23: That Bro Code

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I looked at the mirror. Is that really what Patrick Stump do? I just splashed water on my face. I really don't know why this sudden urge get me to break something. I hate that thing.

I took off my clothes and turned the shower on, having myself a nice lukewarm water shower. Maybe I could focus thinking while I'm all alone.

We walked in to the stage while I'm looking on my phone. Finally. Elisa said yes. I've been courting her so many months ago and then finally, she said yes.

Last night was my victorious night. It made me feel like I'm a billionaire just committing her sweet yes. Of course the boys and I have the celebration.

"Patrick is fucking in love." Pete stated, I smirked and he playfully smacked my arms.

"Haven't you know? I've been in love ever since I saw you." I joked, Pete smiled and put an arm around me.

Pete smirked and put his face closer to me making his infamous kissy face. I laughed and pull him away from me, Joe appeared from the doorframe followed by Andy.

"Hey you two! Get a room and please don't do it right now because we're going down in the stage idiots." Joe hissed as he ruffled my hair, I punched him in his arms and grabbed my instrument in the corner.

"Sure. Do whatever lover boy. You Fall. Too hard." Pete stated as he get his bass from the case and started to make his tactics in starting the concert.

I cleared my throat and looked at the phone, I changed my wallpaper last night. It was me and Elisa kissing. It was cute. It made me smile because I really really love her.

"Let's have this bro code. You know that?" Pete stated, I looked at him confusingly.

"Well what's that?" Joe asked, Pete smirked at me and Andy stopped his hands from tapping his drumsticks.

"If anyone fell in love with a girl, we all have to respect what they choose. Like Patrick, for example, Joe don't have to date Elisa if they ever broke up. Or anything. You get my point?" He asked as he placed the straps on his shoulder, opening the door.

"Oh yeah. I get it. I'm really dealing with that. Because me and Elisa? We'll be inseparable." I stated proudly as I walked in to the dimly lit hallway, with Joe and Andy following my tracks.

"Oh yes sure lover boy."

Ah. Lover boy. I'm getting sick of that shit. Pete need to stop calling me by any names. It's not cool. It ain't funny too.

"Hey Pete, I've got something to tell you.." I smirked.

"Oh yeah what's that?" Pete asked as we stepped near the stage, Pete stopped walking and waited for me to come near him.

"Shut the fuck up you fucker." I said with a gritted teeth and slapped his ass up, leaving him in state of shock.

Well. He makes joke on me, I throw the bomb back.

"Look. It is Elisa and her best friend." I said as we plugged our instruments in to the amplifier, the crowd started to roar and chant our names. Some said boos but we don't fucking care.

"Man. Her best friend looks so hot tho." Joe smirked and flashed his white tooth. Well, that one was pretty distracting though.

"Yeah. But no one can stand out against my girl."

Why do I end up falling for Sophia madly? I mean, yes. She was Joe's but I just had the guts to court her and break the bro code. That was really insane. I wouldn't do it if I was thinking straight. But I'm always thinking straight!

Am I hypnotized or something?

"Patrick," Joe knocked on my door. Well, I wasn't expecting that. He isn't supposed to talk to me with what just happened a while ago. Well, it was few hours ago but I know it was really hard on his part.

"Yeah?" I asked as I draped the towel on my shoulders, leaving me shirtless and just have pants down below.

"I want to talk with you."

"We're already talking." I sassed, my head was spinning again.

"Can't you be serious about anything Patrick? Look..." Joe scoffed and jerked his head on the other side, attempting himself to not hurt me. "I don't want to fight with you. You're like my brother. So let's talk this shit out and be serious. Because if not, sorry but I'm not really sorry for hurting you so bad."

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