Chapter 12 Jade Turtle Drops In

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             It was a rainy night and the weather report called for a chance of thunder.  Marinette finishes her nice warm shower, dries off, and puts on her pajamas.   As the rain ranges outside the house, the thunder roars, and the lightning crashes across the sky.  

         Marinette eats a snack, then brushes her teeth.  Soon, she is bed worn out from such a long day. She is glad no one is caught up in the storm as it sounds like a fierce one indeed.  She hears a tap outside her window and sees the outline of a cat. She opens the balcony door to see a drenching wet Chat Noir.  

      "Chat Noir, what brings you here at this time of night and in this poor weather?" Marinette asks.

       "My father and I fought, so I came to see you, princess," Chat explains.

          Another loud boom is heard followed by a gigantic thud, as the storm rages on outside the Dupain-Cheng residence.  The lights flicker off, then on, and off once more.  Now, it is all dark inside as the power is out.  

       Marinette pulls out a flashlight as she hears the sound of breaking glass.

        "Do not worry, leave this to me,"  Chat tells her.  He kisses her cheek, then goes to investigate.  

           "Wait, Chat!" Marinette calls out. She worries for him.

             Chat ignores the warning she gives him as he exits the room to see what made the noise. He thinks it strange since her folks are out of town.  He reaches the downstairs and sees nothing amiss.  

         "Strange, I could have sworn someone is here that should not be," Chat says to himself.

             The burglar sneaks up behind Chat and knocks him out. Chat falls with a thud at the bottom of the staircase.  Then, the crook starts to go upstairs towards Marinette's room. He has his room on the handle.  

      "Oh, I would not do that if I were you,"  He hears a voice behind him say.

        "Whoa, who was that anyway?  Show yourself," The man scoffs.

             The person who spoke up states, "Get out of here, now, young man!"

        The criminal laughs, and pulls open the door to Marinette's room. There is a  bit of fight as both the bad guy and Jade Turtle enter the room together. 

         Marinette who is hidden in the closet by this point puts a hand over her mouth. She remains quiet so as not to give her position away in the darkened room.

          Tikki shivers inside the inner pocket to Marinette's nightgown. She is terrified. She worries for Chat Noir who has not come back yet.  She hopes nothing bad has happened to him since she secretly knows his identity.  

           The man rushes toward the closet with an ax in his hand, and says,  "Come on  out, Missy or the old man gets it."

           Chat Noir comes too with a tremendous headache and hears the voices upstairs. Without another thought to his safety, he rushes upstairs, and behind the bad dude.  He is about to crash his baton down on the man's head.

           "Look, I warned you,"  Jade Turtle says.  He pulls out his shield, and calls out, " Protection!"   A small force field appears around him which also blocks off the entrance to the closet for the moment.

             Chat Noir's jaw drops, which causes him to almost drop the tiny flashlight he carries in his other hand.  He can not believe it the Jade Turtle is here.  

             Jade Turtle sees Chat Noir and smirks.  The bad person does not notice him.  This gives Chat the advantage.  Jade Turtle nods his head as a signal to Chat to go into action. 

           Chat Noir sees and without another thought smacks the burglar with his baton.  As the crook yelps,  "Ouch, that hurt!" and passes out, the power comes back on at last.

        Jade Turtle releases the force field, and fist bumps Chat. 

          "Great work there, you did tonight," He tells him.

            "Thanks, " Chat remarks.

                 Marinette runs out of the closet and collapses in Chat's arms as Jade Turtle calls the police. 

                Jade Turtle explains everything to them then makes his quick exit.  He might as well be gone when help arrives.  Besides, the cops do not expect to see some old man when they arrive on the scene anyway.

            The police arrive to see the bad man passed out, so they take him away.  They tell Chat, "Take good care of the lady who lives here she is bound to be in shock."   

             "I have every intention to sir," Chat says. He thinks, Marinette I wish you knew the truth. 

                After the police leaves, Chat remains beside Marinette's bed to keep her company.  Soon, he hears her call out in her sleep,  "No, take me instead.  You can not have him!  You can not have Adrien!"
             Chat blushes as he thinks, she dreams about me as my other half.  He takes a piece of cardboard he found downstairs and uses the hammer and a few nails to fix the window for now.  He knows it is not the best fix-it job, but it will have to do for now.  

           The next morning, Chat leaves before Marinette wakes up.  He can let her see him when he has detransformed and he does can not ask her for cheese. He heads home, sneaks back to his room, and hands cheese to his kwami.  He sighs as he recalls the previous night. He sure hopes Marinette will be alright.  

           Marinette wakes up unaware that anything is different until she feels a small draft in the room.  She dresses quickly, then calls the glass company to ask about the repair cost and frowns. She wonders where she will get that kind of money.  It is not like grows on trees or anything.  She does not have that kind of money.

           She sighs, as she hangs up, fixes her breakfast, then goes to the bakery after she finishes her meal.  She might as well get to work as it is not her day off.  She smiles as she works.

           Little does she know that a certain cat is in a tree nearby looking in on her and seeing to it that she is safe and sound.

       Find out more in Chapter  13

      -Summer out!                 

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