Chapter 5

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Next Day....

Nandhini woke up from her sleep.... She felt very weak and tired.... When she opened her eyes everything was blurred.

She squinched her eyes for a few times and her vision was clear.

She saw Preethi who kept her head on the corner of the bed and sleeping and Arjun was sleeping on the couch and Priya was sleeping on a chair.

She was shocked to see Arjun and Priya here.

Nandhini slowly tried to get up from the bed....

At the same time Preethi woke up immediately and saw Nandhini trying to get up from the bed....

Preethi: Nandhini!!

Preethi helped Nandhini and made her sit up on the bed!! At the same time Arjun and Priya woke up....

Priya: How are you feeling now Nandhini?

Nandhini: I'm fine!! How come you and Arjun came here?

Preethi: I saw you lying down on the floor unconscious and I didn't know what to do in that time so I was the one who called them up and told them to come here....

Nandhini: So both of you....

Arjun: Yes.... We know the truth!!

Nandhini became silent after hearing that....

Priya came and sat dow next to Nandhini....

Priya: Why did you hide this truth from Prabhas? He has all the rights to know about it Nandhini!!

Nandhini's eyes started to well up with tears....

She looked at Priya....

Nandhini: He used to have the rights but not anymore!!😭😭

Preethi, Priya and Arjun didn't know what to say....

Arjun: Preethi also said what happened 4 years back....

Nandhini kind of got shocked and she didn't know what to say....

Arjun: Why did you put all the blames on yourself when it's actually not your fault? Do you know who did those mistakes and blamed it on you?

Nandhini: No.... I don't know Arjun!!

Priya: Do you suspect anyone?

Nandhini didn't say anything....

Arjun: Tell us Nandhini....

Nandhini: Ye....Yes....

Everyone got shocked 😳😳😳😳

Preethi: Who is it?

Nandhini: I don't know for sure but I think it's Meera....

Everyone was shocked after hearing the name Meera....

Priya: Meera??

Nandhini nodded....

Preethi got angry after hearing her name....

Arjun: Don't Worry Nandhini.... We are always with you!! We'll take care of it.... We'll help you in finding the truth and you and Prabhas will reunite!!

Nandhini: I don't think that's possible Arjun!! He hates me so much!! I don't have any belief that he will reunite with me....

Preethi: I will slap you if you say this again!! 😡😡

Priya: Have hope!! We are together in this!! We'll cone later you take a good rest okay??

Nandhini : Sure!!

Priya got up and stood next to Arjun....

Arjun&Priya: Bye!!

Preethi & Nandhini: Bye!!

Arjun and Nandhini left from that place....

After few days....

Scene Shifts to PD Group of Companies....

Vikram and Prabhas were preparing for their next meeting and this deal is very important for them as it's worth of £50 million and if they do get this project they will get a lot of profits out of it!!

After awhile Vikram and Prabhas went to the meeting.... Vikram was presenting the presentation and Prabhas was listening to it.

In the mean time someone came to PD Office. He straight went to the receptionist.

Receptionist: Hi how may I help you?

Person: Hi I came to see Mr Prabhas. Is he free at the moment?

Receptionist: He's in a meeting at the moment.... it should be finished in an hour!!

Person: Ohh okay no worries!! I can wait until then!!

Receptionist: Okay!! You can go to his cabin and wait for him!!

Person: Thank You!!

That person went to Prabhas' cabin and was waiting for him....

Who is that person? Why does that person want to meet Prabhas?

What is wrong with Nandhini's health?

Who is Meera?

Is she a reason for Prabhas and Nandhini's separation?

To be Continued....

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