1: scars and stories

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"This is side one,

Flip me over,

I know I'm not your favorite record

The songs you grow to like,

Never stick at first,

So I'm writing you a chorus,

And here is your verse.'

Patrick's voice was really amazing. I know he's been worried sick about Elisa and I am too, in fact, I'm about to tell him about his son in Elisa's womb. But I don't know if he get to believe me or not.

I resist my best friend to go here because in time that she might collapse again, Patrick got to cancel the show and he would find out that Elisa has a cancer. Which she wished to be concealed until her day of death.

It sounds awful that I'm casually thinking about my friend dying. I never wanted her to be dead. In fact, I wanted to spend my whole lifetime with her but then she had to go.

Tears build up my face as I heard Joe's guitar bumming all over the gig place. They were great and I really don't know that they was this amazing. All I just know is that Patrick have a voice that was enough for them to play songs. Songs that Pete wrote.

I slid my hands through my pocket and looked for my cellphone. I immediately texted Elisa and then asked her if she's still fine.

"I'm okay, I'm just craving for some foods and I'm really lazy to get them. Would you please tell Patrick to buy me some dimsum?" Elisa said with her sick voice. I'm really gruesome friend to leave her just like that. I know that she's in pain and I don't know if she could bear to talk to Patrick casually after all this revelation that's happening in her life.

"I don't really know Elisa. I just hope I could get that, I'm really shy in front of Joe. You know that." I explained as I saw Patrick looked my way, he smiled and then he grew his voice a little more cheery as he scan his eyes on the crowd.

"Just let Patrick to come over here. I just need him with me please Soff. I can't bear it." She croaked at the other line, I'm really sorry for Eli, I need to gather my strength so that I can talk to Patrick without breaking down.

"Bye Eli, just don't forget your medicines and I will make my truce to you. I promise." I said as I hung up the phone and looked at the stage. I smiled bitterly to Pete, (he's my history prank buddy)

"Thank you everyone for another amazing night!" Patrick said through the micstand and then he bowed.

I caressed some bundle of my nerves on my head so that I can calm down. I need to calm down because I need to stop myself from breaking down.

The confetti's exploded all over the concert venue and I smiled as bubbles appear in the stage. They threw all the guitar picks that they have in the micstand and I was lucky to get one.

I waited for the crowd to disperse, I was just standing in the backstage, looking for Patrick and the gang.

"Hey Sophie," Joe appeared in front of my eyes. I was taken aback as he held my arms, he dragged me to their dressing room.

I was just a freshman out from the unpopular middle school. I don't know how my parents have me in to this prestigious school and how did they earned the money just to have my daily expenses here.

As I walked my way here, a girl with a black locks who was just sitting perfectly under the oak tree. When she raised her head, I saw a very angelic face of hers.

She has a very white skin complexion, have a pouty lips and a great eyes. Maybe she's sent from heaven to guide me. I don't know.

"Hey I'm lost. I don't know where I was supposed to go, I'm searching for my dorm room." I casually said to that gorgeous girl and she smiled.

"Oh, you must be the newcomer? I'm Elisa. You can call me Eli.I'm your roommate. " she greet me with a bright smile from her face, the wind blew so hard that time that the leafs go fall down from the oak tree.

"Oh, it's nice that you're my roommate!" I said and then gave her a hug. And to my surprise, she hug back.

"Where's Elisa?" Patrick said as I came in to the room, he has a bottle of water in his hands and Pete was smiling at me. Andy held his shirt and immediately take it on him swiftly as he saw me.

"She's home. She's sick." I said as I trail off words because Joe's pretty distracting me with his amazing charm!

"Trick, you must visit her." Joe said as he looked at me. "And im going with you so that Eli got to see a handsome guy." He joked around Patrick and that made me laugh. Although I was just the one who was laughing, Joe and Andy joined me later on.

"I'm so sorry Trick, I'm not able to go because mom's health isn't fine. I'll just send some fruits for her later." Andy explained as he drank his bottle of water, I smile as he looked my way, just assuring him that it's fine. Besides it's his mom.

Elisa and I got together for almost many years. We became really good friends and I saw her improvement. She became a super great super model and I became a fashion blogger.

Ever since Elisa became busy out of her career, I can see some bruises coming from her arms and she was just denying that it's just a left over of her makeup.

She has a great number of suitors. I always end up eating her chocolate if she don't want one. She's tired for doing modelling and that started me to get down on my fashion blogging thing.

Because in the first place, I can't apply fashion sense in to my lifestyle. Its just I'm making it because I'm idolizing Eli.

One time...

Joe drive his black Porsche car towards our apartment. I end up talking to both of them and I really feel so comfortable. They aren't the one who I thought who they are in the first place.

Patrick is just shy to approach me. I don't know but he said he's just shy to approach me.

While on the other hand, Joe has the most corniest humor but he never failed to make me laugh. they're just so superstar material.

Joe parked his car in garage, Patrick got down the car first and then he started to open my door.

"Thank you," I mumbled as he bowed. He's such a gentleman. Joe smiled and then he locked his car.

"Hey Sophie, have you seen Elisa?" A small white guy asked me, he's just wearing a red shirt and a trucker hat.

"Excuse me, do I kn- know you?" I kind of stuttered in front of him, he smiled and then he pulled his hands out from his pocket.

"I see Elisa hasn't told you anything about me. I'm Patrick. One of her suitors." He showed a genuine smile and I swear my heart was about to skip a beat. I know he's kind. He's the angelic material that Elisa's been searching for.

"Trick!" Elisa yelled out of all excitement as she opened the door. I smiled at the view that Patrick can make her smile at all times. He never get to make her feel lonely at all.

"Oh... hi!" Patrick greeted in response.

"Sophie thank you so much." She mumbled to me and I just nodded.

When the lovebirds disappeared in our sight, I insisted to let Joe in because he never wanted to get in and intrude the scene. Well, I just hope that I can make him comfortable with me.

"Come on Joe! I will make a raisin cookies for all of us. So, get inside now or get nothing?" I offered and Joe showed me his great grin. Oh my. I could stare at it the whole day.

"What happened to Eli?" Joe asked as he peeled the box of raisins and poured it in a small bowl.

"It's kind of... hard to explain." I trailed off, I really think I'm about to break down.

(Hey everyone! I'm so sorry to commit any errors because I'm still catching up in English. So I hope you get my first chapter 😊😀 Thank you for reading!)

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