Chapter 19: Violet Goes Rogue

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(Josie's borrowed clothes^^^^)

Derek gave Josie some old clothes that Cora left since she accidentally burned her own.  A nice hot shower got rid of the soot and smoke smell from her hair.  She sighs as she comes out of the steamy bathroom, pulling the pink shirt down.  She gasps when Scott was in the bedroom, waiting for her.  Scott was about to say something, but he saw the scar.  She quickly yanks her shirt down, covering it, and wrapping her arms around herself.  He frowns at her and gets up off the bed, walking towards her. 

"Where did you get that?"  He asks. 

"It's nothing."  She says. 

"Josie, you can tell me anything.  What happened?"  He asks, and reaches to touch her shoulder, but she flinches. 

His heart cracks as she did that, but he tries again, this time she didn't flinch. 

Swallowing hard, "I can't tell you."  She says, softly. 

"Why not?"  He asks. 

"Cause you'll hate me." She says, looking up at him with sad eyes. 

He scoffs, "Josie, I could never hate you.  Ever.  I'm not saying cause we're mates.  I care about you...a lot."  He sighs.  He cups her cheek and leans closer to kiss her softly.  She kisses him back, feeling so much passion and love in the kiss.  Breaking the kiss, he rests his forehead against hers and breaths in her wonderful scent.  Like, honey and vanilla.  "I love you." He murmurs softly.

"What?"  She whispers.

He slowly smiles, "I love you, Josie."

She sighs and smiles with him, "I love you, too, Scott."  Then her smile drops. "But, you might not like what I'm about to tell you. 

They sat on the bed together and Josie finally told him everything.  About her father, how she saved her mother, how she killed her father. 

He touches the scar gently, and sighs sadly, "Josie, you were protecting your mom.  You had no choice."  He says. 

"Yes, I did.  I had a choice where to shoot.  I wanted him to stop.  I wanted him gone.  I hated him."  She says, softly.  Her eyes lighting up with hate as she whispers the last part, unshed tears filling her eyes. 

Scott shakes his head, sad for her.  He could practically feel how much pain she carried.  He pulls her into his arms and hold her tight.  Soon, pulls away just a little enough for her to look up at him, "My father left me and mom years ago when I was a kid.  He was...a heavy drinker.  He told me once that it was his way of coping with his job, the sacrifices it came with like killing people when it was necessary."  Scott sighs.  "He confessed to me once, when I was little that during a drunken argument with mom, he accidentally knocked me down the stairs.  Apparently, I was unconscious for 20 seconds.  I woke up, I don't even remember that happened.  That was the last time he drank and the next day, he was gone."  Scott feels Josie hug him tightly.  "And you know what?  Him not being there pisses me off more than the accident itself." 

Josie reaches up and caresses his cheek, "He's trying at least.  I'm not asking you to just go up and hug him, saying you forgive him.  Take baby steps.  Like stick to those dinners you've been missing."  She laughs softly. 

He chuckles, "He told you?" 

"That night when Kate took me and Derek."  She says, nodding.

"Sorry you had to listen to that."  Scott says. 

She shakes her head, "Nah, it's ok.  It was nice talking to your dad.  And fun seeing Stiles have a panic attack in front of him."  She giggles. 

He laughs and hugs her tight, "Come on. We got a killer to catch." He says.


Soon, it was time for the game. Scott and Kira were at the bench with the other players. Kira looked around at the others and then turned to Scott.

"Shouldn't we do something now?" Kira asks.

Scott looks over at Garrett chatting with the other players, "I mean, we can't. We're still not really sure if it's really him. And if we're wrong, then the real assassin gets away."

Kira sighs, you could practically see her shaking, "Nervous?" Scott asks.

"About someone trying to kill us? Or about playing my first game?" Kira chuckles nervously.


Kira looks at the other team passing by. One smirked at her.

"Definitely both."

Stiles comes pacing into the field and gets at the bench, "Hey, Dad, you're supposed to be here.
Where the hell are you?"

At the station, Sheriff hurries up to make it to the game, "I'm leaving now. And this conversation isn't getting me there any quicker." He hangs up and was about leave the office till Parrish stops him.

"Sheriff, I know you're in a hurry, but I was out on patrol and I found someone walking from the coast to the high school." He says.

"That's gotta be at least 15 miles." Sheriff exclaims.

"She was pretty determined." Parrish says and turns to face the person he found.

Meredith from Eichen House!

"I'm looking for Lydia."


Meanwhile, in front of the High School sign, Derek reopens the Hale Vault with Chris Argent in toll. They head down the steps and Derek leads him to the triskelion.

"She was here for this." Derek holds it out to Chris. Chris takes it and exams it.

"We use it to teach young Betas how to control the shifts on a full moon." Derek explains.

"Control was never one of Kate's strengths." Chris sighs and hands it back to Derek

"You knew she was alive, didn't you?" Derek says.

Chris shakes his head, "Not for certain. But I'd been searching ever since you handed me the shotgun shell."

"What are you gonna do when you find her?" Derek asks.

Chris looks around, looking at the trail on the floor and at the safe, "There's a place I can take her."

Derek scoffs, "You saying you have some kind of werewolf jail?"

"Something like that." Chris says.

"She won't go quietly." Derek points out.

"I don't expect her to." Chris says. "And I'll do what's necessary."

Derek was hesitant, "What if I asked you not to?" Chris was confused. "She took something from me." He shows him his wolf eyes. His yellow wolf eyes.

Chris's eyes widen in shock and he walks closer to look better.

"At first, I just thought it was a part of my past. I started to lose something else.  My sense of smell." His eyes go back to normal. "I'm losing my power." Derek sighs.


"Let's go! Let's go, come on! Hey, McCall, I said get your ass out on the field." Coach Finstock yells at his players.

"But Coach, his leg's still healing." Scott says as he stops Coach, referring to Liam. "I don't think he should play."

"He said it's fine." Coach scoffs.

"As Captain, I'm suggesting Liam sit out the game." Scott demands.

Coach starts laughing, "And as, uh, President of the United States, I'm vetoing that suggestion." Coach says sarcastically.

"What if he gets hurt?" Scott asks.

"Hey, Liam! Think fast!" Brett says and throws the lacrosse ball at him. Liam catches it with his bare hand with no problem.

"Oh, he plays." Coach says.

"There you go, Liam! Liam! Stilinski! McCall! Oh!" Coach calls out, clapping. The game has begun. Josie watches with with worry. Keeping an eye on Garrett.

The prep school seems to be doing a better job than Beacon High. Scott, Kira, and Stiles paced together.

"Why do I feel like this is going to end badly?" Kira asks.

"Because it usually does." Stiles says, sarcastically.

"Kira, you keep an eye on Garrett. I'll watch out for Liam." Scott says.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna try to play lacrosse. All right." Stiles says as they run off.

Scott and Brett were up for the ball, they both got into position and waited for the referee

"Brett, I know you guys feel like you owe Liam some payback for what he did but could you just hold off for one night? Trust me. One night." Scott says.

"Yeah, I can do that." Brett says.


Brett chuckles, "No." and gets the ball before Scott does.

Scott watches Liam runs for Brett, "Liam!"

Two players from the Prep school block him and shoves him away.

Furious, Liam gets up, snatches his helmet off and throws his gloves down and jumps to attack the players, but Scott and Stiles hold him back.

Josie sighs as she watches then looks over and sees Garrett. Is he smirking? She squints to look better. He was definitely smirking. She looks further down and sees his hand resting on something. Looks like a button. "Oh, no." She whispers, as her eyes widen.


Lydia and Malia walk into the station as Sheriff Stilinski guides them to Meredith, "I'm aware this is probably about the dead pool, but I can't let her leave the station. And, in a minute, I'm gonna have to call Eichen House and let them know that she's here."

"Give us an hour." Lydia says.

"You got 15 minutes." Sheriff says.

Lydia rolls her eyes and goes into the office, seeing Meredith

"You called Lydia?" Parrish asks as he walks up behind Sheriff.

"Yeah." Sheriff nods.

"Because Meredith asked for her or because of the other thing?" Parrish asks.

"What other thing?" Sheriff asks.

"The psychic thing." Parrish asks after he looks around to make sure no one heard him.

"You think Lydia's psychic?"

"Do you?"

"No, I do not." Sheriff scoffs. "I think that she is, uh Intuitive." He stutters.

"That's what they used to call psychics. Intuitions." Parrish points out.

"Yeah, and I used to call myself a rational human being." Sheriff says sarcastically then waves Parrish in impatiently, "Get in here and shut the door."

Sheriff sighs and points at Lydia to Meredith, "Ask what you need to ask."

Lydia gives Meredith her cell phone. Meredith looks at her confused but takes it.

"Meredith, aren't you going to answer it?" She asks.

Meredith stands up and leans into Lydia's ear, "It's not ringing." She whispers. Then she sits back down.

Lydia rolls her eyes.


This time, Stiles and another Prep teammate were up for the ball.

"You guys know that anabolic steroids are illegal in the United States? You wear a lot of facial hair for a teenager. What are you on? Seriously? HGH? Gamma radiation?" Stiles jokes, then he grabs the ball before Brett could. And passes it to Kira!

"Run Kira! Run, Kira, run!" Stiles yells.

"Go, Kira!" Josie cheers.

"Pass it! Kira, pass the ball!" Coach yells. But Kira never passed. She flips and throws the ball into the other team's net.

"Oh Whoo!" Kira cheers with the crowd.

"Yukimura! Get over here. Take a seat. You're benched for the rest of the game." Coach says.

"What? Why?" Kira asks, confused.

"You didn't pass."

"I had an open shot." She argues.

"The play was for you to pass. This is a scrimmage, It's about teamwork, Yukimura. So, you're benched." Coach says.

Kira looks at Scott in panic and Scott sighs, seeing Garrett running by slowly and smiling. Frustrated, Scott looks over at Josie and sees her scared look. He sees her whispering. He turns and uses his wolf hearing to hear her better, "Scott. It's him. He's going to strike soon.  I saw a button on the lacrosse stick.  He's got a blade inside it.  I know it." She whispers. Scott snaps his head to hers and sees her scared face. She nods knowingly.


Lydia kneels in front of Meredith, "Meredith, you came here to help us, remember?"

Meredith laughs, "You called me."

"What do you mean I called you?" Lydia ask in confusion.

"I heard you." Meredith whispers.

"Meredith, can I ask you a question?" Parrish walks up and kneels in front of her next to Lydia.

Meredith gives him a small smile and wiggles in her seat, nodding.

"When you need help, when you need to find something, is there someone you reach out to? Maybe someone you call?" Parrish asks.

"It depends. Different people for different things." Meredith shrugs.

"So maybe there's a number that can help us? Someone we can call."

"Yes." She says.

"Would you be okay telling us?" Parrish asks.


Lydia gets her phone ready.

"It's 2, 4,3,6." Meredith smiles.

"Mer, we need a few more numbers." Malia says.

Meredith shakes her head, "No. That's the number."

"Phone numbers are 10 digits." Malia says.

"That's the number." Meredith says.

"Meredith, phone numbers always have 10 digits." Lydia explains, exasperated

"That's the number." Meredith repeats, almost looking like she was panicking a little.

"Meredith..." Lydia starts, feeling very frustrated.

"Lydia."  Sheriff cuts her off, grabbing her softly by her shoulders, helping her up, "Hey.  Come here."  He speaks softly.  "I think that's the best we're gonna get." 

"No."  Lydia shakes her head.  "There has to be more."

"What's the rest of it, Meredith? Hmm?"  Lydia speaks a little bit more firmer.  "Just concentrate!"

"But that's...that's...that's the number." Meredith's eyes begin to water as she stutters.  Like she was about to cry.   "That's That's the number.  That's the number."  She repeats over and over. 

"It's okay, sweetheart.  We're..."  Sheriff reaches and grabs her shoulders gently but Meredith pushes them away and stands up real fast.

"That's the number!"


Back on the field, Liam runs up and slams into two players.  One of them being Brett.  The crowd gasps in shock as they all fall hard on to the ground.  Garrett was the other player.  Liam groans in pain, gripping his arm. 

"Brett, you okay? Okay, back off! Back off!"

"How hard did you hit him?"  Scott asks Liam. 

"I didn't.  He hit me."  Liam holds out his broken arm.

"Ow."  Stiles says.

"Close your eyes."  Scott says and Liam obeys.  He grips Liam's arm and snaps the bone back into place.  Healing it.  Liam cries out in pain and Stiles winces at the sight.


Brett was screaming in pain as the coaches were looking over at him along with the medic.

"All right, Brett, we're gonna pick you up now."

They start to carry Brett away and Scott hears the snap of a blade switch.  He looks over and sees Garrett gripping his stick. 

"Are you cut? Did Garret cut you?" Scott asks.

"No, no.  I'm okay." Liam says, shaking his head.

"Then he missed."  Scott sighs in relief as he looks over at Garrett.

"What do you mean?"  Liam asks.

"It's you, Liam.  You're the one he's after."


Back at the Sheriffs, Parrish and the Sheriff both escort Meredith back to Eichen house.

Malia sighs in frustration and turns back to Lydia who was sitting on the couch, rubbing her head.  Malia picks up the numbers Meredith gave to Lydia and crumbled it up.  Then, she sees the phone.  The numbers...and the letters!

"Lydia, what if it's like Algebra?"

"What do you mean?"  Lydia frowns at Malia.

Malia turns the phone towards Lydia so she could see, "What if the numbers are actually letters?"

Lydia sits up straight when she catches on and gets a paper to write down the letters that are on the numbers.  She looks at them carefully, then gasps, "Oh, God."  She circles out specific letters then grabs her laptop to open the next code.  She types in 'A-I-D-E-N'.  The laptop beeps and spells out new names and prices.


"I talked to Coach."  Liam walks up to Scott, Kira and Stiles.  "I'm out for the rest of the game."

"What are you gonna do?" Kira asks.

"I don't know.  Something's still not right.  We're missing something."  Scott says.

"Guys."  Josie pops up.  "Lydia just broke another third of the list."  She says, panting.

"Am I on it?"

"No."  She says.  "But someone else is."  She looks at them with worry. 

In the locker room, the medic was dead on the floor barely outside the door.   Brett was crawling away for his dear life, away. 

"What did you do to me?"  Brett says, groaning in pain while his yellow wolf eyes look up at Violet.

"You were cut with a poisoned blade."  She smirks down at him.  "It was laced with wolfsbane.  It won't kill you.  But this will."  She shows him her wire, it begins to glow and sizzle.

Brett tries to crawl away faster, "Why? Why are you doing this?" 

"Because you're worth a lot of money, Brett."  She kicks him.  Then, she stands over him and wraps the wire around his neck.  He starts to choke and the wire begins to sizzle.

Scott runs into the school, heading towards the locker room.  He spots the dead medic on the ground and runs faster to the locker room.  He stops and checks the medic then sees Brett lying on the ground.  He runs into the locker room and sees if Brett was still breathing.  Brett gasps and shoots his eyes open.  Scott's eyes widen in shock, then he felt a wire wrapping around his neck and Violet laughing as she pulls it tighter.  The wire sizzles against skin.

"He said we shouldn't try."  She giggles.  "But now I've got you.  I got an Alpha."  She says in triumph.

Groaning, Scott pulls on the hot wire.  Violet grunts, pulling harder.  Suddenly, Scott stops struggling, he holds the wire with one hand as it sizzles, he turns to growl at her with blood red eyes.  He grips her by her throat and throws her against the wall outside in the hallway.  She hits the wall hard and slides down to the floor.  Scott takes the wire off his neck and looks at it and Brett who was groaning.

Violet shakes out of her daze and sees the Alpha checking the beta.  She takes out a knife, slicked with wolfsbane and gets up to run up to him behind to stab him but, Josie runs towards her and jumps her.  Scott turns and sees Violet and Josie on the floor.   The blade slides out of Violet's hand and against the wall.  Josie gets on top of Violet and punches her several times in the face till she shoves Josie away and punches her back.  Violet gets up to grab the blade but Josie grabs her by the hair and yanks her back.  Violet elbows her in the gut and runs to get the blade and holds it up in front of her.  Josie gets up and stops when she sees the blade.

Violet chuckles, "The wolfsbane may not can kill you, but this knife can.  And I plan to bury it in your boyfriend's heart."  She smirks. 

"Don't push me, bitch."  Josie growls as blood drips from her lip. 

Violet scoffs, "And what is a defenseless human gonna do?  Sic' lassie and his pack on me?  There's hundreds of us and you can't stop us." She giggles. 

Josie fists her hands to her sides and feels her powers rising.  Violet frowns when she feels the wind starting to blow through the hallway.  She looks at Josie and realizes it's her!  Josie's eyes begin to glow bright as her powers build around her.  Her hair flying around wildly. 

"Go to hell."  Josie snarls and throws her hands out, making the wind roar around her through the hallway and the wind blows Violet back violently till she slams through the wall.  The wind dies down as the knife falls from Violet's hand as she lies limply against the cracks. 

Panting, she calms her breathing and turns back to Scott and sees Stiles next to him, as they hold Brett up.  Scott's eyes widen along with Stiles.  She blinks and her eyes go back to their green color.

(Looks almost like her eyes are glowing doesn't it? ^^^^ This is what Josie's eyes look like as she turns to look at Scott and the others)

"The elemental!"  Brett gasps.  He looks at Scott in shock.  "The true Alpha meets the true Anchor.  The prophecy has begun."  He chuckles.  "She was right." He whispers to himself as he looks down, thinking. 

Stiles looks at Brett and Scott in confusion, shrugging.

"I think you better call your Dad." Scott says to Stiles.

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