bird: Pigeon pose. Crane pose. Ok, we worked out. Who's down for a froyo?

Purple Bird: Ooo, froyo!

[The two peered through the window to see a bird caretaker reading a story about Mighty Eagle to the bird and troll eggs.]

Nursery Worker Bird: [Talking to eggs.] Mighty Might Eagle soaring free, defender of our homes and liberty.

Yellow Lady Bird: Hi, Red and Amy. Are one of those yours?

Amy: 'Scuse me?

Red: What? Yeah, when birds fly.

Nursery Worker Bird: Mighty Eagle is a legend.

[Th two reached the building where they see a swaying bird sign in front.]

Billy the Sign: [in front of anger management class building as it rocks back and forth while laughing rhythmically. Red starts to get mad, but cools down. He pushes the sign, but it comes back up and hits him as he walks away from it.]

Red: [yells as he ran towards the sign and starts attacking it.] You think that's funny? Ha-ha-ha! This is funny! [He throws the sign, but it bounced back from a bush and hits him. He started fighting the sign.]

Amy: Red, stop. This is just ridiculous.

[Red throws the sign down.]

Billy the Sign: [he looks at Red] Ha ha, ha!

Red: What? [He throws and breaks the sign]

Amy: Red! The fella's down. Ya can stop now.

[Red pants heavily before kicking the sign and then puts it back.] Hmm?

Helene: [ gasps] Don't look, Bobby, the anger might be contagious. Let's go.

[She grabs her son away from the scene.]

Red: He started it.

Helene: Move it! Move it! Don't look back!

Red: [puts part that says SMILE back.] There you go Uh-huh.

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