Chapter 1

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It's 8 in the morning, and the sun has just risen to make the day happy and bright. It's a working day where the London roads were busy with many people were walking and running. The traffic was hectic. The cars couldn't move for a very long time. From afar end, many children were giggling and laughing. The noise is coming from the Park. The children were in a circle, and they were thrilled. Afterwards, they got chocolates and ran away from there. That person got up after those children went away. There was a special child who held that person's hand. That person turned around. Yes, it is no one other than our Prabhas. Prabhas knelt down and smiling at that child. He gave a bar of chocolate. That child took it and gave a kiss on his cheek. He gave a kiss back to the child. The child went with her mother and said bye to Prabhas. Prabhas said bye to the child. Prabhas left Hyde Park.

Outside Hyde Park, you could hear someone shouting at a person. That was no one other than our Nandhini. A stranger tried to snatch her bag from her, but Nandhini caught that stranger and slapped that person and was shouting at that person. Nandhini called the Police, and the Police took that stranger away. Nandhini was walking down the streets near Hyde Park, and at the same time, Prabhas was coming outside Hyde Park. Both of them were in front of each other, but they were busy looking at their phone.

Suddenly both of them got a weird feeling....

Prabhas (mindvoice): What is this? My mind feels relaxed and happy? It feels like something that I have lost, and now I got it back. What is it?

Nandhini (mindvoice): Why does my mind feel relaxed and happy after a long time? It feels like something that I've lost came back to me!! Why do I feel like this? I didn't have this feeling in a long time!!

Prabhas and Nandhini were in their own thoughts and thinking what it might be. Prabhas turned towards Nandhini and went passed her, but both of them did not see each other. Both of them were going in two different directions.

At PD Group of Companies....

Prabhas went inside his office, and all the staffs' stood up and said Good Morning. Prabhas did not notice it as he was thinking about the feeling he got this morning and went to the cabin. Prabhas sat down at his seat and closed his eyes. An unclear picture of something came into his mind, and he opened his eyes quickly, and his face went dull.

Prabhas (mindvoice): It's been 4 years, and I still cannot forget about this. I need to come out of this soon!! I need to forget about it. But why did my mind feel relaxed and happy this morning? Does this relate to one of my pasts?

Whilst he was in deep thinking, someone knocked on his door. Prabhas came back to reality

Prabhas: Yes, Come in!!

Staff: Sir, If you could check this file, I can send it off to our Suppliers.

That Staff gave the file to Prabhas. Prabhas opened the file and tried to read the papers, but he couldn't concentrate. He closed the file and put it next to him.

Prabhas looked at the Staff....

Prabhas: I'll read this later and let you know when it's ready.

Staff: Okay, Sir!!

The staff was about to go....
Prabhas: Also, one more thing!!

Staff: Yes, Sir....

Prabhas: Please don't disturb me at least for 1 hour.

Staff: Okay, Sir....

The staff left from there. Prabhas got up from his chair and went near the window. While Prabhas was looking at the scenery, he got lost in his thoughts by looking at the streets. His eyes welled up in tears. He was upset, and at the same time, he is angry. He tried controlling his emotions, but he couldn't.

At N&M Company....

Nandhini came inside her office. Everyone greeted her; she greeted them back and went to her cabin. She sat down on her seat and started to do her work. Whilst she was doing her job, her thoughts went to the feeling she had this morning when she was on her way to her office.

Nandhini (mindvoice): How come I got the same feeling after a long time? I felt safe and secured; why? My mind felt relaxed and happy.

Many questions came up in Nandhini's mind. She was in deep thinking. Then she took her phone out and was scrolling through her photos, and she saw a picture. Her eyes were full of tears.

When she was looking at the photo, someone came inside her Cabin, but Namdhini did not notice that person.

Person: Nandhini....

Nandhini was still in her own thoughts. That person called her again.

Person: Nandhini....
Nandhini came back to reality.... Nandhini saw the person.

Nandhini: Preethi!! When did you come?

Preethi: That doesn't matter. What were you thinking about?

Nandhini: Nothing.... Nothing Preethi....

Preethi: No, you're lying to me. You were staring at your phone when I came inside. What was it?

Nandhini: I.... I was looking at my messages. Thats.. thats all....

Preethi knew Nandhini was lying. She took her phone from her hand and saw what she was looking at. She saw a picture on her phone, and she felt very upset about Nandhini....

Nandhini couldn't see Preethi's face....

Preethi(calm voice): Nandhini....

Nandhini looked at Preethi, and her eyes were full of tears.... Preethi felt very bad about her.

Preethi: You still haven't forgot about this?

Nandhini: I'm trying my best every single day for me to forget about this, but....

Preethi: I can understand, Nandhini.... I'm sure everything will be fine soon....

Nandhini nodded.

Preethi: I forgot to tell you that we have a meeting in 1 hour. Will you be able to able as well or shall I attend it?

Nandhini: I'll come with you to the meeting.

Preethi: Okay.

Preethi gave Nandhini's phone and left from there.... Nandhini was lost in her thoughts again about the picture that she saw.

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To be Continued....

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