Chapter 6: What Kate Wants

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Scott was in shock as he told them that Kate has Derek...and Josie. He started to feel a rage building inside him. He's been feeling so weird since he met Josie. It really pisses him off knowing that Kate has her and knowing Kate, he will hurt her or kill her. Peter and Malia start to run to the door but, Scott stops them.

"Wait!" He calls out.

They stop and look at him impatiently, "For what?" Peter asks. "Kate's out there, twisting her way into Derek's head yet again. And not to mention, she's holding a human girl hostage. We need to find her." He says.

Scott thinks long and hard. "All we need is a scent." Malia says

He shakes his head, "That could take hours. If we want to get ahead of her, we need to figure out where she's going." Scott says.

"Not to underestimate my own cognitive faculties, but we're not exactly a brain trust of geniuses here." Peter points out.

Scott takes out his phone, "Maybe we should call one."

Peter smirks, liking where this is going.


Earlier, Lydia and Kira discovered a mutilated gas station attendant in the ladies room where they stopped for gas. Somehow, Lydia knew they had to be there. Now, here they stood in front of body, blood covering every inch of the bathroom, not missing a spot.

"We called Stilinski." Lydia says into her phone as Kira and her step over the body, avoiding the blood. "They're on their way."

"What does it look like? Can you send pictures?" Scott asks.

Whining softly, "Uh, okay." Lydia says. She gets her phone ready and aims it at the dead body. "To be honest, I have a 4.0 in AP Biology and there's parts of the human anatomy I have never seen before on these walls."

Both began quivering in disgust as Lydia moves to get a good aim of the dead body. She clicks the picture and sends it to Scott's phone.

All of three of them look at the picture carefully, examining the details.

"Why would she kill a gas station attendant?" Malia asks.

"I don't think she could help it. This was done in a frenzy. It's not a murder." Peter says, then stops and realizes. "It's a symptom." He sighs.

"Of what?" Scott asks.

"She can't control the shift." Peter says.

"Derek said he had the same issue on the full moon. That he was still learning." Scott says.

Malia's eyes widen, "Kate's still learning?"

"She wants to learn." Peter states the obvious.

"So, she wants Derek to teach her?" Malia asks, confused.

Peter groans, "No, she wants the Triskelion." He sighs.


Kate roughly pulls Josie with her, following Derek to where she wanted him to take her. Josie whimpers as she follows them. The wind blew roughly around them as the leaves on the ground danced in the wind. Kate kept Josie close to her. Not just for protection or bribery, she seemed to have more control with the girl around. When Derek took her, the farther Josie got from Kate, the more she started to lose control. So she decided to keep a better hold on Josie.

Derek didn't like this. Why wouldn't she let her go? This isn't the Kate he remembers. He didn't want Josie to get hurt, but Kate needs his help. As they got near the courtyard, Derek sighs and stops.

Kate turns, tugging Josie with her, "What's wrong?" She asks.

"I don't know about this." Derek says. "I'm not suppose to show the vault to anyone outside my family."

Kate sighs and takes his hand, "Come on, we've talked about this." She pouts.

"Yeah, but, how do you even know?" He asks.

"Because you told me." Kate says, obviously. "Don't you remember?"

He shakes his head in frustration.

Kate sighs then moves up closer to him, "Tell me if you remember this." She reaches up and grips the back of his neck, gently pulling him down to kiss her. Josie gags at the sight and winces when Kate grips her wrist tighter. Derek sighs as the kiss breaks and buries his face in her neck. "We get inside the vault. We get the Triskelion. And then everything goes back to normal." She says.

Derek pulls back and looks shocked, "That's all you want?" He asks.

Kate nods, "That's all we need."

Derek looks over at Josie as she watches them closely, "And Josie? Will you let her go?" He asks.

Kate smiles softly, "I promise." she says. "But right now, we have to get to that vault."

Derek nods and keeps moving.

"Lies." Josie mutters. Kate yanks at her hair without Derek knowing. Josie yelps.

"Now, now, dear. Don't overwork that pretty head of yours. No one likes wrinkles at such a young age." Kate smirks softly. Kate drags a claw over Josie's skin. "Such a pretty young girl you are. But, what are you? That scent is so familiar." Kate murmurs. She yanks Josie again to keep up with Derek.

Derek leads the two of them towards the high school's sign, "Over here." He says.

Kate yanks Josie to stand next to them, "Why would your family build a vault under a high school?" Kate asks.

"The vault was here first." Derek says. He flings his hand to make his claws spring out.

Josie gasps in shock.

Derek looks at her guilty and tries to explain but Kate interrupts, "Yeah, that's right, sweetie. There's more than meets the eye about us." She smirks while showing her neon green eyes. Josie yelps and tries to yank herself out of Kate's arm but Kate was too strong. "Uh-uh-uh, try anything and I don't think I could help myself." She snarls.

"Kate, you promised." Derek says.

Kate sighs and her eyes change back to normal, "Just wanted to tease her." Kate laughs.

Derek sends Josie an apologetic look and digs his claws into the Celtic symbol that was on the side of the school's sign. Static shocks erupts from the symbol and after a few twists and turns, the symbol sinks into the cement and lifts to turn to make an opening into the ground. Kate pulls on Josie as she goes down first and Derek follows. They reach a horizontal barred gate. Derek moves over to the side and types in a code and opens it for Kate. Josie looks in wonder, so many antiques everywhere. Reflections of water dancing on the walls. Derek moves to look for the Triskelion for Kate as Kate drags Josie along with her towards a large safe with the same Celtic symbol printed on the small door. She smirks at the sight of it. Josie frowns, watching her closely.


Malia, Scott, and Peter finally makes it to the school and runs up the steps through the courtyard but Malia stops and smells the air.

Scott stops, "Did you catch a scent?" He asks.

Malia nods, "It's the same one." She looks around. "The same one as Mexico."

Peter steps closer, "What is she talking about?" He asks.

"One of them came after us in the Church ruins." Scott says.

"And one on the road." Malia adds as she walks closer to them. "They couldn't have followed us here." She says in confusion.'

"But, they could've been brought, by Kate." Scott realizes.

Suddenly, a loud ferocious growl erupts in the air. A very familiar sound to all of them. Especially, Peter, which explains the fear reaching to his eyes and face.

"Ohh, I've heard that sound before." He states. "Did it have a animal skull? A human wearing a skull over it's face?" He asks.

Malia nods, "I think so."

"What are they?" Scott asks.

Peter turns slowly as he hears the soft thuds of heavy footsteps drawing closer towards. He gazes over Malia's shoulder, his eyes widen at the sight. A 7 foot tall figure covered in animal bones and armor with a huge animal skull covering the face. It's growls rumbled with every step it took as it drew closer and closer to them.

"Berserkers." Peter says in horror.

Malia gets into attack mode and starts to run at him but Peter holds her back, "Are you crazy?"

"There's just one of them." She tries to get out of his grip.

"And that means we have a chance." He says still holding her back.

"To beat him?" She asks.

Peter slowly lets go over her and starts going in the other way, "To survive." He says and takes off running.

Scott and Malia watches him take off and they decided they should too. But the berserker was faster.


Derek continues to look for the Triskelion and Kate moves closer to the safe. She turns to Josie and forces her to stand next to her, "Move, and I'll rip out your innards and eat them for breakfast." She glares at Josie and lets her go. Josie winces and rubs her wrist.

"Not that." Derek says as he brings her a box. Josie watches as he opens it and sees a leather bound circle with three spirals.

She carefully picks it up and exams it, "That's it? " She asks.

Derek nods. "Aren't you sure?" She asks.

"Yeah." Derek says, nodding.

Confused, Kate flips it over, examine it thoroughly, "Doesn't look like much." She says.

Josie watches them both closely, remembering what Chris taught her. Never take your eyes off your enemy. Suddenly, she senses someone coming, she sees a shadow drawing near and sees a man coming down.

"That's cause it isn't. " Peter says walking towards them slowly. "Quite the elaborate scheme you have here, Kate. Two countries. Aztec temples. Derek returned as a teenager. One that trusted you. One that loved you." Peter tsks. "All this complication just to gain access to our vault. Just to get your hands on that little piece of junk."

Kate's lip twitch in anger. Josie slowly takes a step away from Kate, not taking her eyes off her.

"Turn it over. Go ahead. There's a scrape on the back that used to say 'Made in China'." Peter smirks as he beckons her.

"You're lying." She snarls.

"Eh, I admit I have a tendency to exaggerate things. But, in this case, the truth is much more fun." Peter smiles slyly. Josie takes another step away. Derek looks over at her and shook his head discreetly. Josie eyes him, but stops.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart, that little pendant is just a physical object to focus on. It's training wheels. Talia used it to teach Laura. I tried to use it to teach Derek." Peter says.

Derek looks confused as much as Kate it. But, on the other hand, Kate looks pissed.

A loud roaring erupts into the air, it didn't have to take hearing person to actually hear that. Josie could actually feel the roar. Against her heart. She rubs her chest and gasps.


Outside, Malia and Scott were outnumbered by three Berserkers, but that didn't stop them from wolfing out on them. Scott's eyes glowed a bright red and his canines bursts from his mouth as he snarled and roared at the berserkers. Malia growls and claws at them, her eyes turning a bright blue. Scott manged to claw at one but, didn't look like it was doing much. The one Scott clawed slammed him against wall and the other slashed at Malia, cutting her leg deep and throwing her against the gated rail.


Kate grabs a hold of Derek, "Is this real? Tell me is this real?" She growls at Derek.

"Didn't you hear that? That was Scott! I just heard Scott!" Derek says, panicking for the safety of his friends. Josie gasps. Scott? That sound was Scott? She looks at the stairs.

"TELL ME!" Kate screams, startling Josie.

"I don't know and I don't care!" Derek shouts at her. He runs and grabs Josie's hand, pulling her away for safety.

Peter suddenly grabs Josie, stopping both of them, he eyes her carefully and takes a deep breath, "That scent. It can't be." He mutters. Josie yanks from his grip and runs with Derek.

Josie tries as hard as she can to keep up with Derek. Panting and gripping her side in pain from running, she gasps when Derek suddenly stops. From where they could see, Scott and Malia fighting two really big berserkers.

"What the hell are those?" Josie pants out.

"Stay here." Derek says, making sure she hears that.

"Derek, wait!" She calls out.

He makes a run towards the berserkers and starts swiping at them, kicking them, flipping out of the way. Every strike he made, Josie could see his face shifting. She scrunches her brows in confusion. She gasps when she notices a maneuver that was familiar, "Derek, watch out!" she cries out. Derek caught that and dodges the move.


Meanwhile, Peter and Kate circled each other, both eyeing each other, getting ready for one to make a move.

"Derek gave up on it back when he learned another way to control the shift. When I taught him, I taught him to use emotion. To use anger. And to focus on it. To feel every ounce of rage and hatred that he could summon. So you want to learn to control it?" Peter snarls. "You want to get angry, Kate? LET'S GET ANGRY!" He flings his hands to summon his claws as his eyes glowed an eerily blue, snarling as his canines burst from his mouth. Kate gets into attack mode as well, but they both stop when they see smoke bombs coming down the stars and exploding. Causing them to go blind from the brightness. Peter and Kate both groaned in pain as their eyes burned from the brightness. But, Peter squints, he could see a figure coming through the smoke and lights. He tries to get up but he still couldn't see right. He barely watches as the figure makes their way to the family safe. He looks in shock as they open it and took out a briefcase from the safe. Kate managed to get out and takes off running.


Josie watches as Derek is dodging and ducking but she could see if he makes on false move, he's done. She had to do something. She looks over and sees Stiles and a bright strawberry blond girl with red lips next to him. One she immediately recognized as Lydia. But, she also noticed a metal bat in Stile's hand. She quickly runs towards Stiles and grabs the bat.

"Josie, what are you doing?" Stiles exclaims.

"No time to talk, Derek's in trouble. Hey, Lydia." She talks fast and runs back towards Derek. She takes a deep breath and remembers her training. She runs and uses a wall as a leverage to jump and swing the bat against one of the berserkers head before he took a swing at Derek.

Growling loudly, it quickly turns towards her and starts to swipe at her but she ducks for cover at every move and managed to get some good swings at him.

Scott watches in disbelief at what he was seeing. Josie was able to dodge every move the berserk threw at her. She even did a matrix move when it tried to do a strong swipe. Derek kicks at one and swipes his claws at it. Josie held the bat up to block out a few swipes, till it finally sliced the bat in half.

"Oh, damn." Josie gasps.

Growling loudly, it reaches to grab her but Josie moves away faster. It uses it's large knife to swipe at her but she does a few back flips to avoid every swipe.

She gasps when it nearly reached her but Derek jumps to swipe it's back, luring it's attention away from her.

Suddenly, a loud shrieking is heard. The Berserkers stop and left all of the sudden. Josie stood panting and bends over, groaning. She stands up and looks over at Derek, still in attack mode but stands up straight. But, it wasn't 15 year old Derek anymore. It was 23 year old Derek. She gasps, what happened? Derek turns to his friends, panting from the fight, his eyes glowing bright yellow.

Josie walks over to everyone, panting, swallowing hard, "What the hell is going on?!" She shrieks.


Stiles and Lydia goes down to check on Peter, Peter was examining the safe, still confused with the whole thing,

"It was never...Never about the Triskelion. They took it, they took it while I was blinded." He mutters in frustration.

"Took what?" Lydia asks.

Peter sighs and stands up to look at them, "Bonds. Bearer bonds and they took them all."

"Bearer bonds? Hold on. Are you saying you got robbed?" Stiles asks in disbelief.

"Yes, this was a heist." Peter says, sarcastically. He sighs, "Somebody planned this." He says furiously.

"How much did they take?" Lydia asks.

"117..." Peter says.

"Thousands?" Stiles cuts him off.

Peter turns back to the safe, "Million."

I really hope you guys like this. I'm planning to go through chapters by the episode. So this is gonna be a pretty long book. How many are excited for season 6? I'm hearing rumors spread around the web. I can't wait to see what they are coming up with. Lots of love ~Song~

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