Chapter 42: Evolved

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Still stuck in the corner of the basement in the High School, Lydia decides it's time to fight and get out of there.  She HAD to warn them.  Lydia walks over to basket with baseball bats and grabs two. 

"Are you serious?" Mason asks, incredulous.

"Very."  Lydia says with a serious look.

"A baseball bat? Against that guy? Or thing or whatever it is."  Mason scoffs.

"My friends are in trouble.  And so is Liam, your best friend."  Lydia grabs a bat and starts to pace towards the berserker.

"They need me.  I'm going for it.  And yes, with a baseball bat."  Lydia says.

Mason watches her pace towards the Berserker, he sighs and grabs the other bat and takes off running towards it as well screaming in attack mode.

"Argh!"  He shouts and the two of them start hitting the berserker with their bats.  The berserker blocks their strikes till it punches Mason till he's flying across the hallway.  Lydia keeps hitting till she's sliding across the floor, hitting the boxes next to Mason. 

Groaning in pain, "I thought you said it wanted to keep us here, not hurt us."

They see the Berserker growling in anger.

"I think it changed its mind."  Lydia says.

"Excuse me."  The berserker jerks towards the voice. 

"Catch."  Sheriff says while throwing a bomb into the berserker's hands.

Lydia gasps and grabs Mason to hide behind a corner.  Sheriff runs to hide behind another and presses the button for it to explode.

Lydia and Mason covers themselves as the bomb causes a huge explosion, destroying the berserker in the process.

As the smoke cleared, all that was left of the berserker was just animal bones.  Everyone came out of their hiding spots to check the damage.

"You both okay?"

Mason nods.

Sheriff looks down at the burnt animal bones and picks up the skull, examining it.

"It was after me."  Lydia says.  "It wanted me to stay in Beacon Hills.  I think this was all some sort of distraction."

"Because you knew they're trying to kill someone." Sheriff says.

"Kill who?" Mason asks.

Lydia's eyes misted, "Scott."


Scott growls as he fights Liam and Malia and Peter.  Malia and Liam takes turn swiping at him.  Gaining control of the fight.  Peter smirks from the corner, watching his victory come to an joyous end. 

Peter throws Malia a bone knife, "Take him.  Aim for the skull! Kill it.  Kill it now!"  He shouts at her as he and Liam grab Scott and holds him down.

Josie groans in pain as the burning increases on her neck, but she doesn't stop running. 

Malia aims the knife up in the air, getting ready to strike. 

Josie jumps over a few steps and slamming on to the ground, causing a huge air wave around her, thrusting everyone onto the floor.  The bone knife flies out of Malia's hand and slides away. 

The wave explodes through the halls and out of the church.  Throwing several people off their feet, everyone took cover. 

Araya Calaveras coughs and frowns at what she just saw, " What was that?" 

"The elemental."  Chris says and fires his gun at the berserker again.

Araya looks at Chris in shock.  They found her.

Josie holds up her hands, stopping them, "No, wait, wait.  Malia, wait! It's Scott.  It's Scott."  She begs.

Scott growls and gets up off the floor and grabs Liam by his neck, holding him against the wall in the air.  

"Scott? Scott, don't! Scott, it's me."  Liam shouts. 

"Scott."  Josie whimpers.

Liam looks and sees Scott's eyes.  Those were his eyes, yet not.  Scott was losing himself.  Losing his humanity. 

"Scott, Scott, listen, listen, listen! You're not a monster! You're a werewolf! Like me."  Liam groans out.  Scott tilts his head.  They were gaining him back.  But, he begins to lift his blade, ready to strike.

"Scott!"  Josie sobs, feeling the mark burn.  Stiles looks at her neck, seeing the mark.  It was barely there but he could see it.

"Scott, think about Josie.  Remember Josie."  Stiles says.

Scott freezes at that name.  Josie.  Flashbacks invaded his mind.  Josie laughing.  Her smile.  Her eyes sparkling in happiness.  Her kisses.  Feeling her in his arms.  Making love to her on the couch. 

"This is the life we could have..."  "Say hi to daddy, Seth."  "I love you."  "My wolf man."

Scott lets go of Liam, slowly bringing him to his feet.  Blinking out of his trance.  He backs away and starts tearing off his armor.  Peter watches bitterly.  He was so close!

Scott reaches for the skull and tears it in half.  It glows as the crack forms in the middle. With a loud scream, he was finally free in his Alpha form.

Josie falls to the ground, clutching her neck as it begins to burn.  "Josie!" Stiles catches her as she begins to scream in pain and watches her neck.   The mark was coming back.  She sighs in relief as it faded away.  She touches her neck, feeling the familiar scar. 

Scott looks over to Peter with such anger.

"You."  He growls out.  Everyone follows his gaze.  "The only one who knew as much as Argent about Berserkers.  About the Nagual.  You taught Kate.  You helped her.  All for power."

"He wanted to be an Alpha.  To practically be royalty."  Josie snarls at him then looks at Scott.  "He wanted me by his side.  As his queen."  She says, bitterly.

"Not just you, Josie.  For my family's power.  To be rightfully inherited by me.  Not usurped by some idiot teenage boy, so incorruptible, he won't shed the blood of his enemies even when justified.  You don't deserve your power.  Not power like this."  Peter growls. 

He transforms into his full wolf form and roars at Scott.  Malia roars at him and tries to attack but with a forceful swipe he sends Malia flying backwards, making her hit a broken table.

"Oh, sorry, sweetheart, we'll talk about this later."  Peter says sarcastically.

Josie calls the fire inside her, her arms lighting up and Kira gets her sword and both prepares to fight.  Scott holds his hand up and backs them away.  Josie was unsure but she pushes back the fire and Kira backs off as well.

Scott walks slowly towards Peter and Peter starts to circle, getting ready to attack.

"You were my Beta first, Scott.  It was my bite that changed your life.  And my bite that can end it."

"Then, end it, Peter.  Because you won't get another chance."

Peter lets out a loud growl and jumps into the air at Scott.  Scott roars loudly and jumps to meet him with a large swipe. 


Outside the Calaveras were losing tremendously.  The berserker and Kate were slaughtering them.  Braedon hid in the corner of a wall, keeping Derek's body safe as she shoots continuously at Kate and the Berserker.  After Kate kills one hunter, she roars in triumph and smirks as she senses Araya. 

"You're next, Araya.  I'm coming to kill you next."  She smirks.

Araya unleashes an electric crop.  "Come, La Loba.  Let me show you how the Calaveras die."  She says.

Before they could fight, a loud howl erupts from the air.  Araya looks behind her where the sound came from. 

Braedon frowns in confusion and looks towards where Derek was, his body was gone. 

A large black wolf jumps over a crumbled wall and rushes towards Kate. Kate lets out a loud growl but It's eyes glowed bright blue at her which startles her.  It jumps and attacks her.  Kate covers herself and feels the wolf digging it's teeth into her skin.  It was too strong for her.  She cries out in pain as it lets her go.  She crawls away as it growls down at her.  She feels her jaguar retreating and her human side coming forth.  She looks over her shoulder as she hears footsteps everyone's was Derek!  Derek was the wolf!

"You were...You were dead."  She stutters in surprise.

"No.  I was evolving." He says. "Something you'll never do."

The berserk shrieks and goes for Derek but Derek rushes to it and blocks it strikes.  He grips the skull on the berserker's face and rips it in half.  The berserker suddenly explodes and turns to ashes.

With her berserkers destroyed, she knew she had no chance.  Kate gets up and makes a run for it but Chris manages to shoot her with a bullet, loaded with wolfsbane.  She's thrust back on to the ground, groaning in pain from the shot.  She looks and sees who the shooter was and she was shocked that it was Chris.  Chris had a look that held so many emotions. 

"Chris?"  Kate says breathlessly. 

She gets up and runs for the tunnels in the church.  Chris groans in pain and runs after her.


"Come on, Scott.  Come on!"  Peter yells at Scott as they fight in the church.  Scott swipes at Peter and gets a few good shots.  But, so does Peter.  Scott does flips to avoid his attacks.  Malia, Josie, Liam, and Stiles watch him fight.  Josie gasps when Peter picks Scott up and slams him into the wall.

"Pathetic."  Peter picks him up again and slams him into the other wall.  "Fight like an Alpha, Scott."  He growls out and picks Scott up again.  Scott growls and when Peter tries to slam him again, Scott runs up the wall and twists to turn the tables to make Peter slam into a table.  Scott picks him up but Peter manages to punch him and head butts him.  With a strong punch, he knocks Scott to the ground.

"You want to defeat me? You're going to have to kill me!"  Peter roars.

Liam tries to help, but Peter catches that and roars at him.  Peter picks up a large wooden bench and throws it at Liam.  Josie sneaks up behind him and hits him in the head with a wooden leg from an old chair. The impact caused the leg to break in half.

Peter snarls and turns to face her, "Ow."  He says, unaffected.  He grips her by the throat and holds her close. 

"Now, now, little one.  No need to get rough.  I'm saving that for the honeymoon."  Peter smirks. 

Josie groans in disgust as he licks the side of her face. 

Scott growls in anger.

"Oh, forgot to tell you, Malia.  You're daddy is getting hitched.  With this lucky little lady right here.  I don't care if you are mated.  You...are...mine."  Peter growls lowly.  "Give me a kiss, sweetheart."  He grips her throat tighter and pulls her closer to him.  Josie moves to avoid him. 

Scott roars and gets up and grabs him from behind throws him across the room, making him drop Josie. 

Peter gets up and growls, he tries to punch Scott again but Scott manages to block his strikes.  Peter does it again, another block.  Scott ducks a swing and aims for Peter's abdomen.  With a large upper-cut, he sends Peter flying across the room, hitting a wall. 

He jumps on to the altar and stands tall, looking down at a defeated Peter. 

"You were never an Alpha, Peter. But you were always a monster."  Scott says.

Peter snarls and tries to get up, but Scott jumps off the altar, delivering a strong punch in Peter's face.  Knocking him out cold. 

Scott slowly stands up straight as everyone comes out of their hiding spots.  Josie rubs her throat, sighing in relief.  Scott walks over to her and holds out a hand for her.  Smiling, she took it and he pulls her in to his arms, shoving his face into her neck and breathing her in.  He missed her smell.  He pulls back a little, breathing in a sigh of relief as he sees the mark, he lightly brushes his thumb over it, sending shivers down her spine. 


Kate grunts painfully as Chris fires another shot at her.  Causing her to stumble down a few steps.  He keeps shooting till he was out of bullets.  Both pant as they stop in the middle of fork of tunnels.  Chris grips his side in pain where the bar impaled him and Kate grips her gunshot wounds, looking at her brother in sadness.

"You want to kill me, Chris?"

"No.  But I don't want to save you anymore either.  I don't know that you're worth saving."  His voice trembles.

"Just like when we were kids.  Always trying to make me the bad guy."  Kate says bitterly.  "You can't see them clearly anymore, can you? Scott's not your little hero.  None of 'em are.  Not when they killed Allison."  Her voice breaks at the end.

Chris's face suddenly laces with anger as his upper lip twitches at the sound of Allison's name.  He walks closer to her, staring down at her. 

"Allison died."  He snarls out.

"She died saving her friends. Who would you die for? Hmm?"  He asks her, bitterly.

"You're not gonna kill me. " She slowly smirks at him and backs away, groaning in pain.  "And you're not gonna catch me.  Not you.  Not Peter.  And not the Calaveras."  And like that, she was gone.  Chris lets out a sob, his breathing raggedly.  He knew she was right.  Despite what she was and what she did, she is family.  His blood.

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