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-Hekapoo POV-

Time has pass as it was already sunset. Me and (YN) has fun time chatting with each other and me chatting with him about my life and my duty working with Queen Moon. He also chat with me about his life as well. As it was sunset, we got out from the house as we were heading to the bar. Then again, I just realize that it takes 30 minutes to walk over there and it takes 10 minutes with a vehicle...but then I realize that Marco has his living dragon motorcycle hybrid. Since I can't drive his motorcycle, maybe he can use nachos and take us over there.

Hekapoo: Oh! (YN)!

(YN): Yeah?

Hekapoo: I forgot to tell you that walking over there takes us a bit longer to get over there. But lucky for me, I have a friends living dragon motorcycle hybrid in my garage. You can use it and can take us over there which will take us 10 minutes to get over there, easy right?

(YN): ...A living dragon motorcycle hybrid???

Hekapoo: It's a long story, come follow me.

(YN) follows me as I lead him to my garage to show him Marco's living hybrid dragon motorcycle. As we got to the garage, I then notice Nacho's, Marco's motor-dragon, was sleeping still as she then opens her eyes and realizes us coming towards her. She stood up as she growl at us...

Hekapoo: Easy there girl, be nice to our guest.

She continues to growl even more as she was about to get aggressive...

(YN): So...How?

Hekapoo: This is Nacho's, Marco's motor-dragon. She Can be a little mean sometimes. I feed her everyday and still doesn't have manners to be nice with me...only Marco....idk why but it tells me she misses him. So good luck being friendly with him cause I tried a lot of times and don't work on me.

(YN): Heh, i got this.

I then noticed (YN) slowly approaching to Nachos as she started to growl, showing her sharp teeth...

(YN): Easy girl...Easy...

He started to get closer and closer to her as Nachos personality suddenly change quickly, she went from aggressive to calm, Nachos started to sniff his hand for a bit as she suddenly started licking it. She then got on top of him and was already happy and started licking his face...

(YN): Hehe, good girl.

Hekapoo: ....You've gotta be kidding me. How!?

(YN): Heh, what Can i say? I'm guess I'm pretty good with animals. Right girl?

Nachos then started licking (YN) on the cheek as she started smiling...

Hekapoo: Great. Now I'm jealous.

(YN): Hehe. It's okay. She friendly. Here, pet her.

Hekapoo: Mmmmmmm....okay.

I then started getting closer to Nachos as I pet her slowly, she started let herself as if she was already my friend and was calm towards me...

Hekapoo: Huh, Well What do you know.

(YN): See. You just gotta be calm with her. Now...Nachos Right?

Hekapoo: Yes.

(YN): Okay...Nachos, is it okay if you can take us to this bar Hekapoo is talking about?

Nachos nod her head, meaning yes.

Hekapoo: Cool.

(YN): Awesome. Alright, let's head over there then.

(YN) then got on Nachos as he was driving.

(YN): Let's go Hekapoo.

Dammit...Now that Nachos Can give us a ride to the I'm a bit nervous to get on with (YN)...stay calm Hekapoo...just don't cat weird...again...

Hekapoo: C-Coming.

I then went behind (YN) as I was getting a hold on him for me not to fall on the ride.

(YN): Hold on to me.

Hekapoo: O-Okay

As I wrapped my arms around (YN). I can feel his's so...solid...and hard and soft at the same time...*blushing* I then smell him which is weird but...he smells really good....really good~

(YN): Ready?

Hekapoo: S-Sure.

(YN): Alright Nachos, let's see how fast you can go girl! Let's roll!!!

Nachos then took off as (YN) was holding on to her horns as I was getting a hold onto (YN). We got out from my garage as we were already heading over the bar.


We then arrive to the bar which it took exactly 10 minutes to get here, like I said. We then tied up Nachos as she then was already to sleep.

(YN): Thanks for the ride girl.

Nachos: *Growls in a friendly way*

Hekapoo: Nice riding (YN).

(YN): Thanks.

Hekapoo: Shall we?

(YN): Of course.

We started going to the door as I open the door for (YN) as he entered first. As we both went in, (YN) started to realizes how big the bar is. With a bunch of monsters, that are friends of mines in my dimension.

Everyone: HEKAPOO!!!

Hekapoo: Hey guys.

(YN): I see you have friends.

Hekapoo: Yup. Come, let's go get some drinks.

We then head over to the bartender as we sat down...

Hekapoo: Yo! Two shots please.

Bartender: On it Hekapoo.

The bartender then takes out two small shots and a tequila as well as he started poquito both of them. He then gave us our shots as I told him to leave the tequila for us.

Hekapoo: So, what should we toast on?

(YN): Hmmm. Ah! We should toast be friends. By having our backs, not letting us down, and being there for each other. Because I never had a friend....who can be so nice, kind and sweet.

Hekapoo: *blush* Aww. That's so sweet of best friends!

(YN): To best friends!

We then toast as we drank our shot, as I did, I can barely resist the taste as for (YN), he just took it like if the tequila wasn't strong for him...

Hekapoo: Wow. So I see you've been drinking for a while huh?

(YN): Yeah. I'm already use to the drinks.

Hekapoo: Welll...We're gonna be here for a while.


-(YN) POV-

To be honest, I'm liking the bar, these monsters are having fun, the drinks are good and looks like Hekapoo is done for. Maybe 10 shots was enough for her.

(YN): Heh, i think you have enough Hekapoo.

Hekapoo: Whaaaaat?? Pssssssshhh noooo Im goood heheh *hiccup*

(YN): Hehe...I can't take it. You looks so funny when your drunk.

Hekapoo: Heheh *hiccup* I'm fiiiiiine...It's these's their fault that their making me....feel dizzy and....fuunnnnyyyyyyyy hehehehe *hiccup*

Seeing Hekapoo like this is so funny...but she kinda looks cute when she blushes I can tell you that. Suddenly, I heard monsters arguing at the stage were there's a drummer, and two guitarist. The three were arguing at something that I can barely hear them...

Drummer: What do you mean he's gonna come late!?!

Guitarists #1: Dude it's okay. He's gonna make it in time-

Drummer: This is the 7th time he's gonna show up late! We need him now! We're about to start in 5 minutes and we don't have a lead singer and a second guitarist and if he doesn't shows up then we won't get paid!

Guitarist #2: Okay Okay! Let me think! ...We need someone to take his place for now!

I then notice the guitarist looking at the others to see who can take his lead singers place, and now luck for them.

Drummer: Let's face it, let's just call it and just leave.

I started to feel bad for them for not getting paid. I have to help them.

(YN): I'll be back Hekapoo.

Hekapoo: Ooooookaaaayyyyy. Don't take long *hiccup*

(YN): Hehe

I then started to walk over to the guitarist and the drummer as I told them...

(YN): Hey guys. Looks like you guys are having a problem.

Drummer: Tell me about it. Our singer is late to show up and we have to perform any minute!

(YN): You know...maybe I can take his place if you guys want.

Guitarist #2: Hmmmm I don't know-

(YN): I've played the And sing the guitar when I was a teenager.

Guitarist #1: hmmmm

Drummer: Come on dude! He can help us out! We didn't just came here for no reason. We need to perform!

Guitarist #2: Alright then. Here.

The guitarist then hands me a red metal guitar

Guitarist #1: You'll be playing and singing, got it?

(YN): Sure, what music we're playing??

Drummer: Here.

The drummer gave me the list of songs as I then noticed the first song we will play is "All good things break through this wall" and the funny thing is...I actually wanna sing and play this song.

(YN): Nice. Ok. Let's get ready.

Guitarist #1/Guitarist #2Drummer: Let's do it!

-Hekapoo POV-

Okay...I'm done drinking. I'm a bit dizzy and I'm recovering a bit. Hmmm, I wonder where could (YN) went off?? Suddenly the bartender then grabs a microphone as he then says

Bartender: Alright you guys we have some performers let's give a round of applause you guys!

We all started to cheer and clap our hands so we can see these guys perform their songs. The light hit towards them as I realized (YN) was on the stage with a metal guitar with 2 guitarists and a drummer. Not only that, (YN) was about to play the guitar and sing!?!

Hekapoo: (Y-YN)????!!

Drummer: One Two Three Go!!!!

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