Chapter 17: I'm a what?!

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"So, the Walcott's were the first. At least the first that we know about. Four murders. Sean, his brother, and their parents. They were killed by a professional assassin called The Mute. Weapon of choice, a military tomahawk. But, then The Mute was killed by Peter Hale after he tried to blow up Derek with a Claymore mine. Next was Demarco. He delivered a keg to the party at Lydia's lake house. And got decapitated outside his car."

Scott and Chris examined Demarco's body by the car, "Does the scent tell you anything?" Chris asks Scott.

Scott breathes in a scent, Josie waited with Stiles and Malia, she couldn't stand the sight of a dead body.

"Definitely a werewolf. But there's more. I think he was part of a pack."

"Well, if he was, they'll be looking for him." Chris says.

Later, Scott, Stiles, and Josie went to see Sheriff Stilinski. Josie sat on the leather couch as they talked about the dead pool.

"And then last night..." Stiles says.

"It's a dead pool. A hit list of supernatural creatures." Scott says and takes out the dead pool list. "This is only part of it. The rest still has to be decoded."

Sheriff reads through the list, "Who found this list?"

"Lydia." Stiles says.


"She wrote it. Actually, she transcribed it. Without realizing it." Stiles says.



"Beautiful. All right, what are these numbers next to the names?" Sheriff asks.

"We're getting to that."

"Wait, what is Josie doing on the list?" Sheriff asks.

He turns and looks at her as she sits on the couch, wrapping her arms around her legs.

Scott looks over to her as Stiles does the same then look back at the Sheriff as he waits for them to answer.

"She things. Um, we don't know what to call her yet." Scott says.

"She could be an air-bender. I mean she did blow Sean." Stiles says.

Sheriff gives him a weird and disgusted look.

"Not like that!" Stiles stutters. "She made the wind blow him away. I wasn't there, Scott was."

"She also made water dance in the air. We don't know what else she can do. We're gonna ask Peter cause I think he might know more than we do." Scott says.

Sheriff shakes his head, "What else is there out there, fairies and unicorns?!" He says exclaims.

"Anyway..." Stiles. "First, you need to know that the code was broken with a cipher key."

"Wait. You mean, like a Like a key word?" Sheriff asks.

"It's actually a name." Stiles says.

Scott looks at him with sad eyes.

"Allison." Josie walks over to them and Scott wraps and arm around her waist, kissing her forehead and turns back to Sheriff.

Sheriff looks at them with shock.

"Her name broke a third of the list." Stiles says.

"And now we think there's two other cipher keys." Scott says.

"Which will give us the rest of the names." Sheriff finishes for them. "Okay. So how do we get the cipher keys?

"Same way we got the code." Stiles says.

"Lydia." Scott says.

"She's been out at the lake house all weekend trying to find the other two key words." Josie says.

"You didn't know about Demarco. Hmm? And what about these other two names on the list? Uh, Kayleen Bettcher and Elias Town. They werewolves too?" Sheriff asks as they go over the pictures of the murders.

"I don't know. But Deaton said that the Nemeton would draw supernatural creatures here." Scott says.

"Here being Beacon Hills? Or Beacon County? The population of Beacon Hills is just under 30,000." Sheriff says.

"And dropping." Stiles points out.

Sheriff looks at him and scoffs, "But if we're talking Beacon County, then you're looking at close to 500,000."

Sheriff sits down on his office chair, "Look, how many werewolves, banshees, kitsunes and whatever the hell else is out there are we talking about? And what if the next cipher key uncovers not 12 names but 100?"

"We don't think there would be that many." Stiles says, shaking his head.

"There's a limit." Josie says.

"Because of the numbers." Scott taps his finger on the list. "We think that once we decode the names, the numbers will add up to 117."

"117 what?" Sheriff asks.

"Million." Scott says.

Stiles starts to write 'K' and 'M' next to the numbers, meaning thousands and millions.

"117 million, Dad. Stolen from the Hale vault and is being used by someone to finance all these murders." Stiles says.

"Someone who wants every supernatural in Beacon Hills dead." Scott says.

Sheriff begins to add everything up, "So the coded list goes out. And somehow these professional assassins get that list."

"And a cipher key." Stiles points out.

"And then they go after the names on the list. They being killers with no mouths, tomahawks, thermo-cut wires that can take your head off."

Stiles looks at one of the pictures, "Let me see. The girl, Carrie, was also stabbed. What's this mark?" Stiles asks.

"We're not sure yet. We're still waiting on the ME's report."

"I feel like I've seen that before. But, I can't place it." Josie says in frustration.

"There's one other thing I don't get. How did this new assassin know that Demarco was going to be at the lake house?" Sheriff asks.

"Everyone knows he delivers kegs to teenagers for a little extra cash."

"Ah. So whoever ordered that keg killed Demarco." Sheriff says.

"Yeah, it was someone at the party." Stiles says.

"A student." Josie says.


(Josie's outfit ^^^^^)

Josie nervously taps her foot against the table as she sits at the cafeteria, looking at every student's mouth, hoping to catch a something to give her a clue, who could be the killer. She feared not just herself, for Scott, her friends, her mom. They could use her mom to drive her out. She was worried to death. She jumps as she feels Scott sits next to her, wrapping an arm around her and rubbing her arms.

"You're heart is pounding. Are you OK?" He asks.

She sighs, "I'm scared. I'm trying to listen out for anything that could give us a hint who the killer could be."

He kisses her forehead and holds her close, he tips her chin up to make her look at him, "I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

"What about you? Or Lydia. Or Kira. Malia isn't on the list, but she could be on the next one. What about those who are close to us? Are they even safe?" She asks.

Scott intertwines his fingers with hers, "We're going to figure it out. We just gotta think and catch them at the right time." He says. He pulls their hands up and kisses hers. "Come on." He gets up and pulls her with him. "We'll go talk to Peter after the game. Once we find the assassin." He says.

"By the way, I had a lot of fun on our date. Despite what's going on, it was nice to forget about it for a few hours." He add, smiling.

After they talked to Sheriff Stilinski, the next night Josie was worried cause of the dead pool, Scott would cancel the date but, he didn't.

(Josie's outfit for the date^^^^^)

Throughout the movie, Scott held on to Josie whenever she jumped at scary parts. The glasses they provided for her helped her with her hearing loss, showing subtitles. Scott had his eyes more on her. She giggles and blushes every-time she catches him looking at her. She would push his face to the screen then tease and push his face back to looking at her. He held her close to his chest and rest his head on top of hers as they watched the rest of the movie, sharing popcorn and sipping their drinks. After the movie, he takes her out to dinner to a small diner. They laughed and talked for hours. Scott took her on his motorcycle for a ride up into the woods to the hill. Together, they sat on a big blanket he had in his side bag on the bike. He held her in his arms and looked up at the moon and stars with her. They just sat there, together in each others arms. Peace and serenity. But, wasn't long till they started to make out for a little while.

Josie blushes at the memory of his kisses, his hands on her body. Her hands on his skin. They're bodies pressed together. She shivers with arousal but she was glad they had sense to stop before it went so far. She wasn't ready yet for that. And it was too soon. Also, she didn't want him to see her scar...not yet. She still has not told him about the scar.


Later in gym class, Liam and Mason were hanging in the weight room, lifting weights and exercising.

"You know how I keep reminding Garrett to give me back my hoodie?" Mason asks as he lifts dumbbells.

"Yeah." Liam gets up to add more weight to his push bar.

"Well, I remembered you said he lived in that housing development on Spaulding. So I went there and guess what? The housing development is still in development."


"There are no houses yet. So unless the dude lives in some backhoe, there's something he's not telling us." Mason says. "And then there's this other dude, man, he's He's been acting really strange."

Liam gets up and adds more weight to the bar.

"Running to school for no reason. Disappearing at parties. Used to be my best friend."

"Uh-huh." Liam says.

"And he was apparently on steroids." Mason looks at the weight that's on the bar in shock.

"What?" Liam asks.

"You're not actually going to try to lift that, are you?" Mason asks. Liam sits up and looks at the weight he added. He couldn't believe it.

"Are you all right? I mean, is it about the game tonight?" Mason squats near him.

"I'm fine. It's just a scrimmage." Liam waves it off.

"You know who you're playing, right?" Mason asks.

"Yeah." Liam nods, then shakes his head, "I mean, no. I guess I missed the announcement."

"Liam, it's your old school. Devenford Prep." Mason says.

Liam's eyes grew in shock. His old school? The one full of old team mates who hates him for what he did. He couldn't believe it.

After working out, he decides to head back to the locker room, he goes to his locker and notices something missing.

"What the hell? Where's my stick?"

He hears the door opens and senses someone coming closer, someone like him. He walks slowly away from his locker to see who it was.

"Is this yours?" Derek asks, holding his lacrosse stick.

Derek breaks it in half and throws it to Liam's feet. Watching in anger as the stick lands at his feet, he looks up slowly at Derek, breathing heavily as his eyes shined yellow.

He runs towards Derek but Derek grabs him by the throat and holds him up in the air against the lockers. Liam snarls and snaps his teeth at Derek.

"Liam." Scott calls and walks up to him. Liam starts to calm himself, his eyes turning back to blue.

"You're right. He is angry." Derek smirks. He slowly brings Liam back onto his feet and lets him go.

Scott holds out another lacrosse stick to Liam, "This one's yours."

Liam sighs and takes it.

Scott grabs his cell and sends a message. The door opens and Josie comes in, looking around and making sure no one else is in here.

"Show him." Scott says.

Josie nods and stands in front of Liam, placing her hand on his shoulder as Derek watches. Derek can hear Liam's heart rate. Earlier, it was pounding, then when he turned back it was still a little high, but just as Josie touched Liam, it quickly dropped to normal.

Derek frowns and watches Josie.

Scott looks up and turns to Liam, "Get to class, Liam." He says.

Liam eyes Derek and Derek lifts a brow at him and they all watched him leave.

Scott sighs in relief and holds on to Josie's hand, he looks over to Derek and see him smiling,

"What are you smiling about?"

"You're gonna be good at this." Derek says as he smiles big.

"Are you kidding? I am totally unprepared. Remember how you said you could teach me a few things? I think, right now I could use a full-on training manual." Scott scoffs.

"I'll tell you one thing. That anger he's got? It'll make him strong." Derek says.

"And dangerous." Scott says.

"Very." Derek agrees.

Scott sighs and looks at Josie, "Ok, do you know anything about this?" He gestures at Josie.

Derek cocks his head at her, "I heard rumors, but, I never thought one would exist."

"What am I?" Josie asks.

"Has that been happening to ever werewolf you have came in contact with?" Derek asks.

Josie nods, "And Malia, too." She says.

Derek scoffs then laughs, "Scott, do you have any idea how lucky you are?"

Scott frowns.

"Ok, like Deaton told you, A true Alpha is something that doesn't happen within a hundred years, but every once in a while a beta can become an alpha without having to steal or take their power. One that rises purely on the strength of character, virtue, by sheer force of will." Derek says. "Which is what Scott is." Derek says to Josie. Josie's eyes widen in amazement.

Josie shakes her head, confused, "Wait, another werewolf can only become an Alpha by stealing their power, you mean like killing them?" She asks.

Derek looks at Scott, frowning, "You didn't really explain to her about this did you?"

Scott shook his head.

"Ok. Yeah, that's one of the ways. But, Scott, he never killed. He earned it. You can tell if a werewolf took a life. Their eyes. A beta, like Liam, has yellow. He never took a life. But when a wolf has blue. That means they killed." Derek explains.

Josie thinks back, Malia's eyes are blue!

"Then, Malia...?" She asks.

"It wasn't her fault. It was the full moon. She was riding with her family in the car. Her mom, her little sister. The full moon caused her to go crazy, that was her first transformation." Scott explains.

Josie sighs, sadly. Poor Malia.

"And this is what my mom told me. A hundred years ago, there was one, a human woman, somehow she could calm a werewolf just a single touch. Like the triskelion my family uses to help gain control. She was called a true anchor. A living breathing being that controls the wolf. You, Josie Thompson, are a true anchor." Derek says.

Josie gasps, "Are you sure?" She asks.

"The evidence kinda speaks for itself. But, Scott, this also means a danger for her safety." He says.

"What do you mean?" Scott asks.

"According to legend, the woman who was a true Anchor, she was killed. By the werewolves and other super natural creatures. They all became greedy when they wanted to control themselves. They nearly killed themselves for her. A pack kidnapped her, a powerful pack with a very powerful alpha. They all wanted her near them, and without knowing, they ripped her apart." Derek says.

Scott wraps an arm around Josie's waist and holds her close.

"But, the woman didn't have a mate then. She was suppose to be with the true Alpha back then, but one never arise. Till now. With the true Anchor with the True Alpha, you guys are practically royalty now in our world."

Scott shakes his head in exasperation, "This was supposed to be the semester I could focus on school again." He sits on the bench and Josie sits next to him and Derek sits on the other side. "But Kate's back. And I've got a Beta. And there's a dead pool.

"If all our names are on that list, then that's what we should be focused on." Derek says. Do you think Lydia can get that second key?

"She's working on it." Scott says.

"By the way, um, can you also explain this?" Josie speaks up.

She holds out a palm and focuses, pretty soon the wind started to whistle softly and a small dust tornado formed in her hand from the dust bunnies in the air. The wind causes her hair to blow in the air gently. Derek's eyes widen at the sight. Josie lifts her hand and lets the small tornado go till it fades in the air.

"Holy crap." He says.

"Yeah, my words exactly." She says, sarcastically.

"I knew your scent was familiar!" He exclaims. "But, you're way different than him." Derek says.

"Who?" Scott asks.

"I'm not 100% sure, but, I think Josie is an Elemental." Derek says.

Josie's jaw drops, "I'm a what?!"

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