Chapter 36: Last Stand

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The sun began to fall and darkness was coming.  Every second that went by, nerves went up.  Scott and Josie finished up with setting up the building for the battle.    This will end tonight.  Scott looks over at Josie, watching her calling up more roots. Pretty soon, the walls were covered with thick vines.  He carried so much worry for her in his heart, for everyone.  But, she, he didn't want to lose her.  He feared that tonight will be the last night for them.  He paces over to her, and wraps his arms around her, pulling her close against him and gives her a passionate kiss.  Josie fell into his warm loving kiss.  Her heart skipped beats and her breath stopped. Everything stood still for her.  He slowly pulls away, sighing against her lips and resting his forehead against hers.  He looks deep into her emerald green eyes, savoring every inch of her. 

"I love you." He whispers.

Josie smiles against his lips, "I love you, too." She whispers.

From across the room, Satori sighs at the two of them as she watches with tenderness for them.  They are so brave to protect her pact and others.  They will be strong together.  Her face switches back to her hard look as Chris walks up to stand before her.  He follows where her eyes were.  Scott held Josie in his arms and kisses her forehead.  Chris turns back to Satomi.

"I remember meeting you, but you weren't a Buddhist back then."  He says.

"And you weren't protecting werewolves.  You were hunting them." She smirks at him.

"Three things cannot long be hidden The sun.  The moon.  The truth.  What exactly does that mean?"  Chris asks.

She chuckles dryly, "The truth cannot stay hidden."

"I know what the saying means.  What does it mean for you?" Chris asks. 

She sighs, "The truth for me is that we, my kind, are violent creatures, who eventually will not be able to control their violent impulses.  The mantra helps us subdue our nature."

"But you're still violent creatures."  Chris says.

She laughs, "Aren't we all?"

The alarm suddenly blares and everyone's head snaps up.  Josie looks around with worry. 

"They're coming."  Chris says bitterly. 

Scott pulls Josie to a part of the building, that looks like a small storage closet, with a window, "Stay here."

"I'm not gonna sit here and hide while you and the others risk your lives." She protests.

"Josie, we can heal, you can't.  Please..." He begs. 

Josie sighs and shakes her head in frustration, "I don't want to lose you." 

"And I don't want to lose you.  If you get hurt, it's over for us.  You know that.  I love you so much.  Please, stay alive." Scott kisses her again with passion and quickly pulls away.  "Control the elements from here.  So, you'll be safe." 


Back at the Sheriff's station, Peter continues to speak to Meredith, trying everything to get more information out of her. 

"Meredith, you put everyone, including my nephew and my daughter on a death list.  Don't you think you owe us the slightest explanation of why?" He asks bitterly.

"You said it had to be kept secret."  Meredith says.

"I said? I said that to you?"  He asks incredulous.

"You said it."  She nods.

"Meredith."  He leans in closer.  "Allow me to remind you yet again, we have never met...Ever."

Lydia eyes Peter with caution, "What is he doing?"

"You don't remember?" Meredith asks, confused.

"No.  But maybe you do."  Peter shoves the table across the room and pushes Parrish against the wall.

"No, don't!"  Lydia bangs on the mirror. 

Peter goes up to Meredith and grips her by the neck, with his other hand, he forces his claws to erupt and shoves them in the back of her neck. 

Meredith screams in pain as she feels the claws dig deeply into her spinal stem.


Smoke grenades fly into the air and land on the floor. 

"Get back!"  Braedon yells and runs.  Everyone takes cover as the bombs explode, causing a thick smoke fog. 

Assassins spill into the building, shooting left and right at every corner.  Josie watches in horror from the window.  Chris takes a few shots and Derek too.  He jumps out of the way a few times to guard himself.  One of the assassins tries to sneak up on one of the wolves, Josie calls up her fire to make the barrel explode next to him. 


The assassin yells out in pain as the fire burns his body armor and the side of his face.  Chris takes a shot and shoots him dead. 


"Don't! Don't touch them."  Lydia yells as she runs into the interrogation room.  Sheriff and Parrish had their guns up and pointing at Peter.  "If you break the bond you could kill them.  Both of them."  She warns them

"What are we supposed to do?"  Sheriff says, still pointing his gun at Peter. 

"I, uh I don't know."

Peter had his eyes closed, looking like he was sleeping peacefully.

Parrish and Sheriff lower their guns, "What the hell is he doing to her?"  Parrish asks furiously.

Meredith sudden gasps and open her eyes widely.  She starts to mutter softly.

"Do you hear that? She's saying something."  Sheriff says.

"Can you understand that?" Parrish asks.

"I can.  I can hear perfectly.  She was in the hospital.  The same hospital."

"Same as who?"  Parrish asks.

"...Peter.  It was right after the fire.  Meredith could hear him." Lydia says.

"Hear what?" Sheriff asks.

"Everything.  She was hearing every thought in his head, like they'd somehow found the same wavelength.  And now everything going through his mind was also going right into hers."

Parrish asks, "For how long?"

"Weeks.  Maybe even months.  It was almost like he was standing right over her bed talking about the fire." Lydia says.  "About getting revenge."

Peter finally lets go of Meredith, Meredith falls limply against the chair, but Parrish catches her before she met the floor.  Peter falls backwards and lands on the floor, groggily from the memory trip he took with Meredith. 

He looks up and sees Sheriff pointing his gun at him and Lydia glaring at him.

"It was your idea and you don't even remember."  She says.


Kira managed to get a few assassins and Scott was punching one out, roaring in aggression.  Satomi and Chris protected each other like Braedon and Derek protected themselves. 

Josie couldn't just sit here and watch them all die.  She had to help.  She watches Derek and Braedon take a few shots, watching their lips. 

"How many are there?" Derek shouts.

"Too many!"  Braedon shouts back, shooting more. 

Josie breathes heavily, "No more." 

(I know this is the Scarlet Witch but this is how I see Josie come out and attack....Scarlet is my favorite Avenger)

Assassins spill out all around, shooting left and right at the werewolves.  Josie pushes open the closet door, power radiating off her entire body.  Protecting her from the bullets.  With a loud yell, she forces the assassins to fly back by the power of the winds.  The barrels around the building start to explode as the power of fire builds in her core.  Several assassins got caught on fire.  One tries to shoot her but a vine snakes out and strikes him in the stomach, sending him flying against the wall with a loud, painful grunt. 


"Are you kidding me?"  Peter says sarcastically, still a little groggily.

"Hands where I can see them."  Sheriff says, still pointing his gun at him.

"How the hell was I supposed to remember any of that?"  He asks, aggravated.

Sheriff gestures him to get up with his gun.  Slowly, Peter gets to his feet.

"She got it from you."  Lydia points out.

Breathing shakily, "I was out of my mind.  Do you know what it's like for one of us to be in a coma? Paralyzed but cognizant? You try not going crazy."  Peter scoffs.

"She was listening to you."  Parrish says.

"She was listening to the ranting and raving of a lunatic."  Peter stops and stutters, "A former lunatic.  I'm much healthier now.  I had nothing to do with this."  He says.

"If she was following your lead on this, then how do we know there isn't more?"  Sheriff asks.

"Stealing my own money? Really?"  Peter scoffs.

"You were going to use it anyway."  Sheriff says.

"Stop.  Stop it.  This is what she wants.  It's why she's here.  Look around, Sheriff.  There's three people in here right now.  Three people still on the dead pool.  Me, Parrish And Meredith."  Lydia steps up to stop Sheriff from shooting Peter.

"But not him."  Sheriff says.

"Lydia's right.  We don't want to kill each other."  Peter smirks.

"The only person I'm pointing a gun at is you."  Sheriff points out, biting his words.

"Then you better make it a perfect shot, Sheriff, because I don't go down easy."

Sheriff cocks his gun, "I'm willing to bet that a bullet between the eyes doesn't heal real fast...Not even for your kind."

"Stop.  Please, stop."  Lydia says.

"This department's getting more corrupted by the second.  What are you going to charge me with, Sheriff? How are you going to explain this to a judge? Telepathic girl overhears thoughts of comatose werewolf and decides to enact his plans for retribution? Hmm."  Peter clicks his tongue.  "They're gonna be pointing a gun at your head and asking you to go quietly."

"Let him go.  You have to let him go."  Lydia says.

"I'd take the word of a Banshee, Sheriff.  I leave.  No triggers pulled. No blood shed."  Peter says carefully.

Sheriff snarls at him, gritting his teeth, but he puts his gun down.  As much as he hated it, Peter was right.  What judge would believe him?

Peter begins to leave but Sheriff stops him, "That's twice, Peter.  There's not gonna be a third." 

Peter didn't say anything but left.  Meredith begins to panic.  She jumps out of her chair and tries to follow Peter but Lydia and Parrish hold her back.

"No.  It's not finished.  No, it's not finished! No! It's not It's not finished!" She screams out to Peter.


Scott got on assassin down, snarling as he looks around with wounds over his face.  He gets up and sees more  of them. Shooting at him, but the bullets barely stopped him.  He sees Brett running towards him.

"Get the others back.  Tell them to hide."

"Josie!"  Scott yells out as he still feels the bullets. 

Josie calls out the vines to get the assassins and throw them out of the building.  One had a werewolf down with his electric crop.  Before he could strike again, Josie forced a powerful wind to blow him off his feet and into the water she called.  Yelling and screaming in pain, the electricity combined with the water sent painful shocks through the assassin's body till he was out on the floor. 


Stiles and Malia found something at the lake house.  Computer systems from the 1970s.  Large systems.  Stiles believes it was the source of the deadpool.  He finds a keyhole in the machine.  The only way to stop to find the key.

Stiles holds up his cellphone, talking to Lydia through FaceTime,

"You see it? There's got to be a way to turn it off, right?"

Lydia was stuck at the station, she paces around, thinking, "I don't know.  I don't know anything about computers from the 1970s."

"Neither do we."  Stiles says.

"Okay, where's the monitor?"

Stiles paces the study, flinging the camera around, "Lydia, there is no monitor.  There are buttons, knobs, spindles, no monitor."

"Wait, turn the phone back.  Point it at the carpet."  Lydia stops him.

"The what?"

"The floor! Just show me the floor."  Stiles points the camera to the floor.  "Where's the stain? There should be red blotches, a wine stain.  There's nothing.  That doesn't make sense.  I gave the $500 I was supposed to use to hire cleaners to Brunski."  She says.

"Lydia, what the hell does wine have to do with anything?"

"Red wine doesn't just disappear.  Unless it wasn't wine."  She suddenly had a theory.

"What? What do you mean?"  Malia asks.

"The ashes weren't ashes.  The study isn't a study.  The record player isn't a record player.  So...So maybe the wine wasn't wine.  Stiles, you have to find the wine.  Find the bottle.  There could be something about it." Lydia yells into the camera.

"What kind? What's it called?"  Stiles asks.

"It's a 1982 Cotes du Rhone." 

Stiles bursts back into the room, shaking a wine bottle.  A loud rattling was coming from the inside.

"I think there's something inside." He says, panting from the running.  "Do you have, like, a wine opener or...?"

Malia takes the bottle and smashes it into the floor.  Stiles shrugs and brushes the glass away.  He finds a small key.  He picks it up and takes it to the key hole and sticks it in.  It fits!  He looks over to Malia and turns the key...


"Brett? Brett, where are you?"  Lori got stranded from the group.  Lost in the smoke.  All she could hear was explosions and gunshots going off.  She gasps in fright as she sees coming closer before her.  An assassin with his gun pointing at her.  She whimpers in terror, she couldn't move.  She couldn't run.  He slowly raises his gun to her, his laser moving to her forehead.  His finger hovered over the trigger.  Lori closed her eyes, whimpering and waiting for her end. 

Josie runs and stands in front of her,  and uses the wind to knock him off his feet.  He gets up and tries to shoot Josie but Scott knocks him back to the ground.  Roaring in anger.  He tried to kill his mate!  He picks him up and throws him on top of a desk, roaring ferociously and clawing his chest.  Josie pulls Lori into her arms, protecting her.  Josie watches as Scott punches and claws the assassin's chest, his face morphing back and forth till he was nearly a full alpha wolf.  Red eyes glowing brightly.  He snatches the assassin's helmet off and roars his face, clawing till blood spilled from the assassin's lips.  He growls loudly and lifts his claws up till he hears the sound of a dozen cell phones going off.  He growls softly and forces his wolf to go back a little.

As if the cellphones were a signal to the assassins, they all began to stop shooting and retreated.  Scott, still hovering over the assassin, who was covering his face with his hand as protection, feels his cellphone vibrate.  He reaches into the assassin's pocket and pulls out his cell.  He reads it and sighs in relief, but with the assassin back off?  He hovers his cell in the assassin's face for him to read. 


He slowly gets up off the assassin and lets him go.  Pretty soon they were all gone.  Josie lets Lori go to run to Brett and walks over to Scott.  Blood covered his shirt in splatters,  cuts and scratches over his face.  He slowly begins to morph back into human.  Josie feels her powers backing off.  She wraps her arms around him tightly and sighs in relief.  He breathes in her scent, so thankful that she was safe.  He keeps an arm wrapped around her and together they walk out, passing dead bodies of assassins on the ground.  Slowly, all the werewolves and such start to come out from their hiding places.  Scott and Josie make sure everyone was still alive.  So far so good, they were all ok.  Frighten, shaken up, but alive. 

"Is it over? Really over?"  Kira asks.

Scott looks around again and finally nods.  Josie buries her face in his chest and sighs deeply. 


"Are you okay?"  Lydia places the sheriff's coat over Meredith and they both sat in separate seats.  "I guess you are, aren't you?"

Meredith sighs deeply.

"For someone who'd put their own name on a hit list."  Lydia says.

"I had to."  Meredith says.

"Why?"  Lydia asks.

"Because I heard you.  I heard you scream in the tunnels at Oak Creek." Meredith says.

Lydia's eyes widen, that was when Allison died. 

"Allison!!!!!!!"  She could still hear her screams echo in those tunnels.

"That's why I knew it was the right time....To start over."  Meredith says.

Inhaling sharply, "But with Peter?" Lydia asks.

"He's the alpha.  He's always been the alpha.  He'll make it right.  It never was with us.  Too many people died because of us.  We're the monsters.  Even Banshees.  Even me."  Meredith's eyes begin to mist as her voice cracks.

"I don't believe that."  Lydia shakes her head. "Not all monsters do monstrous things."

"Like who?"  Meredith asks.

"Like Scott.  Like Josie."

Meredith begins to smile a little and touches Lydia's cheek, "Like you."

She begins to realize her mistake.  Regret begin to fill her heart, "Oh, God."  She whispers brokenly as tears fell from her eyes.  "What have I done?" 


Peter went back to the sewers to talk to Kate.  Kate leaned on the wall as Peter paces back and forth.

"You look nervous."  She smirks.

"I'm not nervous.  I'm rattled.  I don't like being rattled."  He growls.

"But it's over."  She shrugs.  "The dead pool's done.  And if you need to be reminded, everything else is going exactly your way." 

"Not exactly my way."  He says bitterly.

"Maybe every little piece in your game didn't move just as predicted, but they still moved perfectly into place." She says.

Peter stops pacing and watches the water drip from the ceiling.  He reaches out to catch the drops. 

Kate gets off the walls and walks towards Peter, "You wanna bail on the plan."

"Of course not.  Not when I'm this close."  He scoffs. 

She smirks from behind him.

"Not when I'm this close to killing Scott McCall...and taking Josie as mine." He growls.  

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