4 - The consequences

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Marinette woke up the next day, dazed a bit. The events of yesterday were mixed up with crazy dreams that she had dreamed all night. At first, she couldn't distinguish between reality and dreams. Consciousness returned to her reluctantly. Wait, wait a moment... Had she... Had she kissed Cat Noir on the roof of the Notre Dame cathedral yesterday?

"Yes, Marinette..." Tikki confirmed while eating a cookie and observing the waking up girl.

"Oh noooo..." Marinette moaned and hid under the blanket.

"Oh yeees..." Tikki smiled. "I didn't expect that from you..."

"Tikki, please stop! How could I do that? After all... I love Adrien!"


"What do you mean by this 'mhmmm'?" Marinette threw away the blanket and glared at Tikki.

"Oh, come on, Marinette!" kwami laughed in answer, ignoring the girl's glare. "If you didn't feel anything to Cat Noir, would you break the spell? And would you kiss him so long, so intensively and so... uhm... magically?" the last word was said by Tikki in a meaningful tone, and kwami watched carefully the girl's reaction.

"It's terrible that you know everything..." Marinette sighed, getting up. "You're worse than the conscience... At least, the conscience can be drowned..." she added under her breath and began to dress.

Tikki only giggled and finished eating, then flipped into Marinette's purse. A moment later, both were ready to leave. It was the high time, because in five minutes the lessons would start. Marinette, therefore, didn't have time to think about her actions on the previous day, nor about her feelings for Cat Noir.

She ran breathless into the classroom just before the bell for the lesson. She tossed her backpack to the floor and sat down next to her friend, Alya.

"What's up, girl?" Alya greeted her. "Did you sleep well?"

"What?" Marinette blushed instantly. "Ah, yes, yes... Very well!" she nodded quickly.

"Didn't you have nightmares?"

"Nightmares? Why would I have nightmares?"

"Well... You know... You ruined your Valentine's Day yesterday..." Alya whispered.

"Yeah... Right." Marinette replied inattentively, suddenly focused on Adrien, who appeared at the door.

"Talking of the devil..." Alya whispered and looked quickly at her friend. Who – amazingly! – was sitting calmly. Well, slightly flushed, but calm.

"Hi, Alya! Hi, Marinette!" Adrien greeted with a wide smile.

"Hello girls!" Nino added, standing next to his best friend.

"Hi boys!" Marinette replied in a similar tone.

"Hey!" Alya greeted, still intrigued by the change in her friend's behaviour. "How was your Valentine's Day, Adrien?"

"You're not going to ask me?" Nino asked bending down over Alya.

"Is there anything I don't know about yet?" she answered and winked to him.

He grinned and winked back to her. Marinette watched the whole situation with a slight amusement and huge interest. She didn't think that these two gravitated towards each other. Alya hadn't mentioned about her Valentine's plans yesterday. On the contrary – she focused on the "Valentine for Adrien" action. In the meantime... They would have to talk about it.

"And you?" Alya turned to Adrien. "How many Valentine cards did you get?"

"I didn't count." he shrugged. "I didn't even read most of them."

"Surfeit?" Nino winked knowingly.

"Rather: appearances." Adrien answered.

"Appearances?" Alya spotted.

"Most of these girls don't even know me. So, how can they be in love with me?" he wondered aloud, completely unaware of an influence on listening girls.

"Doesn't sound like fun." Nino commented.

"Yeah..." Adrien nodded.

"So, you didn't have a good Valentine's Day, did you?" Nino summed up.

"Er..." Adrien flushed terribly. "Actually, I did..."

Marinette exchanged quick glances with Alya. They didn't understand that. Nino also had quite a confused face. What did Adrien's blush mean in relation to what he had said earlier?

Marinette couldn't focus on Professor Mendeleiev's lesson. She wondered what had happened to Adrien yesterday, that caused such a blush on his face. Usually Adrien was calm. Was it possible that in this pile of Valentine cards he found some worth his attention? Did he find the card from her? Or did he include her to those "seeming" admirers who didn't really know him and therefore couldn't love him?

In all this, there was Cat Noir in her mind. How was it possible that in the morning she had sent Valentine card to Adrien, and she kissed someone else in the evening? In addition, she had to admit to herself, though it wasn't easy for her! – that Cat Noir was right. That really was a magic kiss. Or rather magic kisses... And Tikki was right too, telling her that it wouldn't be so magical if she didn't feel anything to Cat Noir. How could she manage to understand that all?

It would be better to forget about everything and return to everyday life. However... She couldn't get those kisses out of her head. And the feelings that were woken up in her heart. She sighed unconsciously, so that hair of Adrien – sitting in front of her – moved slightly. Everyone in the classroom looked at her, and Professor Mendeleev frowned ominously. Adrien's hand went to his neck and the boy massaged the place where Marinette accidentally blew. But she didn't have time to think about it, because the teacher just called her to order:

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng! I can see you're still in a Valentine mood!"

"I apo... apologise, Mme Mendeleiev..." Marinette stuttered, trying to ignore Chloe Bourgeois' malicious chuckle.

"To put your thoughts on the right track, I suggest preparing a lecture on bases for the next lesson. Bases, Miss Dupain-Cheng! Maybe it will teach you something."

"Oh, of course..." Marinette stammered, wanting to die or at least disappear immediately. She should thank Cat Noir for putting her in this awkward situation. Of course, it was his fault!

"Well!" Mrs. Mendeleiev seemed to be satisfied with the repentance of the student. "But I won't be so cruel, and I'll let you prepare this presentation with a colleague. Let's say, let it be..." She hesitated for a while, and Marinette kept saying in her mind: Not Chloe, everybody but not Chloe... "Oh, that will be perfect. Just in the atmosphere of Valentine's Day... Adrien Agreste! You will help Marinette!"

"Oh, come on!" Chloe snorted loudly.

"Miss Bourgeois!" Professor Mendeleiev exclaimed. "I see that you would like to prepare the next lecture! Acids are waiting in the queue!"

Alya almost burst out laughing. Marinette would probably giggle if she hadn't experienced such a humiliation five minutes ago.

"Should I find you a Valentine's partner too?" the teacher added spitefully, so Chloe clutched Sabrina, her friend – especially in doing homework together. Or rather for Chloe.

"N-no, Mme Mendeleiev." Chloe whispered. She wouldn't dare threaten over this teacher with her phone call to Daddy.

"Oh, I'm in a good mood today. So, Chloe... You'll do this presentation with Nathaniel Kurtzberg. I'm very curious of the results of the work of you two..." the teacher smiled maliciously.

Chloe gritted her teeth. Oh, that red-haired Nathaniel! She hated him. In addition, he was terrible in chemistry. He wouldn't do this project on his own!

The bell rang, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Marinette lay down on her desk in a gesture of despair and covered her head with her arms. As if she had too few problems!

Suddenly she felt someone's hand on her shoulder. She assumed that it had to be Alya, who always comforted her after life's failures, especially those related to a compromise in front of the whole class. Meanwhile, she heard Adrien's voice above her:

"Don't worry. We have one week. I'm sure we can prepare something."

She raised her head and looked at him surprised.

"Oh, right. Sure." She replied in absent tone.

"Something happened?" he asked.

"What? No, nothing. Everything is fine." she answered calmly.

"You looked..." he started but stopped suddenly embarrassed.

"Don't worry." She sighed.

He watched her unconvinced. But he didn't ask. Apparently, there had to be a reason for these evasive answers.

"So, when are we going to make a date?" he asked instead.

"A date?" she replied with such astonishment that he blushed.

"I mean... you know... to meet to prepare the presentation." He clarified.

"It depends on when you have time." she answered with a smile. "Between the two of us you're the one who's busy."

Adrien looked at her in amazement, though she was right. His timetable was always overloaded with appointments and activities. And yet he found it nice that Marinette thought about him in the first place. He still didn't get used to the fact that there were people who didn't think about themselves before the others.

"I think I have time after school tomorrow. Do you have any plans for Friday afternoon?"

"Friday sounds good." she agreed immediately.

"Maybe in the library?" he suggested.

"Fine." She nodded. "Although... I live around the corner. We can prepare the presentation at my place. At least we'll have something to eat." she added with a smile.

"OK then." he smiled back. He remembered that Marinette's parents were running a bakery, and that meant that maybe they could try some Dupain-Cheng delicacies.

"So, we have an appointment." Marinette summed up and took her belongings from the floor and the desk.

She was amazed by the ease during her talk to Adrien. Probably for the first time since that memorable rainy afternoon, when he had lent her an umbrella, she behaved naturally with him. It was as if the magic of Cat Noir's kisses made her insensible for Adrien's charm. Weird... The consequences of yesterday's folly were very far-reaching. She should definitely think about it!

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