Chapter 27 We Better Watch Out, M'lady

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    Adrien's  POV:

    " Marinette, you have been  Ladybug this whole time."

     " Wow, but that means I have been fighting alongside you, and I did not even know it."

       Adrien hugs her.

     Marinette smiles as she returns the hug.

    Marinette's POV:

     "Yes, and you have been my Chaton the entire time."

         "Your Chaton? I like the sound of that now." Adrien states.

            "Well, I like it when you call me your lady."

              "M'lady, I think we better be careful who hears us in private.  You never know what with the villain and all."

              "Yes, I agree.  I mean at least until we catch Hawkmoth whoever he is, and Mayura."

               Marinette kisses him.  She notices his face turns a nice shade of red.

                Adrien kisses her back and notices her face turns pink. 

                  He pulls away,  "Well, Marinette I better go before my father realizes I am in here. He is a real stickler for traditions and all. Besides, I am not ready for sharing a room with you until we are married. I already promised myself that I would treat the woman I marry as a proper gentleman should.  I intend to keep it that way."

                "Good night, m'lady."

                 "Good night, Chaton."

          Adrien's  POV:

     He returns to his room.

    "Yes, my lady and Marinette are the same woman."

     "Now, why did not I think of that before?"

     "I mean she has the same bravery, kindness, clumsiness, smile, bluebell eyes, lovely hair, and dashing personality.  All of those things are exactly why I love her."

    "Ew mushy stuff, who needs it?" Plagg blurts out.

      "Plagg, eat your Camembert, or shut up."

      Plagg's POV:
        He is happy for the young man.
      He does not express his emotions well.
        He pulls out some cheese and swallows it whole.

        Adrien's POV:
          He falls asleep with his Marinette on his mind.

         The story continues in Chapter 28...
           Till then,
             Bye-bye, little owlets!
              -Summer out!

 Chapter published October 11, 2021

  Edits made October 12, 2021

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