11 - I miss you

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"There you are..." Cat Noir said, jumping to his feet.

He had been sitting on the roof of the Notre Dame Cathedral for about half an hour, and he wondered if he had understood Ladybug correctly. She'd said: "Like on Wednesday." Like on Valentine's Day. He fed Plagg with a double portion of cheese and immediately ran to the spot. He sat down in the same place where he'd found Ladybug almost a week ago and waited.

He realised that he'd lived like in a dream for the last few days. These meetings with Ladybug, those kisses that he stole from her and which she started giving him back... How had this happened? He couldn't believe that he owed everything to one kiss – then, on Valentine's Day, right here...

"Yes, here I am." Ladybug nodded. "I keep my promises."

"Promises?" he asked surprised.

She approached to him slowly with a half-smile. She stopped right in front of him and knocked his cat's bell. She looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Do you remember now?" she asked.

Cat Noir was completely shocked. Was Ladybug... flirting with him?

She laughed at his expression.

"You're so sweet!" She whispered.

And then she climbed on her toes and kissed him. Cat Noir didn't understand completely, what had caused this change in Ladybug's behaviour, but he had no reason to complain, he focused on the present moment. He put his arms around her, and she plunged her hands into his hair. Suddenly, he... purred. His heart stopped for a moment, and Ladybug broke away from him in astonishment and looked at him with wide eyes.

"What was that?" she asked.

"I... I have no idea..." he stammered and flushed terribly.

She laughed and ruffled his hair.

"You know how to win a girl, Cat!" she said.

"Win?" He repeated in astonishment.

"Well, yeah... Win..." She nodded and hugged him.

And he put his arms around her and closed his eyes. He sighed happily. Ladybug laughed again. It occurred to her that recently she had been sighing as civilian self so often.

"What's up?" he whispered into her hair.

"No, nothing... You've just sighed."

"Because... I'm happy." he confessed suddenly.

"Just be careful that you don't get in trouble." she murmured.

"Why would I get into trouble?" He laughed.

"Er... I don't know..." she replied, suddenly embarrassed.

Cat Noir looked at her intently. To avoid his eyes, she hugged him tightly. Instinctively he put his arms around her, but he felt a strange anxiety. It was as if her words rang the bell, but he couldn't name it. Why did she get embarrassed? And why the fact that he was happy would make him get into trouble?

"I have to go..." she whispered suddenly and freed herself from his embrace.

"Stay..." he asked.

"I've told you that I go to school, remember?" She winked to him. "I have homework to do. You probably too."

"Homework will be there in one hour as well."

"Cat..." she sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Stay, please. At least for the sunset, Bugaboo. It's a pity not to use such a spot."

She laughed again.

"OK. But only the sunset." She agreed.

They sat side by side on the roof and stared into the horizon. Cat Noir hugged Ladybug, and she put her head on his shoulder. And they continued sitting in a complete silence, staring at the sun approaching to the horizon.

"I miss you." Cat Noir whispered suddenly.

She raised her head and looked at him in surprise.

"I'm here." she said.

"We see each other only on the occasion of the attack of the akuma." he explained. "And I'd like to..." he stopped suddenly embarrassed.

"What would you like to?" she asked, when he didn't continue.

"To see you more often." he finished. "Because of all these rules, I can't normally call you or walk you home. I miss you terribly, when I don't see you for a few days."

"We can meet here at the agreed time." Ladybug suggested.

"Tomorrow?" He asked hopefully.

"I can't." she replied quickly, reminding herself that she had arranged with Adrien to finish the poster. It was even before Professor Mendeleiev had cancelled Thursday's chemistry lesson.

"On Wednesday?"

"It can be on Wednesday." she smiled. "We can meet to watch another sunset."

"If there's no rain."

"Then take an umbrella. Just in case." she advised and stood up. "I really have to go."

"OK." he also stood up.

"So, see you on Wednesday, Kitty."

"Unless Hawkmoth takes care of our earlier meeting..." he joked.

She laughed. She climbed on her toes and kissed him good-bye.

When she jumped down, he felt an urge to follow her. But he knew that she would never forgive him if he followed her on the way home. At all costs, they had to keep their identities secret.

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