Chapter 14

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It has been over a week since my trip to St.Thomas. I got to say it was definitely wild and crazy.

The moment when Jayden and I arrived back in Altanta, my mother and father instantly hugged me. Not that blame them. Plus, Annie was blowing up my phone since she overheard the news as well.

To think everything happened so quickly. What even more surprising is I stopped dreaming sleeping. Yep, all of my visions just vanished into thin air.

I was happy but a little sad. I had a interesting characteristic about myself.

I laid back on the couch wondering if mother would allow me to go back to work. I need money after all. Plus, I need to get go outside before it starts to rain.

Then, there was a knock on my door.

"Who is it?"

"It's me."

I pulled myself off as I heard Jayden's voice on the other side. I was quick to answer the door.

"Hey, Val. Am I bothering you?"

"No. Not at all. Come on in. My parents are still on work mode and I want to chat with you.

We sat down enjoying Oreos and milk.

"You had powers to see a dream that becomes reality and you didn't tell me?!" He exclaimed.

"It was difficult for me as well. Plus, you were going through a lot after your father died."

"Well you're right. I was an emotional reck."

"Yeah. Now, they're gone" I push my hair back into a ponytail. "To think I almost died back there."

To be honest, I was a little worry for you. Even though I was little involved in the rescue."

"It quite all right."

That's why I've made a decision. Val, I'm planning on moving away from Atlanta."

"You what?"

"It's true. For a while I thought about my future. I still want to become a great doctor but at the same time, I want to find myself. I want to find out who Jayden is."

He continued. "I had explained this to my mother and to Sun about this. But, I want to hear your opinion on the matter."

"Well, can only say this. If this is what you truly want, I say go for it. It's your life. And I'll support you."

"Thank you. Another thing I need to tell you. I was feeling upset with Ray. He was my friend and I just didn't know him well enough that he would do something like this."

I took another cookie. "It has to happen to some people. I guess the next time to choose more wise friends and know the person you're with. Anything else?"

"Yeah. When I saw you with Sun there, I couldn't help but be a little jealous."

"You were jealous?"

"There's something about him that different. Maybe that's the way you see in him. I hope to find a woman who sees something in me too."

"You will and trust me. You're smart, having a bachelor's degree and being the best track and field star in college. No woman would never leave."

Then, he gave me a hug. "If you ever have the chance to visit look me up okay. " I explained.

"Will do. You take care of yourself and I'll see at tomorrow."


As he close the front door, I laid back at what he said about Sun. I never even knew he was the jealous type. But, he was happy with our relationship.

"Sun, what are you up to now?"


Here I am. Kneeling at my parents grave and giving flowers to each of thier tombstones.

"Mom, Dad, you can finally rest in peace now along side countless others who lost their lives to him. You don't suffer anymore. I don't have to suffer anymore."

The dark clouds started to roll in.

"Also I have made up with Valentine. Or rather I've fallen for her. The more I think about her, the more I can to see her."

"Well then, be a man and see your woman."

I spun around and Max was leaning against the tree smoking a cigarette.

"Haven't you heard of privacy?"

"Haven't you heard talking to the dead make you go crazy and besides was here to pay my respects to one of friends. And where your brother?"

"Baker is back in Jacksonville. He had already pay this respects two days ago. And as Jayden and Val. I'm sure they sure fine."

"There's always a question that has been bothering do you know my father?"

"Because, he was my closest friend. Back when we're teenagers. I was the ruthless bully and he was the new kid on the block. We got into a couple of fights and we did stupid shit. But, we became friends nonetheless."

When I overheard his death and his wife's, I was shocked. He was cool and kind man. But to think my nephew would crazy for your mother."

"Speaking of him, is he in jail?"

"Yes, the police have done their investigation. All that's left is for him whether he gets life in prison or the death penalty."

"Well, I believe it's for the best. He won't harm anyone anymore."

"I guess the only thing to do is figure out where to go from here."

"You're pretty young for your age. If I were you I would go out in the world and make the best out of it."

"Maybe you're right. The whole thing was taking it out of me. But, there's one little I need to care of before I leave in the tomorrow afternoon."

"You're talking about Valentine right. I got to say she's quite the charmer. A nice day at park and sightseeing perfect place for a date."

"What?! You were spying on us!?"

"Anyway, I suggest you find her before she gets swept away by another."

He smiles away back to his car. Leave me little bothered.


This kid has a long ways to go for himself. That reminds me. I should call him and let him know I think it better this way.


The storm was more vicious as rain pelted down on the window and thunder rumbles off in the distance.

Well, I know for sure my parents are coming home late.

My phone rang and it had unknown number.


"Val, it's me."

"Sun, what are you doing here?"

"I came to visit my family grave and to see you."

"That's great. And here I am stuck on lockdown until tomorrow. But, some popcorn and Netflix might keep me busy."

"Sounds like you need a friend."

"Yeah, but Annie occupied at the moment."

"What if swing by and watch movies together. Horror, Action, Romance. Hell, we can a nice cup of hot chocolate and the night would never end."

"Like that would happen."

"Never say never. Check through your door."

I stopped for a moment and looked through my peephole and Sun was there carrying popcorn, soda, and packs of hot chocolate in a bag all soaking wet from head to toe.

I opened the door. "Sorry about that. The rain got to me." he replied.

"No. Come in and leave your shoes at the door."

And then he pulls me back to him.

"Sun, if you get close to me l, I'll catch a cold."

"Doesn't really matter. What matters is everything is all right. Ray is gone. He can't harm anyone and you."

His touch the back of my hair pulling a few inches form his face.

"Val, we've known each other for a long time. I think  I want to take this even further to where it's now. The day at Coral World where we slow dance, I felt a spark with you. And I'm sure you felt it too."

He continued. "That's why I'll go the distance with you. Protect you. Hell, I'll fight you if things get rough."

He smiles at me as was starting to feel sad all of a sudden.

"Because I love you, Valentine. I always will."

My body shutters as his lips pressed against mine. I didn't know what to do or to say. I melt into it and his body wrapping around me.

After we broke, his emerald eyes stared into me.

"Sun, this is so sudden. I really don't know the first step of becoming a good girlfriend. Or rather..."

"Val, it's not that hard. All I'm asking you is to be yourself. That's all I ask."

A wrap my arms around him and gave a quick kiss of my own.

"Then, yes. Sun, I would you love for you to be my boyfriend."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

I take his hand and sat down on the  couch meditating our lives as couple.


I was looking over my document from Officer Samuel. Look like some is out to kill a man name Gregory Shard.

Apparently, his parents were borrowed some money from a drug dealer. Now, this man wants his money back. And he would kill thier son if they don't pay up.

Luckily, his sister was able to contact us. And she was cornered about her older brother safety. Apparently, it wasn't going to be a one man job. And there was no way in hell I was going to let Dimitri join this case.

"I guess I've got no choice then. He was clumsy and doesn't know how to point a gun. But, his intelligence might come in handy."

I grab my cellphone and grab my boss for more help on my next case.

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