Chapter 29: Dreams and Nightmares

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What was going through Scott's head? That's all Josie could think as she watches him sleep. She just wanted him to wake up and hug her, kiss her, tell her how much he loved her. She wanted him to live. Scott couldn't hear her or feel her as he slept. He couldn't hear anything. Noshiko warned him that it would be like he was dreaming. And it did. He started to stir and inhaled sharply as he wakes up. He looks around and sees he's in the morgue's ice box, naked under a sheet. He pats around the metal walls and ceiling, trying to find a way out. He looks up and sees a long tunnel. He starts to crawl and crawl till he reaches a light. He suddenly falls out and lands on the hard floor. He was dressed and he looks around and sees hes in the dark hallway at the school. He slowly gets up to his feet and starts to walk around. The lights flicker eerily as he walks slowly down the hallway.

"Catch!" Liam calls out and suddenly against his instincts, Scott catches a lacrosse ball with his bare hand. He looks up and sees Liam? What was Liam doing here? He was dressed in his lacrosse uniform, looking smugly at Scott.

"That's why you're team captain." He smirks and takes off around a corner.

Scott shakes out of his thoughts and goes to follow Liam. Liam makes another turn and goes into a classroom. Scott follows him into the room. Dropping the ball.

Scott stands in the classroom and Liam was no where to be seen. But, in front of him, on the teacher's desk, he sees a laptop whirring. A code scrolls over and over on the screen till Scott walks up to it and stands in front of it. Finally, it beeps and asks for a key code. Scott types in his name and suddenly the code changes into groups instead of names.

'The Mute, The Orphans, The Chemist.'

"I can't do that. I can't kill them." Scott shakes his head.

"Someone has to." Liam appears next to Scott.

"Why me?" Scott asks.

"Because you're the Alpha." Liam says.

"I'm not a murderer."

"But you are a predator."

"No." Scott shakes his head. "We're predators...But we don't have to...." He couldn't get a word out. "We don't have to..." He tries again but couldn't get it out.

Frustration rises in Scott's core and he starts breathing heavily as Liam looks down in disappointment at him. Scott grips the laptop and tries to crush it.

Suddenly, he hears Liam groaning in pain. He turns and sees the Mute yanking out his tomahawk out of Liam's back. The mute slowly turns to Scott and places a finger over his face.

"Scott! Scott, please! Scott, help me!" Liam calls out.

The mute raises his tomahawk again and brings it down on Liam.


Malia was desperate for answers. So she sneaks back into the Hale Vault to look for the answers that possibly are in there. As she looks around, she feels her cellphone vibrate, she looks and sees it was Stiles...again. Malia sighs, she promised Josie she would talk to him, but she still needed more time. She presses ignore and turns to see the safe. She goes up to it and tries to open it. It was locked. She grips the handle and pulls on it harder and harder till she yanks it off. She finally got it open. Inside was a file. Her file! Her adoption file.

Suddenly, she hears footsteps approaching, she slowly turns around and sees Peter coming down the stairs.

"I've gotta buy a better safe." He sighs.


Chris roams the halls of the hospital, keeping a lookout for any suspicious characters. He checks his watch and checks the stopwatch. only 28 minutes left. He rubs his thumb over his bottom lip with worry, for Josie and for Scott.

"What about him?" Noshiko asks as she sits in the car in the front of the hospital with Melissa.

"No, he's in here every week with a new self-diagnosis." Melissa says.

"Hypochondriac?" Noshiko asks.

"Prescription drug addict." Melissa says. She sighs anxiously and looks around. Then turns to Noshiko. "Why are we doing this? Why are we asking them to fight these kinds of  fights?"

"Because otherwise we'd be asking them to run and hide." Noshiko says.

Melissa licks her lips, frustrated with the whole thing. She starts to shake her head in confusion, "I don't...I don't understand. About the bond between him and Josie. When Scott was sick, when he was near death. Josie seemed fine, according to Stiles, scared but fine. How come she's going through this now?"

Noshiko sighs, "I believe it was cause of the bond. They met months ago right?" She asks.

Melissa nods, "The bond is set as soon as they first meet, and continues to grow. The stronger it gets, the more connected they become. The bond wasn't strong enough to kill them both." Noshiko says.

"But, now it is." Melissa says.

Noshiko nods, "I never seen a bond so strong. You can practically feel the love they have for one another."

Melissa smiles sadly, "I want him to be alive and happy."

"He will. And you know, she keeps him happy. Kira told me about how lost he was...for his first love."

Melissa sighs and nods, "Allison."

"Does Josie knows?"

Melissa frowns, "I don't think she does. She knows they were friends, but I don't think he ever told her they were a couple."

Meanwhile, Stiles, Liam and Kira keeps an eye on the screens on the laptops. Suddenly one of the cameras start to go down.

"Is that supposed to look like that?" Liam asks.

"No. No, it's not." Stiles says, worry laced in his voice.

"Where is that?" Kira asks.

"The roof. Someone's gonna have to check it out." Stiles says.

"I'll go." Kira says as she starts to head out, but Stiles stops her.

"Whoa, whoa. This might not just be a malfunction." Stiles protests.

"That's why I'm bringing this." She shows him her sword.

He stutters and nods affirmative.

Liam starts to follow her, "I'm coming with you."

"Okay. And you're both coming right back. Immediately." Stiles calls out as they leave. He sighs, "Kids."


Meanwhile, back at the vault, Malia eyes Peter as he approaches her.

"I can't let you leave here with that." He says.

"Maybe you won't have a choice." She says.

Peter starts to circle her and she follows, never keeping her eyes off him, "Is that right?" He smirks.

"I think I could take you." She stops as he does.

He scoffs, "You've heard rumors I'm not as strong as I used to be."

"Something like that." She shrugs.

He tilts his head in annoyance at her and slams his hand into the wall behind him, derbis erupting from the wall as a huge crack forms. And not even a scratch on him. Malia's breath catches in her throat in shock. She sighs and hands him the file.

"I said you can't leave with it. I didn't say you couldn't read it."


Scott snaps his eyes open again, taking in a gasp of air. He was back in the ice box again. Naked with just a sheet. He follows the tunnel again and falls out of the locker. Deja vu.


Scott catches the ball again, but this time he notices his hand. His claws have come out. He looks and sees Liam again, all smugly.

"That's why you're the Alpha."

Scott looks down, but slowly looks up, realizing he's in the boy's locker room, staring at the mirror as his canines erupt from his mouth.

"There's something different, isn't there?" Liam asks, standing behind him.

"I've got more fangs." Scott opens his mouth and exams his teeth. "I noticed it during the quarantine. I don't know why." Scott says, confused.

"Maybe it's part of being an Alpha. Like you're becoming more of a werewolf." Liam says, shrugging.

"Or more of a monster." Scott frowns, looking at himself.

"What if it makes you stronger? What if it's like you're growing? " Liam asks.

A loud thud is heard, Scott turns and sees Liam shuddering, all stiffed.

"Evolving." The Mute says.

Liam collapses into Scott's arms and Scott's eyes widen at the tomahawk in Liam's back. He looks up and sees the Mute again, placing a finger over his face again.

Scott slowly puts Liam's body down on the floor and looks up to attack the mute, but he sees Josie. Dressed in a beautiful sundress with lilacs and her hair was curled and wavy, brushing against her bare shoulders. She smiles at him and starts to walk off. Scott frowns and looks down, Liam's body was gone. He shakes out of his thoughts and runs to find Josie.

"Josie?" He calls out.

He runs out of the room and sees her going to another, giving him a sexy smirk, "Josie!" He calls out and runs towards her and runs into the room.

He squints as a bright light hits him. As it dims down, he discovers he's in a house. A warm, inviting house, with a beautiful view of the mountains. It was snowing outside. The fresh smell of pine filled his nose. A mixture of Josie's scent. He suddenly turns as he hears footsteps approaching and the musical sound of angelic humming from Josie. Josie comes strolling in the room, whispering sweet loving words to a small baby in her arms. She looks up and sees him, smiling big. Scott's eyes widen. Josie looked a little older, like in her early 20s, but it was still her.

"Hi, daddy." She smiles at Scott. Scott's heart felt like it was about to burst. 'Daddy?'. "Look, Seth, it's daddy." She coos at the baby in her hand and walks towards Scott. "Here you go, go to daddy." She coos as she places the baby in Scott's arms.

Scott gasps as he sees the small bundle of joy in his arms. A mixture of him and Josie in his arms. The little boy gurgled and squeals in Scott's arms. Their son. Their little boy. Carrying Josie's eyes and his nose. Scott chuckles and kisses his son's forehead.

"This is the life we could have." He hears Josie's voice and turns to see her standing in the hallway of the dark school. He frowns and looks into his arms, the baby was gone. But, it felt like he was still there.


Kira and Liam reached the roof and checks the camera they planted. Sparks erupts from one of the power boxes. They cover their eyes from the brightness, but as it dims down, they could see the power-box was completely destroyed.

"Looks like someone did something to it." Liam says.

Suddenly, growling is heard from behind them. Kira slowly turns around and sees a berserker standing behind them.

"I think somebody did..." Kira gets out her sword and braces herself for an attack.

Liam turns around and gasps at the sight.


Chris paces through the dim-lit hallways of the hospital, worry start to rise higher inside him. He bumps into someone and draws his gun at them. It was Stiles. Stiles holds up his hands in surrender, startled by the sight of a gun in his face again. Chris sighs and lowers his gun.

"The power's out in the whole building. I lost all the cameras." Stiles says.

"Stay with Scott and Josie. Text me if you see or hear anything." He says and looks at the time, 18 minutes left.

Chris and stiles both had worry all over their face, Stiles runs to the morgue and sits with Josie. Her body laid limply against the wall. Stiles notices that she was beginning to fade. He holds her face to make her look at him, she felt cold in his hands, "Josie, come on. Look at me. Stay awake. Stay for Scott. He's coming back. Come on." He pats her cheeks.

Josie just wanted to sleep. And dream of Scott. She wanted Scott. She could feel the bond fading.


Malia goes through the file, but she couldn't see what she was looking for. Though, she wondered about the blood splatter on the form that said adoption approved. She turns to face Peter,

"You wanna talk about it? See a family counselor?" He says, sarcastically.

"There's nothing in there." She scoffs.

"Cost me a lot of money to get that file." He says.

"You got ripped off." She says.

He sighs, "You know what happens when you only hear one side of a story? You've only heard one side of the story."

Her brows lifted in curiosity.


Liam roars as his eyes shine a golden yellow as he attacks the berserker. It was too strong and he was losing. Kira soon attacks after Liam is thrown across the roof. She got a few hits off, but soon the berserk punches her and knocks her out for a few minutes. Liam runs towards her and shakes her awake.

"Kira! Kira! Get up! Kira! Kira! Get up!" He pulls her to her feet and she looks around in caution then back to the berserker.

Noshiko and Melissa heads inside the hospital as they notice the power outrage and roam through the hallways.

"I'm guessing the power doesn't go out often in this hospital." Noshiko says.

"Only when under attack by supernatural creatures." They pace to look through the rooms and sees no one around. Then they head to where they had the laptops set up. Everyone was gone. One the timer, it read 16 minutes and counting.

"Come on, come on." Stiles paces the morgue, calling Chris on his cell. Josie was out on the floor, pale, barely breathing. "Answer the phone. Answer the phone, Argent. Come on, Argent, answer the phone. Why are you not answering the phone?"

Chris is thrown roughly through the doors and lands on the ground with a painful grunt. He turns on his stomach and looks up at Stiles.

"I was right." He groans. "Stiles, get out of here"

Right behind him, Kate Argent comes strolling into the morgue.

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