Chapter 2

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A few weeks had passed, and Ahsoka was really enjoying having Hera, Kanan, Ezra, Zeb, Sabine, and even Chopper's company.

For so many years, it had just been her and Jax. She would travel to so many different squadrons, recruit people, go on top-secret assignments, and it was always just her and Jax. She almost never was addressed by her name. She was always just 'Fulcrum'. The Togruta in the rebellion.

And Jax was happier than he had been in years. He told Ahsoka that he had friends now, even a bigger family. But he still felt the hole of his absent father. And he said that seeing Ezra and Sabine with Kanan, almost made it hurt more because he saw what having a father was like.

And Ahsoka found it harder to keep Rex off her mind more than ever now.

"Ahsoka," Kanan said. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes," Ahsoka said. "Can we go somewhere...a little more private?"

Kanan nodded, and he waved a hand and led Ahsoka to what she assumed was his room in the ship.

"I wanted to talk to you," Ahsoka said. "Caleb."

Kanan's eyes widened. "So you figured it out," he murmured.

"Kanan, I taught you as a youngling," Ahsoka said. "I would always recognize you. You were one of my best students in the lightsaber training."

Kanan shook his head as he chuckled. "I'm not as skilled as I was."

"You didn't practice," Ahsoka guessed.

"I couldn't," Kanan said.

"You were afraid," Ahsoka said gently. "I understand."

"I've been trying to train Ezra the best I can," Kanan said, his fists clenching. "I want him to be what I couldn't. The Jedi I never was."

"And I want you to be the Jedi that you are," Ahsoka said, putting a hand on her friend's shoulder.

Kanan looked up at her. "But I don't even know if I am a Jedi anymore," he said. "I--I'm not following the Code completely. I have attachments. I'm not in control of my emotions. I never became a Knight."

"Kanan," Ahsoka said, a small edge coming into her voice. "It doesn't matter. You are a Jedi. And Ezra needs you to be that."

"Alright," Kanan said. "Alright. I will."

Ahsoka smiled. "If you want, I'm sure we can practice our 'saber training at any time."

"Okay," Kanan said.

Ahsoka opened up the door and was almost out of the door when Kanan called, "Ahsoka!"

Ahsoka turned around and saw him holding a Jedi Holocron in his hand.

"Thank you," he said.

Ahsoka's smile grew.

A few months later...

The Phoenix Squadron was stealing some supplies from the Empire, and reinforcements had just arrived. Ahsoka felt her heart drop.

One of the cruisers had fired at the command ship Jax and Ahsoka were on, and the ship shook.

"We're losing our deflector shields!" Commander Sato shouted, grabbing the nearest surface to stabilize himself.

Ahsoka put her hands out to balance herself.

"Ghost, we must withdraw!" Sato ordered.

"Acknowledged, Commander Sato," Hera said through the comm. "But first we're getting what we came for."

Ahsoka smiled. They were still going to get their supplies. She was confident that Hera could get it, but she didn't know how long their command ship could hold out.

About a minute later, Hera commed in again.

"Ghost to Phoenix squadron!" Hera said happily. "Mission accomplished."

"That's a relief," Jax said.

The command ship jumped to hyperspace.

"How much damage do we have?" Ahsoka asked.

"Not too much," Sato said. "It will only take about a day to fix. Lieutenant, when can we start the repairs on the ship?" Sato said into the comm.

"I'm getting a team together right now, sir," The Lieutenant replied.

"Good," Sato said.

"Hera will be docking with us to drop off the supplies," Ahsoka said to Jax. "Go and see if they have docked, and when they do, help them with their damage. I'll meet you there."

Jax nodded and jogged out the door.

"Commander," Ahsoka said. "I'm going to have a transmission coming in today with an encrypted code. When it comes through, please comm me."

Sato nodded. "I will. Thank you for your help in our squadron, Fulcrum."

"I'm just doing my duty, Sato," Ahsoka said. "If all you do is fight for your own life, then your life is worth nothing."

And then she walked out of the room and to the Ghost.

When she walked into the ship, she saw Hera in the cockpit, a hand rubbing her temples.

"Hera," Ahsoka said. ,p>Hera spun around in her chair. "Ahsoka!" she exclaimed. "Jax is helping Chopper with repairs if you were wondering."

"Thank you, Hera," Ahsoka said formally. "I wanted to ask you how many shield generators we got from the cargo."

Hera sighed. "Well, we got a shield generator, but it's not very good quality. It probably won't make it through even one small battle."

Ahsoka frowned. "So we were tricked."

Hera nodded. "It seems so. The rest of the crates were empty. I think the Empire knew we were coming. We need to find out who was in charge of the blockade."

Ahsoka put a hand on her chin. "I'll do some research. When I can find out, we'll need to create more fool-proof plans. We can't have this happen again."

"I agree," Hera said.

Ahsoka's comm beeped. "Fulcrum, you have a transmission coming in."

"I'll be right there," Ahsoka said. She gave Hera a nod, and then she raced back to the briefing room.

"Ahsoka, we're putting the transmission through," Sato said.

There was a beep, and then Bail projected in front of her.

"Hello, Bail," Ahsoka said, crossing her arms.

The room went silent. They knew that this was heavily guarded information that was being given.

"Ahsoka," Bail greeted her with a warm smile. "It's good to see you again."

"You as well, Senator," Ahsoka said. "What's the mission?"

"No mission," Bail said. "But I have some information to give to you."

Ahsoka furrowed her eyebrows. Bail rarely gave her information, so whatever it was, it was urgent. "What is it?"

"A few spies have reported that Palpatine's second in command is going to Lothal." Bail told her. "I know that's where Phoenix Squadron works near. Be on guard. He goes by Darth Vader and the squadrons that have faced him have had at most five survivors. Don't engage him, and be careful."

And the transmission ended.

Ahsoka sighed. This was not the intel she was hoping for.

"Fulcrum, what should we do?" Sato questioned.

"What Bail said," Ahsoka responded. "Be on guard. Be more careful. And don't engage him. Get the squadron together. We need to talk about this."

Sato nodded and spoke into his comm, and a few moments later, the room was filled with people.

"Recent intel has shown that the Empire's second in command is going to be on Lothal," Ahsoka said. "They are dangerous. We've been given orders to be on guard and not to engage him."

"What if he engages us?" Ezra asked. "Then do your best to retreat," Ahsoka replied, hiding a smile from the boy's remark. "I've been told that almost entire squadrons have been wiped out because of him. And I've seen him on the holonet. He isn't to be messed with. You are all dismissed."

And then the room filed out.

"Captain," Sato said to Hera. "Have your crew stay."

Hera nodded. "Yes, Commander."

"You as well, Jax," Ahsoka said.

Jax raised an eyebrow, but he backed into the room and filed in beside Ahsoka.

"You and your crew have proven invaluable to our fleet, Captain Syndulla," Sato said. "The fuel acquired in your convoy attacks has helped keep us one step ahead of Imperial patrols."

"Thank you, Commander Sato," Hera replied a slight bow of her head in respect. "I'm just sorry our intel about the shield generators being on that ship was wrong."

"Perhaps with your next attack, Hera," Ahsoka said, trying to lift her friend's spirits.

Chopper came into the room, beeping in urgency.

"What is the meaning of this?" Sato asked angrily.

"An incoming transmission," Kanan said. "Who from, Chop? Eh, why don't you just put it through."

Hera glared at Kanan and cleared her throat, but Kanan just raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Uh, Chop," Hera said, looking at the droid. "Cloak us with a one-way transmission."

Chopper chirped, and a person appeared on the screen.

"Hey, it's Old Jho!" Ezra realized.

"I can't see you, but I can hear you, my friends," Jho said. "Time is short, and there's someone here desperate to talk to you. I told her I couldn't find you, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. She says... she needs your help."

"We're always ready to help someone in need," Kanan said, stepping forward.

"Yeah, well," Jho said. "This one is... different."

The image changed and... Minister Tua came out?

"Minister Tua?" Hera asked in surprise.

"We can't trust her!" Zeb exclaimed. "She's an Imperial!"

"Please, I beg you!" Tua said, putting a hand out She seemed scared, and Ahsoka was curious to know why. "Listen to my request."

"End transmission now, Chop," Kanan said sternly.

"Wait!" Hera said, putting a hand in front of Kanan. "Minister, what do you want?"

"My life is in danger," Tua said nervously. "I need you to give me safe passage off Lothal."

"You're not really considering this," Zeb said with an eye roll.

"Quiet!" Hera shouted at him.

"I assure you, my intentions are sincere." She protested. "To prove it, I will trade secret....Imperial information."

Sabine and Ezra glanced at each other. "You're defecting from the Empire?" Sabine asked.

"Yes," Tua replied with a sigh. "I am."

"She's telling the truth," Ezra said sadly. "I-I can sense her...fear."

"Yeah," Kanan agreed slowly. "But of what?"

"So what have you got to trade?" Hera asked.

"A list," Tua said. "Of rebel sympathizers on Lothal, and other nearby systems."

"How come these sympathizers have not been arrested?" Sato asked.

"Some have powerful friends in the Senate," Tua replied. "Imperial command watches them but can do nothing. I know you need allies. Get me off Lothal, and I will give you the list."

Hera looked at Sato, Kanan, and Ahsoka, and shrugged.

Kanan sighed. "We shouldn't even consider this."

"It's obviously a trap." Sabine agreed.

"There's something else!" Tua said quickly. "I've discovered the true reason the Empire came to Lothal."

"We know that one," Hera said, rolling her eyes. "The Empire has a factory, and they're stripping the planet's resources to fuel it."

"No," Tua said, looking away. "There is another reason. Known only to a few, and ordered by the Emperor himself."

A heavy blanket seemed to fall on the air, and Ahsoka was quite interested to find what it was. It probably had to do something with Vader going to Lothal.

"What should we do?" Hera asked. "This may be bigger than we think."

Ahsoka crossed her arms. "I think we should help her, and I think that her information could be vital. We need it."

Sato nodded. "I agree."

Ezra walked up to Tua, and Kanan looked at him. Ahsoka gave a knowing smile.

"We have to do this." He said determinedly.

"I agree," Ahsoka said.

"So do I," Kanan said.

"Alright," Hera said. "If Commander Sato approves the mission."

"I believe it could be worth the risk," Sato said, putting his hand on his chin.

"Minister, we'll get you out," Ezra said. "Send us your coordinates."

"Thank you," Tua said, ending the transmission.

Ezra walked back from Chopper, shoving his way past Ahsoka and Kanan.

"Well," Hera said. "I guess we're on our way back to Lothal."

"I guess we are," Kanan said.

He walked out of the room, and Ahsoka glanced at Hera, who followed him.

Zeb and Sabine walked out of the briefing room, quietly muttering to each other.

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