True Love

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Victoria made it through the forest and arrived at a nearby pond. Issac smiles at his beautiful lover.

They've have been seen each other when they kids. Issac's parents despises Victoria's simply because of dominance over the other.

He silently caress her face and kisses her lips. "I miss you so much. Everytime I wonder how you feeling in this time of war."

She gazes into his eyes. I don't how will it last. But,I've decided to leave my status behind and live in a home with you."

I'll travel through hell and back just to see your face. We're soulmates, Victoria. "
He pulls out a very rose out of his hand. Her face was blushing as she accepted his gift.

"Issac. I fear that our parents will find out."

He quietly kisses her forehead. "We've been coming here since were little. Like you said, it's time for new chapter for us."

They passionately kiss before going there separate ways.

Victoria arrives back home holding on to rose she received. Her father, Marc was taping his fingers while his commander Jay was behind him.

"Good evening, father." She smiles.

"Young lady, where were you tonight." He roughly answers.

"Father, surely you must know I was at Mimi's house..."

"Don't lie to child!!" He yells. "I've spoken to her parents frequently. And they said you were never there."

"Surely, you just-"

"I had Jay interrogated her as well. Enough of this, you were supposed to have dinner with us and The Duke Seth Gratin. Where were you?"

She couldn't believe that her father had the ball to spy on her private life. She been keeping this from family for years on the end. But now, it's out in the open.

"That rose in your hand, young Victoria.   Does that belong to the son of our archenemies?" said Jay.

Marc is appalled by this. His own daughter seeing Issac behind her back. He clenched his fists and walk up to her slapping her in the face.

She held back her emotions as the sting was still on felt on her face. "Victoria Bea Claude, you dare hide this from your father!!"

"What's it to you?" She answers quietly.

"We've been fight over the Victorinos for years. They've stolen everything we have and have killed your elder brother, Waston."

"And? Father, let's face it. It all about supremacy to you. Ever since mother fell I'll. You never cared once about us."

"I do care about you!!"

"No!! You cared about is your self. I was tried living in a castle by myself. That's when I left of the city and met Issac. He cared about me more anything."

"But I knew, I couldn't keep this from you forever."

She gazes at her father. "I'm leaving my homeland."

"No, you're not. You'll stay here and you'll marry Seth within a couple of months."

"I'll not marry him!"

"I'll not let you marry that monster!!"

"His name is Issac!"

He was prepared to slap her again but she caught his left hand.

"You know there's one truth that Issac. You would doing anything to keep me locked up here forever. Anything."

"He's spilling out nonsense."


Marc turns away from her. "Jay keep her locked in her room until morning."

"You don't need to keep me locked up like I said I'm leaving."

She moves quickly to her room. He had enough he pulls out his sword and blocks her path.

"Father, I'm child anymore. I'm 23. And I'm not returning home."

"If you do this, you bring shame on our family.  Is that what you want?"

She didn't care anymore. She pushes the sword  and heads to her room.

Issac stood beyond the sea as the waves crashes the rocks and the moon shines the sky. Clarissa made her way towards her son.

"My son. How come you haven't told us." Her raven Shadow landed onto her shoulder.

She spats at him. "You dare taint your reputation, your name as a Victorino?"

"Mother, throughout my life. You bring sadness to this kingdom. I was never once happy. Then,when Victoria was at the pond playing. I knew it was love that brought us together."

"She's the daughter of madman. A rich man that can give her any man of her choosing. I forbid you not to waste your energy on some little witch."

Issac eyebrows twitch at the word. She wasn't a witch. If anything the people who treat her are the witches.

"Her name is Victoria."

"It doesn't matter. She's our enemy. You cannot and will not marry her.

"Well then mother, I'll leave the kingdom and be an outcast if I must. If you and father want to continue your rampage towards destruction.  Be my guest."

He walks away as sadness dwells in Clarissa's heart. She was quick to anger and threw stones at him only for him to catch each one.

"Why? What have done to deserve this?! I could give you great riches and make you have any woman you desire for you to wed. Why does it have to be that little bitch."

"Power and great riches doesn't bring happiness only love can!!"

Her body tremble by his voice. "And don't call her a bitch."

He looks up at his father, Dominic. Who was looking at him at a great distance.

"You've achieve great things, Issac. You're going to leave everything I taught you to be with this woman?!

He continues. "What happens when someone comes to assassinate her. Then what?!"

"Then. I'll fight, father. I'll fight until the very last breath. I won't anyone hurt us." he growls at him.

He pulls out a small little box. "I'll achieve happiness for the both of us."

Clarissa kneels on the grass. The tears continue to fall as Issac went to his lover.

Hours went by since Victoria left. She brought everything she needed to leave. She wondered about the future they have. And wonder about their children.

She looked over to see lssac with a bag over his shoulder and a horse followed behind him.

"Issac,he's beautiful." She touches the soft skin. "Hell be our ride out of the kingdom."

"My love, it seems that my father has found out."

"It same for my family. But, I don't care anymore.  I want this to special for the both of us."

"But, I fear of war coming our way. You know my father always dead set on something and will stop it by any means necessary. "

"Then, we'll prove it to them. Prove to them that you matter the situation is we'll stand strong.

Victoria's heart melts at his words. She embraces him as her arms wraps his waist. He stares in her golden eyes as tears feel down. He wipes them away and kisses her lips.

She couldn't have that become like this. But, she was happy.

Issac broke the kiss and kneel down to the ground. Victoria covers my mouth.
"Victoria for years and years. I've dream to be you. Even when you aren't there, your soft voice always comforts me. You're my other half that want to have.

He bring out the box and opens it. A golden and ruby ring was inside and gem was that of flower.

"Victoria Bea Claude, my true flower. Will you marry me?"

There was no response instead. She jumped on him and kiss his forehead.

"Yes. Yes. And a thousand times, yes!!"

He help her back and gently puts the ring on her finger. She chuckles at the beauty of it.

"That ring belong to my great grandmother. It was always her dream to see the woman wear it at her own."

Her fingers touch the beautiful edges on it. Then, she was screamed as lssac pick her up bridal style and put on the horse.

"Let's us go and start a life together."

Her head laid on his back as he rode off to the city with his bride.

Clarissa and her husband Dominic watched them leave the city. Dominic hadn't any emotions like his wife did. However, all he think about this what lies in store for son.

Marc look over his balcony. His mind was still wobbly. Domince was all he cared for. Or was it?

He glances at the photo of his late wife. "Ophelia, should our daughter be happy  like this?"

He glances over as he sees her riding to the darkness with her love.

"My dear child."

One year later.

Victoria was lying in bed in ,their new home, staring at Issac. Years has past since they left. Her father died in the battlefield. Clarissa and Dominic was tortured by the Duke and was executed too.

Her father words echoed in her mind. The consequences can't be undone. And now, Seth is determined to make her bride.

She played with lssac head. "No matter what people say about us nor think. I love you, Issac Victorino.

He opens his eyes at her. "As do l, Victoria Claude.

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