Chapter 21: Rescue Gone Wrong

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During class, Malia sat at her desk as she waited for her lessons to start. The teacher looks around and sees a couple of desks unoccupied.

"Has anyone seen Stiles, Lydia or Kira today?" She asks the class. When no one answers, she turns to Malia. "Malia. Any idea where your friends are?"

"I could try catching their scent." Malia says.

The teacher gives her a weird look, "Right. How about I just mark them down as absent."

Malia just shrugs and started to open her notebooks.


Malia starts to hear whispers. She looks around the room to see who was calling her. No one was. At least, no one in the room.

"Okay, everyone, let's begin with last night's homework."

"Malia. Malia." The whispers begin again.

Malia realizes someone is calling out to her. She quickly packs up her stuff and starts to walk out till the teacher stops her.

"Malia, do you need to be excused from class?"

Malia gives her a 'duh' look, "Yeah."

She walks out of the classroom and looks for the voice. She turns to the stairs and sees a figure coming down the stairs.

"What are you doing here?"

"Brett's still out of it." Derek says as he emerges from the sunlight shining over him. "I need to find his pack and warn them about the Dead Pool."

"So what do you need me for?" Malia shrugs.

"I know a little something about this pack. They have a kind of secret meeting place in the woods.
No one's spent more time in the woods of Beacon Hills than you." Derek says and throws her a jersey. "This is Brett's. Breathe it in."

"I'm not good at that yet." She says.

"Try it. I'll teach you." Derek says. Malia sighs, and brings the jersey close to her face and breathes it in. "Focus on the different scents. Some are tied to identity. Others give off an emotion"

Malia sniffs the jersey and looks up at Derek and nods.


Derek drives to the woods with Malia in tow. They get out of the car and start to walk.

"Their Alpha is a woman named Satomi. She's one of the oldest werewolves alive. And she's learned a lot."

"What does that mean?" Malia asks in confusion.

"She's a bitten werewolf. Learning control wasn't easy for her. She did something a long time ago that changed her. The quote is a mantra. It helps them with control." He says.

Malia suddenly stops and sniffs the air.

"What is it?" Derek asks.

"Gun powder." She says. She moves closer to a spot and Derek kneels down and finds a bullet shell.

He looks up and looks around the area, "If Brett's pack is out here, I don't think they're meeting. They're hiding."


"We're taking her now." Agent McCall states.

Josie and Scott have been trying to talk him out of it, but he wouldn't budge.

"Dad, isn't that a little dangerous? I mean, Garrett's still out there." Scott says as he follows his dad in the station. "Maybe we should let someone else do it."

"Yeah, I mean, Violet is...she's....she's more than what you think. I mean, I was trained by a pro to fight. I reached the level of a high black-belt and she still almost kicked my ass." Josie says.

Rafe's brows lift in surprise, "Sorry." She mutters and blushes.

"I appreciate the concern, but after what happened with Katashi and  losing evidence off an armored truck, I'm not letting this out of my  sight. And if you're still worried, you should know I've got Beacon Hills' finest coming with us." Rafe says.

Scott was about to say something but looks over. Josie follows his eyes and sees the police bringing Violet out. She gives a sinister smile towards them as they led her to the van.

Scott turns to his dad, but Rafe wouldn't listen. Scott grabs Josie's hand and pretty soon they met up with Garrett. Josie sat in the back, arms folded over her chest while she glared at Garrett's head.

Garrett gives Scott a gun in a small case. Scott frowns and shakes his head, "This is not going to work."

"All you have to do is stop the car. I'll take care of the rest." Garrett says.

He looks over his shoulder and sees Josie's glare, he just smirks and looks at her in curiosity, "What is your girlfriend, McCall? Violet told me she tested her to see if she was a werewolf, but she's not. So, what is she? Cause why put a mere human on a list of supernaturals?" He asks.

"Leave her out of this." Scott snarls.

"Oh, no, I don't think so. See, your girlfriend is on that list and she's worth almost as much as you are. So, what is she?" Garrett lifts a brow.

Josie fists her hands, trying to calm her powers, but damn this guy pisses her off. She chuckles dryly and leans closer, "Really wanna know?" She asks.

Scott looks over to her, "Josie, what are you doing?"

"He's curious. If he wants to know, fine." She says.

"Yeah, McCall, she says it's fine. So, let her talk." Garrett smirks.

Josie makes a fist, feeling her powers rise, and opened her fist quickly. With a loud boom, all of Garrett's windows were busted by the powerful wind she created.

Garrett and Scott took cover, Garrett looks at her, anger fueling in his eyes and she just gives him a sickly smile, "The man wanted to know." She smirks.

Scott snickers quietly but snaps his head when he hears the click of the blade, "Don't push me." Garrett snarls.

Garrett and Scott snap their heads towards a coming car, Scott laces up his hoodie. Garrett starts the car and begins to follow the police's car.

As they start to get closer to the destination point, Scott takes off his hood in frustration as the anxiety builds up.

"There's a stop sign half a mile ahead." Garrett says.

Scott scoffs, "So I take out the tires with my claws?"

"Teeth, claws, heat vision, whatever. Just stop them." Garrett grits his teeth. "You ready?"

As they get closer, the see the truck. It looked like it was flipped over and they could see the Sheriff crawling on the road, dragging Rafe with him.

"Oh, my god!" Josie exclaims and covers her mouth.

"Stop! Stop the car! Dad!" Scott hops out of the car as soon as Garrett stops. Josie follows and kneels with Scott next to Sheriff and Rafe who was unconscious.

"Scott...Josie..." Sheriff groans out in pain.

Garrett drags out his lacrosse stick and breaks it in half. He clicks the button and both ends of the sticks had blades.

"She's not in the car." Scott yells at Garrett.

"Violet's gone." Josie says.

"Scott, listen to me." Sheriff grabs Scott's arm and pulls him closer. "They're still here. They're still here." He groans out.

Josie starts to smell something very familiar, she slowly looks over her shoulder and gasps loudly.

Standing just a few feet away was one of the berserkers.

Garrett and Scott look towards to where she was looking.

"You want me? Come on." Garrett starts twirling his stick in moves. "Come and get me.  Come and get me."

"Uh, Garrett, I don't think that's a good idea." Josie stutters in fear.

But he wouldn't listen. When Garrett was done, the berserker does nothing. Garrett scoffs, "Yeah, that's right! You're not so big. You're not so big....ugh!" He grunts loudly as another berserk stabs him from behind.

The blade made of bones goes through his body and sticks up through his chest. The berserker holds Garrett up in the air, impaling him.

Scott runs towards the berserker to help but the other stops him.

"Scott!" Sheriff yells out.

The berserker stabs Scott and knocks him out. Josie cries out for Scott. 

"!"  Sheriff shouts at her. 

Josie slowly gets up as both berserkers start to approach her. 

She takes a calming breath and calls forth her Earth powers.  Like snakes in the grass,  roots slither from the ground and on to the road.  One pound against the ground as a warning.  Sheriff watches in shock at the sight, his eyes widening while watching Josie from what it looks like, she's controlling the roots.  With a swipe of her hand, the roots whips at one of the berserkers and sent him flying.  One roars at her and runs towards her, his footsteps pounding against the pavement.  Another swipe and it's gone. 

Kate watches from afar, smirking,  "You get more and more curious, little one." 

Josie sighs in relief and asks the roots to fall back into the woods, she looks over and sees part of the berserker stuck into Scott's side.  She gasps and runs to his side, "Scott, wake up." She gently pats his cheek, but no go.  She gasps in fright when someone touches her shoulder.

It was Chris!


Josie gotten a text from Stiles, saying they went to see Meredith at Eichen House, but she wouldn't help.  According to Stiles, Meredith is being blocked by someone.  Threaten maybe.  She was so scared she nearly busted Lydia's eardrums with her banshee shrieks.  Chris brought Josie and Scott back to Deaton's, she held on to Scott's hand and never let go of him. 

"Hey." Chris taps her shoulder and she looks over at him, "He's a fighter.  He'll be ok."  He signs to her.

She smiles softly, "I know." 

Scott begins to stir and squints his eyes when he hears Deaton's voice.

"Hey, there.  I was actually hoping you would be out for a few more minutes."

Scott frowns and looks down to see the blade sticking out of his side.

"Scott."  Scott looks over to the other voice and sees Chris Argent walking up to him.  "This is going to hurt."  He says.

Josie grips Scott's hand to help, but Scott shakes his head at her, "No.  I don't want to hurt you."  He says.

She caresses his cheek, "You won't." 

Scott's breathing starts to pick up as Chris grips the blade tighter and beings to pull.  Scott groans in pain and tightens his grip on Josie's hand.  It hurt just a little but, she held on.  Scott begins to scream in agony and finally Chris yanks the blade out of Scott's side.  Scott yells and rolls off the table.  He quickly lets go of Josie so he wouldn't hurt her anymore. 

Panting, Scott looks at the wound and sees it beginning to heal, he looks over to Josie and quickly pulls her into his arms, kissing her gently and rests his forehead against hers, "I'm sorry." He says.

She shakes her head, "I'm ok."  She looks down at his wound, "Oh, god, Scott."  She whispers.

"You all right?"  Chris asks.

"Where's my dad and the Sheriff?" Scott asks, still wincing.

"They're at the hospital.  They're both doing fine.  Hold this."  Deaton says as he places a gauze over the wound.  Josie places her hand over it, making sure it has enough pressure. 

"Mmm-hmm."  Scott groans.  "It was Kate.  It was her and the Berserkers." 

"We know.  But they move fast.  And they don't leave much in the way of tracks."  Chris says.

"We have to find her."  Scott pants out. 

"She's got Violet.  We think Violet knows where Liam is."  Josie explains.

"Then as much as this hurt, it could probably also help."  Deaton holds out the bone blade.  "Can you get a scent?"  he asks.

Scott takes it and begins to sniff. 


"I'm sorry."  Malia says as her and Derek gets back into the car.

"There's nothing to be sorry about."  Derek shakes his head.  "If they don't want to be found, then we're not going to find them.  Some werewolves have an ability.  A kind of mastery over their bodies where they can actually inhibit their scent."

"They can hide from other werewolves?" Malia asks.

"From anyone who's trying to find them."  He says.

"So that's why nobody knew about Brett."  Malia realizes.

"Same with Demarco."  Derek says.

"Maybe we need to try something different.  Maybe we need to think like Stiles."  Malia suggests.

Derek looks at her weirdly, "Like a hyperactive spaz?"

She rolls her eyes, "Like a detective.  "If they're really Buddhists, then maybe instead of asking where werewolves hide, we should be asking..."

"Where would Buddhists hide."  Derek fills in.  He starts to think, then looks at the compass on his car and thought of an idea, "When Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree, he looked to the east for enlightenment."

"Is there some kind of eastern point in Beacon Hills?"  Malia asks.

"Yeah.  At Lookout Point."

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