Chp.1 Mewni

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It was a lovely day in Mewni, the villagers were living in peace, the village and the kingdom are safe, our friends as well after a war we had against Ludo and Toffee, Luckily we won thanks to my daughter, Star Butterfly and his boyfriend, Marco Diaz...Me, Star, Marco, River, and the high commissioners were in the castle as we were all having a feast. Everyone were enjoying themselves, but not all of us...Hekapoo seems a bit upset, she hasn't touched her food ever since we got here, so I tried talking with her...

Queen Moon: Hekapoo? Is everything alright dear?

Hekapoo: Yeah...Im fine.

Queen Moon: You sure? Cause you haven't touch your food and haven't even said a word since you came by...

Hekapoo: It's okay Queen, everything fine *sighs softly*

Rhombulus: ...So, can I have your food?

Hekapoo: ...Sure, why not.

Rhombulus: Nice!

Rhombulus takes Hekapoo's food

Star: Mom? Is everything okay with her??

Queen Moon: I don't know sweetie, she's never like this not even today, I've never seen her like this before...

Hekapoo: Queen Moon?

Queen Moon: Yes Hekapoo?

Hekapoo: May I be excuse? I'm going to get some air.

Queen Moon: S-Sure, you can go ahead.

Hekapoo: Thanks...

Hekapoo then gets up as she pushes the chair in and leaves the table as she goes outside...

Omnitraxus Prime: Hmm. She doesn't seem like herself, what could be bothering her?

Queen Moon: I don't know Prime, but I can't see her like this.

Star: You know, when me and Marco are like that sometimes, we always feel better by talking about it.

Queen Moon: Really?

Marco: Yeah, we can go and talk to her if you want us to, besides, she can tell us what's bothering her...

Queen Moon: That would be nice of you two if you would do me that favor.

Star: Don't worry Mom, me and my mans over her got this, right babe?

Marco: Right.

Queen Moon: *sighs* do you really have to call him like that?

Marco: It's okay your highness, I also call her names like that, like how she likes it when I call her-

Star: Okay! That's enough for now! Now will you excuse us mom and dad, we'll go and talk to Hekapoo.

Queen Moon: ...Okay then.

Star: Okay, come on Diaz.

Marco: Right behind you.

Star and Marco then got up from their chairs as they exited the table and go finds Hekapoo...

King River: Her mans eh? That's my girl.

Queen Moon: River!

King River: What?? She's already grown right?

Queen Moon: ....Yeah I guess your right.

King River: Besides, she ain't the only one who calls his mans names~

Queen Moon: River! Not here *blushes*


I was outside leaning forward towards the balcony as I started looking to the sky, then to the villagers, I started seeing some of them with couples, like a women and a man getting along together, another making each other happy, and then another who look happy together and I can tell by their faces that they will always be together and never loose each other...Suddenly, I notice someone coming behind me as I quickly turned around..

Star: Wow! Easy there girl, it's just me and Marco.

Hekapoo: Oh, hey..

Marco: We came by and notice you seem...not yourself...

Star: Yeah, is everything okay? Mom said your never like this before and not even now...

Hekapoo: You guys really wanna know Huh?

Star: Well I mean, talking about it can make us help you feel better..

Hekapoo: It's not, trust me.

Marco: Come on Hekapoo, we came to help you, and we can't leave you like this.

Hekapoo: ....*sighs* alright. Fine.

Star/Marco: Yes!

Star and Marco then walked to Hekapoo as they both lean forwards the balcony with her...

Star: So? What's wrong?

Hekapoo: ...Well, I know I'm never like this, all sad and upset, but now, I do, somehow I don't know why or how I started feeling like this? But somehow, I just feel lonely without being someone...someone who I can talk to, be with, and spend more time than the those villagers..they seem happy together, and the other two, they're happy as well being together...and you two as well, you guys are always happy together...and me...there's no single guy who wants me to be with...

Star and Marco both have know why Hekapoo is been acting sad and upset, realizing that all she needed was someone to be with, to care about her, a guy to be with her to make her happy everyday.

Star: Um..can you give us a minute?

Hekapoo: Sure.

Star and Marco huddle up

Star: Marco, I feel bad for her.

Marco: Yeah, no kidding. I never knew Hekapoo as feelings like that

Star: Well I mean didn't you said she's always alone the time when you met her?

Marco: Yeah, it's just her and no one else but...Hekapoo having feelings...that's something new from her.

Star: Okay, let me handle this.

Marco: You sure?

Star: Yeah, don't worry.

Star and Marco ended there discuss as Star started walking to Hekapoo...

Star: Listen Hekapoo...I know how you feel, don't worry. That's how I felt to when I had no guy who to talk to...until I met Marco. And my life change because of if that happened to me, then that should happen to you someday...

Hekapoo: Really??

Star: Sure, why else no guy would like someone that old are you?

Hekapoo: I'm over 100,000 years old cause Glossaryck created me with his magic, but I consider my age as 20 years old.

Star: Wow

Marco: I know right!

Star: Anyways, Hekapoo Listen, there other guys that will end up being with you, don't you worry girl, If that happen to me, so it can to you.

Suddenly Hekapoo smiled

Hekapoo: *giggles* Thank you Star...that really made me feel better...

Star: Your welcome, cause that's what friends are for, to look after each other.

Hekapoo hugs Star as Star hugs her back.

Marco: So? How you feeling Hekapoo?

Hekapoo: Better.

Marco: Ah, I knew Star would say something to make you feel better.

Star: Trust me, I know how to make someone feel in a good mood. So, what now?

Hekapoo: Well-

Suddenly, they heard screaming coming down from the village as they see monsters coming out from the woods as ludo was on top of one.

Hekapoo: Damn it! Ludo is back at it again! Come on, let's warn your mother!

Star/Marco: Right

Hekapoo, Star and Marco started rushing downstairs as they went to warn Queen Moon and the others..

Star: Mom! Dad!

Queen Moon: I know! Ludo is back!

Hekapoo: Sorry for the taking long your highness, shall we take them down?

Queen Moom: Yes. High Commissioners get ready!Star? Marco? You know what to do?

Star: On it! Ready Marco?

Marco: Let's kick ass!

Queen Moon open the doors as they all notices the monsters already rampaging the village and scarring off the villagers.

Hekapoo: Nrgh!! I'll deal with them!

Queen Moon: Hekapoo Wait!

Hekapoo then started running towards the monsters as they all notice her running towards them, she then stops as she yells out

Hekapoo: Hey you bastards! Stop this or pay the consequences!!

Suddenly, Ludo came behind the monsters as he gives him a grin..

Ludo: Well Well Well, If it isn't the scissor enforcer, Hekapoo.

Hekapoo: Hey you green beak fuck! Stop this already! We've beaten you last time with Toffee and now your back?! How much would it take for you to return collect more losses?!

Ludo: You have jokes huh? Well, my master has send me here for a reason, to get more magic from Star's and her mother's magic!

Suddenly Star and the others came behind Hekapoo as they all heard what he said...

Star: Mines and my moms?! The hell you talking about Ludo?!

Ludo: that's not of your concerns you brat!

Hekapoo: Whatever your deal is with star and the Queen you're going to have to go through me and them!

Queen Moon: Patience Hekapoo, let me handle this...Ludo, what is the reason you are here?!

Ludo: *grunts* how many times I have to repeat myself?! None of your god damn business!

Queen Moon: More attitude I see?! Very well, I'll give you a chance to get out of here peacefully, or you're going to have to deal with us again!

Ludo: This time Im not going to lose! My master have created some monsters who are stronger than before! Allow me to introduce you to them; Tora, Arlong, Monet, Jack, Jasper, Bullet, Striker, Killer, Spike, Hydra, Krane, And Tank!

All the monsters that were introduce, some were big and strong, some are violent with weapons and one is a female monster.

Jack: Just to let y'all know, we ain't going to go easy on y'all, just a reminder.

Hekapoo: I was about to say the same thing *cracks knuckle*

Jack: Oh don't worry toots, we'll "deal" with you later!

Star: Bring it then! Cause it's not only her your fight!

Marco: Yeah! We got back up!

Jasper: Oooooou, look how scare I am. Teh, don't make me laugh.

Ludo: So, you ready?

Hekapoo: Bring it!

Ludo: Monsters....Get them!

Queen Moon: Eveybody Attack!

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