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I was at my room as I was almost done fixing myself for the party tonight. The black dress does look familiar to my normal dress but hey, a dress is a dress and this one looks better with black. I just gotta check on (YN) if he's finished already. I then yelled him out...

Hekapoo: Babe! You ready!?

(YN): Yes Baby, Im ready! I'm at the living room!

Hekapoo: Im coming!

I started heading to the living room as I found (YN)...

Hekapoo: Okay, let's see how-

I then realize that the suit he has on, really looks good on him. I was quiet for a moment as I blush a little...

Hekapoo: W-Wow! Y-You look...great!

(YN): Hehe, thank you. I guess green does look good at me. And you...

(YN): Woah. You look..amazing as well.

Hekapoo: Aww thank you baby. Black does fit with me as well. And Uhm...what's with your swords on you? Don't think your gonna take them?

(YN): I have to. In case of danger.

Hekapoo: Babe, there's nothing bad going to happen.

(YN): Its just...somehow Im having a feeling there will be....Hekapoo!

Hekapoo: !??!

(YN): What if my master was right!? What if bad is gonna happen!?! I-I didn't expect this...

Suddenly (YN) started to hyperventilate, starting to lose a bit of control as I started to calm him down...

Hekapoo: Hey! Hey! (YN)! Baby, calm down..calm down...look, I know what your master said to you...but it's not gonna happen yet. If there's something bad going to happen, Queen Moon would have told us since when no?

(YN): ...Well, your right on that one...

Hekapoo kisses him to the cheek..

Hekapoo: It's gonna be alright baby, nothing is going to happen.

(YN): O-Okay, if you say so.

Hekapoo: *smiles* okay. Now, you ready??

(YN): I'm ready.

Hekapoo: Alright.

They both hold hands as Hekapoo opens a portal to lead them to Mewni for the party.
Minutes later, a portal opens as Hekapoo and (YN) arrived to the castle as everyone of the village were in the party as well. Everyone dress up nice and clean, butlers offering them snacks, drinks, and musicians playing.

Hekapoo: Oh wow. This looks...great!

(YN): It does. Pretty fancy.

Queen Moon: Hekapoo! Over here darling!

Queen Moon and the others were in a table with Star, Marco, King River, PonyHead, Kelly, Tom, Rhombulus and Omnitraxus. They both walked over to them to join them..Hekapoo joined with the girls..

Hekapoo: Hey girls!

Star: Hey Hekapoo! Oh my gosh, you look so amazing with that dress!

Kelly: Yeah! Totally!

Hekapoo: Aww Thanks you girls!

Queen Moon: I knew you would like it Hekapoo.

Hekapoo: Like it? I love it! Thank you Queen Moon for giving me this dress

Queen Moon: Oh it was nothing.

As for (YN) he joins with the men...

Marco: Looking good (YN), that suit really fits you.

(YN): Thank You Marco.

King River: I gotta say lad, why with the swords?

(YN): Oh...Well...I'm case if there's any..danger I guess..

Tom: Dude, really? We're at a party, nothing is going to happen.

Marco: Besides (YN), if anything was gonna happen, River and Moon should have let us by now.

Rhombulus: Yeah, also we should have been n knowing by Moon as well.

Omnitraxus: Indeed, so don't you worry about it young one and enjoy the party.

By the way, Omnitraxus is in a crystal ball...

(YN): Yeah, I guess you guys are right.

King River: Here let us have some drinks shall we?

Rhombulus: Sounds great!

As (YN) and the men enjoyed themselves chatting and drinking while Hekapoo was with the females chatting and enjoying themselves as well, (YN) realizes someone watching the window, he sees a black shadow figure, with two green glowing eyes at the window, starring at him...(YN) started to stare at him for a while until he started hearing his name calling him quietly from louder...

Hekapoo: (YN)!

(YN): Huh? H-Hekapoo?!

Hekapoo: Hey there, you alright??

(YN) shakes his head as he looks at the window...and realizes that the shadow figure was gone...

(YN): Y-Yeah...I'm okay.

Hekapoo: Well Okay, come on let's go have some fun!

(YN) and Hekapoo both starting to enjoying themselves at the party as they all chat with their friends, ate, drink, and dance. They were having a blast at the party as (YN) almost forgot  everything about that shadow figure with the green glowing eyes he was starring at...


after a 2 hours of fun in the party, (YN) was outside as he was relaxing, he started see the stars in the sky and the moon as he started to have a bit of flashbacks about his master...suddenly, Hekapoo appeared...

Hekapoo: Hey.

(YN): Oh, hey H-Poo.

Hekapoo: You Okay?

(YN): Yeah...I just need a break.

Hekapoo: From all the dancing?

(YN): Hehe, you can say that again.

(YN) hugs Hekapoo as they both started giggling...

Hekapoo: Wow. What a beautiful sky huh?

(YN): Yeah...wanna know what else is beautiful?

Hekapoo: *blushes* ehe, w-who?

(YN): Me.

Hekapoo: Really? -.-

(YN): *chuckles* just playing...

Hekapoo: I thought so..

(YN): But seriously...your the most beautiful one as well..

Hekapoo: *blushes*

(YN): The most beautiful person I never wanna lose. I'm am very happy I'm with you, Hekapoo...I love you.

Hekapoo: I...Love you too, (YN). I also..don't wanna lose you..and also happy to have you as well. And never wanna lose you, ever.

As they were close enough to connect their lips to each other, they suddenly heard and evil echo laugh from a distance of the village and the trees...

???: *evil laugh*

Hekapoo: Wh-What the hell was that?!

???: Well Well Well...If it isn't this so lovely the two of you...

(YN): !!!

Hekapoo: (YN), Whats going on!?!

(YN): Hekapoo, I need you to listen to me very closely!

Hekapoo: (YN)...!

(YN): I need you to go inside the castle, close these doors, lock them, and let Queen Moon that we are in red alert, go now!

Hekapoo: What about you!? I can't leave you al-

(YN): Ill be fine! Don't you worry about me, I'll handle them! Just go what I told you, Now!

Hekapoo stood quiet as he then listened to what his boyfriend told him to do so...

Hekapoo: careful!

Hekapoo then enters the room as he slams the doors and locks them as (YN) heard the doorknobs being locked...(YN) was now alone as he pulled out his swords, as he pulls out two as he was in his fighting stance...

(YN): Show yourself who ever you are!

Suddenly, dark clouds were starting to appear out of nowhere as somehow a dark cloud started to cause some sort of tornado as it was coming towards to the grown...

He then showed himself as a monster lizard, a lizard monster who's no other but the name of Toffee...

Toffee: Salutations, mortal.

(YN): Tch! Who are you!?!

Toffee: My, that's not a proper way to treat your guest like that, maybe I should teach you some manners.

Toffee then charges at (YN) as he then created a green sword from his hand as he swings it to him, luckily (YN) blocked it with his two swords...

(YN)'s MIND: What the!?! A sword from his hand!?! Who the fuck is he?!?

Toffee: I see your useful with swords...but not as good as me!

-Hekapoo POV-

I was panicking as I started looking for Queen Moon and the other to warn them...I couldn't find them until Queen Moon scared me a little as she appeared behind me...

Queen Moon: Hekapoo?? Are you alright?? You seem nervous and panicking.

Hekapoo: Queen Moon, there something going on outside! Me and (YN) just heard a voice I don't know who the fuck is he but (YN) is outside taking care of it, we must go on lock down for now!

Queen Moon: What!?

Star: What's going on??

Queen Moon: Its-

Suddenly, Hekapoo, Queen Moon and the rest of the people heard loud thuds on the doors as if they were going to break the last thud, the doors broke down as somebody was sent fraying straight to the castle, as people got out of the way, and the person was sent crashing into a was (YN) who was sent crashing as he looked a bit of pain..

Hekapoo: (YN)!!!!

Queen Moon: My Goodness! (YN)!

Hekapoo and the others rent running towards (YN)...

Hekapoo: (YN)! Baby! Oh my gosh! Are you okay?!

Toffee: Oh don't worry, he's fine.

Hekapoo: ...No!

Queen Moon: That voice...!

Star: I-It can't be..!

Toffee started to enter the castle as everyone started to fear him that he has come back for terror...

Toffee: Why hello there, Moon.

Queen Moon: Toffee! What on earth are you doing here!?! What do you want!?!

Toffee: Funny you should ask Queen...I am here for a reason...and my reason for being here is succeed justice! I will will teach you pathetic mortals the true meaning of failure that all of you are! Just look what happen that pathetic mortal! He couldn't stand a chance against me, that how a failure he is...all of you as well!

Hekapoo heard enough as she shed a tears as she angrily charges to Toffee with anger...

Hekapoo: SHUT UUUUPPP!!!!!

Hekapoo cloned herself with 8 of herself as her and her clones charge to Toffee, Toffee then vanished as he appeared behind the real Hekapoo and whip her with his tail, sending her flying crashing with Moon and the others, he clones then vanished, after that, the civilians from the party then started screaming and panicking as they all started leaving the castle...

Toffee: You all may run, but not hide! After I'm done with these useless mortals, I'm going to finish all of you next!

Queen Moon: G-Guys! H-Hekapoo! Are you all alright?!

Hekapoo: I-I'm fine...Nrgh! H-He's gonna-

Queen Moon: Go look after (YN) Hekapoo! We'll take care of (YN)! Don't ask, just go look after him!

Hekapoo: O-Okay!

Hekapoo goes after (YN) to check on him as Queen Moon and the others try to take down Toffee once and for all!

Toffee: You mortals challenge me? Ha! All of you will witness the true power of an immortal god!

Star: What is up with you with the immortal, justice god stuff??

Tom: Shits already getting me annoying I just wanna punch you!

Queen Moon: Come on Guys, let's get him!

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