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After the battle between the monsters and (YN) himself, the monsters were all on the ground dead as Ludo started backing away from him with fear as he started shaking nervously and sweating as well..

Ludo: Th-This...can't be!? How did you manage to take down all of my monsters by yourself!?

(YN): Cut the shit you bird beak fuck.

Ludo got more scared as (YN) shouted at him

(YN): I already warned warned your buddies and didn't listen so they had to learn the hard way, now you wanna join this?? Cause I got plenty of energy to cut your ass in half!

Ludo: Y-You dare talk to me like that!?! I will-

(YN): I can talk however I want and whenever I feel like it! So, I suggest you get the hell out, or get sliced up like these bastards.

Ludo started to shake more nervously as he then started to get a bit angry as he pulled out his dimensional scissors and cut open a portal...

Ludo: Y-You won't get away with this, Wait until I tell my master about this! And trust me...He will get you soon!

Ludo then entered the portal as it then closes itself. After that, (YN)'s golden hair started to fade away as it went back to its normal color self. He then puts away his giant black blade to his back as Hekapoo and the others started to pop out from the bushes and started walking towards him..

Star: That was sooo Awesome!

Marco: That was amazing! You were amazing!

Star: You were like "Boom" Pow" Bam" And they were all like "Oh no, dont hurt me please"

Marco: And whats way cooler is that fact your carrying three swords on your waist and one giant blade behind you back! So awesome of you!

Queen Moon then started pulling both Star and Marco's ears...

Star: Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!!

Marco: M-Moon! That hurts!

Queen Moon: Thats enough you two! Can you at least be yourselves and thank this good person for saving us at least??

Star: Oh...

Marco: Right...

Star and Marco both bow their heads done as they said to (YN)...

Star/Marco: Thank you for saving us!

(YN): ...

Queen Moon: Teenagers...Anyways, we would like to thank you for saving us.

(YN): Hehe, no problem. Besides, it's my duty to save people who are in danger.

Star: Yeah. I've been meaning to ask, how do you know we're in danger??

(YN): I don't know how to tell you this, but I can actually sense danger.

Star/Marco: Really!?

(YN): Yes.

Rhombulus: Oh really? sense this!!!

Rhombulus then blasted a crystal blast towards (YN) as (YN) then his head before the blast even hits him as the crystal blast hit the tree and got crystallize.

Hekapoo: Rhombulus!

Rhombulus: What? Sorry, just wanna make sure...

(YN): Hehe, it's fine. People sometimes did that too when they don't believe me.

Queen Moon: And we do believe you, I say, you got some skills for a young person like you.

King River: And some unique techniques with those swords and that blade you got there. Pretty impressive lad.

(YN): Thank you.

Queen Moon: Mind If you tell us your name??

(YN): The names (YN).

Queen Moon: Nice to meet you, (YN). I am Moon Butterfly, and this is my husband, River Johansen Butterfly. We are both rulers of this kingdom, Mewni.

(YN) suddenly walked in front of them as he then got onto one knees and bow his head down.

(YN): Nice to meet you, Queen Moon and King River.

Queen Moon: Oh my.

King River: I see you already know how to greet a king and Queen.

(YN): Yes King River.

Queen Moon: Impressive. And also, I would like you to meet our daughter, Star butterfly and her love one, Marco Diaz.

Star: Hiii! Nice to meet you, (YN)!

Marco: Nice meeting you dude.

(YN): Nice meeting you two.

Queen Moon: And these are the high commissioners, Rhombulus, Omnitraxus Prime, And-

Hekapoo: HEKAPOO!!!

-Hekapoo POV-

Everyone stood quiet, even (YN)...I felt so embarrassed I covered my whole face and started to blush hard, why did I even called my name out out loud...

Hekapoo: S-Sorry...I-It's Hekapoo...n-nice to feet you-I mean you...

(YN): *laughs* nice to meet you too.

When he laugh, I somehow didn't feel embarrassed at all, for some reason, when I saw him laugh, it made me blush even more, why am I like this? And why I feel weird from my insides...

Queen Moon: Sorry about her, don't know what's got in to her.

(YN): No worries it's fine.

Suddenly, we all started to realize the villagers coming out from their houses as they all realizes us and (YN). Queen Moon then yells out...

Queen Moon: Everyone! Everything turned out to be okay! There will be not more trouble at all, thanks to our hero over here, come (YN).

He then walked to Moon as Moon yells out..

Queen Moon: Everyone, let's here it for our hero who saved us all from the danger, (YN)!!!!

The villagers started clapping and cheering for him as her and the rest of us did as well. He then smiles as he started to wave at them, thanking them.


After cheering for (YN) from saving us and the kingdom and the villagers, the Villagers went back to their houses. The bodies of the monsters were being thrown away to the garbage by the guards from Queen Moon's orders. as it was night time already, We were all outside as Queen Moon then brought a bag of food for (YN) for a reward for thanking him for saving us and the village and the kingdom.

Queen Moon: (YN), as of your bravery and your courage of saving us from danger, I would like to reward you with this bag of meals my chefs made. 20 meat sticks, 10 breadsticks, 10 Mewni corns, And cake for dessert.

(YN): Thank you, your highness I am honor to have it. And it was nothing, I just like helping people.

Queen Moon: Well, Thank You again.

Queen Moon then hugs him as he somehow stood still...

Queen Moon: So, are you leaving home already?

(YN): Actually...Well...

Queen Moon: Yes?

(YN): I..Don't have a home..

Queen Moon: What???

(YN): I actually don't have one

Queen Moon: Oh no.

King River: Do you at least have family, son?

(YN): ....I don't even know my family.

Everyone stood quiet as they all felt sad for (YN). He doesn't have a home and doesn't know his family??? Then how is he living since he was born??? I was starting to feel bad for him as well...

Queen Moon: I-I'm sorry for asking you about-

(YN): No No. it's fine. Trust me. It doesn't hurt me at all. I'm okay....and, thanks for the meals. I'll see you soon.

(YN) then turns around as he started walking downstairs...

Queen Moon: (YN)-

King River: Moon, Don't.

Queen Moon: But we cant just leave him out there alone, he doesn't have a home nor parents!

King River: sweetie, let him, Im sure he's already use to it. Don't worry, we'll see him soon...maybe.

We all stood there for a while as they all started to go inside the castle...except me. We can't just leave him like that, alone...I did t want to.

Queen Moon: Hekapoo, you coming?

Hekapoo: In a minute...

I had no choice but to convince him, luckily he was barely almost to the woods as I then started running towards him as I yelled him...

Hekapoo: Hey! Wait up!

He suddenly stops and turns around as he notice me running towards him..

(YN): Oh...Hey. Hekapoo?

Hekapoo: Y-Yeah.. Hey, I just wanna say again, thanks you for saving me and my friends, I really appreciate it.

(YN): Oh...your welcome.

Hekapoo: Yeah...and Well...I also I wanted to say that...You can't leave alone.

(YN): Why not?? ...What are you trynna say??

Hekapoo: Well, Look Im sorry you don't know your parents and you don't have a house to live it's just...seeing you walking alone to the woods, doesn't seem right for me to just leave you like that after what you just did for them...and for me. So, what I'm trynna say is...You can..crash in my place.

(YN): You mean inviting me to your home???

Hekapoo: Yeah, that.

(YN): Wow...that was nice of you. Thank you.

Hekapoo: It's nothing...I just wanna...return the favor.. *blushes and scratches head from behind*

(YN): Hehe, first your Queen offer me some meals as a reward and now you want me to come live with you? Heh, no one has been treating me so nice like this before.

Hekapoo: Well, now you know how it feels to have a friend in need.

(YN): Heh, I guess I do.

We then stand there for a Cool minute. Later on we then head over the castle as Queen Moon and the others notice (YN) with me...

Queen Moon: (YN)?! Your back??

King River: What brings you here???

Queen Moon: With Hekapoo??

Hekapoo: Well, I started talking with him and well...I decided that (YN) will live with me at my home dimension.

Queen Moon: Really??!

Rhombulus: Say What now??

Star: Awww. That's so nice of you Hekapoo.

Marco: Yeah never invite people to your home dimension besides me and Star??

Hekapoo: Well...What he did back there dealing with the monsters...I think he deserves more reward. A place to live as well. So, why not he live with me??? I mean, he can't live hear cause there's no house for him at the village, not even a room for him at the castle right???

Queen Moon: Hmmm. You are right on that, but...are you okay with him to live with you?? You've never invite anyone to your dimension like Marco said.

Hekapoo: It's okay your highness, I know I don't but...I couldn't just leave him leave and no where for him to live.

(YN): It's cool. Like she said to herself to me, I have a friend in need.

We both look at each other as we smiled to each other...I blush a little.

Queen Moon: Well, If that's okay with Hekapoo, then fine. It's nice of her to do something so nice.

Hekapoo: It's no biggie. I just...wanted (YN) to have a place to live.

I looked at (YN) as he looks at me as well, I blush the fact I see him smiling at me, knowing that I'm doing something good for him.

Hekapoo: Well...I think we should be going. Ready (YN)?

(YN): Sure, ready when you are.

Hekapoo then takes out two knives as she then creates a portal that leads to her dimensional home...

Hekapoo: See ya guys.

Queen Moon: See you later Hekapoo.

Hekapoo: Come on (YN).

(YN): It's nice meeting you all, see you all later as well.

Star: Bye you guys!!!

Marco: Later (YN)!

I then waited for (YN) as we both entered the portal at the same time.

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