Chp.8 The Young Powerful Swordman's Story

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(YN): It was 21 years ago, let's say that this...friend of mines told me everything how he raised me. His name was Red Eyes Mihawk, he was a serious person, over 8 foot tall, menacing sometimes, and called himself the worlds strongest and greatest swordsman. Mihawk wasn't just only a friend...he was also my master.

Hekapoo: Ohh...

(YN): Yeah anyways, he told me that he found me in the forest when I was a baby, alone wrapped around with a blanket. He then picked me up as he looked at me. He notices that was sleeping after I was crying from fear. He started to search around to see if I had parents who left me alone by accident...truth is...I didn't know my parents...I didn't know what happen to them...even My master was thinking the same thing. So, He had no choice but to take me and raise me. During the years of raising me, I always wanted to become a swordsman like him, with that huge black blade he always uses it to fight against enemies, ever since I watch him use it during fights and battles, I've always knew that he was amazing, and really skillful with that blade.

Hekapoo: So...that night black balde you have was your masters??!

(YN): Yea

Hekapoo: ...How did you got it?

(YN): Patience, I'm getting to it. So I was saying...

(YN): I told him I wanted to be like him when I grow up, he chuckled when I said that, I thought he wasn't taking me serious, but he did, so he started to train me as his student and making me become a swordsman like him. He started to train me when I was the age of 10, at the beginning I was having a bit trouble and well...I had to work harder if I wanna become one like him. So he first started off teaching me with some basics of using the sword first. As he did, I was doing good so far, I even tried using two swords and well...I was doing even good than using one, and well...I had to show off and use three swords and well...what can I say, practice does make perfect when you train hard with your master. He was surprised to see me use three swords at the same time. I was already use to of using three swords. Master has seen enough and well...he was happy and surprised know that I've become better. But, not quite, if I was going to become the greatest and strongest swordsman like him, there was one thing in order to become on...challenge him on a dual fight against him. So we did, I started off charging at him as I took out my two swords as I was going for an attack

(YN): Two sword style...Eternal life gate!!!

I swing my swords as I created two huge sliced waves that were going towards my master. Suddenly he took out his huge black blade from his back as he somehow blocked them and faded away...

(YN): What!? How!?!

Mihawk: Come on (YN), is that all you got??

(YN): I'm just getting started Master Mihawk!

I then pulled out my third sword as I put it in my mouth, as for now I was carrying three swords at the same time, Two on my hands that were holding them and one on my mouth. I then jumped as I go for another attack...

(YN): Three sword style...Blade Wolf!!!

I then created a wolf look alike with my swords as my attack went straight to him, but he a don blocked it again.

Mihawk: This is shame. And you wanted to become a swordsman like me, why you have such weak on you when you can't really prove it to me that you really want to become a swordsman???

I somehow started to get a bit angry when he said that, I ferociously charge at him as I started swing my swords at him as he started dodging them and blocking my swings. Somehow what my master told me made me more angry every time I hear him saying that again in my head....I then angrily and ferociously continued to strike him with my swords as he still dodges them and blocks them, every dodge he take, I end up cutting the trees and rocks that were in our way of our dual fight...

Mihawk: My, such ferocious sword play!


He kept dodging and blocking my strikes and attacks. I was still no challenge for him until he suddenly put his blade away as he took out a small knife from his pocket...I was thinking to myself what is he up to, At first I thought I had the chance to beat him, but when I landed an attack on him, I was wrong. As I swing my two swords at his small knife, he blocked it with it.

(YN): Wh-What!?! How!!?? I-I can't move my swords!!?

Mihawk: You ser this, (YN)? This shows you how a true swordsman is, so stop playing around...and take it seriously!

He then used the small knife as he swing it at me as he slice my chest, leaving a huge X mark on my chest, I backed off as I notice I was bleeding from my chest. But I don't fall, a swordsman never fall. I still was on my feet.

(YN): I-I...I am not falling Master!

Mihawk: Hmm? What now??

(YN): You heard me?! A swordsman never falls to the ground! I'm done playing around, I will defeat you and show you that I will become one!

Master: Oh really?? Then show me.

I stood tall on my feet as I then started spinning his swords around like a windmill as I still has the other on my mouth.

(YN): Three sword style secret technique...

Mihawk: Secret technique??? I see, you've been doing your own moves were you???

(YN): Hehe.

Mihawk: Well, show me then!

I quickly charge towards him as I continue spinning my swords...

(YN): Three Thousand Worlds!!!!

As I swing my attack on him...I never knew in my whole life that my master...was quick enough to dodge that technique, I couldn't even see him move, What I just saw, was him on his knees as for me...I was stab in the chest with that little knife he has...

Mihawk: Thats your powerful move (YN)?? What on earth was that?? And you wanted to become a swordsman like me...I'm starting to think I've been training you to become one for no reason...I think it was just a waste.

I couldn't talk nor speak as I then let my swords go as they drop to the floor and the other on my mouth as well. I then dropped to my knees on the ground as he then took out the knife out from my chest.

Mihawk: Come. I'm going to fix you and you will think of everything you have fail.

I was still on my knees as blood continues to come out from my chest, it stopped then, when I heard my master saying that I trained to become the greatest and strongest swordsman was just a waste time...I suddenly snap somehow. He continues to walk as he notices me growing angrier.

(YN): N-NO! I-I'm not gonna give up!!

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