Chapter 13

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Flashback Continues....

Around 3 pm....

Preethi and Nandhini were walking down the streets with their luggages. They were using Google Maps to navigate themselves.

Then they saw a building saying Augustine House.

Nandhini: Preethi, I think we are here! Look, this is the Library saying Augustine House.

Preethi: Finally!! I'm really tired of Walking!

Nandhini: Lazy Girl!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Nandhini and Preethi went inside the Augustine House.

The Library was huge, and it had 4 floors.

And every floor was labelled to show which floor had the books and what books—also showing which floor is for using the computers.

Nandhini and Preethi were shocked in seeing the library.

When they were walking through it they saw some bunch of people who were waiting in the queue.

Preethi: Nandhu I think thats the queue!

Nandhini: Yeah! Lets go there!

Nandhini and Preethi were waiting in the queue and then they eventually got to the front of the queue.

Nandhini and Preethi told their names and the staff gave their keys to them.

Yes its the keys for their room.

Nandhini: Luckily we've got Petros Court and we are in the same block and floor! Luckily we are next door to each other!

Preethi: Yess!! Ofcourse! I feel happy about that too!! Lets go there now! Lets see who's our roommates!

Nandhini: Yeah! Lets goo!!

Preethi and Nandhini excitedly went to Petros Court and there were so many blocks labelled as A, B, C and etc.

Preethi: Nandhini it says Block A is this way!

Nandhini and Preethi were following the signs and they found their block!

Then they went up the stairs to 1st Floor! The room numbers are split up in each section with a door to make sure no one else can enter it!

Then they went to their section and they looked for their room numbers! Their rooms are right next to each other!

Nandhini's Room Number was 1.1 and Preethi room number is 1.2 and there were 2 other rooms and it seems like no one has arrived at their block yet!

Preethi: Seems like no one has arrived yet! Uff!!

Nandhini: Why what happened?

Preethi: I want to meet new friends who are more like me drooling over guys! So bored of hanging out with you!

Nandhini glared at Preethi.

Nandhini: Ohh I see!! When we start our Semester you'll come to me for help on your homework I'll teach you a lesson that time!

Preethi got shocked! Nandhini went to her room and closed the room!

Preethi knocked on the door.

Preethi: Nandhu! Im sorry! Im sorry! I wont say that again! Please open the door! Pleasee!! I cannot study without you! You know me na? Pleaseeeee! I beg you!!

Preethi was knocking on the door and begging Nandhini to open the door!

Nandhini opened the door and stared at Preethi. Preethi made a childish smile which melted Nandhini's heart.

Nandhini smiled at Preethi and they both hugged each other🤗🤗

Scene Shifts to Prabhas and Vikram....

Prabhas: I'm glad that we got this room in Petros Court!

Vikram: Hmm mee too! Also this is newly built! And its really clean! Thats the main point we need.

Prabhas: That is so true!

Vikram: I wish we get some girls as our flat mates in this B Block!

Prabhas: Won't you think anything else apart from that?

Vikram: Nope! We are the only ones over here so far!

Prabhas: People will still be coming! I hope no girls will be here as our roommates as I will have to watch you 24x7 to safe guard them from you!😂🙆‍♂️

Vikram: You know I'm not that cruel!

Prabhas: Yeah! I know na! But still they do need to be careful from you!😂😂 I wonder who you future wifey is! I wonder how she is going to handle all your childish tantrums! I hope after she comes she'll change you! So I'll be free!😂😂

Vikram glared at Prabhas! Prabhas laughed at Vikram! Then Vikram eventually started to laugh!

Whilst they were talking someone entered the kitchen!

Prabhas and Vikram turned around!

Person: Hi!

Prabhas: Hi!

Person: Are you guys staying in this block?

Vikram: Yeah we arebb

Person: Ohh thank god! Same here! I thought I came to the wrong block! By the way I'm Karthik!

Prabhas: Hi Karthik! I'm Prabhas!

Vikram: I'm Vikram!

Karthik, Prabhas and Vikram were chatting. Karthik got to know that Prabhas and Vikram are twins and he was surprised by that as their characters are totally opposite😂😂

Karthik: So is anyone else coming in today?

Vikram: I actually don't know! Maybe! We were here since we got here! So I think its just us so far!

When Vikram was saying that another person came out from the room which was opposite the kitchen. Then that person came into the kitchen!

Person: Hii!! I guess you guys are my roommates!

Karthik: Yeah we are! And you?

Person: Ah forgot to introduce myself! I'm Arjun!

Karthik: I'm Karthik!

Prabhas: I'm Prabhas!

Vikram: I'm Vikram!

The boys were started to chat!

Arjun and Vikram were mainly drooling about girls where Karthik and Prabhas were like 🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️

Vikram: Shall we all go to the freshers party tonight?

Prabhas: Ermm.... We can! But I'm not really interested on it! You can go if you want to!

Vikram: Do I know anyone here? No I dont!

Prabhas: You'll easily make friends at the Freshers Party!

Vikram: I will! But it's boring to alone!

Prabhas: Sorry bro! I'm not coming! I'm seriously not interested in it!

Vikram: Please buddy! Please! Please!

Vikram was begging Prabhas to come to the Fresher's Party!

Vikram was begging him for awhile!

Then Prabhas said he'll come as he knew he had no other choice! 😂😂

Vikram: Yess!! Okay let's look what type of Freshers Party is happening at our University today!

Arjun: I hope we can meet many girls there!

Karthik: So I guess that's why you guys are going there tonight?

Vikram: Haha of course! 😂😂

They boys were surfing the University website to see what type of Freshers Party there are!

Then they saw a Harry Potter Theme Party at a Night Club! And decided to go to that Party!

Scene Shifts to Nandhini and Preethi....

Nandhini and Preethi were talking on the corridor. At that time 2 people were chatting and coming inside the block with their baggages!

Then one of them saw Nandhini and Preethi!

Person: Hii!!

Nandhini: Hii I'm Nandhini!

Person: I'm Priya!!

Person 2: I'm Keerthi!

Preethi: I'm Preethi!!

All four of them hugged each other.

Then Nandhini and Preethi helped Priya and Keerthi with their baggages and put them in their respective rooms.

Preethi: When you guys came in we saw that you guys were chatting! Are you sisters?

Keerthi: Haha no we aren't sisters! When we were in the queue to get our room keys we met then! Then we got to know that we'll be staying in the same block!

Preethi: That's nice!!

Priya: What about you guys?

Nandhini: We're twins!

Keerthi: Twins?😳😳

Preethi: Yeah! Why are you getting shocked?

Priya: You guys don't like like twins! We thought you guys were best friends!

Nandhini: Hahaha we are non identical twins! Which is easier to get away from her tantrums so she'll get caught and I can escape😂😂

Keerthi: Hahhaa that is soo truee!!

The girls were chatting, laughing and joking around.

Priya: Guys!! I heard that theres lots of Freshers Party is going to happen tonight! Theres lots of different themes too!

Nandhini: Yeahh I also heard about it!

Priya: Shall we go?

Nandhini, Preethi & Keerthi: Yess!! We can!!

All the girls got excited about it! Then they were surfing the University Website!!

Nandhini: Lets go to a night club! It'll be fun!

Preethi got shocked when Nandhini said that.

Preethi: Is this my twin sister?

Nandhini: Why?

Preethi: Because you never liked night clubs right?

Nandhini: Yeah! But its freshers and it also says Harry Potter Theme! You know I loveeeeee Harry Potter theme! That's why I chose this!

Preethi: Ohh god! You and your Harry Potter Craze🙆‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Priya and Keerthi laughed!!

Priya: I also think Nandhini's suggestion is right too! Thats the only one which looks decent!

Preethi: Truee! But will there be boys?

Nandhini: Why? To drool over them?🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️

Preethi: Yeah what else?

Nandhini: Oh God!!

Priya: Preethi! Don't worry! I'm with you in this! Thats why I also supported to Nandhini's suggestions! There will be boys there!

Preethi: Yes!! Finally I got a supporter! Who is literally like mee!!

Keerthi: I'm like Nandhini! I'll be in her team

The girls laughed at each other!

Then the girls and the boys started to get ready to go to the freshers party....

How was Chapter 13

Hope You Liked it!

What is going to happen next?

Will the girls gang meet the boys gang?

Keep Guessing!😉😉

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To be Continued....

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