25: Are We Going Up or Just Going Down?

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• S O P H I A •

She was standing there with a black thing on her hand. I bet it was a bottle. A very small one that was covered up in her fist and that smile... It was deadly but sweet. I blinked twice to reassure that she was real, but the smell that lingers around my nose was just too much to handle and I think I mi---

"Elisa!" I shouted, catching my breath while I raise the other half of my body to catch myself from the marathon I was in. Man. I badly need to get up if not, I could've died.

It was all still a blur.

She was there, I knew it. If only I didn't covered my nose with the handkerchief Joe gave me, I might have passed out for like forever.

I jerked my head to the different directions, wishing Elisa could be seen anywhere from  here, but unfortunately, I spotted no one. I swung my feet in to the ground and lift myself up, regaining my consciousness from my sleep.

I didn't know that I would be this tired. Well. Things are getting complicated ever since I met them again. Who am I kidding, it is real.

First, I met them in my job.

Second, Caryl never talked to me again after that interview.

Third, instead of seeing Caryl and her friends, I saw Patrick.

It wasn't even my fault.

I rarely think it was mine. Because I never did anything. I was here, safe and sound with my child and I worked hard for what I got right now.

I tried to see if there's any clue left in that would be the evidence that she was here last night but unfortunately, I found none again. How sad was that.

The necklace with X pendant!

I immediately cupped my pockets to see nothing. I scanned the whole coffee table to see nothing again.

Sigh escaped my lips and pressed my eyes shut. She's gone again. Why would she do this to us? We always wanted to see her. We desire to meet her again, to know that she's alright but... Fate never allows us.

It was already dawn. The sound of the chirping birds started to make my head swim, I was still feeling drunk even though I'm not.

I tried my best to keep my focus, but the pain is already consuming my mind. I feel like i am overdosed on something.

I swirled my feet from the couch and gently placed it on the ground and started to get up. But there is something on my system tbat keeps on weighing me down. I still feel dizzy.

I continued to go in to the kitchen and get a cup of water immediately. I took a swig of it and looked for something to eat. It was draining my system. I need something to feel me in.

I cooked bacon good for two people, toasted bread and prepared the milk and cereals.

After setting meals on the table, I immediately went in to Tristan's room, checking if both of them are already awake.

I grasped the doorknob and twisted it open, seeing Georgina in her sleeping position, just the same as last night. She moved in a comfortable position, checking if Tristan is okay in her arms. 

"Good morning Geo," I said, she smiled and yawned at me. She stretched her arms that is as flawless as barbie doll's skin. No wonder that she's a model.

"Morning Sophia. What's that I smell?" She asked as she left Tristan in his comfortable position, leaving the bed and looking at me.

"It's the bread that I toasted. I felt so hungry so I prepared the breakfast already. I'll prepare Tristan his bottle," I smiled and gently lifted Tristan in his bed, placing kisses all over his chubby cheeks.

"Good morning baby,"

Tristan moved both of his arms upward and yawned, he cuddled in to my arms and I hugged him back.

"Let's go? This child is so much sleepyhead." As of that, I turned my heels back, but before I left the room, things flashed back on my mind. It was vivid and so fast.

My head hurts because of that fouling odor that I just smelled last night.

"Well, it looks like you're knocked out from last night's event. Have you and Joe did it?" Georgina nudge me which made me feel like freaking highschool girl. I felt cheeks heating up and just rolled my eyes.

"No. And no. I didn't enjoyed the night. It was so unbearable." Straight to the point, I  looked at Georgina, still clarifying something from my mind. It still debates on whether I'll tell her or not.

Was it even real?

She asked herself.

Yes. You did saw her. She smiled at you. You saw her!

It was just a flash of lightning but it really strike me hard. I doze back to reality, seeing my son slowly lifting his eyelids which made me see his bluish green eyes. That made me smile. He do look like his father. So much.

"So how was last night?" Georgina asked as she looked in to me, Tristan was now playing my hair. I smiled at the recall but immediately frowned.

"I know you wouldn't believe what I am going to say but I know it was real. I know it was." I spat out as I regained Tristan on my arms, planting kisses on the little guy's cheeks.

"Say it! You make me so thrilled you know?" The young lady sat next to me, getting her fork in the table and diving it down in her bacon strips.

"As I was saying, I know you wouldn't buy this one but it's real!" Geo just stare at her crossed eyebrows. Come on Sophia. Just so... Just so she knows.

"You kept telling that for a matter of fact like 2 times now,"

"I... I couldn't bring myself to tell you."

"What?!" Georgina scoffed and rolled her eyes at me. Tristan looked at us with a confused look painted on his innocent face, I just rock him gently on my arms so he could be distracted.

"I saw Elisa last night." I confided, but Geo’s reaction was really worse.

"Uh huh. You got me on that Soff. Nice joke by the way. Now get to the point. What are you talking about?" Georgina scoffed.

"I told you what I was talking about. Last night was like a storm to me. Do you caught my drift?"

"That's unbelievable. How come... In two years?" Georgina paused and looked at me. "In two years that threats came in your life, Patrick waiting for her. And Tristan waiting for her too, she just showed up?"

"And I'm still not convinced. You could make me believe if you make me see Elisa by my two eyes," she chewed back her food and drank up her milk. I bet she still feel pissed off.

After the breakfast, Georgina said that she'll be having her photoshoot so I let her go. I'd like to go to the boys today. I need to talk to them about Elisa. Specially Patrick.

"Tris! It's time for bath!" I smiled as I picked up my little gummy bear and kissed him. I carried him like a superman and we made our way to the bathroom.

Laughter subsided, Tristan was the masterpiece that happened to me. He make me smile, he make me feel worthy. He's the most treasured person that I've ever have this lifetime aside from my best friends.

"What if Elisa get you from me and you'll go to your daddy Patrick, what will happen Tristan? Will you forget me?" I closed my eyes to prevent myself from crying. I smiled as I saw Tristan in his small bathtub.

After bathing Tristan for almost good for 5 minutes, we got out and go in his room, getting him in to his clothes and just sat him there so I'll be able to get myself a nice bath.


I pulled the car over, taking deep breaths and looked at Tristan. He was there playing with his baby toy. Well, he got to play with his uncles later on while me and his daddy need to talk.

I unbuckled my seatbelt getting the key from the ignition and opened the door. I get Tristan from the car and walked next to the door.

"Knock knock?" I smiled as Pete opened the door, man. He looks awful with the smudged eyeliner.

"What happened to you bro? What's with that eyeliner?" I can't help myself asking, he just shook his head and get Tristan from me. Pete loves kids.

"Come on Pete, you could tell me what happened!" I smiled and kissed Tristan in his forehead, Pete just shrug.

"Sorry Sophia I can't watch Tristan for you because I got something important to do."

"Like going in to a date with Ashlee Simpson?" I guessed, Pete froze.

"How did you know that?" Pete asked in amazement, I just gave him a grin as we walked in to the living room.

"Well, you're a r---"

"Good morning Mon Cheri," Joseph said as I faced the couch, he was there handing a coffee mug. He looks so amazing with it.

"Good morning Joe," I smiled and sat down, get Tristan from Pete and set him down on my lap. Joe sat next to us, asking if I want coffee too.

"No, I don't need anything but thank you for asking."

"Uhm Joe, where's Patrick?" I asked him, Joe looked at me and he gulped for a second.

"Well he's on his room, still fast asleep. Why?"

"I just have something important to say to him."

"Ah. If you want I'll go check him fo--"

Joe was about to stand up but I restrained him. I smiled and just looked at Tristan, Joe just snuggled his head on my side. It was cute though.

"It can wait. Just be here with us." I smiled and lay my head on his shoulders, Tristan in my arms and my head on Joe. Just like a loving family.

"Would you like to watch movie or something?" Joe asked, I nodded my head.

"Well then, let's watch my favorite."

Joe got up and searched for the DVD and left us in the couch. I smiled.

'Hey. You like Joseph don't you?' Elisa asked me as I set my things down on the table with the tray, Elisa just set her tray down and sat opposite to me.

'W-what are you talking about?!' I defended, trying not to be obvious. That curly haired guy is really handsome. I must say that.

'Eh. Why are you blushing?' She nudged me through her feet and I just rolled my eyes on her. She really know me well.

'Because it's too crowded and I'm not able to breathe!'

'Whatever you say.'

'Come on, I don't even know him. Why would you like to push me with him?'

'Chill! I gave up. But I see you two look good together.' Elisa said as she chewed on her food, I gulped and just looked at him again.

I don't even know his name.

"Sophia!" Andy exclaimed as he saw us in the couch, waiting for Joe to come.

"Good morning Ginger." I smiled, Andy get Tristan from me and sat down.

"What brings you here?"

"Just wanted to talk to Patrick. Why?"

"Oh, nothing." Andy grinned. "I thought you'll be hanging out with Joe the whole day."

"Well, I could do that if you wanted." I shot him his grin back, he just slouched at the couch and tickled Tris.

"Want some coffee or anything to eat?" Andy offered as he gave me Tristan back, I smiled and shook my head.

"Thank you, but I already had enough in our house. And it's such a shame that I'll be eating here."

"Shame on what?" Andy shot back. "You're a family Sophia. And offering you food isn't a thing to be shamed about."

"Yeah. Thanks Mother Hurley," I grinned, Tristan giggling with me. Andy gave me a stare before he went in to the kitchen, Joe popped up after Andy gone.

"Sorry it took me a while. Let's watch Star Wars," Joe excitedly told me, he pushed the DVD in to the player and settled with me on the couch.

Joe moved his arms on the sofa while Tristan was on the half of my lap and Joe's. Joe moved his leg and Tristan enjoyed it, in the end, the little guy was on Joe the whole time.

"Where's Patrick? Is he still up in his bed?" I asked him, Joe just shrugged his shoulders and keep his focus on the movie. Well, it's his favorite. How could I steal his attention?

"Does Patrick do that often?" I asked again, Joe looked at me, just looked at me and shrugged the thought of again.

"Why are you keep on ignoring me?" I hissed, I grabbed Tristan from him but he held Tristan tightly, I just rolled my eyes.

"Isn't it quite alarming that Patrick is oversleeping? What if P---"


Joe cut me off as he sealed my lips with his. It was soft, loving kiss like everyone describes in the book. I felt butterflies in my stomach and I'm about to fly.

It's my first kiss!

"Sophia,you've been asking too much questions. I think, I'll take my turn." Joe said as he carried Tristan in his head, Tris chuckled and wrapped his tiny arms around Joe's neck.

"Are we going up or just going down?"

"What do you mean?" Crossed eyebrows, I asked Joe as the end credits of the movie flashed, Joe smiled and get my other hand on his possession while the other one supports the giggling boy in his head.

"Will you honor me as your boyfriend?"

Of course yes Joe! I'll be your girlfriend if Marie never existed. I'll honor you to be the father of my baby and we'll live in a palace. We'll live happily ever after together. Just the two of us, ALONE TOGETHER.

But I forget this is a fiction.

Hello Everyone!

How are you coping up?

I'm sick, lovesick with Fall Out Boy, but kidding aside, I have cough, headache, runny nose, and this terrible rashes. It's itchy. So much.

I hope you like the chapter 😌😊 I gave you my best and wish you like it 😇

Hope y'all have a nice day ahead!

This author's note was inspired by

Her book titled: The Good Girl's Bad Boys; The Good, The Bad and The Bullied is life. If you haven't heard about it, please check em out, its really beautiful. Like just wow.

Stay young and classy,
Pretty and sassy,
Amazing and jolly
Car Crashed Hearts


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