Chapter 31: The Curious Case of Jordan Parrish

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The next morning, Josie received a text from Lydia.  When she went back to the lake house, she ran into her mom.  She found out that her mom knew Meredith!  And she knew Meredith made visits to the lake house before when Lydia's grandmother was still alive...or maybe is still alive.  Lydia says she suspects that her Grandmother is alive and possibly the benefactor.  Because her mom gave Lydia her grandmother's ashes, or what she thought was her ashes.  She found out they were mountain ash.  Scott explains to her that Mountain Ash is something a Druid uses keep supernatural creatures away.  It can form a protective barrier.  Finally, Lydia tells her that her mom gave her papers that her grandmother left.  Another code..

When Sarah came back to the room, an hour after she left to retrieve the foldout bed, she gasps softly as she sees Josie in bed with Scott, his arms wrapped around her as they slept peacefully.

(This is how I see them snuggling in the hospital bed...)

Sarah should be appalled by this but, she trusted Scott. He has shown her that she could trust him, but still, she felt the need to be cautious about him. She pushes the fold out bed back out in the hallway and walks into the room to pull the blankets over them. She strokes her daughter's hair and kisses her head gently. Scott murmurs in his sleep and wraps his arms tighter around Josie's waist, burying his face into her hair, breathing her in. Sarah chuckles at how cute they looked and quietly creeps out of the room. Scott opens his eyes when he senses Sarah leaving. He smiles softly, relived actually, that Sarah accepts the fact he's with her daughter. And that she trusts him. He knew she trusted him the minute he felt her pull the blankets up over them. Scott places a kiss over Josie's forehead and snuggles back into sleep, dreaming of her and him together.

Days passed since then, Scott was cleared and declared alive by the hospital and was allowed to go home, everyone was still baffled about how he was still alive. Josie didn't care. She was only glad that Scott was back. Scott told her about the dreams he had while being nearly dead, especially the ones about her. The life that could be theirs in the future. Her carrying his son. That startled Josie a little but the thought of being with him, having his children, what life could be like to be with him indefinitely. She always thought of that since they were declared as mates. She felt like weirdo, already thinking about kids and yet they haven't even had sex yet...yet.


In the middle of an empty parking lot, gasoline splashed against a police car with an unconscious body inside it. Being startled awake, Jordan Parrish jerks awake, groaning in pain that was in his head. He looks at his hands and sees them tied to the steering wheel. He hears the splashing of water and the strong smell of gas. He looks around and sees a shadow moving around the car.

"Hey! Hey, what are you doing? Listen...Listen to me! I'm a Deputy with the Beacon Hills Sheriff's Department..."

The figure approaches the window in the passenger side, "Damn. I was hoping you'd be out longer."

"Haigh? What the hell? What are you doing?" Parrish exclaims in surprise and confusion.

Haigh continues to pour the rest of the gas over the car, "You're a good guy, Parrish. But the list says you're worth five million dollars." He says.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about." He says. "Haigh, listen I mean, I barely make $40,000 a year." He exclaims.

Haigh shoots him a disbelief look, "I only make 36."

Panic spreads over Parrish's face, he jerks at the bonds that held him but he couldn't get loose. Suddenly, Haigh starts pouring gas all over Parrish.

"Haigh, please! Just stop! You don't have to do this." He coughs as gas gets in his mouth. He spits out the foul taste and looks back at Haigh, begging for his life. "Look, if you're having money problems..."

"You're worth five million dead, Parrish. Sounds like you got the problem." He puts the empty gas container down and goes to the other side of the car and steps away.

"Please Please, don't do this." Parrish begs. "You're just gonna stand there? You're just gonna listen to a fellow  Deputy burn to death?" Parrish yells at him. Haigh just gives him a blank look and puts earphones into his ears. He takes out a lighter and flicks. The orange flame dances in his hand.

"Haigh, wait No, wait!" Haigh throws the lighter into the car. "Wait!!!!!" Parrish screams in pain as the flames engulfs him and covers him and the car.


"It's not just that she  could still be alive." Stiles explains to his dad as he and Lydia walks into Sheriff's office with him following them.

"It's that she would've had to fake her death." Lydia fills in.

"Your grandmother, Lorraine Martin, faked her death?" Sheriff asks in disbelief.

"Definitely." Stiles says.

"Maybe." Lydia says.

"More than likely, yes." Stiles adds.

"Oh, I'm guessing you got a story to back this up?" Sheriff crosses his arms over his chest, sighing.

"She might be helping The Benefactor." Lydia explains.

"Or is The Benefactor." Stiles says.

"That sounds like a story worth hearing." As Sheriff's brows shoot up. He walks up to closes the door.

Haigh types on his laptop, contacting the benefactor about the money transfer. Sheriff yanks his door open and yells out,

"Anybody seen Parrish?" He looks over to Haigh. "Haigh?"

Haigh shakes his head, "Haven't seen him." He says, innocently.

Sheriff goes back into the office and Haigh goes back to his laptop.

Slowly walking out of the shadows, a soot covered figure makes his way into the police station. Smoke trailing behind him with every step.

Parrish makes his way through the doors, black soot and burnt dead skin covers his naked form.

Haigh looks up and gasp in shock, seeing Parrish alive in front of him. And he was pissed off!

"Holy..." He quickly gets up and fumbles for his gun, but Parrish runs towards him and they struggle for control. He holds Haigh's armed hand up in the air, causing him to set his gun off.

"You're dead!" Haigh screams.

Parrish growls furiously and shoves him to the ground. Sheriff runs out his office, drawing his gun.

"Hey. Hey!" He yells.

Haigh was about to shoot Parrish, but Parrish hits his hand, and causes Haigh to shoot the Sheriff.

Stiles grabs his dad as he falls to the floor and watches Parrish and Haigh fight.

"But you're dead!" Haigh screams again.

Parrish starts punching him over and over and over till Haigh was out. Parrish sits up on his back legs, panting in anger.

From behind him, Haigh's computer beeps, message received from the benefactor: 'KILL NOT CONFIRMED.'


(Josie's outfit ^^^^)

Stiles calls up Scott and tells him what happened. Scott tells him to bring Parrish to Derek's place. After telling Josie what Stiles told him, he calls Derek to let him know they were on their way. As they got there, Derek starts to exam Parrish. He looks in disbelief how new his skin looked. Even his nails. Not a mark on him. He had trouble believing he was burned alive not too long ago.

"He covered you in gasoline?" He asks.

Parrish nods as Derek lets go of his hands.

"It's the hair and  nails, isn't it? The parts of the body that are essentially dead."

"Well, they should be gone." Derek says, confused.

"I was set on fire. All of me should be gone." Parrish points out.

"Not if you're like us." Scott says.

"Like you?"

"I don't think he's like us." Derek shakes his head.

"Then what is he?" Josie asks.

"Sorry, but I have no idea." Derek says.

"But you knew about Jackson and Kira. And Josie, too." Scott says.

"This is a little out of my experience." Derek gives him a skeptical look.

"There might be something in the bestiary." Lydia says.

"Did you try Argent?" Josie asks.

"I don't know where he is." Scott shrugs.

"Okay, hold on." Parrish catches everyone's attention. "What's a bestiary? Actually, that's not even my first question." He shakes his head. "Just...Just tell me one thing. Are all of you like Lydia? Are you all psychic?"

Everyone gives him a disbelief look, "Psychic?" Derek asks.

"Yeah." Parrish nods.

"Not exactly." Scott says.

"Okay. Then what are you?" Parrish asks.

Scott looks over at Derek and Derek gives Scott a 'might as well tell him' look.

Scott closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, then turns back at Parrish, opening his eyes, showing his Alpha eyes.

Parrish's eyes widen in shock.

"I'm a werewolf. An alpha to be exact." Scott says as his brown eyes come back.

"And I'm not psychic. I'm...I'm a banshee. I can sense people who are going to die...or have. I'm still working on it." Lydia tries to explain.

Josie holds her hand up, "I'm an elemental. And somewhat a...I don't know what to call myself. I can calm werewolves down."

"Like a Halcyon?" Parrish asks.

"A what?" Derek asks.

"A Halcyon means a  fabled  bird,  identified  with  the  kingfisher,  that  was  supposed  to  have  had  the  power  to  calm  the  wind  and  the  waves  while  it  nested  on  the  sea  during  the  winter  solstice." Lydia explains.   "Basically, an object that has the power to calm even the strongest being."

"I guess that's me, but in our world, I'm known as the True Anchor." Josie shrugs.

"So, you control the elements and calm creatures down. How do you do that?" Parrish asks.

"A touch, I guess. Or I can be near them."

Derek had an idea, "Do you mind if we do a test?" Derek asks.

Parrish was hesitant, "What kind of test?"

"We wanna see how exactly you react to fire." Derek says then looks over to Josie.

"What?" Derek gives her a nod. "Oh, no, no, no! Last time I tried that, I burned my clothes off!" She exclaims.

Parrish's brows shot up.

"Just focus, and relax." Derek says.

Groaning, "Fine." She looks at Scott and Scott makes a grab for a blanket, just in case.

Josie stands in front of Parrish and takes a deep breath, calling her fire power. Parrish looks down at her hand and watches it start to smoke. She slowly brings it up and fire spread over her fingers.

"Hold your arm out." Derek tells Parrish.

Parrish hesitantly puts his arm out and Josie drags her fingers over his arm. Parrish winches at the heat against his flesh. As she trails her finger down his arm, it leaves a third degree burn mark trail. She snatches her hand back and pushes her fire back.

"I did it." She laughs in triumph as the fire fades away.

Parrish grips his arm in pain, but he frowns as he watches the trail fade away and new skin was made.


Stiles was with his dad at the hospital and he watches and listens to the doctor talk to his dad as his dad fills out the medical forms.

"All right, Mr. Stilinski..." The doctor says.

"Sheriff." Stiles corrects him.

"Sheriff Stilinski. I've got you scheduled for surgery first thing in the morning. Unfortunately, it's going to take a little digging to get that slug out of your shoulder."

"Yeah, it's fine." Sheriff says. "One more." He beckons the doctor to come closer. "What's this part here? This line? Patient Responsibility." He asks.

"Parts of the procedure and hospital stay not covered by insurance." The doctor explains.

"Are those big parts? Expensive parts?" Sheriff asks, not liking the predictable answer.

"That's between you and your insurance unfortunately. You should start feeling the morphine in a minute. Try to get some rest, Mr...Sheriff." The doctor says and leaves.

Stiles had a nervous look when the doctor explains about the insurance coverage. He bites down on his nails, rocking on his heels.

"Hey, stop that. I was just curious about the terminology. We're not in any kind of dire straits." Sheriff tries to reassure his son.

"I know about the bills, Dad." Stiles scoffs. Sheriff eye's widen in guilt. "I know about the collectors calling about Eichen House. I know about the advance from the department, about the credit cards."

"Stiles, are you going through my stuff?"

"Yeah, I go through all of your stuff. Especially when you keep things from me."

"I keep things from you because you don't need to know everything."

"Yes, I do. I have to know everything. How the hell else am I supposed to take care of you?" Stiles says in frustration.

"You're not supposed to take care of me!" Sheriff yells at him. "I'm the dad. You're the son. You get it? Dad. Son." He points at himself then to Stiles. "I take care of you."

Stiles sighs and slumps into the chair, "We're supposed to take care of each other."

Sheriff sighs, "Hey, we're going to be all right."

"How do you know, Dad?" Stiles taps his foot nervously.

"I don't." Sheriff shakes his head. "But the morphine's kicking in. I'm not all that worried about anything right now." He chuckles and lies back to slowly fall asleep.

Stiles watches his dad, playing with his fingers nervously, "But I am." He whispers to no one.


"What's a Kanima?" Parrish asks. Everyone gives him a frustrated look after explaining the whole story about the supernaturals in Beacon Hills.

"Don't ask me. I'm learning myself." Josie says.

"We'll get back to that." Scott says. "Just know that everyone like us, everyone with some kind of supernatural ability is on the dead pool."

"But I don't even know what I am." Parrish says.

"I'm pretty sure they don't care." Derek scoffs.

"The benefactor, the one who's pulling the strings, seems to know more than any of us. I didn't even know what I was till this whole thing started." Josie says.

"But, you said he or she doesn't know anything about you, other than....being a mate?" Parrish asks.

"A soul a werewolf." Lydia says. "The benefactor knows that if Scott dies, Josie will die along with him."

"That's one hell of a commitment." Parrish scoffs.

Josie chuckles and feels Scott's arm around her. She sighs and buries her face in his neck. Breathing him in.

"How many professional assassins are we talking about?" Parrish asks Derek.

"We're starting to lose count." Lydia says.

"But is it still just professionals?" Scott suddenly thinks.

"I don't think Haigh's ever tried anything like this. I think he was taking a chance." Parrish says.

Josie lifts her head up, "That means anyone with the dead pool could take a chance." She says.

  "But if Haigh had it, then who else does?" Parrish asks. "How easy is it to get this  thing now?"

Everyone looks at each other with worry. Scott's hold on Josie tightens.

"The benefactor might be getting desperate now. But, why? What did we do?" Josie asks.

"We exist." Derek says bitterly.


Liam laid in bed, having trouble getting to sleep. He couldn't stop thinking about everything that he has been through over the last month since he transferred schools. The deadpool, him being a werewolf, getting into life and death situations. Almost losing his friends. He shudders in fear when they nearly lost Scott and Josie because of the bond. That was more terrifying than facing the berserkers. He flips to his side to snuggle into his pillows to try and sleep, till his printer started to go off. Papers slowly fly out as it keep printing over and over. Liam slowly gets up and walks over to it. Picking up the papers it kept spitting out. He looks down in horror as he sees copies of the deadpool being printed out. He tries to turn the power button off but it wouldn't work. So he yanks the plug out of the outlet and breaths a small sigh of relief. But, if this was happening to his printer...was it happening anywhere else?

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