Chapter 29 The Battle

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  Adrien woke up to a large crash sound. Marinette heard it as well.

  The young man sprung into action. "Plagg, claws out!"  He felt the green light surround him as he transformed.

  Marinette was in her room when she heard it.   "Tikki, wake up!"

   "Marinette, what is it?"  

   "Tikki, I know it is only four am, but it is an emergency!"

     "Say the words then, Marinette."

   "Tikki, spots on!"

   She felt the familiar red light surround her as she transformed.

      Carapace was already in the battle and wondered where the others went.

       He did not have to wait for long before Ladybug and Chat Noir showed up.

      Soon, they were joined by  Zebra Kid and Queen Bee.

        *Author's note: I hold all the rights to Zebra Kid so don't copy this idea.

      "Hey, wait for me!"

        The new hero in the funny red suit, with the bright orange stripes, shows up.

       "Nice of you to drop in, newbie!"

       "Yes, good to have another on our side."

  The heroes fought hard against Hawkmoth, and his sidekick the Endless Void.

    The Endless Void was defeated after the first hour.  So far so good.

    Now it was time to take Hawkmoth down once and for all.

       "Chat you do not want to fight me.  All this is to restore my family."

      "Family, ha as if you knew a thing about it." Chat scoffed.

         "I want to bring my wife back to me. She is been in a coma for years. I need the ladybug and cat miraculous to grant a wish to bring her back."

         Chat Noir wondered why the voice sounded familiar all of a sudden. He stood there in shock. Could Ladybug have been right all alone, could this villain before them be his father, Gabriel Agreste?

          "I  do not know about you, but Bugaboo, Kid Zebra, Queen Bee, and Stripes here don't agree."

      "All that power would be too dangerous for even you to handle it."

    "Power, who said anything about power?"

    "It is about my wife."

    "Too bad, you can not get your wish. It has repercussions for anyone who dares to make such a wish."  Ladybug spat out.

    "Yes, I double what she said."  The others agreed.

      "Tick tock, watch the clock, 'cause when the hand meets six o'clock the bug dies."

        Hawkmoth snatched up Ladybug and ties her to the clock. The clock has a bomb that was set to go off at precisely six o'clock. This way if he fails and does not get his wish then Ladybug dies.  So no matter what the heroes lose.

      He laughs an evil laugh.  

    Ladybug struggles to get out. She finds she can not escape.

    Did it truly come down to all this?  Is this how it all ends?

  Chat pinched himself.  "Ouch, that hurt!"

    Kid Zebra swung around and knocked the staff from Hawkmoth's grasp.  Queen Bee broke it.

    Carapace formed a shield around them.

      "Hawkmoth you better say your prayers."

       Chat Noir charged at him. He grabbed the brooch.

      "No!" the villain called out as he transformed back to his civilian form in front of them all.

     Queen Bee stung him with her venom to keep him from getting up cause she could see the cruel hatred in his eyes for Chat.

       Chat Noir nodded his thanks toward her. He did not say a word to his father. Right now he had his lady to save.

     He ran towards the clock. He managed to free her.

    The time now read ten minutes til six.

  The bomb was not disarmed which was still dangerous for them all.

     Kid Zebra grabbed the clock and flung it into the ocean. The bomb blast destroyed many fish but the people were not harmed.


  "Curses to you all! "  

    Ladybug fixed the things that were messed up. S    She was bloody, hurt, and gasped for air.

    "Ch-Chat Noir, take care of Tikki for me."

   "No, Ladybug!  Marinette, no!"

      Chat cried tears over his love. He could not lose her like this. Not when she was his one and only.

    He had to do something.

    He removed his ring and gave it to Kid Zebra for safekeeping. He put on the earrings his fiance disguarded. He begged for the power of creation and healing to fix this.

    Tikki managed to heal Marinette's injuries. All except for one. The one that punctured her left arm.

   She was unable to heal this.  When Marinette stood up she could not move her left arm.

      A portal opened, and to the amazement of the others, a familiar person stepped out.

       "Hmm,  it seems I have arrived just in time."

  She heals the arm. She then grabbed Hawkmoth and dragged him through the opening.

   The portal closed back in on them.

    "Who was that mysterious hero?"

       Chat Noir ran over to Marinette. He gave her the earrings back.

   "I believe these are yours, my lady.

    He got his ring back from Kid Zebra and slipped it back on his finger.

   Time to take you home. He transformed back and took her home.

  What a day.

 The story continues in Chapter 30 The Big Day

til then, bye-bye, little owlets!

Summer out!

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