Chapter 7:Engagement

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Dedicated to uzmafatimaa faatimahessa..
For your lovely vote and comments.

"Go and get the sweets from the shop,I gave you address right?"

"Okay mum. Calm down. You are not getting married."Talha says to his mom.

His mother glares at him and throws a plate on him which misses Talha by an inch. Muhammed starts to laugh uncontrollably followed by Talha. She gives an angry look to her husband. He immediately stops laughing. Poor Muhammad. His wife was always of dominating nature.

Talha goes to Yusufs house which is just near his.He knocks on the door. It is opened by an overexcited Mariam. He smiles towards her and ask her

"Where is Yusuf?"

"His still sleeping"

"That boy!has he forgotten tomorrow his in law are coming tomorrow.Let me go wake him up"

Yusuf was lost deep in his thoughts. He did not believe Aliaa said yes. She wanted to become a doctor right?but then why did she agree?He couldn't help but Imagine her big brown eyes,what colour are her hairs or did she have an affair with anyone earlier on?he couldn't help but wanted to ask why she agreed and if she agreed willingly?

His thoughts were interrupted by a smack on his head. Someone threw a pillow on his head. It was Talha.

"Already started dreaming right?"

"Talha!What do you think Talha?Did I make a right decision?I mean I have to spend the whole life with her. Will I be able to keep her happy?"

"Yusuf you are the best boy someone can find,and I trust you will be her happy.Treat her kindly unless if you want her to runaway after marriage"

"Lets go to get the sweets!You know mum will kill me and she is so excited as if its her wedding" Yusuf laughs.

They both go to get sweets.
It was already Friday and Aliaa was so nervous. Tomorrow Aliaa was going to get engaged officially to Yusuf which will be held at Yusuf's house.

Aliaa also wondered if he was a nice boy like her father.Her father always treated his daughters like princess. Also bought what they wanted.He never raised hand on his mother or his daughters.He never made them feel they were not rich.Tomorrow the wedding date will be planned as well and Aliaa hoped everything goes well.

"Aliaa you are wearing this dress.Its sent by your in laws." Her mother pointed towards a beautiful dress. Aliaa liked it.

"I can't believe you've grown up so much MaShaAllah..." Aliaa smiled towards her mother.

"Go sleep now,we have to wake up early tomorrow."

Aliaa was really tired and soon she was asleep.

She woke up at 4 and took a bath. She dressed up in the dress her mother gave her and they settled themselves in the car along with gifts and Mithaais and all.It was a tradition to exchange gifts. Even though it was always from the boys side but Habiba insisted they take some as well.

Aliaa dress.

Aliaa PoV:

After few hours we reached Yusufs house,which was in the same area as his uncles. His house is really beautiful Mashallah.We were greeted really warmly by his family which was one big family.Yusuf has a small consisting of his mother and two sisters. I met his sisters Mariam being the elder one while Fatima-Zahra the younger one. I find Fatima really talkative while Mariam is a little bit quite maybe because im still a stranger.

His uncle Muhammed and Femida Aunty have 3 sons.I met two elder sons who  are married and have lovely wife's.The elder son Hamid has three sons again while the second one has two sons. While the younger one is still single and he was not present at the moment.

I hadn't seen Yusuf yet to which I am thankful.We were led in the backside of the house which had a very beautiful swing decorated beautifully.With a large table on the side which included many sweets,savouries,juices and drinks.

We all chatted for a while. Soon it was time for the engagement. Mariam and Fatima made me sit on the swing and they called for Yusuf and the men. I see him coming towards me with a smile on his face. He wore a sherwani and he looked utterly handsome in it.

What are you thinking?

Suddenly my heart starts beating real fast. My hands get sweaty.
What are these feelings? I never got them.

He comes and sits near me.I look at him and his staring back at me. I bite my lower lip.

"You look really beautiful Mashaallah!"

"Thanks"I reply

The engagement rings were given to us. He takes the ring and slips into my finger. It was beautiful.

"Halfway MINE!"He whispers. I blush.

Then I am given a ring and I slip onto his finger.He smiles so breathtaking.
Everyone come forward and congratulate us.

"Welcome to our Family bhabhi."Hamid Bhai tells me.

"And if this idiot troubles you then dont worry and tell me. You are now my sister."I smile at him while Yusuf glares at him.

"A picture of the couple please"Mariam shows up with a Camera. We pose for a picture but it wasn't enough for Mariam.

She asks Yusuf to kneel down and propose. Everyone cheers.

"Umm no its enough."I try to explain but nobody heeds to me.

"Yay!kneel down. Yusuf Bhai."my stupid sister Aiza volunteers.

Aiza!wait till we get back home.

He kneels down and takes my hand in his and looks towards the camera. Then he looks towards me as if asking for permission holding my hand. I give him a questioning look. He does something least expected. He plants a kiss on my hand.The "oooooh awwww" sessions start.

"Thank you for accepting me."he says. I smile at him.

We were led to the table and we start having snacks,when suddenly someone interrupts.

"Im sorry im late I was out..."he stops in mid sentence. I look up towards him and he is the same boy which I met at the library. He was staring at me.I try to remember his name and its Talha Mussa. Shit! Im so dump. He happens to be Yusufs cousin. I smile towards him and he looks really confused.

My hand was held in someones hand and I see the owner to see its Yusuf. We stand up from our place.He takes me to him.

"Meet him, his Talha. My best friend,my cousin."I smile at him.He looks directly into my eyes  very keenly as if searching for answers.

"Talha??"Yusuf snaps fingers in front of him.He looks at Yusuf.

"Meet her.Aliaa Elyias. My official Fiance."

"Yeah I've m.."He cuts me in between.

"Congrats Yusuf!Im so happy for you.May Allah grant you all the happiness in the world"

"And Ali..umm bhabhi welcome to our family."He looks everywhere but not at me.

"Thank u"I reply.

He leaves from there as soon as possible.We go back to have our snack as its only 11 now.
The exchange of gifts were done.Now came the time I dreaded the most. Wedding date.

"I want this marriage as soon as possible!If its okay with you that is."says Yusuf mum aka my future mother in law.

She is such a calm person unlike Femida aunty who is super hyper.I like her alot.Shes always smiling and such a calm person.

"We have no problem. How about next month."I choke on my drink. I mean so early. I need at least 2 months.

"Aliaa dear. Do you have any problem?"

"Aunty its too early. Can I have 2 months atleast I can learn how to cook food."Yes. I spent whole day in school  and weekends with books.

"You are not marrying Yusuf to cook food for him,and we have cooks for that work.So dont stress yourself with cooking food okay?"
It was Yusuf's mom speaking
I smile warmly at her.

"Yeah so we can the wedding by 20 April then?"

"Sounds perfect."mum speaks
They all look at me as if questioning so I even nod.

"Perfect."Femida aunty smiles.

I have exact 2 months till I get married. Since its 9 February today.

It was lunch time and we have lunch with them. After which we were ready to go.I go meet everyone.I hug my soon to be mother in law.

"Bye Aunty."

"Call me Mom"she hugs me back.
I smile at her. I was about to go outside when Faizan comes. He is Hamid's son. He gives me a rose and whispers.

"Given by Yusuf Uncle"I hide it under my dupatta and go sit in the car.
اسلام عليكم
Hope you enjoyed the chap?
Fav scene?
Alot more coming up!Stay tuned!

Published: 3 June 2018

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