Chapter 18

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Author's Note:

Hii Everyone!!

Hope you're all well!! So sorry for the delay was quite busy and couldn't update the story for a long time.

Will try my best to update this story regularly!! ☺️

Hope you guys will like this chapter!! Please do let me know how it was!! ☺️

Let's get back to the story now!!

Back to the Story....

Preethi told to Priya and Keerthi not to tell this about to Nandhini.

Keerthi: But why? She needs to know la?

Priya: Yeahh she has the rights to know this..!!

Before Preethi said anything further Nandhini came there....

Nandhini: Who has the rights to know about what??

Preethi, Priya and Keerthi turned around and saw Nandhini and they were shell shocked. Preethi's heartbeat started to go fast.

Preethi(mindvoice): Ohh noo!! What do I do now? Nandhini will cross question just like a lawyer!! No no she's worst than that!!🥴🥴

Priya and Keerthi also didn't know what to say either.

Nandhini came up to them with a smile

Nandhini: Why are you guys reacting like this?? What happened??

Priya(stammering): No.. Not..Nothing Nandhini.. We were just chatting..

Priya gave a fake weird smile (a smile that everyone gives when they don't know how to handle the situation).

Nandhini: No you're lying!! It shows on your face. Tell me what happened?

Preethi(mindvoice): Ohh godd!! Seems like these two will tell the truth!! Preethi somehow manage Nandhini!!

Preethi: Seriously nothing Nandhu!! We were just discussing about the Freshers Day Party that we went to yesterday!

Nandhini: Is it??

Keerthi: Yeahh she's right!! We were just casually discussing how nice the party was.

Nandhini wasn't convinced by their statement. She understood they are hiding something since when she heard "She has the rights to know about this.." But she left the topic like that as Priya and Keerthi are new friends and don't want to make anything hard for them at the start of their friendship.

She went to the fridge and got some snacks and went back to her room. Keerthi, Priya and Preethi felt relieved after she went back to her room.

Priya: Pheww just missed from her..

Preethi: But she got a doubt on us I'm pretty suree..

Keerthi: Really?? How. do you know??

Preethi: Don't I know about my twin? She questions just like a lawyer questions to us and somehow make us tell the truth.

Priya: But then how come she didn't do that today?

Preethi: Thats what I'm confused too.. But at least she kept quiet for now I'm glad about that.

Keerthi: But one day she will know na??

Preethi: Yeah she will!! Lets think about that later on.

Preethi, Priya and Keerthi smiled and carried on chatting about something else.

Later on during the day....

Preethi was in her room watching a movie, she was really into the movie and at one point there was a steamy romance scene. Preethi sought of got shy seeing it as the hero was doing naughty stuff under the heroine's lower abdomen. She immediately remembered how Vikram was about to do the same thing and she stopped him from doing it. She regretted it and now she wanted him and his touches. Preethi was feeling turned on seeing the scene and after few minutes she saw the heroine was satisfying her needs by herself with her hands. She smiled to herself and thought this would be the best choice for her at the moment. Preethi undid her jeans and before she could do anything further a message beeped on her phone.

She took her phone and saw it was Vikram Preethi smiled widely.

Text Message:

Vikram: Miss you already!! Really wanting to do some naughty things with you right now..!!

Preethi was surprised by his message that too said this right at the start of the conversation. She smiled widely too as her feelings were the same but she decided to hide her feeling from him just incase he teases her.

Preethi: I was with you 3 hours ago.

Vikram: I know..!! But what to do naa.. I'm also a human with feelings.

Preethi: Ohh you have feelings??😂

Vikram: Hey! Ofc!

Preethi: I thought you didn't have any feelings?😂

Vikram: If I didn't have feelings why would I message you?😉

Preethi stayed quiet and blushed🙈🙈 She didnt know what to reply.

Vikram: Hello?? Are you still there??

Preethi: Haa..!! I'm here!!

Vikram: I just feel like hugging you tightly and feel you as much as I can..!!😉

Preethi: Seems like someone is in a romantic mood??

Vikram smiled widely and replied..

Vikram: Since I saw you😉😘

Preethi blushed at that statement.

Vikram started off with some dirty talks with her. She was shy at first. A person who never gets shy and was waiting to have some fun during her university life, first ever time she felt shy a boy talking to her like this. Then later on both of them started to get involved in the chat. Where both of them felt turned on and they badly wanted each other Preethi couldn't control herself so she started to touch herself. but poor Vikram who doesn't know what Preethi was doing he was controlling  his emotions as much ad he can.

Whilst both of them were talking Vikram couldn't stand it anymore.

Vikram: Can I come to your room?

Preethi: What?? Now??

Vikram: Yess, I want to see you!! I can't control my feelings anymore. I controlled so much from telling you. Now I seriously cant control it.

Preethi: Arey!! Its still bright and morning and we just met each other too! My flatmates and my one and only twin sisters all will be wide awake right now! No no i cant take this risk now!

Vikram: Please pleasee!! Okay u come to me then!

Preethi: Hello are you joking! What did I just say now? I can't come please understand!!

Vikram was sad as Preethi turned him down.

Vikram was silent and didn't reply to her last message. Preethi understood he got upset and was thinking what to do. Then she thought of something and texted him back.

Preethi: But.. I won't say know if you come to me at night 😉

Vikram saw her message and was widely smiling at it.

Vikram: You Suree..?? Night times can be risky too 😉

Preethi: Risky why??

Preethi asked him innocently.

Vikram: Because I don't know what i'll do at that time.. Anything can happen between us by controlling all the feelings that I have right now 😉

Preethi blushed at that message 🙈🙈

Preethi: Chii 🙈🙈

Vikram: See you at night darling 😉 Be ready for anything 😉

Preethi blushed at that message and just sent him a shy emoji and they left the convo there.

Vikram smiled at her reply and he somehow calmed his feelings and thought of going to see what his friends are doing. He adjusted himself and opened his room door. He looked around and couldn't find Arjun or Karthik in the kitchen. He saw Prabhas' room door was opened and he went there. Prabhas had his door opened and sat on his study desk chair and was smiling and thinking about something.

Vikram(mindvoice): What is he doing? Lets go and ask him.

Vikram walked into his room and Prabhas was in his own dream world where he failed to notice Vikram came into his room.

Vikram: Prabhas

Prabhas: ......

Vikram: Brotherr

Prabhas: .....

Vikram shook his shoulder

Vikram: Earthh to my big brother!!

Thats when Prabhas came back to reality.

Prabhas: Hey buddy! When did u come?

Vikram raised his eyebrows 🤨

Vikram: I came here ages ago and you didnt even notice that i came! Whats up? What were you thinking about?

Prabhas: Ermm.. nothing buddy! Was just casually sitting here

Vikram: No, your lying whats the matter?

Prabhas: Seriously nothing buddy!

Vikram wasn't satisfied with Prabhas' answer so he kept on asking him but Prabhas kept on denying it's nothing he was just thinking about random stuff. Vikram didn't want to bother him further so he gave up on asking him any further questions.

Prabhas: So tell me, how come you came here?

Vikram: Nothing, I came to see what you, Arjun and Karthik were doing but couldnt find Karthik or Arjun and saw ur room door open so came here to chill with you.

Prabhas: Arjun and Karthik went out to buy some groceries so we can cook and eat.

Vikram: How come you didn't go with them?

Prabhas: Naah I was feeling lazy today, so wanted to stay here but how come you didn't go either? They knocked on your door but you didn't open it.

Vikram: What did they? When?

Prabhas: Like 30 minutes ago..??

Vikram: Ohh I didn't hear them knocking on my door at all.

Prabhas: When do you hear others talking when you're sleeping or have your headphones on?🤨

Vikram didn't know what to say so he just made a cheeky smile and ran his hand behind his hair. Prabhas and Vikram were just talking and joking around with each other.

Precap: Vikram and Preethi were being a little romantic. Then they heard a knock at their door.. and Prabhas and Nandhini meet at the university and.... 😉

How was Chapter 18?

What's going to happen next?

What will happen when Prabhas and Nandhini meet?

Who knocked on Preethi's room?

Will they get caught?

What's going to happen when Prabhas and Nandhini meet at the University?

Keep Guessing!!

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To Be Continued....

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