19: It Always Brings Me Back Home

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| X ' S P O V |

"The time was just too much you know? You're wasting my time and patience!" My boss just screamed at me, my eardrums started to breakdown because of his boisterous voice. He just really need to calm down.

"I'm still working on it okay? Patrick is just one way close to me. I have it all planned in my hands boss." I assured him, he chuckled like he doesn't care.

"I don't care about Patrick. I need the money. The money is all important X. You know that." He said as I just peaked at the window of my car, seeing the back of Sophia's car and I smirked. Time to do a little more exciting thing for the both of them.

"Sure. Just let me do my work clear and I'll make it." I assured him because I had all the plans in my hands. I have the strings on them and I'll play them like a puppet on my puppet show.

Patrick wants to see Elisa?

Patrick will see Elisa.

I stepped on my gas pedal and started to drive against the trunk of their car. I was shook off because of the collision but I don't care. I'm still safe and sound so I just need to run away. If they see me, the plan would be ruined.

I ran away as fast as I could, I'm just totally a rule breaker and never cared at all. I just need to escape from them. Just to spy on them again and see how can I join them in the moment.

I just stopped in a street for a second or so. I need to rush back to my apartment before someone might caught me here. Specially from the eager eyes of my boss. He really need to rest his eyes. Because if not, the procedure of my plan would be short and I'm not able to savour the days with Patrick.

I don't like Patrick, I just don't like him. I want his money and to be famous. I want to be powerful and pay all the debts I had so that I could live a peaceful life too.

My life was totally what you imagined. I'm just someone that seems to ruin everyone in my way. I would be the disastrous consequences that will happen to them, I would be the one that they'll never forget.

I will be the one who will scar their future because they never let me live a happy life.

|P A T R I C K |

Silence ate the whole car after the incident happened. Sophia managed her feelings, because if that also happened to me, maybe I'll storm out from this car and maybe worst, I'll sassed that driver in front of many people. Yes. That's what I'll do.

But Sophia, she got a strong point though. If I caused any scene down there, what will happen? Get the attention? I don't really care about it though. It's just... we're close to die.

"Sophia," I called out her name, she looked at me just a slight second and looked back in to the road.

"What's the matter?" She asked me. I swallowed the lump in my throat. I just want this to get off my chest. I've taken this feelings ever since she was gone - they're gone and I need those damn answers.

"I know you'll be mad to hear me out," I paused for a moment, stare at her for a second as I saw her jaws were clenched and her hands are gripping the steering wheel tight.

"But I really wanted to..."

"Ask me some questions? I know that Trick. I'm just not ready to answer them. For all I can give you the answer is that 'I don't know where the hell Elisa was.' She was kidnapped by someone who has no goddamn conscience." She stopped driving and tears vehemently rolled down her cheeks.

Elisa was kidnapped?

I just turned away and looked at the window, preventing myself to spill these waterfalls on my eyes. I just can't let her see that I'm just a weak man.

"Patrick, please," she begged me to look at her, I know there's something that she's up to. Or she will even tell me what she know. I just... Can't explain a thing.

"I promise one time we get in to my house, I think I will get the guts to say anything," she said.

"Don't force yourself if you don't want to. If you're still not prepared I think I can wait though, that information was too much for me to handle now."

"Patrick..." she mumbled out from her sympathy, I faked a smile for her as I started to wipe the small droplets of tears that fell from my eyes. Elisa was still out of the picture. I still want her back.

But there is something that kind of tricks me. I don't really know if it's because of her face or her attitude. The way Sophia acts, my head throbs in pain and my body starts to shake. My heart races like I've run a thousand miles. Holy smokes. What the actual fuck is happening to me?

Few minutes later, Sophia parked her car in the side and opened the gate, she parked her car in the side of their house and I just stood there.

What if her husband was home?

What if it beat me to death because he caught me going out with his wife?

Are they even married?

"Patrick! Come on in!" She invited me to get in as she smiled, I don't know what kind of caffeine just reacted in to my body. I stopped and shook my head.

"Sure, thanks for inviting me anyways." I told her, she smiled and nodded. She instructed me to get down in the couch which I like to do the sooner I get in. It was so beautiful and lovely home to be. I smell the vanilla extracts lingers in the atmosphere once I stepped here, like they never run out of flower petals in the air.

"Tristan! Georginaaaa!" She yelled while she's getting something out from her refrigerator, I smiled. She's really hospitable to everyone.

"I'm home guys! Come on here I have someone to introduce to you!"

I heard loud thumps coming from upstairs, which I like to tour at. The house was really great and I want to stay here.

"Patrick, I'm so sorry about this, this is all that I can offer you. I'll just cook spaghetti later because we just arrived," she chuckled as she set the glass down and a pitcher of juice.

"It's fine. Really. I don't need foods though, all I need is this nice glass of orange juice." I smiled, she nodded and tucked some strands of her hair behind her ears. She pulled something from her wrists and grabbed her full hair, tied it together. She look gorgeous. I still can't believe that she was now a mother.

"Soff!" Someone yelled from her back, which I pretty assume that it was Elisa's cousin. If I am right.

"Tristan!" Sophia cheered as she spoon the little guy from the girl's arms, she kissed the little guy's cheeks gently.

"Hey Tris! Meet uncle Patrick!" She cheered as she faced me Tristan, which I just looked at. He do... look like... ugh. Forget about it.

"Patrick, this is my son, Tristan Eclair Blews," she introduced her little buddy beside her I smiled like it has a connection to me. I don't know. I just feel like something. I just really can't explain it.

"C-can I?" I asked her, she smiled and nodded. She instructed me how to handle him and then o finally get him in to my arms. I smiled and looked at him, he cooed and gently touched my face.

"Wait... did you just said that Tristan is still Blews?" I consciously asked her, she tilted her head down and nodded.

"Its a long story though, but for long story short, yeah, I'm a single mother." She slightly chuckled and I felt Tristan snuggle up in my arms, he was more like cuddling on my shoulders and he now looks like sleepy.

"Ah. That guy is really sleepyhead tho." She instructed and smiled, she started to stand up and walked in to the kitchen.

"Patrick, wait for me there, I'll just cook for us. Please watch over Tristan for a while." At that, she burst in to the kitchen and Tristan never left his aquamarine colored eyes on me. I smiled.

| S O P H I A |

When I burst in to the kitchen room, I saw Georgina standing there looks like she's questioning me about Patrick.

"Why?" I asked her as I pulled the cupboard doors open and then get all the stuffs I need to make our food.

"Are you going to tell him about El?" She asked with something in her tone, I looked away and said nothing.
"I think Patrick deserves explanation." I answered her and then prepared everything.

"Okay, you said that. Just don't come back to me crying. Joking. Just convince him to go in Chicago again, at least for a week so you can see if Elisa could go back, search for her because that damn policemen aren't doing their job." Georgina chuckled, I laughed with her too and then cooked the pasta.

"Okay, I'll say it to him." I concluded, Georgina hugged me.

"Are you sure that you're now ready?"

"I think. Just whatever it takes, please look over for our son."


"So, you're a model hmm? You've got looks and the poise. Just like... your sister." Patrick complemented Georgina, Georgina blushed and just shook her head.

"Speaking of my sister, Sophia has something to tell you Patrick." I choke up when Geo told him already. I cleared my throat and smiled.

"Elisa was kidnapped, the day you rescued me, something happened to me in the consecutive days." I explained, slightly moving my food in my plate. I handed the fork and knife so bad that I think I want to cry in front of them.

"After I came home from the hospital and Joe was there to look after me, Joe never left my side and I don't even know why." I stopped slicing the meatballs and stare at them.

"Joe?!" Patrick and Georgina hollered.
"Oh come on, let me finish first."

"Go," Geo said, I tilted my head down again.

"After everyday that Joe came in our apartment, there is someone who calls me every night. She never stops bugging me. She would leave me a voicemail even though I didn't picked it up," I said to them and I heard an collective "what?" In both of them. I know I already talked about this with Georgina but it's different. I just said that I want to go because of these mails but this time, I'll let out the truth.

"Why didn't you even told us about this? You don't had to leave us there worried sick about you Ms. Tiffany Sophia Blews!" Patrick scoffed, hearing him call out my full name gave me chills in my spine.

"How can I?" I stormed out, slamming the fork down the wooden table and looked stern at him. I can't make it. I'm now outbursting.

"How can I have the guts to tell you that if you get involved with me... they say they would kill us all. All the person that I told about this will be dead after a blink of your eye tomorrow morning! What can you say Patrick? I guess it's better to run away to keep you safe! I don't care about my life. Because I have no reason to live. Except for now..." I cried as I explained, Georgina rushed and hugged me from my back, she's caressing my hair just a little soft and averted her gaze at Patrick. I don't want to cry now. I just want him to know the truth though.

"You want me to show you an evidence? Sure Patrick. Let's go back in Chicago for a week or two to find Elisa again." With that, the whole house had black out for a second and it came back again.

(Thank you for reading! And by the way, I'm so sorry again for committing errors like all the time because I am still not used to use English as my language. But there's so many Filipina who can fluently speak in English and im different from them so XD please forgive me! Please don't forget to vote on this chapter if you like it! Thank you so much!)

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