Chapter 13

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They boarded the ship, and Kanan took off. Ezra walked to the front of the ship where Kanan was piloting, and Jax and Ahsoka were in the back.

"You have your lightsabers, right, Jax?" Ahsoka asked.

"Yes, mom," Jax replied.

"Your blaster?" She asked.

"Yes, mom," Jax replied. "Mom, I'm fifteen. You don't have to worry about me so much."

"Well, I do," Ahsoka replied. "And I'm your mother. I will never stop worrying about you."

"You should call Rex," Jax said. They were in hyperspace now. "He told you to."

"I know," Ahsoka said. She sent a transmission to Rex, and he immediately responded.

"Thank you," Rex said. "For actually listening to me."

"What do you mean?" Ahsoka asked. "I always listen to you."

"You sure?" Rex replied skeptically.

"I just don't always follow what you tell me," Ahsoka replied.

"Well, that sure does clear things up," Rex said. Yeah, I'm trying to do that before I die, Ahsoka thought darkly.

"Once we drop out of hyperspace, we'll be going dark," Ahsoka said. This was probably going to be her last conversation with Rex. She needed to make it worthwhile, but she also didn't want to say anything that would affect Rex not coming on the mission more than it already did.

"Ahsoka, you don't have to go to Malachor alone," Rex said. "I could be there in two rotations."

"I'm not alone, Rex," Ahsoka replied with a slight eye roll. They had had this argument so many times before.

"You know, I could have ordered you to take me along," Rex said, pointing a finger at her.

"You don't exactly outrank me anymore," Ahsoka replied, a smile on her face.

"In my book, experience outranks everything," Rex said.

"Hmm," Ahsoka said. "Then I definitely outrank you."

"May the Force be with you," Rex said. He gave her a worried look. "And please, come back to me."

"I will," Ahsoka replied. But at that point, she wasn't sure. It was starting to seem more likely that she wasn't than she was. "I love you."

"I love you, too." And the transmission went dark as they left hyperspace.

"Why is Rex so worried?" Ezra asked. "What does he know that I don't?"

"Malachor has always been off-limits to Jedi," Kanan replied vaguely.

"Why?" Ezra asked.

"Old legends," Kanan replied. "Stories told to us as younglings in the Temple."

"There's always a bit of truth in legends," Ahsoka said, her voice emotionless. She couldn't let anyone see her fear. It would only make the mission worse.

"If Malachor is off-limits, why would Master Yoda send us here?" Ezra asked.

"I don't know," Kanan said. "But I trust Master Yoda. There's something here for us."

"Yeah." Ezra agreed. "Something to help us stop the Inquisitors."

"Knowledge," Ahsoka added.

They flew in the atmosphere of Malachor, and Jax was still silent. When they got close to land, Chopper started complaining.

"A ship?" Ezra asked. "What type?"

He beeped again.

"He can't tell." Ezra translated.

"Track it," Kanan ordered. "Let's see who else is interested in this place,"

"Whoa, look up ahead!" Ezra said, pointing to a crater. "What is that?"

"I don't know," Kanan replied. "But the ship we're tracking went there. I'm gonna set 'er down."

He landed the ship, and the four of them stepped out. "I don't see any ship," Ezra said.

"It's gotta be around here somewhere," Kana said. "Chopper, try to get a fix on its location."

Chopper beeped a yes! And flew off.

They walked up to these stone pillars with writing on them, and Ahsoka knelt.

"What are these things?" Ezra asked.

"This writing. It's in the old tongue." She realized.

"Can you read it?" Kanan asked.

"I can try," Ahsoka said. "It's a very old form. I can... only make out a few words."

Ahsoka studied them for a moment. She started to translate it, talking to herself, and Ezra reached forward and put a hand out.

Ahsoka quickly stood up. "No! Ezra, don't!" She warmed, but he had already touched the stone. His hand left a red mark, and the ground collapsed beneath them, and they all fell.

They landed on the ground, and Ahsoka somersaulted and quickly got back up into a standing position. "Ugh." She said.

"That hurt," Jax commented, brushing dust off his pants. It was the first thing he had said since they had landed on Malachor. He was still very nervous.

Kanan and Ezra got up, and Ezra looked ahead of them. "What is that?" He asked.

Oh no. Ahsoka thought. "A Sith Temple." She responded grimly. Ezra walked ahead of her, and they all kept moving forward. Whatever they needed to know, it was probably in the temple.

Chopper beeped through Ezra's comm. "Oh, we might fall through the surface," Ezra said sarcastically. "Thanks for the warning, Chop."

"Any fix on that ship yet?" Kanan asked.

Chopper beeped a yeah, I've got a trail.

"He's picked up a trail," Kanan said. "This way." They kept walking towards the Temple, and Jax had his arms wrapped around himself. Ahsoka walked to him and wrapped an arm around him, and he seemed to relax slightly, and he walked at a faster pace, closer to the pace of Ezra and Kanan.

"I bet whatever we're looking for is inside that temple," Ezra said.

"Seems likely." Kanan agreed. "Just remember, if there's a ship, we're not alone down here."

"Ahsoka," Ezra said. "You said we're here to find knowledge. What kind of knowledge?"

"The forbidden kind," Ahsoka replied. "To defeat your enemy, you have to understand them."

"No better place to learn about the Sith," Kanan said. "I guess."

They came to an opening, where the light was creeping through the ground.

"The ground looks scorched," Ezra said. "Whoa, Kanan, look! A lightsaber. And another." Ezra ran forward and picked up a lightsaber that was lying on the ground and ignited it, but it quickly turned off.

Kanan knelt and studied one of the stones. "This was a battlefield." He realized.

"What happened here?" Ezra asked.

"It seems like at one time, thousands of years ago, the Jedi Knights attacked the Temple," Ahsoka said.

"And the Jedi won, right?" Ezra asked.

"From what I can tell? Nobody won." Ahsoka replied. She remembered something Master Yoda had said. No longer certain that one ever does win a war.

"I hate to break up this history lesson, but we should keep moving," Kanan said.

They started walking again, and Ezra said, "Well if you ask me, this whole planet's a riddle."

Kanan turned to his Padawan. "If it's a riddle, what's the question?"

"Why is Kanan such a—agh, get down!" Ezra exclaimed and lighted his lightsaber as an Inquisitor put his blade against Ezra's.

Ahsoka pulled out her lightsabers, breaking away from her son. She ignited them and dug her feet into the ground. Kanan ignited his lightsaber, and so did Jax, but he was behind Ahsoka, his two white blades behind him the same way Ahsoka's were.

"Three Jedi." The Inquisitor said, surprised.

"An Inquisitor!" Ezra exclaimed.

They charged at him, and the Inquisitor jumped back, and a few bombs were shot at them, breaking the ground underneath them, and Ezra fell through. Ahsoka, Kanan, and Jax had all jumped back in time, but Ezra hadn't been quick enough. The Inquisitor spun away, using his lightsaber as a helicopter-like mechanism, and Kanan looked down the hole below them. "Ezra!" He said.

"I'm okay!" He groaned.

"He's getting away!" Ahsoka said.

"Let's go!" Jax added.

"Don't worry about me!" Ezra shouted to them. "I'll catch up."

The three of them raced after the Inquisitor, and he was flying away, faster than they could run. The Inquisitor kept gaining more ground, but he wasn't in the air anymore, so it was easier to catch him.

"I've never had an Inquisitor run from me before," Kanan said breathlessly. They kept running, jumping over barriers, and dodging boulders.

"Maybe it's because he's outnumbered," Ahsoka said.

"He did seem surprised," Kanan said. "I don't think he was looking for us."

Ahsoka stopped and put her lightsabers away. "Then who is he tracking?" She asked.

Kanan turned around and sighed. Chopper beeped over the commlink. "You found the ship?"

Kanan asked. "Where?"

Chopper beeped again. "No, no forget it. No time. Get over there and find that ship. Don't let it take off. We'll follow your signal." He put his comm back on his belt, and the three of them ignited their lightsabers and pursued the Inquisitor again.

He beeped. But it'll be dangerous.

"No, disobeying me will be dangerous," Kanan said. "Now get going!" He said angrily.

They kept running, and Jax said, "When will this guy give up?"

"I don't know," Ahsoka said. They came to his TIE fighter, and Chopper was in the cockpit. Ahsoka's eyes widened, and the Inquisitor turned around, and stepped back, surprised. Chopper blasted at the Inquisitor, and he deflected the bullets. Chopper changed angle and was able to knock the Inquisitor back, and he dropped his lightsaber. He reached for it, but Ahsoka stepped on it, preventing him from grabbing it. Ahsoka, Kanan, and Jax approached him and surrounded him using their lightsabers.

"Chopper," Kanan said. "Sometimes you do it right."

Chopper beeped in triumph.

They handcuffed the Inquisitor using the handcuffs from his TIE, and Chopper flew out of the ship and rolled back and forth in front of the TIE. Kanan had the Inquisitor's lightsaber in his hand, his in the other.

"You're the fourth Inquisitor we've seen," Kanan said. "How many of you are there?"

"More than enough for the three of you." He responded.

Ahsoka glared at him. He chuckled. "Nothing can save you."

"Why are you on Malachor?" Kanan demanded.

"Hunting." The Inquisitor replied.

Kanan looked at Ahsoka, surprise in his eyes. "But you were not expecting us," Ahsoka said.

"Who are you after?" Jax asked.

The Inquisitor laughed. "A shadow." He said.

"What shadow?" Kanan demanded.

The temple rumbled. "We should get moving again," Jax said.

Ahsoka nodded, and they started running, Ahsoka shoving the Inquisitor along, Kanan watching from the front, and Jax from the behind. They stopped when they got to the foot of the Temple.

"Why do I know Ezra's involved in this somehow?" Kanan said.

They ran to the door of the Temple. "He's inside. I know it." Kanan said, frustrated. "But there's no way he lifted that door."

"Not without help," Ahsoka said darkly. The question was, who was the help?

The Inquisitor started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Kanan asked. Chopper beeped. "What is it, Chopper?" He asked. "What do you mean, 'We've got company'?" He turned to the Inquisitor, who was laughing again. "Wait, what are you laughing at?"

Suddenly, two more Inquisitors flew in using their lightsabers and landed in front of them, and they ignited their lightsabers.

The male attacked them, while another Inquisitor, the female that Ahsoka had fought before, went to the Inquisitor they captured and freed him.

He took his lightsaber using the Force, and ignited it, joining the fight. "An excellent day's hunt." The female said.

The Inquisitors surrounded them, their lightsabers spinning. They couldn't do anything but stand there. Ahsoka glanced at Kanan, worry in her eyes. What were they going to do?

They started fighting, jabbing their lightsabers, blocking, jumping back, and they pushed the Inquisitors away from the temple.

The temple rumbled again, and the door that was once in front of them opened, and Ahsoka pushed the Inquisitor she was fighting back so that she could get a moment to look behind her, Kanan and Jax doing the same.

"Ezra!" Kanan said, surprised.

"Kanan! Ahsoka! Jax!" He shouted. "I brought help!" The door closed, and a figure stood in front of the door. Someone that Ahsoka had hoped never to see again.

"Maul." She said, surprised.

"The shadow." An Inquisitor added.

"What fun," Maul said. He laughed. "What fun!" Ahsoka turned to the Inquisitors, who were ready to fight, and Ahsoka crouched down in a stance.

"So," the female Inquisitor said, spinning her lightsaber. "The rumors are true. Darth Maul lives."

Maul approached them. "Formerly Darth. Now just Maul."

"Ezra, step away from him!" Kanan demanded.

"Kanan, I swear," Ezra said. "He's on our side."

"Perhaps my actions will speak louder than my words," Maul said. He pulled a lightsaber, just like the one that Ahsoka had fought on Mandalore, and lit it, jumping to the Inquisitors and fighting them. He kicked one back, and Ezra ignited his lightsaber.

"What are we waiting for?" He said and charged at the Inquisitors.

"Why would you come here?" The female Inquisitor asked Maul.

"He knows of the artifact." One of the males said. He charged at the Kanan, but Kanan blocked it using his lightsaber.

Ahsoka blocked the last Inquisitor, who was coming at Jax. Don't you dare. She thought.

"The Holocron." The male that Ahsoka was fighting said. "Do you have it?" Holocron? Ahsoka thought. That's what Maul is after. But... why?

"You will find out soon enough," Maul hissed.

"Fall back." The female Inquisitor ordered, and the Inquisitors flew off on their lightsabers.

"Maul," Ahsoka said. "What game are you playing?"

"The endgame, Lady Tano." He responded. She hated that name. It sounded so formal, it reminded Ahsoka of the fact that she had left the Jedi Order, more than her thoughts already did. "The endgame." He repeated. "I am the enemy of your enemy now, and I have my own reasons for wanting the Empire to fall. But we have little time. The one they call Vader will be here soon."

Just like Jax's vision. Ahsoka realized. She glanced at her son, who now looked more scared than ever. Ahsoka took a deep breath.

She was going to die. She was ready. But she wanted to know the truth first.

"How do you know this?" Kanan asked. 

"His dogs will tell him where we are," Maul replied, turning around. "Two Jedi and two... part-timers." He said. Ahsoka looked down. She sometimes wished that Jax could have become a Jedi, that he could have been taught by someone like Obi-Wan, or even Anakin. But since she wasn't a Jedi, Jax couldn't be either. "Oh, he will come. He will not be able to resist us."

"Okay, hold on," Kanan said. "First of all, there is no us. Dealing with Inquisitors is one thing. Vader is another." He crossed his arms. " And I'm not convinced that we're all on the same side anyway."

"Kanan, we should trust him," Ezra said. "Look, he and I took this from the Temple together," Ezra said, holding out a Sith Holocron. Ahsoka looked at the boy in shock. There was no way that a Light Side user could get through a Sith Temple. Maul had convinced Ezra to use the Dark Side. She wouldn't let the boy fall. "This is why we came here, right? To find out about the Sith? To find out how to beat them? Ahsoka, you said we came for knowledge?"

Ahsoka glanced at Kanan. Jax folded his arms. He knew a little bit about Maul, and Ahsoka knew that Jax was sure that Maul was going to betray them if they agreed to work with him.

"Ezra, there is no way a Jedi can unlock that Holocron," Ahsoka said.

"But you may unlock the Temple," Maul said.

"How?" Ezra asked eagerly. "Tell me how?"

"At the top of the temple, there is a chamber," Maul said, pointing to the red pyramid above them.

"Connect the Holocron to the obelisk, and you can unlock the ancient knowledge of the Sith."

"Why are you working so hard to keep us here?" Ahsoka asked.

"I cannot defeat Vader alone," Maul replied.

"I say we stay with him," Ezra said.

"Yeah?" Kanan said. "Well, I say we go. So that settles it."

Maul scoffed. "Are you such cowards that you would run from this opportunity to defeat your enemies, who slaughter your friends?"

"Kanan?" Ezra said.

Kanan sighed. He pulled out his comm. "Chopper? We're staying for a while." Chopper beeped. "Yeah, I know it's a bad idea. Just scan for incoming ships and keep the Phantom out of sight."

"Oh, how exciting," Maul said. "We're all on the same side."

"Just show us how to get to the top," Kanan said. "And hurry."

"This way," Maul said. And they walked to a side of the Temple.

They approached a tall ledge. "Now what?" Kanan asked. Maul put his hand on the side of the ledge and the rock flowed underneath it. An elevator lowered down.

"Wow," Ezra said, marveling at the Temple. He and Maul stepped on it. "Only two." He said. "No more, no less."

Kanan shoved Maul off the ledge. "Yeah? Well, these two come as a set." He turned to Ahsoka.

"You okay riding with grandpa?" He asked.

"I'll be fine," Ahsoka replied cooly. Maul put his hand on the side, and the ledge went up.

Ahsoka turned to Jax. "Jax, could you Force jump up there?" Ahsoka asked.

Jax shook his head. "No. Probably not. It's too high."

"Comm Chopper and tell him to bring you up using the Phantom," Ahsoka said. She kissed his head, "I'll see you at the top."

"Let's go," Maul said. "We mustn't leave them waiting."

Ahsoka nodded. "Be careful." She said to Jax. She and Maul climbed on the ledge and Maul touched his hand on it, and they went up.

Ahsoka turned to Maul. "What do you want with Ezra?" She asked.

"I do not want him," Maul replied. "He is the one who could defeat the Empire. He has great potential."

"As a Jedi," Ahsoka said.

"Ah, yes," Maul said. "But he would be even more powerful through the Dark Side. His anger and his hate for the Empire could motivate him to great power."

"The Dark Side corrupts people." Ahsoka retorted, "And I will not allow that to happen to Ezra."

"Then maybe your son would be a better apprentice," Maul said angrily. "He has anger, sadness. It could fuel him just as well."

"Don't you dare touch Jax," Ahsoka growled, baring her teeth. "I defeated you once before, and I'm not afraid to do it again."

"Oh, we're at the top!" Maul said. "It looks like your son is already here. And so are the Inquisitors." Maul and Ahsoka raced and Maul pushed the Inquisitor off the ledge and he used his lightsaber to catch his fall, and he flew away. Maul pulled Ezra up from where he was hanging, and Ahsoka helped Kanan up.

"Looks like they figured out your plan," Kanan said.

"Then we shall alter it," Maul said. "I recommend that we split up and scale the pyramid from two sides. They will also have to divide their forces."

"Let me guess," Kanan said. "Ezra goes with you? No thanks."

"It is the logical choice," Maul said.

"I say we split up," Ezra said. "Trust me."

Kanan sighed.

"Excellent," Maul said. "Excellent. You will find another lift on the far side. We will meet again on the next terrace." Maul put his hand on the side, and the two of them went up.

"He'll be fine," Ahsoka said.

"Yeah?" Kanan asked. "How do you know that?" "Because you taught him," Ahsoka said, hoping to reassure the Jedi. "Jax, come with us on this one. I can lift you with us using the Force. We need Chopper scanning for ships." she wanted to be ready for Vader. She had to be.

Jax nodded, and they ran towards the next lift. Ahsoka put her hand on the side, and it lifted them, Ahsoka lifting Jax with them.

When they got to the top, though, they heard lightsaber blades clashing.

"That doesn't sound good," Kanan said.

"Look out!" Jax exclaimed. He grabbed the ledge and pulled himself up, and Ahsoka and Kanan jumped up and Ahsoka pushed back the Inquisitor, Kanan attacked from behind, while another Inquisitor flew in, attacking Kanan. Jax assisted him, but the Inquisitors were putting up a fair fight, and they weren't able to make them retreat.

"Ugh!" Kanan grunted, blocking a shot.

"Don't let them get up!" Jax said.

"I know!" Kanan said.

Maul jumped down from the stairs above them and attacked the Inquisitors. Ahsoka raced forward and broke his lightsaber, and then Maul stabbed him.

The Inquisitor Kanan and Jax were fighting, Kanan hit his lightsaber, and the Inquisitor flew off, but his lightsaber broke as he was flying, and he fell.

"Where's Ezra?" Kanan asked.

"You mean, my apprentice?" Maul asked. He turned around and his lightsaber hit Kanan right on the eyes.

"Ah!" Kanan screamed, grabbing his eyes.

"Kanan!" Jax and Ahsoka said at the same time. Maul went to attack him again, but Ahsoka stopped him. She pushed him back, and Jax went over to Kanan and put a hand on his back. 

"My apprentice is activating this temple. Or more precisely, this battle station, which I shall use to exact my revenge on all my enemies!" He shouted.

"I won't let you do that," Ahsoka growled.

A beam of lightning shot up from the temple, and Ahsoka looked up, eyes wide. Maul looked at Ahsoka. An evil smile spread across his face.

"The power will be mine! Ezra will be mine!" Maul shouted. "And there is nothing you can do to stop me!" He struck at Ahsoka again, and Ahsoka blocked it, jabbing her lightsaber towards him, but he also blocked it. She kept jabbing, and space pushed Maul back, and then jumped back into the stairs.

"Running away again, Lady Tano?" Maul asked.

That name. She hated it. She smiled, though, and saw Kanan and Jax behind her. She jerked her head to Jax, and he jumped up with her. "If you want to finish our fight, you'll have to deal with him first."

"Go get Ezra!" Kanan yelled. Ahsoka nodded, and she raced up the stairs.

"Jax, call Chopper and get into the Phantom. I'll go get Ezra. Get Kanan too. I love you." she looked at him, trying to show him how much she loved him. This would probably be the last time Ahsoka saw him.

"Love you too, mom," Jax said. He stopped running and pulled out his comm. Ahsoka looked back once.

"Good luck." She whispered, and then raced up the next flight of stairs. She raced up and heard a ship where she was approaching. Vader. She thought.

She ran up and saw Ezra laying on the ground, and Vader standing over him.

"Perhaps I was wrong," Vader said.

"It wouldn't be the first time," Ahsoka said, coming into view.

"It was foretold that you would be here," Vader said. "Our long-awaited meeting has come at last."

"I'm glad I gave you something to look forward to," Ahsoka replied, getting her snippiness back.

"We need not be adversaries," Vader said. "The Emperor will show you mercy if you tell me where the remaining Jedi can be found."

"There are no Jedi," Ahsoka said defiantly. "You and your Inquisitors have seen to that."

Vader turned to Ezra. "Perhaps this child will confess what you will not."

"I was beginning to believe I knew who you were, behind that mask," Ahsoka said. She couldn't let Vader know how much it hurt to talk to him. And to know that she would die at his hand. "But it's impossible. My master could never be as vile as you." Maybe this wasn't Vader. Maybe, just maybe.

"Anakin Skywalker was weak," Vader said. "I destroyed him."

Ahsoka blinked back tears. Her master was dead. There was no small glimmer of hope that he was still alive now. But that meant he wasn't Vader. Right? "Then I will avenge his death."

"Revenge is not the Jedi way," Vader said.

"I am no Jedi," Ahsoka growled. If this was Anakin, he would know that. She ignited her lightsabers, and so did Vader. She ran at him and kicked, but he struck her with his lightsaber, and she jumped back. He struck again, and she dodged, then he swung down at her, and she crossed her lightsabers together. He struck again, and Ahsoka ducked, then pushed him back using the Force. She jumped down on him, and then he blocked with his lightsaber and pushed her off. She ducked again, and then crossed her lightsabers, blocking Vader's strike, her arms trembling. She jumped back, doing a handspring, and repeated that to avoid his strikes. She struck at him, and he blocked, and she blocked him, crossing her lightsabers, and he kept pushing her back, almost to where they were at the edge of the cliff. Strike, block, jump back, and they kept repeating that, to where Vader was overpowering her, and Ahsoka couldn't fight him, all she could do was block the strikes. They were reaching the edge of the temple, and then he struck at her, with what seemed like all his strength, and Ahsoka gritted her teeth. She tried blocking it, but she couldn't hold it. Vader Force pushed her off the edge of the cliff, and she caught herself at the last minute, using the Force to cushion her fall. She laid on the ground, the wind knocked out of herself, exhausted. Her lightsabers had fallen out of her hand, and she tried getting up, and it took her a few moments to stand. She had probably broken a few ribs. But she couldn't worry about that now. She eventually got up, and quickly regained her strength, then raced back up the stairs. She had to get to Jax. And Vader.

-Jackson Tano-

Jax was in the Phantom and Chopper and he went to the Temple. They picked Kanan up, and he was led by Chopper to the obelisk where the Holocron was. Jax stayed on the ship, and then Vader came back from where he was fighting—but without his mother.

"NO!" He screamed. His mother couldn't be dead. She couldn't. He took out his blaster and ran at Vader, firing a few shots, but Vader deflected them and one of them hit him in the shoulder.

"Ow!" He winced. Ezra and Kanan grabbed the Holocron, and Chopper led Jax back to the ship. The Temple started to collapse after the Holocron was taken out, and Ezra and Kanan flew back.

-Ahsoka Tano-

Ahsoka raced up the steps and saw Vader using the Force to get the Holocron back, and Kanan and Ezra couldn't hold against it. She sprinted towards Vader, and caught a glimpse of Jax in the Phantom, clutching his shoulder. That was a mistake. She thought. No one would touch her son and live. And since Vader was a larger opponent, she would die to give them a chance to escape. She sprinted at Vader, and he noticed her at the last second, and he turned around and tried to block her. Ahsoka screamed, and swiped at his mask, cutting it open. She landed on the ground a few feet away, and Vader had fallen.

"Ahsoka!" Ezra shouted. "Come on! Hurry!"

Ahsoka got up on her hands and knees, and Vader said, "Ahsoka." But it didn't sound like Vader. It was Anakin. And it was Anakin's face. The scar above the eye, and the shape of his face. And his voice. His voice. It was Anakin's.

"Ahsoka." He said again.

"Anakin." She whispered. "I won't leave you!" She yelled, her voice thick with pain. "Not this time."

Vader stood up and ignited his lightsaber. "Then you will die."

I'm ready. Ahsoka said. Ezra ran towards her, and she pushed him back. Vader struck at her, and she blocked him behind her back.

"No!" Ezra yelled.

"No!" Jax yelled. "Mom! Don't do this! You said you would come back!"

I'm sorry, Ahsoka thought. My son. Know I love you more than anything.

She continued fighting Vader, striking, and blocking. She ran behind him, and then blocked again. She didn't have time to hit him. And she didn't want to hurt Anakin. She couldn't bring herself to, even though he had turned into a monster. This isn't Anakin. She told herself. It's not him. He's gone.

But it was Anakin, and it made it so hard to try and strike a killing blow on him. She tried convincing herself that this was just a sparring session but staring at the mask with a gash in it, she couldn't.

Vader struck, and Ahsoka was running out of energy. She blocked him, crossing her blades, but her arms trembled. Ahsoka had to convince herself that she wasn't fighting her Master. This was a monster. But every time she looked at that mask and saw his eye, the scar, and the shape of his face, Ahsoka felt herself falter. He pushed down harder, and the Temple shot out lightning. Ahsoka pushed him back, and then stabbed her lightsabers into the ground, breaking the ground below them. If she was going to die, she would take Vader with her. Vader reached up, ready to strike her down, and Ahsoka felt a hand on her shoulder and was pulled out of her position, and then she blacked out.

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