Prologue: The Son's of The Father.

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Season 4 of the Yandere's

It shows a firefight of a squad of cultist fighting against Alpha's military as they were slowly pushing towards the last remaining cultists.

Cultist: "They have broken through the front lines!"

Cultist 2: "I just lost contact of the Capital!"

Cultist 3: "There's too many of them!"

A rocket was shot towards their positions as the impact only send the squad down to the ground but killed one in the process as they are still standing in their spot fending off the enemy seeing one of Alpha's troops using the building for it machine gun spot one of the Cultist brought an RPG and took aimed at that building where the machine gun is firing.

Cultist: "Finished them!" 

Firing the RPG the rocket hit the building where the machine gun crew is killing everyone on that building as it collapse to the ground from the explosion while the squad was still holding up more reinforcement comes in for the Cultist as the leader the one who survived and tries to free the one who were in prison by the authors and the OC's joining the battle with his comrades in arms and spoke up.

The Leader: "Where is Y/n?"

It then shows Y/n and his team coming from the leader left as he and his team quickly take cover as the firefight continues on as more enemy comes towards their positions. 

Y/n: "Sorry I was kind of busy at the moment..." 

The Leader: "Figures did you find the scientist?! Because he said that had our escape route ready we must alert the other outpost of our cult in different worlds of what happening." 

Y/n: "Yes we did found him right now we need to move before we get overrun here." 

The leader: "Very well... All units fall back!"

Hearing the fallback call the remaining few cultists quickly retreated to the leader positions as they quickly make their way where the scientist hideout, so the survivors of the cult can live again in a different world. 

 As soon they lost the people who were shooting at them the sky turns dark as rain began to pour in still moving where the hideout is they finally reach it on time where it shows a small forces of Cultist who barely survived the battle in the city covered in bandages as somewhere just fine while they set up the equipment for the machine that travel to different worlds while the leader and Y/n were relief that they haven't started the machine yet the two then hears someone breathing through a gas mask while wearing an officer uniform while the rain continue to pour on them. 

Seeing a Nazi gas mask officer watching over the Cultist who were setting up the machine Y/n whisper to the leader confused on why is the man overwatching their troops.

Y/n: "Hey who the freak in that gas mask?"

The Leader: "That's my friend is one of Father creation's his name is Manfred Von Kroenen one of the Ww2 fame Nazi's in one of the creation's world who is Hitler top assassin and formerly head leaders of Divisional Nine but don't let that man fool you Y/n some say that where he comes from he couldn't die, and his blood is dust."

Y/n: "So is he human?"

The Leader: "We don't know that he is one..." 

Manfred turns to the two and stares at the two inspecting the two he let out breath of satisfied as he turns to one of the cultists who finally set up the machine walking to the side he began checking the machine status seeing everything that is greenlight he began turn on the machine as it slowly created a portal.  Seeing the portal is opened Manfred grabbed one of the nearest object that was close to him and slowly walked up to the new portal they created it slowly moving the object in the portal it was showing no harm to it as many Cultists began to sighed relief Manfred turns to the leader and Y/n and slightly bow his head towards them.

The Leader: "What a great job you have done here Manfred the father would have been proud of your success-


Hearing the explosion that happened the three turned around and see's Alpha's troops and Old Republic troops found the hide-out as they charged in gun blazing as they quickly began engage at them the leader turns to Y/n and spoke to him.

The leader: "Get as many troops in that portal in now! We need to warn the other outpost that hasn't been found!" 

Y/n: "What about you?"

The Leader: "Don't worry I'm right behind you!"

As Manfred pulls out his pistol killing any of those that tries to attack him seeing another group coming in Manfred aimed his pistol at the new group but hears a click seeing his gun is empty the group of Alpha's troops began to laugh as they point their weapon at the Nazi officer.

Alpha Soldiers: "Man I never thought a Nazi would help them."

Alpha Soldier 2: "Let just gun him down and get this-"

Two hidden blades appears out of the man top wrist and tap the blades together as squad was about to kill Manfred he quickly took the squad down with the blades he has on his wrist having blood drip out of his blade he then continues quickly moves in slicing and those who tries to face him head on after brutal killing the last remaining of the squad that was about to kill him as was about to join Y/n until later a Kunai strike against his mask making the blade bounce and hit the ground turning to see who threw that he then sees Katsuragi standing facing the Nazi assassin.

Tilting his head at this he slowly walks towards Katsuragi as some troops like Alpha's Soldiers or Old Republic's troopers tries to stop him he quickly cuts them down by slicing them in their throats or any vital parts in their body while making his way towards Katsuragi he taps his blade by it tip again and again while Katsuragi stand by and only watch the Nazi slowly walked towards her as he was about to strike her down Bradley Hogan quickly came in and shoot at the Nazi with his M1911 Colt pistol seeing the bullets hit the Manfred it didn't do, nothing to him as some of the bullets hits some of his armor moving his head to Bradley he raised his right arm making the blade go back hidden in his uniform. 

Confused seeing the Nazi doing this he then quickly pulls out his Luger and loads a new magazine in and shot Bradley in his both legs making him fall to the ground screaming pain Katsuragi scared of seeing the gas mask Nazi stares at her, he then aimed his pistol and pull the trigger without showing no remorse of mercy. 


As some Cultist quickly makes a breakthrough in the portal the leader watch Y/n quickly enter the portal while Manfred finished what he's doing and was about to enter the portal before he could go the other side of the portal Manfred tap his watch and points at the machine showing it rigged with bombs understanding Manfred plan is the leader quickly gather any Cultist who were still fighting into the portal as Manfred the last one enter the portal give Alpha's Troops and Old Republic Troopers a bow of farewell as he entered the portal making machine slowly turned off. 

Once the room was quiet they quickly gather the wounded as Bradley spoke up after seeing Katsuragi death by the Nazi officer.


AFL Soldier: "They escape sir...." 

Bradley: "Damn it! Not again....."

AFL Soldier 2: "Um guys why do I hear a clocking ticking?"

Hearing the ticking sound and where it's coming from the group turned to see a bunch of bombs that were left behind as they were set on a time limit seeing this they all quickly tries to leave out of the hide-out before the whole place explodes once everyone was out of the hide-out the bombs quickly exploded destroying every thing in the hide-out seeing this Bradley stares at the burning hide out only for him to mumble knowing half of the Cultist forces escape into a different world that they don't know where they could be in now all what can Bradley could say was this.

Bradley: "Shit...... Now how am I going to report this back to Alpha."

A/N: Welp time for the another crazy adventure for the authors and their Oc's here go we again by the way this story here is the spin-off from the Yandere Saga so read that before reading this story which I could confirm that Me and the other authors will work on this together if we have a free time to work on it buy anyway that is all for the prologue, and I'll see you all later. 

-Tom out

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