Period blood

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"You look like you just got your period."

The south sun is setting. Reds and pinks bleed into the skies as darkness starts to settle. The same reds dry up on Jisung's itsy bitsy shorts.

He knows better than to laugh at the jokes of the man holding him hostage.

Jisung still smirks a little, looking away from Minho.

"So we have to get you new clothes, and take a shower. It's been a long trip to Stayville City"

Stayville City. Filled with tall skyscrapers, lights, lights, and lights. It's all so blingy and shiny.

"You're going to stay quiet the whole time?"

Three letters. Yes. Han Jisung planned to be as quiet as possible. This would help him analyse his keeper, find his weak point, and then finally escape.

"Okay, I prefer it that way anyway" Minho scoffs when he gets silence as a very vocal response.

It's the first time Jisung is seeing this many people. Young people at that. Buff men. Girls and boys. Short men. And most importantly, girls.

Pretty girls everywhere. Pretty girls he only ever saw on his TV. In Boa, the only girls he knows are the choir girls from church. They very much don't like his type of man.

Something about being too cute, and having a useless job unlike the farmers and miners.

The girls are polite too. The receptionist lady gave him the warmest smile when they arrived at what looked like a member exclusive gymnasium in one of the many tall buildings.

She asked Jisung if was okay with concern, but of course Minho was practically hovering all over Jisung.

Of course Minho answered on his behalf, saying that she should mind her own business.

That didn't matter. Jisung's hands were finally free from those cursed handcuffs. He rubs over the skin of his wrist soothingly.

"Stay here. I'll be back in five. Try to run away and I'll find you." Minho whispers into Jisung's ear.

For onlookers, this looks normal, like two friends exchanging information in a noisy room.

"And when I find you, I will do very very bad things to you" He further whispers, with a hushed tone. Jisung only notices this now, but, Minho's voice can be so deep.

It makes his skin crawl with fear.

"Do you understand?"

"Yes" Jisung answers. He tries his best to look like he wasn't just threatened.

He already gets glares,  for the mere fact that he is wearing bloodied clothes, and looking like he just survived a hurricane.

Minho walks away, leaving him in the gym by the shower room doors.

Now is really his chance to run away. A chilling shock hits his chest when he remembers what Minho had said. Everything here is so new, and the city itself is so big. Where would he even go ?

"Young man, are you okay?" An older, clearly mid-twenties man with an intimidating big build had pulled him out of his thoughts.

He is sweaty. And relatively tall. And built like the heroes the comics.

"Your wrists, I noticed they are swelling, and the blood... That man you were with earlier... Is he abusing you young man ?" The older stranger asks, walking a little closer to wide-eyed Jisung.

Jisung is sure his face gives away his fear and apprehension. He has to man up quick, if he is going to survive this.

"I don't know what you are talking about, I had an accident at work, but I- I will be fine" Jisung says, smiling a little to reinforce his statement.

"I can help you if you are in trouble... Just wink or do something to let me know " The man whispers, nodding his head assuringly at Jisung.

The man's eyes shine with so much concern too. Is Minho known for his evil to this extent?

Should he consider taking this man's word ?

"I have been ta-

Jisung starts to say, but with the timing of an absent father, Minho makes his return known.

"Is there a problem officer ? Or should I say ex-officer ?" Minho interrupts, circling his arm around a now fidgeting Jisung.

"Mr Lee, I was just asking why this young man's wrists are so reddened, hmmm? Nothing wrong with having concerns."

Five several seconds go by. Five seconds of the officer and Minho having an intense stareoff. Five seconds of pregnant silence. The area is everything but quiet however. Shower waters sing, people shuffle and chatter. It's so busy.

"He likes it rough when we fuck." Minho starts.

"Likes to be tied down while being dicked down. And as for that bloody mess, he had a little accident at work. Couldn't even function properly after we fucked all night."

Both the officer and Jisung have the same expression on their faces. Mouth ajar, eyes bulging and disgust creeping onto their faces.

"Still concerned Officer Seo?" He Continues tauntingly.

Officer Seo isn't concerned any longer when he notices the other boy turn red at Minho's crudeness.

He bids them farewell for the sake of formalities and leaves.

"You weren't planning on snitching, right Ji ?"

No reply. Just red cheeks and even redder ears. Jisung analyses the floor, it's looking mad interesting.

"Let's go take a shower Ji. Get that blood and fear off your body"


Wrote this while listening to Rema's soundgasm....
And that one milli song.
Read "Know nothing" if you're interested in Woosan...

Anywho, love you, stay hydrated and remember that you are pretty. Because you are😘

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