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(YN) started heading towards the castle as he was going through the forest as he started wondering what can possible going on with his friends and Hekapoo he goes through the forests, he started to hear Russels and noises behind him, like if someone was following him...he stopped for a moment as he realizes the noise stopped as well...he started walking again as he again heard noise behind him, he stopped and took out his blade...

(YN): Alright who's out there!? Show yourself! Toffee?! If it's you, then come out and let's finish this now! And you better have me Hekapoo and friends safe and not hurt!

Everything was silent as he started to know who exactly was following him...he then wanted to go and see for himself...he then heard whispers behind the bushes as he jumps and ready to strike as he realizes his whole body froze with some dark magic...then a lady with red shape-shaped marks on her cheeks, a long dark Gothic dress with brown ring at her waist, long mauve gloves, maroon lipsticks and a large black sunlight, accompany with a huge buff monster with red skin, red white tiger stripes, long white hair tied, four yellow eyes with slitted pupils, pointy ears and nose, short horns, as fang teeth's, wearing black boxing and a ring on his left ear...

(YN): What the!?!

???: Please! Don't hurt us we didn't mean to follow you!!

(YN): Then why were you two following me?!?!

???: We just follow you cause we never seen you around here! Not only that, you also came out from that portal. So tell me, who are you and what are you doing here?!? Don't you see what's happening here!?!

(YN): Yeah i know! Toffee did this and he has my friends! I have to stop that bastard!

???: Wait what?! You know Toffee did this??

(YN): Yeah, he almost ended my life, ending to lose all of my friends...and Hekapoo as well.

???: Hekapoo?! You know her and her friends???!

(YN): ...Shes my girlfriend.

The woman then release him as (YN) puts his blade away as he realizes the woman and the monster walking towards him...

???: My apologies, we didn't mean to harm you.

(YN): It's fine. Don't worry. Who are you two??

???: Well, I am Queen Eclipsa, and this monster here is my beloved one, Globgor.

Globgor: Please to meet you.

(YN): . . . You ones??

Eclipsa: Why of course dear, why asking??

(YN): Uh...Never mind. Nice meeting you Eclipsa and Globgor, the names (YN).

Eclipsa: (YN)?!

Globgor: So your the fellow one Queen Moon has been telling us!

(YN): Queen Moon?! Is she and the others alive still!?! Please tell me Hekapoo as well!?

Eclipsa: Yes dear, they're alive.

(YN): H-How do you guys know?? Where are they!?! Please tell me!??

Globgor: Well...there at the castle of Mewni, being held captures by Toffee.

(YN) then clench his fists as he heard the name Toffee...

(YN): That Bastard! Wait until I get my hand on did he not captured you two??

Globgor: We've been looking for you that's why...we secretly been calling Moon from our wands and she send me and eclipsa to found you and took us almost a year to look for you and...we finally found you.

(YN): Well, I'm here. Now come on, let's go save Hekapoo and the others, I'm going to end Toffee for good whether he's immortal or not I'm gong to slice that fucker half!

Eclipsa and Globgor looked at each other like if they were worried of something...

(YN): What?? Why the looks of those faces???

Eclipsa: (YN), there's something you have to know about...Toffee..

(YN): What!?! Did he hurt my friends?! Please don't tell me he hurt Hekapoo?!

Globgor: No! He didn't...yet...he's still have the captured.

(YN): Then what is it?? Why does he still have them captured!?!

Eclipsa: ...Toffee isn't just who he is now...he may be immortal but...he even stronger than before...

(YN): What?? What do you mean??!

Eclipsa: Toffee...has taken all the magic from Moon and the others. It was his plan all along, to steal and gather all the magic he can afford to make him stronger, he has Moons, Stars, and the other high commissioners...he absorb all the magic from them to his body, once he did...he somehow became more stronger than ever...not only be issue of that..we can tell by his look..his hair was glowing white, and everything from him...was different...with all the magic power he had...he can barely destroy all different dimensions...especially Marco's...

(YN): No...I have to stop him!

Globgor: But (YN)...he's too powerful! Mom of us couldn't stand a chance against him...that's why eclipsa and I had to stay low away from him and keeping and Eye on Moon and the others secretly...

(YN): If none of you can't...then I can. Trust me, I'm this close of defeating him before he even almost killed me. Now I know he's unstoppable but for me...all he cares is believing himself...and his so-called justice. guys coming with me?

Globgor: Eclipsa??

Eclipsa: ...Well, if you really want him gone, then we will come with you. Maybe the three of us can stop him together.

Globgor: Right! We'll come with you!

(YN): Good. Now come on.

The three then started heading towards the castle to stop this madness from Toffee...saving his friends and his love one. Meanwhile at the destroyed caste of Mewni, there some civilians in their house hiding from Toffee as for the castle, Toffee, the immortal lizard was sitting down at the royal chair, as he started laughing evilly...

Toffee: Yes! YES!! Yes!!! This power...I have enough to destroy every dimension and pathetic mortals as well!!! You ask why? Well, thanks to Moon and his pathetic friends for giving me their magic so I can truly awaken my true beauty self of a god!

Moon and the others were locked up in some cage as they were all wounded...

Moon: You won't get away with this Toffee! Somehow I will get out of this cage and-

Toffee: Silence Moon! I don't wanna hear any of your words! Thanks to your guys magic...I feel...inevitable! Stronger! Now, let's see what going on to the world

Toffee creates a magic vision to see the he does Moon and the others tried to figure out a way...

Moon: We must figure out how to get out of here.

Rhombulus: It's no point Queen Moon. We've tried everything and nothing. We here trapped in this cage for almost a year and Hekapoo...*sighs* she's or herself...

Star: Mom...Hekapoo didn't even said a word since (YN) know...and we're worried for her, Marco even tried talking with her and yet nothing...

Queen Moon then walked over to Hekapoo...Hekapoo was sitting down, leaned towards the cage as she looks sad and heartbroken...Queen Moon sits next to her...

Queen Moon: Hekapoo...please listen...we are all very..very sorry for What happen to (YN)...we all are...but for now we have to focus on getting out of here...we need to and we need to find eclipsa and Globgor to make sure they're safe...

Hekapoo raises her head up as he stares down at Toffee menacing as she finally said to Queen Moon...

Hekapoo: ...I have an idea...

Queen Moon: Excuse me??

Hekapoo got up as she started walking towards to the other side of the cage, passing through the others as she then calls out Toffee...

Hekapoo: ...You know...Toffee...

Toffee: What's this?? You e finally have spoken...yet you realize you have nothing to stop me you know that right???

Hekapoo: ...your not a god...

Toffee: ...!!

Hekapoo: You heard me...your not a justice is going to support you...all you believe is yourself and nobody just wanna be because your too scared to die...

Toffee: What?!

Queen Moon: Hekapoo, What an earth are you-

Queen Moon realizes Hekapoo pulling out two scissors from behind...

Hekapoo: You heard me, you just want to be immortal because your such a bitch to die, why don't you take it like a man and know how death taste!

Toffee: You pathetic mortal!!!

Toffee flies towards The cage to try and hurt Hekapoo for disrespecting him. As he got to her, Hekapoo then pulled out her scissor that's she was hiding from him as he stabbed Toffee both of his eye....


As Toffee got his eyes stabbed, he powers somehow made the cage disappeared as everyone were free...

Star: Holy shit were free!!!

Queen Moon: No time!! We have to leave now!!! Hekapoo come on!!!

Hekapoo death stares at Toffee as she wanted to stay and hurt Toffee more...

Hekapoo: You took everything from took someone special from me...and now...your gonna pay! YOUR GONNA PAY YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!!

Toffee: SILENCE!!!!

Toffee then blasted a green magic beam towards Hekapoo as Queen Moon luckily saves her....the beam hit towards the wall..

Queen Moon: Come on Hekapoo!!

Hekapoo: But-

Queen Moon: Now!!

Hekapoo and Queen Moon then Started running away from Toffee as Toffee then took the scissors from his eyes as they were healing up and got back to normal....

Toffee: Nrrrrrrgh!!!!

everyone got out from the castle...

King River: Moon!!

Queen Moon: We're fine!!

Rhombulus: Wh-Where's Toffee!?!


Toffee screamed in anger as he caused the whole castle to collapse as he started to gain white aura around him, pieces of rocks started to float as he continues to scream

Suddenly, his right arm started to look differently...

Toffee: You dare talk towards me like that!?! Now your gonna regret it talking like that to a god!!!

Toffee then raised his right arm to the air as he started screaming out....


Suddenly, dark clouds started to appear as purple lighting appears...Toffee started smirking like a demonic maniac...suddenly, purple lightning strike started striking towards him somehow...

Queen Moon: We need to get out of here now!! We have to go find-

Eclipsa: Yoo-Hoo! We're back!

Moon/Star: Eclipsa!!!

Moon and Star ran up to Eclipsa as they hugged Eclipsa and the rest came with them s well...

Moon: So glad your alive still!!

Eclipsa: Well of course! And how did you manage to escape!?!

Queen Moon: Thanks to Hekapoo!

Hekapoo: I-It was nothing...I guess...

Suddenly, everyone realizes that Toffee is still getting strike down by lighting....

Marco: The hell is he doing!?!

Queen Moon: Oh's too late.

Eclipsa: Not quite Moon, there's still hope to defeat Toffee.

Star: Um grandma, no offense but...toffee is literally going to kill us all, how are we going to stop him?! I mean who can even stop him?

(YN): Thats Someone who came back to the dead I guess...

Everyone has already recognize that voice, (YN) appeared behind Globgor as everyone has looked shocked and surprised...

King River: Good heavens!

Queen Moon: It's...Its you...!

Hekapoo: (YN)!?!

Hekapoo then ran towards (YN) as she stopped and stares at (YN), realizing that his boyfriend is alive...and yet return...she stood very still as (YN) walked up to her...

(YN): Hekapoo...

Hekapoo: B-But...Toffee...h-he-

(YN): Don't worry, all you gotta know, is that I have kept my promise...and that promise was to come back for you...and for my friends.

Hekapoo started to shed tears already as she rapidly hugs him and started sobbing a little...

Hekapoo: Im glad your alive *sniffs*

(YN): Im glad you and the rest of you as well.

Star and Marco rush to him and hugged him as well...

Star: We thought you were...

Marco: We never knew you would come back...

(YN): Well gladly I'm alive, so I can end this bullshit!

(YN) walks up to see Toffee finish with his power up from his justice strike...Toffee started to float back to the ground as Toffee was looking completely different...half of his body was corrupted as one side was his normal body and the other all merged, corrupted, and burned look a like...

Toffee: Like what you see...Justice have given me more power...becoming more powerful than any of you mortals...

Toffee then realizes (YN) with them...and alive...

Toffee: You!?! You should be dead!!!

(YN): Looks like Im not ready to die yet! Cause I have plenty of life time to spend with my friends...

He reaches for Hekapoo's hand...

(YN): And my love one...

Hekapoo smiles...

Toffee: the reason why I hate MORTALS!!!!!

Toffee then blasts a red beam towards them as (YN) took out his blade and blocked it as he was trying not to let the beam hit all of them...

(YN): Everyone Run now! Hekapoo Go!!

Queen Moon and the others ran towards some boulder as they hid behind as Globgor shrank himself and Eclipsa holding him...

Hekapoo: I have to go-

Queen Moon: No! Stay here!

Hekapoo: But i have to go help him!

Queen Moon: Don't! He never said he needed help! He's got it control! Do you trust him??!

Hekapoo: ...Y-Yeah...

Queen Moon: Then stay calm and do as what he said.

(YN) was still holding onto Toffee's beam with his blade as with full force and strength he shot it to Toffee as the beam hit Toffee, sending him crashing to some trees...(YN) then goes running to the others to hide. He then finds them as Hekapoo hugs him....

Hekapoo: Thank god your Okay!

(YN): Its okay babe...oh man...

Hekapoo: Whats wrong??

(YN): I never knew he can be more powerful than before...*scoffs* I'm guessing he's got all of your magic right??

King River: Sadly Yes lad, he has absorb their magic and we can't fight him without it...

(YN): Hmmm. Eclipsa?

Eclipsa: Yes?

(YN): You have magic right? Dark magic?

Eclipsa: O-Of course, why asking?

(YN): ...I need you to lend me your magic please.

Everyone: What?!?

Marco: Dude, what are you planning?!

(YN): Toffee has all of the magic, since She has the most powerful one.

Queen Moon: Powerful one? How do you....*sighs* Eclipsa??

Eclipsa: Whoopsie hehe...

(YN): She told me everything about her magic while getting over with hers and my powers...I can be able to defeat toffee...

Star: (YN)...I know your helping over here but...her magic can be....out of control...

(YN): Its fine. She also told me about it. Sure it may be dangerous for me to use her magic, but it's the only chance to take down Toffee once.

Rhombulus: No offense dude, but did we mention to you taht she has...snake arms??

Queen Moon: RHOMBULUS!

Rhombulus: What?? Just sayin

(YN): So, do y'all agree with me on this??

Queen Moon: ....Very well then. If you say so.

Hekapoo: Babe, are you sure about this?

(YN) then approaches to Hekapoo as he grabs her both hands and kisses her on the lips...

(YN): Its going to be fine Hekapoo. I'm doing this to save you guys.

Hekapoo smiles.

(YN): Now...Eclipsa?

Eclipsa: Ready when you are sweetie.

(YN) then turns his hair to gold to activate his powers...

Eclipsa then star te d saying dark magic spells as as she then started leaning (YN) dark aura...the dark aura started to cause (YN) to growl as he realizes the dark magic was making him feel weird...

Eclipsa: I think that's-

(YN): No! Not enough! Trust me!

Eclipsa continues to lend her magic to (YN) until Star and Marco realizes Toffee coming out from the trees...

Star: Guys!

Marco: He's back!

Globgor: My love!

Exlipsa: Almost done!

She somehow was looking like she was gonna faint until (YN)'s eyes raised wide and screamed...


A light beam hit towards (YN) as everyone got back and Eclipsa collapsed as Globgor grow to human size form to carry her...

Toffee: What's this??

(YN) continues to roar as everything when back to normal...everyone started to see (YN) differently. (YN) then jumps on top of the boulder as Toffee stares at him...

(YN): *Smirks*

Toffee: And who exactly the hell are you??!

(YN): Dont you recognize me??

Toffee: Huh? Oh...Heheh, well if it isn't (YN). Looking different I see?

(YN): Glad your dumbass the look? Eclipsa lend me her magic to become stronger so I can take you a bitch!

Toffee: Being rude i see? And did I hear you have magic to make you stronger!? You may look strong, but not a GOD!!

Toffee then blasted a red beam towards him as (YN) stopped it with his bear hands and causing it to vanish...

Toffee: Wh-What!?!?!

(YN): Come on! Is that all you got??

Toffee: Oh please, don't you underestimate me! I am a god, that justice has given form, I am the world! Most splendid beautiful god, To-

(YN) cut him off by punching him straight to the face and send him dragging to the ground...

(YN): Sorry, you let yourself completely open! Now how about you shit up for once and fight me! Besides, you talk to much, if you really are a god, you better make me bow down to your feet with force!

Toffee started getting up...

Toffee: I don't need your prostrations mortal, I just need you dead!

(YN): Come on!!!

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