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At night,Two guys went to their friend bachelor party.They finished his friend bachelor party.After they return back to their home.They are drunk.They came out from the party hall.Two guys goes towards their car.They are sitting in their car.One of guy was driving his car.Another guy is sitting along with him in frontseat. He asked "Abi you are,I will drive this car".Immediately Abi retorted "No,purab I am steady man.don't worry about me".Purab said "ok abi drive fast.My jaan is waiting for me."Abi asked don't worry purab,I will help you to reach your home.who one trusted this Abishek Prem Mehra.I will never abandon them".Purab claimed "ok lets go".Abi started his car.both are drunk.Both are blabbering something. The road was empty.So,abi drives his car very fastly.Both are happily singing songs played in their car.Abi lost his sense.Purab said "Abi please drive slowly". He never listened his friend words.Suddenly purab see a girl.She is standing center of the road.Abi never seen that girl.He said "purab no one is in that we will drive fastly in this road".Purab screamed "abi just look at front".When abi turned,he screamed "No".Unfortunately he laded on her.she fell down on the road.He stopped his car.Abi looks shocked.Purab scolded abi.I claimed "just look at front.u are never listening my what have you done abi".he was talking with abi.abi never reacted to his words.purab touched his shoulder. Then he come back to his sense.purab asked" abi are you ok?".abi said "I am sorry purab.what I have done."Purab said "lets go,we wanna check her".abi asked "what happened to her".they get down from the car.they goes towards that girl.she is struggling to breath.Whole body covered in blood pools.Her head injured heavily. abirab sees her.purab told "immediately we wanna admit her nearby hospital if not she will die".purab pick up her in his arms.both are looks tensed.they drives their car towards the hospital. Purab called his jaan.he informed everything to her.she said "I will be there with in 20minutes.don't worry baby".They reached the hospital. They admitted her in hospital. They filled formality form.The receptionist asked them "What is her name?".both are blinking their eyes.The receptionist asked "sir bolo". purab told "her name is..".Instantly, abi claimed "how can you forget her name purab".They are trying tackled their situation.The receptionist give weird reaction.Abi sees a notice board in that hospital.he read that notice board.Dr.Nikki kalyani and thanishka got award.Purab whispered "abi ears we don't know her name.what will we do now".Instantly,abi claimed "her name is nikki thanishka".purab murmured "nikki thanishka.what kind of name is this".he whispered "abi did you know her name".The receptionist asked "nikki thanishka??".abi claimed "No girl,her name is nikkitha".The Receptionist looks them suspicious manner.But sir u only claimed.abi screamed "her name is's not important now.Now just admit her.we want to save her life.she is struggling to breath".purab jerked in abi loud voice.The receptionist nodded her head.she looks scared.They took her towards the operation theater.purab whispered "abi whose name is this?did you know her?".abi explained" where he get this name nikki kalrani + thanishka = nikkitha.purab retorted "what a brain man!".The doctor checked her in operation theater.Nurse asked "r u her husband.just sign this form".Abi and purab look at each other.Immediately Purab claimed "no,I am not her husband".Abi gave death glare towards purab.purab gave sheepish smile.purab retorted "I mean,we are not her husband.we are her friends".Abi signed that form.abi looks very tensed.purab pacified him.abi said "it's all happened reckless of mine.Is anything happen to her.I will go to jail".purab consoled him.purab said "we never did anything purposely. Nothing will happen to her".suddenly one girl screamed purab.they turned.purab goes towards her.he hugged her tightly. He said "i was scared.when I saw you,I feel better bulbul".they break their hug.bulbul said "I am there for you always.don't worry.nothing will happen to her".abi thinks "if I have my soulmate,she will also console me like her.If anything happen to that girl.I can't forgive myself".bulbul come towards abi.she said "bhai nothing will happen to her.don't worry".bulbul said "bhai purab you will go to home.take rest.I will manage here".they refused to go.purab said "no bulbul, we can't sleep peacefully.we wanna know if she is k or not".abi said "you are right purab".few hours later,Doctor come out from operation theater. immediately they goes towards the doctor.abi was continuously asking questions with doctor. Doctor retorted "Relax!she is ok now.I could feel your emotions.I understand, she is more important person in your life.she needs complete rest now".abi looks on.Rabul chuckled.Bulbul asked "she is out from dangerous now".doctor claimed "yeah! now, she is little bit out from dangerous". Abi asked "what do u mean doctor".doctor retorted "her brain is severely injured.operation is success.But,She should be more careful.don't give more stress to her.If not, it will affect her brain".abi said "don't worry doctor.I will never let anything happen to her".rabul look at said "good!take care her".doctor left from there.purab asked "abi are you sure?you don't know her".abi stared him.he asked "what is this question do I know her".bulbul told "who knows what will happen?".abi asked "what happened to her.what is she blabbering now".purab chuckled thinks about inner meaning of bulbul words.purab said "lets we go meet her.we will ask her about family.we will inform to them.After that we will leave from here".abi thinks "what happened to me.y I feel scared to meet her.who is she.I think, I was overthinking".they entered to her room.abi saw her.purab said "she is very pretty girl".bulbul give death glare towards purab.purab sees bulbul reactions. Purab said "I mean, she is not that much pretty compare to my bulbul".abi chuckled.abi thinks "yeah!she is pretty.Because of me,she is in this condition.Sorry nikitha.oops abi,what is her real name.I kept her fake name as nikitha.Is she knows about my fake name.what she will think about me.No abi,just call her hey girl!!!".bulbul said "purab just stop your bak bak". Suddenly she get conscious. She opened her eyes.she sees them.abi asked "are you ok now?".she asked "where I am?what happened to me?how did I come here".purab asked "y all brain injury person asked the same questions".bulbul&abi stared at purab.Purab gave sheepish smile.Bulbul told "whole incident to her.she asked apology to her.she asked what is your name?.just tell your address.we will inform to your family".that girl stressed herself.but she retorted "I don't know".suddenly she get dizziness.immediately abi hold her head in his arm.she blabbered "suniyil suniyil".Instantly, they called doctor.they informed everything happened there.The doctor checked all her reports.abi asked "what happened to her.she blabbered suniyil".The doctor claimed "you just wait outside,I will check her.".They came out from the room.The Doctor came.rabul,abi rushed towards the doctor.abi asked "what happened doctor?".The doctor said "she lost her memory".they looks shocked.bulbul asked "but she claimed "suniyil suniyil"".The doctor said "yeah, that person registered in her heart.she forget everything about her past life.she couldn't remember their name.that's y she is blabbering how she calls that person".abi looks shattered.abi left from there.rabul thanked doctor.suddenly they turned.abi was missing from there.bulbul said "where is abi bhai".They searched abi.bulbul sees abi.he goes towards ICU room.he saw her.his eyes filled with tears. Abi said "it's all happened by me.because of me,you lost your memory.because of me,You couldn't identity your family now.I really feel guilty. I know that,sorry is not enough word.I promise you,I will find your family".purab touched his shoulder.abi hugged purab.purab pacified him.purab said "abi it's happened by mistakes.we never did anything purposely.don't worry,we will find her family.we will help her".Suddenly that girl murmured "suniyil suniyil".bulbul said "bhai,purab just come with me".abi asked "what bulbul?".bulbul said "bhai I have a plan.that's only solution to help her".abi asked "what is that?".bulbul explained everything to them.abi said "no bulbul,it's all happened my I will take her to my home".purab said "no abi,you are not married man.if you take her along with will create news.then she will know everything. After,it will affect her.bulbul is right.we will take her in my home.when I lost my I got litte sister.hereafter she is my sister.her name is nikitha.we will together find her family members.till then she can stay in my home".abi accepted their idea.she get conscious. She asked who are you?.purab said "I am your brother".She hugged her brother.she cried.she told "baiyya,its paining". When she called purab as baiyya.purab feel very happy.he feel more emotions.they shared brother sister bond.bulbul eyes filled with happy tears.she knows how much purab craved for his sister love.nikitha asked "baiyya y I couldn't remember anything". Abi,Purab looks on.bulbul said" it's all your head injury.that's y,don't stress yourself.else you baiyya will punish me".nikkitha asked "baiyya who are they?.purab said "choti she is your bhabhi,he is my friend abi".nikki said "baiyya when did you marry bhabhi?.she was continuously asking lots of questions". Purab was trying to manage that situation. She look at abi.nikki said "hi abi!".abi smiled.nikki asked "y r u look so sad".abi looks on.nikki said "come here".abi goes towards her.nikki said "what happened?".purab said "he is ok choti".nikki said "no baiyya,I feel he was worrying about something".abi thinks "how can she read mind voice".abi said "yeah!your are right".rabul looks on.abi told "I was worrying about got accident".nikki said "don't worry,now I am strong girl".abi thinks in his mind "she is pure soul.she doesn't know anything about her past".nikki hugged abi.abi looks stunned.nikki whispered "don't worry,now I am k.nikki break their hug.she said "when will you feel bad,just hug your loved feel better".abi looks on.pragya raised her eyes brows.abi signalled her kuch nahi.they smiled. Days passed.they discharged from the hospital. Rabul likes nikki.purab consider her as own sister.someone knocked purab home.purab said "wait! I will check".bulbul and nikitha was playing in their home.nikitha poured water on bulbul face.bulbul was trying to chase her.she was running whole around the home.purab opened the door.he sees abi.he greeted him.abi sees them.purab noticed abi reactions.purab said "she is really cute kid.abi sees nikki.he feel very happy when she smiled".she come towards purab.bulbul poured water on nikki face instead she poured on purab face.abi,nikki laughed loudly.purab asked "what is this bulbul".bulbul said "purab why did you come between us".purab said "I will never leave you.purab was trying to chase bulbul.nikki sees abi.hey abi come inside.abi never noticed water fell in the floor.abi kept his leg on water.he slipped.he fell down on the abi is top on nikki.both are eyelock.abi touched her face.pragya closed her eyes.suddenly rabul groaned.they come back to their sense.immediately abi get up.nikki blushed.purab asked "abi may I know what's going on here.we are noticed both reactions on past few days.what's going on here".nikki said "kuch nahi! bhai.hey na abi".abi said "you are right nikki".bulbul said "nikki we get this greeting card from your room".abi and nikki looks shocked.abi said "hey girl hereafter we will never hide anything from them.they caught us".rabul screamed "hey girl!!".nikki said "that's my nick name".my abi kept that name to me.rabul screamed "my abi". Purab asked "what's going on here".bulbul said "yeah what's going on here".nikki said "baiyya we are..."abi said "hey girl wait,I will explain them" "hey purab,I proposed your pyaari sister.she accepted my proposal".rabul looks shocked.They screamed "what".bulbul asked "when did this happen". Purab said "choti you are hiding your love story from us".nikki said "you are also hiding lots of things from me".purab asked" what do u mean nikki".nikki told "baiyya I know that,I am not your real sister.abi told me everything about my accident.i lost my memory.after your plan.he told everything to me".rabul get anger on abi.nikki said "bhai when he told everything to me.I got anger.I refused to accept his proposal.I thought to go away from all. i pondered after,I understood you all did everything for me.i can see true love in your eyes.after that,I understand his feelings.I called him.I shared my love to him".He looks very happy.One day,we went to restaurant.One man come towards me.he hugged me.I was scared.he said "I am his daughter. I was shocked.I looks confused.I hugged abi.abi asked "what happened to you.why are you crying". That man come towards us.abi said "who are you?.he claimed he lost me when I was 8years old girl.He is searching me whole around the city.someone claimed about me,I stayed in orphanage.He checked me there.they told "I was missing from past one year.They gave file case complaint about me.We went to that orphanage.After I understand he is my real father.we wanna inform you".But abi said "he wanna give surprise to you and bhabhi.that's y we hiding this from you.purab eyes filled with tears".Nikki said "sorry bhai".Purab said "no choti!it's all my selfishness.when you call me as baiyya.I feel you are my sister.I too have sister in my life.when I was 7 years old.I lost my whole family in that accident.when you call me as baiyya.I feel my sister is alive in you".nikki eyes filled with tears.purab told "I was scared.I would lose you.that's y I hided this from you.I am sorry".nikki retorted "baiyya please don't say sorry to me". When I lost my take care like a kid.bhabhi cared me like a mother.i always trouble you.but you never feel frustrated. You fullfilled all my wishes.I don't know bhai anything about my past incident. I promise you,I will be your sister till my life long.will you accept me as your choti till life long".Immediately purab hugged nikki.after bulbul hugged her.bulbul asked "then what's your real name".nikki said "Pragya".abi said "finally she confessed her real name".abi asked"purab ask her when will she marry me".pragya blushed.bulbul said "don't worry bhai.We will talk about this to dadi".purab retorted "don't worry man.just wait for few days".abi called pragya "hey girl!".pragya sees abi.abi winked his eyes.pragya blushed.she ran towards her room.Few days after,Pragya family comes to abi home.Abi family members welcome them.they likes pragya alot.purab asked "abi where is dadi".abi said "see there".dadi get down from the stairs.Pragya was standing behind bulbul.dadi can't see her face.abi said "dadi".pragya turned.dadi sees pragya.she looks shocked.dadi asked "pragya tum".abi asked "dadi did you know her".purab asked "choti u know dadi".pragya looks confused.dadi said "what is she doing here".pragya looks clueless.whole family looks confused. Abi asked "what are you saying dadi.pragya is my girl friend".dadi asked "she is that girl".abi said "yeah dadi,I told you about her".Dadi looks shocked.dadi thinks about baba ji words.his true love never go away from him.Pragya asked "dadi did you know me".dadi said "yeah beta!I know you.because of me,you got that accident". Whole family looks shocked.pragya father asked "what are you saying".dasi asked "didi this is same girl as you told".dadi nodded her head.she feel guilty in her eyes. Abi asked "dadi tell me,how do u know her?".dadi said "few years before,she come to meet me in our home.she told me.dadi I am pragya arora.I wanna meet your son.I am ram arora daughter.he is my childhood friend.we both studied in same school.We promised each other when we become elders.we will marry with eachother.I promised him.I will never leave him till my last breath.That's y I came here to meet my abi.I got anger on her.I thought she is saying fake story.I Nastily scolded her.but she never stopped.she was trying to meet you.I will never allow her to meet you.pragya said "dadi I am saying the truth.just ask him.dadi lied to her.dadi recorded his voice in her phone.I never called abi.but she believed,I called him.I put that recorded in my phone.she looks shattered.she left from there.that is our last meeting.abi get tears in her eyes.abi asked "it means you are my icy doll".immediately pragya hugged did everything to my promise.pragya said "yeah rock star!I told you,I will never leave you".purab asked "chotti! it means,you got your memory back".pragya said "bhai I never lost my memory.I did everything to get my abi.i can't live without him.he is my jaan".pragya said " dadi humiliated me.I never feel bad.when I heard his voice.I was shattered.I don't know after that what to do. I was trying to meet him.but I never get a chance to meet him". When I got accident on that day.I saw that was empty. So I was thinking about my abi.I was walking to my orphanage in that road.I never heard car sound. After I got accident.When I opened my eyes.I saw my ab.I feel very happy. I feel, I wanna hug him.after that,I noticed my head was heavily injured.I acted as I got dizziness. When doctor checked me.I told he is my husband. He lost his memory.his family member never allow me to meet him.please tell lie to them.then only I got my husband back in my life.The doctor helped me.when my abi proposed me.I am the most happiest girl in this world.but I acted with him.after i can't see his sad face.after, I accepted his proposal.I thought to hear everything from my dadi mouth.that's y I acted now.i am sorry".abi thinks "she did everything for me.she is my true love".pragya goes towards dadi. She claimed "I am sorry dadi.I never did anything to hurt asked me.If your love is true then prove I love is true.he is my jaan.I can't live without him.we are made for each other.please dadi don't separate us".dadi hugged pragya.dadi said "sorry beta.forgive me.he is yours only".pragya hugged dadi.they smiled.dadi said "I want her as my bahu.we will make all the arrangements". abi looks angry.abi said "no dadi,this marriage will never happen".whole family looks shocked.pragya looks tensed. purab said "abi,my choti did everything for you.why you can't you see her true love for you".abi never listen anyone words.he hold pragya hand.he dragged her towards his room.he locked his room.whole family was standing outside in abi door.they knocked his door continuously.abi said" I wanna talk to her alone.don't disturb us".pragya said "don't worry guys.I will handle him".Immediately abi kissed her lips in his lips. he hold her waist.pragya looks shocked.after she responded his kiss.abi was kissing all over her face.pragya can see his love.she melted in his love.abi never give break to pragya.he is kissing madly in all over her face.pragya clutched his shirt.abi throw her duppatta.he nuzzled her neck.pragya lost her sense.pragya said "suniyil".after abi hugged her tightly. He asked "y pragu??y r u loving me these much".pragya said "because you are my jaan.when you proposed me in our childhood. I decided on that day itself. You are my husband.that's y I told,I will never go away from you.I know that,why you proposed me can see your icy doll in me".abi retorted "yeah!!I know that,you can read my heart.please jaan marry me soon.I can't live without you".pragya said "me too".they sees abigya coming from the stairs.whole family looks very tensed.rabul asked "he scolded you.what happened? What did he say?".pragya said "baiyya,he never want to marry me on next week".whole family looks sad.pragya smiled seeing their family reactions.Instantly, pragya screamed because he wanna marry me on today.whole family looks very happy. Purab hugged scared us abi.abi said "how can you think man.I will allow her to go away from me.she is mine".dadi said "just wait for 2 days.after she will be your your official wife". They fixed engagement on next day.they fixed marriage on day after day.whole family looks very happy.2 days passed,finally Miss Pragya arora become Mrs.Pragya Abishek mehra.they arranged first night for them.abi is waiting in his room.he looks very restless.rabul teased abi.few minutes later.pragya entered to their room. Pragya blushed.abi sees her face.he couldn't control himself.he come towards her.pragya blushed.abi bought glass from her hand.after he hold her in his arm.he placed her on their bed.both are looking at eachother.pragya turned.abi touched her bare skin.pragya closed her eyes.he cupped her face.suddenly he captured his lips in her.pragya responded to his kiss.abi squeezed her waist.pragya clutched his shervani tightly.after breath taking their kiss.both parted away.pragya pulled abi.she removed his shervani,pant,panties everything from their body.she covered them with blanket.she passionately kissed him.abi hugged her tightly. Abi kissed her in same speed.he removed her fabric from her whole body.they drenched in love.they consummated in their marriage.Few years after,they blessed with twins.they kept their name as purab,bulbul.rabul looks shocked.purab asked "abi what is this?".abi said " it's her idea.she is only insisted me to keep baby name as purab and bulbul".rabul looks very emotional. They hugged pragya. Purab asked "y pragu?".pragya said "baiyya this baby is our baby".bulbul said "you are light of our life".pragya said "no bhabhi,now our baby is light our life.Don't  say this is my baby.u have all rights on our baby".rabul kissed the baby.purab kissed pragya forehead.abi sees them.he smiled.they trio shared group hug.abi asked "guys without  me".pragya said "we are incomplete without  you.just come join with us".whole family  looks very happy.Days passed.few month later, Bulbul was working  in kitchen.suddenly she get dizziness.pragya casually visited in purab home.she called bulbul bhabhi.but she never get any responses.she is searching  bulbul whole around the house.she entered the kitchen.she sees bulbul.bulbul is unconscious.she is panicked.Instantly she rushes towards her.she splashed water on her face.she asked "bhabhi what happened". Bulbul was working  in kitchen.suddenly she get dizziness.pragya casually visited in purab home.she called bulbul bhabhi.but she never get any respones.she is seeking  bulbul whole around the house.she entered the kitchen.she sees,bulbul is unconscious.she is panicked.Instantly she rushes towards her.she splashed water on her face.she asked "bhabhi what happened". Bulbul claimed "don't  know pragu.suddenly  I got dizziness".she called the doctor&purab.the doctor checked her.the doctor said "congratulations  purab,you become father now.she is pregnant".rabul looks very happy.purab eyes filled with happy tears.he kissed bulbul.pragya shared this news to their family members.they feel very happy.bulbul got pregnant. 9month later,She blessed with baby boy.they kept their baby name as prabhi.abigya smiled.whole family looks very happy.finally they took family picture.

-------------------THE END-----------------

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