Chapter 10

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A/N: Hey! 2020 is almost over now! It's about 1:30 right now where I am, so I've still got about 12 hours left, but I'm definitely excited for next year. I'll finish this book today, then upload the next book and maybe 2-3 chapters. After that, I'll update January 1st, no update on January 2nd, and update on the 3rd and 4th, and slower updates after that (once or twice a week). Thank you all for your support!

The hours passed quite quickly as they all kept busy; Jax and Ezra sparred so many times and Ahsoka lost count, and she and Rex talked, and they all got a small amount of sleep. And now they were on Onderon. Ahsoka hadn't placed a foot on the planet in sixteen years.

"Been a while, hasn't it?" Rex commented.

"Yeah," Ahsoka said. "I was here for weeks during the war."

"You've been here?" Ezra asked.

"Yes," Ahsoka responded. "I helped during the Siege from the Separatists during the Clone War."

"So you know your way around?" Hera asked.

"Possibly," Ahsoka said. "But it's been over fifteen years. Things have changed. But I think I know where we're going."

"Sato said the supplies were near an old outpost from the War," Kanan said. "Outside the city. They have a rebel group of their own."

"Well, I know where that is," Ahsoka said. "Follow me." She ran out of the edge of the city towards the base that she had helped the rebels during the Clone War secure.

They arrived there and Ahsoka knocked on the door. "Hello?" she called.

The door creaked open and she was greeted by a man holding a gun. "Who are you?"

"I'm Fulcrum," Ahsoka replied. "We're from the Rebellion. We've come for supplies."

The man nodded. "Right this way." He led them to a wall of crates and Sabine and Zeb walked to them and started to move the crates.

"Thank you," Jax said. "We should get going."

Ahsoka nodded. "Let's go. You guys go ahead and Jax, Rex, and I will watch your back."

Hera smiled. "Thanks. Let's get moving!" The six of them (and Chopper) raced out the post.

"I'm pretty sure the Empire will be on our trial," Ahsoka said. "I'm sure we can hold them off."

"Stormtroopers are about as smart as a battle droid, so it's not that different," Rex said with a smirk.

Ahsoka chuckled. "You can always seem to crack a joke, old man."

Rex ran out of the door. "Just trying to lighten the mood!"

"Just shut up and run," Ahsoka grumbled.

"Sure thing, Commander," Rex said.

Always has to have the last word, Ahsoka thought with a small smile.

They ran for some time and Ahsoka looked behind her back, and she saw a stormtrooper on a speeder.

Ahsoka pressed a button on her comm. "We've got company!" There were more stormtroopers now, about a company behind them.

"Can you hold them off while we get the supply's on the Ghost?" Hera asked.

"Rex and I got it," Ahsoka replied, and the connection ended with a beep.

"Jax, go to the ship!" Ahsoka ordered.

Jax nodded and started to run. "We'll pick you up!" he called.

Ahsoka looked at Rex. "You shoot, I shield?"

Rex nodded and spun his pistols in his hands.

Ahsoka shuffled in front of him and started to deflect the blaster bolts as the stormtroopers shot at the two of them. Ahsoka crouched down so that Rex could shoot over her head.

They kept doing that, Ahsoka deflecting and Rex shooting until the Ghost came overhead.

"Let's go!" Jax shouted from where he was standing on the front ramp.

Ahsoka looked at Rex. "Do you have a cable with you?"

Rex nodded. "Don't know how well it will hold, though."

"Doesn't matter," Ahsoka said. "The Ghost can't get any lower." she deflected a few more shots.

Rex grabbed the cable from a pouch on his belt and then shot the cable up to one of the poles on the Ghost's ramp. He wrapped his hands around the cable and started to climb up, and Ahsoka went shortly after him, still keeping one lightsaber ignited so she could protect her and Rex. Ahsoka put her foot on the ramp and took Rex's extended hand. She pulled herself up and walked onto the Ghost, and the ramp closed.

She put her lightsabers on her belt and sat down in the small meeting area of the Ghost. "That was more eventful than expected," she commented.

"Isn't everything?" Rex said.

Ezra walked in. "Okay, that was super cool," he said.

"Yeah, it was phenomenal," Jax added.

Ahsoka and Rex shared a glance. "What do you mean?" Ahsoka asked.

"Your fighting," Ezra said, his eyes widening.

"You were perfectly in sync!" Jax exclaimed. "It was... unbelievable."

"Oh," Rex said. "I guess that happens when you fight with someone for so long."

"But you took down almost half a company of bucket-heads!" Jax sputtered. "Over three hundred troopers! Is that not a big deal?!"

"Thanks?" Rex said. "At the time, it didn't seem like much."

"Not much?" Ezra gasped.

Ahsoka couldn't help but smile. "Eventually, I'm sure that you both will be able to do it."

Ezra crossed his arms. "I doubt it," he grumbled.

"Ezra, have some faith in your abilities," Ahsoka said, standing up. She walked over to the teen. "I was just like you once. You have to remind yourself that I am almost twenty years older than you, and I've been doing this my whole life. It takes time. And as Rex says, experience outranks everything. You'll get better, I'm sure of it."

"How come I don't get an optimistic speech?" Jax said.

Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "Jax, you know this. Even you have more experience than Ezra."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jax asked.

"Jax, you're the son of a Force user and a clone," Ahsoka said. "If you weren't a good soldier, then I'd be disappointed."

"So you're proud of me?" Jax asked with a grin.

"Of course," Ahsoka replied, ruffling Jax's hair.

Hera walked out of the cockpit. "Ahsoka, we just got a transmission. It's from the Senator of Onderon. He says he wants to talk to you."

Ahsoka stifled a sigh. "Alright."

"Chopper, get in here!' Hera called. Chopper came rolling out, saying a chorus of curses that Ahsoka was not going to translate.

Chopper parked in front of Ahsoka and the transmission popped up.

"Ahsoka!" Lux said.

"Hello, Lux," Ahsoka said with a small smile.

"I didn't know you were Fulcrum," he commented.

Ahsoka looked at him. He was older, slightly taller, his hair in the same cut it had been, peach fuzz growing on his face. He was wearing more formal attire and stood with an aura of authority. "And who says I am?" Ahsoka retorted.

"Well, you have the infamous Captain of Phoenix Squadron and her crew, a clone, and unless that teenager is Fulcrum, it's you," Lux replied, crossing his arms.

"Someone's been paying attention," Ahsoka commented.

"Who is the kid?" Lux asked.

"He's my son," Ahsoka responded.

"And who's his father?" Lux asked. "Is--Is it me?"

"No," Ahsoka said, her voice holding an edge. "He's not. Lux, whatever was between us so many years ago, it's not there anymore. It's been too long. I have a family now."

"Ahsoka," Lux said. His voice was tight with pain. "I still love you. I've gotten so many marriage proposals, and I've turned them all down. I was waiting for you. And when the Jedi were wiped out, I still waited for you."

"Lux, I'm sorry," Ahsoka said. "But you need to move on. I'm sure you'll find someone. And I hope we can put all personal matters aside. For the Rebellion. I will not lose to the Empire because of personal affairs."

"Fine," Lux snapped. "So be it." The screen blanked out, and Ahsoka sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"What did the Senator want?" Ezra asked. "They don't call for no reason."

"Personal matters," Ahsoka replied. "Just some things that happened a long time ago."

"I can't believe you never told me You almost hooked up with the Senator of Onderon!" Jax cried. "That's full of drama. Mom, that's some juicy gossip. Spill."

"Wait, you hooked up with him?" Ezra questioned.

"Kind of," Ahsoka replied, seesawing her hand.

"How'd you meet him?" Ezra asked.

"Well, Anakin wanted me to learn about politics, so Senator Amidala and I were talking, and she wanted to see her friend Mina Bonteri," Ahsoka started. "So I used my status as a Jedi to sneak onto a Separatist planet, and while we were there, I met Mina's son, Lux. We became friends, and then Padme and I left, and Lux and I assumed that we would never meet again."

"And that didn't happen," Jax said flatly.

"No," Ahsoka said. "Mina was killed, and Padme and I were on Mandalore this time, in a meeting with Senators from both sides. Lux barged in and accused Dooku of murder, and Lux was taken captive. I rescued him, and he knocked me out on the ship we escaped on and took me to Carlac. The home of a Mandalorian terrorist group, Deathwatch."

"Why are we talking about Deathwatch?" Sabine asked, walking into the room.

"Ahsoka almost got together with the Senator of Onderon and he kidnapped her and took her to Carlac." Ezra summarized.

"Oh," Sabine said. She sat down next to Ezra and looked at Ahsoka. "Continue."

"Lux and Deathwatch's leader, Pre Vizsla, were teaming up to kill Dooku," Ahsoka said. "After a series of events, I convinced Lux that Death Watch couldn't be trusted, and we escaped. A few Mandalorians came after us, and that's actually where I met one of my friends, Bo-Katan Kryze. And then he went back to his planet and I went to Coruscant. Later, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Rex, and I went to Onderon to free them from the Separatists, That's the last time Lux and I saw each other."

"So he was over-obsessing over you, and you had a boyfriend," Sabine said.

"Essentially," Ahsoka said. "But Rex and I didn't get together until almost a year later."

"Now, that was quite the interesting story," Jax said, pointing a finger.

"Is that what I am now?" Ahsoka asked. "The storyteller?"

"Your stories are cool!" Ezra protested. "I like hearing them."

"I'm glad you enjoy them," Ahsoka said with a warm smile.

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