CHAPTER FOUR, first date

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After Harvey left, Aurelia got on her moped and drove home. When she entered the house, she saw the boys were playing video games in the living room. They didn't even look over at her when she walked in. That is until the door closed which caught Jeremiah's attention.

"Hey, there you are, sis!" Jeremiah greets with a smile. "Where have you been all day?"

"Honestly, best day of my life since you were gone for most of it." Steven teased Aurelia, smirking at her. 

"Haha, very funny." Aurelia says sarcastically, glaring back at him. "I was just hanging out with an old friend."

"Harvey?" Conrad questioned, glancing back at her with a smirk. He didn't miss the way her face lit up at the mention of Harvey's name.

"Yes, Harvey. We were just catching up." Aurelia explained, smiling at the mention of his name.

"Just caught up, huh?" Steven asks with a raised eyebrow, looking at her with amusement. "Didn't realize catching up required a whole day."

Aurelia rolls her eyes, knowing exactly where this conversation was headed. "It's not like that. We're just friends. Anyway, I need to get ready for my date. See you guys later."

"Wait, hold up." Jeremiah stops Aurelia from walking away and gets up, causing the other two to protest since he stopped playing in the middle of the game. "You're going on a date? Like, this one is official? And it's with Harvey? That's why you're so smiley and happy?"

"Yes, yes, and yes." Aurelia laughed, her smile turning into a grin as her face turned more red.

"Aurie, I'm so happy for you!" Jeremiah grins, pulling her into a hug. "This is awesome! I'm so happy for you. Congrats, sis!"

"Thanks, J." Aurelia replied, hugging him back. She knew her brother was genuinely happy for her and she was glad.

"Wait, you're saying someone would actually want to date you?" Steven inquired, sounding dramatic and surprised.

"Unlike you, yes." Aurelia shot back with a smirk.

"Ouch, burn." Jeremiah chuckled while Conrad snickered.

"Wow, way to kill my pride." Steven retorted, rolling his eyes.

"Where's the girls at?" Aurelia asked curiously.

"Up in mom's room." Conrad replied and she nodded in response. She walked up the stairs, heading to her mom's room. Susannah, and Belly were there, but she didn't see Laurel. Belly was putting on lipstick as she looked at herself in the full length mirror. She wore a floral crop top, denim jeans and white shoes.

"Hey, there's my beautiful daughter! How was your day with Harvey?" Susannah smiled brightly once she saw Aurelia walk in.

"It was great. We had a lot of fun." Aurelia smiles happily, her cheeks tinted a light shade of red. "I'm also going on a date with him tonight."

Susannah gasps excitedly. "Really? That's wonderful!"

"Yay, Aurie!" Belly squeals, running over to her and pulling her into a hug. "You're going on a date! I'm so happy for you. Where are you guys going?"

"We haven't decided yet. We're probably just gonna do dinner and a movie. Something simple." Aurelia responds with a small shrug. She looks at her mom and Laurel with a nervous expression, fidgeting with her hands. "I was hoping you guys wouldn't be mad at me."

"Of course not. Why would we be mad at you?" Susannah asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Because I'll miss the book signing thing." Aurelia replied with a sigh.

"Well, I will too." Belly admits with a shy smile. "Cameron and I are going on a date too."

Aurelia's eyes lit up and she smiles at her. "Bells, congrats! I'm happy for you." She told her, pulling the girl into a side hug.

"Thanks, Aurie." Belly smiled, her cheeks a light shade of red while she hugged Aurelia back.

"You guys are gonna have so much fun tonight." Susannah commented with a wide smile.

"We're just going to see a movie." Belly replied, pushing her hair behind her ear as she and Aurelia pulled away.

"I don't even know what we're doing, but I know we'll have fun." Aurelia smiled and sat on the bed.

"I'm sure you will, Rie. You look really happy." Susannah pointed out with a soft smile.

"I am." Aurelia admits, a bright smile spreading across her face, her heart fluttering. "He makes me really happy. I don't know how it happened, but I'm so glad I got to reconnect with him. I never thought I would have another chance with him."

"I'm really happy for you." Susannah smiles and gives her a hug. "You and Harvey were always adorable. And he was such a sweet boy."

"You can't deny the cuteness, he was a cute kid. And he got even cuter. I'm happy for you too, Aurie." Belly voiced with a grin.

"Thank you guys. You're the best." Aurelia said happily, grinning back at Belly as her face remained red.

"You look nice, hon." Laurel voiced when she walked in, smiling at her daughter.

"I can't believe crop tops are back." Susannah chuckles, glancing at Laurel. "Remember how I thought I was such hot s**t in that baby tee I wore freshmen year?" Laurel laughs and nods in agreement with a smile. "Have fun tonight." Susannah said to Belly when Belly gave her lipstick back to her. "You too, Rie." She added, glancing at her daughter with a soft smile and Aurelia returned the smile back to her.

"What's tonight?" Laurel asked Aurelia curiously.

"I have a date with Harvey." Aurelia responded, her lips forming into a shy smile as her heart fluttered.

"Harvey, the boy you were head over heels for?" Laurel gasps, smiling softly when Aurelia's face turned more red. "Oh, Aurie, that's great. I'm happy for you."

"Thank you. I just feel bad for missing your book signing thing." Aurelia sighed, looking at her sheepishly.

"It's okay, you can go. Really, it's fine." Laurel assured her, smiling softly at her.

"Are you sure?" Aurelia asked hesitantly, feeling bad about missing it.

"Absolutely." Laurel replies in a reassuring tone. "Don't worry about it, hon." She then glances over at Belly curiously when she saw keys in Belly's hand. "Are you not driving with us?"

"Um..." Belly's voice trailed off as she looked nervous, glancing over at Susannah.

"Didn't Belly tell you?" Susannah questions, standing up to stand by Belly and put her hands on Belly's shoulders. "She has a date. Our girls are growing up so fast." She said with a bright smile.

"Sorry, mom." Belly apologizes. "Um, his name is Cam."

"Yeah, his mom works at the club." Susannah chimes in. "Really nice boy, very smart."

"Like, Harvard smart." Belly cut in with a smile.

"It's fine." Laurel laughs a bit, but Aurelia could see she looked upset. She didn't know why Laurel was upset though. Maybe because Belly told Susannah about her first date instead of her own mom first? "Of course you can go. I've dragged you to enough of these book parties over the years. Have a great date."

"Thanks." Belly grinned and began to walk out of the room.

"Better tell me everything that happens when you get home." Aurelia pointed at her with a playful stern look.

"Same goes to you." Belly nodded and smiled back at her.

"Do we need to talk about consent before you go?" Laurel questioned, raising her eyebrows at her daughter.

"Mom." Belly whined, continuing to walk out of the room.

"Okay, I'm gonna go pick an outfit for my date." Aurelia speaks up, getting off the bed. She pauses though, her face falling and she bites her lower lip as nerves appear on her face. "What kind of outfit should I wear without knowing what we're doing?"

"Something simple and cute." Laurel suggests with a soft smile. "I'm sure no matter what you wear, you'll look beautiful. And I know Harvey will love it."

Aurelia's face heats up and she smiles shyly. "Thanks, Laurel."

"You are going to have a great time, honey." Susannah reassures her daughter, walking over to her to put her hands on her shoulders. "First dates can be nerve-wracking, but it'll be fun and you'll enjoy yourself. Don't be scared, just go and have fun."

"Okay, thank you." Aurelia smiled, leaning over to give her mom a hug.

"Now, we don't need to talk about consent either do we?" Susannah inquired playfully, raising her eyebrows.

"Mom, no. Stop." Aurelia groaned, burying her face in the crook of her mom's neck as her cheeks turned red.

"I'm just kidding, Rie." Susannah laughs lightly along with Laurel. "Have fun on your date."

"Thanks." Aurelia replies, a shy smile on her face while they pull apart from the hug. "I'm gonna go find an outfit." She left the room and headed to hers, her mind going over the possible outfits she could wear. Maybe she should call or text Taylor for help. Taylor did always have great fashion advice. Though, she didn't know if Taylor was busy or not. She went through her closet, going over every possible outfit.

"Honey?" Susannah's voice gains her attention. Aurelia glances over at the door, seeing she was leaned against the door frame, looking at her with a concerned expression. "You okay?"

"Why am I freaking out over this? It's just Harvey." Aurelia mumbles, glancing at the pile of clothes on the floor in front of her. Her room was a mess now, filled with discarded clothes. She was stressing over what to wear, trying to find the perfect outfit. "I have no idea what to wear." She groans, burying her face in her hands. "Belly probably didn't have this much of a trouble. She probably found the perfect outfit easily."

"Aurie, calm down, it's fine." Susannah soothes, walking over to her. "Harvey won't care what you're wearing." She sits on the floor by Aurelia, wrapping her arm around her shoulders. "Honestly, he would think you're beautiful if you wear a trash bag. It's you he likes, not the clothes you're wearing."

"I know you're right, but still." Aurelia sighs, leaning into her mom's comforting touch. "I just wanna look nice and not like a total slob."

"Hey, how about this top? I've always loved it on you." Susannah admits, picking up a white floral crop top. "Oh! And the floral yellow skirt would go with it!" She adds, finding a floral yellow skirt amongst the pile of clothes. "And some white sandals would look cute with it." 

"You really think that would work?" Aurelia questioned, biting her lip nervously.

"Absolutely." Susannah smiles, handing her the clothes. "You're going to look great, trust me. I'll let you get ready, let me know if you need my help again." She assured her. 

"Okay, thanks." Aurelia replied, her lips quirking upwards into a small smile. She gives her mom a hug before she left the room. She got up and changed into the outfit her mom picked out for her, checking herself in the mirror and she smiled. Her mom was right, the outfit looked great on her. She decided to style her hair into a low side bun, leaving a few strands of hair out to frame her face. She put on a bit of make up and sprayed a little bit of perfume. She didn't want to go overboard, so she kept her make up and perfume subtle. And then she was ready for her date. 

(aurelia's outfit for this part of the chapter)


When 7pm came along, she was waiting outside for Harvey. At 7 his blue pick up truck pulled up, causing Aurelia to grin. The passenger side window rolled down and she could see Harvey was driving, a bright smile on his face. "Hey, cutie. Hop in." He leaned over, opening the passenger door from the inside. Aurelia smiled and did so, sitting down and closing the door. She glanced over at him and grinned, her cheeks heating up a bit. He looked really handsome. He always did, but especially tonight.

"You look great." Harvey comments, his eyes lighting up when he saw her. He couldn't help but let his gaze linger a bit, admiring her beauty. He always found her beautiful, but there was something about her tonight that made her look even more beautiful. Maybe it was the fact that she was his date tonight and he was the luckiest guy in the world. Either way, she looked absolutely stunning. "Like, really, really great." He adds, his smile widening. "Gorgeous." He leans over, pressing a kiss on her cheek. Aurelia's face turned a bright shade of red, her heart beating faster. The simple kiss on the cheek made her feel giddy. "Red is definitely your color."

"I could say the same thing about you." Aurelia grins, taking a moment to admire him. His brown hair was a little messy, but in a good way. His brown eyes sparkled in the dim light and his smile made her heart beat faster. "You look really handsome. Like always, but you look especially handsome tonight." She comments and he chuckles, a small blush on his face. "What?" She asks with a laugh, raising her eyebrows. "What's funny?"

"Nothing." Harvey shakes his head, smiling at her. "You're just really adorable." Aurelia's face turns more red, grinning at him. Her heart skipped a beat when his hand came up to cup her face. He leaned forward and kissed her softly. Aurelia smiled against his lips, returning the kiss as her eyes closed. The butterflies in her stomach were going wild and she felt like her heart was going to explode from all the joy and excitement. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds, but it felt like time had stopped. When they pulled away, their foreheads rested against each other. They both were grinning like idiots. "You are so beautiful." He told her and she giggled, her face turning more red.

"You're only saying that 'cause I'm your date." Aurelia said, rolling her eyes playfully. Harvey grinned and pressed another kiss on her cheek.

"I mean it, Aurie." Harvey continues, his voice soft but earnest. "You're beautiful to me every day, not just because you're my date tonight." He reaches out to take her hand, intertwining their fingers as he spoke. "I've always thought so, ever since we were kids. And tonight, seeing you like this, it just reminds me of how lucky I am to have you in my life." He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, his gaze filled with sincerity. "I'm really glad we reconnected, Aurie."

Aurelia's heart skipped a beat and she couldn't help but beam at him. "I'm really glad we did too." She admis, smiling widely. She leans over to cup his face with her free hand and kissed him softly, unable to control herself. She couldn't help it. Her emotions were overwhelming, and kissing him felt like the best way to express how happy and giddy she was. It was a chaste kiss, but it meant so much to both of them. When they pulled away, both of their cheeks were a light shade of red and their grins hadn't left their faces. "So, what's the plan for tonight, handsome?" Aurelia asks, biting her lower lip and she smirks a bit. "I've been curious." She admitted, letting her hand fall as she moved to lean back, blush still on her face.

Harvey chuckles, a playful glint in his eyes as he starts driving. "Ah, that's for me to know and you to find out, Aurie. But I promise it's nothing too crazy. Just something I hope you'll enjoy." He winked at her, his hand still holding hers as they drive through the familiar streets.

Aurelia blushes at the wink and grins, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation building up inside her. She leans back in her seat, her mind buzzing with possibilities of what Harvey might have planned. "Well, I'm sure whatever it is, I'll love it. As long as I'm with you." She replied, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. Harvey's heart flutters at the sweet sentiment and he can't help but smile. He's really glad that they reconnected, and that they're here now, together.

"You're too sweet, Aurie." He smiles, bringing their hands up to his mouth to kiss the back of her hand. "I promise you, you'll have fun."

The drive is short, only a few minutes long. The entire time, Aurelia's wondering what Harvey has in store. She can't help but get a bit antsy, wanting to know what they're doing. "We're here." Harvey announced, parking the car by a beach. Aurelia now knows why he had told her to wear her swimsuit under her clothes.

She beams, grinning at seeing the beach. The sun was beginning to slowly set, creating a beautiful view. The waves were crashing onto the shore, creating a calming atmosphere. "Harvey, it's amazing." Aurelia gasps, her eyes lighting up with wonder. "Thank you, this is perfect."

"You're perfect." Harvey replies, grinning at her. Aurelia's heart flutters and she can't help but giggle. She's so giddy and excited, she can't contain her happiness. "Come on, let's go." He said, getting out of the car and walking around to open Aurelia's door for her.

Her heart flutters and she blushes. "Thank you." She murmured, smiling up at him. She took his offered hand and got out of the car, her heart hammering in her chest. She had a feeling that this was the start of something great, and she couldn't wait to see where it went.

They walk to the shore together, their hands clasped together. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore fills the air, adding to the magic of the moment. They walk in comfortable silence, simply enjoying each other's company and the beauty of the sunset. The sky is painted with shades of pink and orange, creating a breathtaking view. Aurelia can't help but be mesmerized by the sight, and she knows that this is a memory that she'll cherish forever.

"It's so beautiful." Aurelia commented, breaking the silence between them. Her gaze was focused on the horizon, watching the sunset. Harvey's gaze was focused on her. The light from the setting sun created a beautiful glow around her, making her look ethereal. She was already beautiful, but the light made her look even more breathtaking. "This is perfect."

"Yeah, it is." Harvey agrees, his voice soft. Aurelia turns to look at him, a blush on her face. "You're perfect." He added, a fond look in his eyes. Aurelia's heart skipped a beat and she smiled shyly.

"You're not too bad yourself." She teased, biting her lower lip. She couldn't deny the fluttery feeling in her chest, or the warmth that spread through her body. She knew she was falling for him, and it was the best feeling in the world.

"Wanna go for a swim?" Harvey asked, grinning at her.

"Yes, absolutely." Aurelia nods, smiling. She had no idea what this date was going to entail, but she was already loving every moment of it. He had told her to wear her swimsuit too so she was glad she had listened to him. She hadn't known what to wear at the time and was glad her mom had picked out an outfit. It was perfect for a beach date.

Soon she was just in her swimsuit and he was in his swim trunks. She let out a surprised squeak when he suddenly lifted her up, carrying her bridal style. He began to walk into the water, a playful smirk on his face. Aurelia laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding on. "Harvey!" She giggled, unable to contain her laughter.

"You're a princess and I'm gonna carry you like one." Harvey stated, a teasing lilt in his voice. Aurelia rolled her eyes, but couldn't keep the smile off her face.

"Excuse you, I'm a queen." She corrected, sticking her tongue out at him. Harvey laughed, shaking his head.

"Of course, my apologies, Queen Aurelia." He teased, pressing a kiss to her cheek. Aurelia's face turned red, but she couldn't help the giggle that escaped her.

"Thank you, King Harvey." She responded, a smirk on her face. Harvey grinned, setting her down in the shallow water. The cool water felt refreshing against her skin, and she couldn't help but feel relaxed.

They spent the next hour or so swimming and splashing around in the water. Aurelia couldn't stop smiling and laughing, enjoying herself immensely. Harvey was right, this was the perfect date. She couldn't remember the last time she had this much fun, and the company was definitely a bonus.

"Wanna go back to the shore?" Harvey asked, his gaze on her.

"Yeah, I'm a little hungry." Aurelia admitted, grinning. Harvey grinned back and began walking back to the shore, Aurelia following closely behind.

"Perfect, I'm starving too." Harvey chuckled, reaching out to take Aurelia's hand as they walked. "I packed us a little picnic, hope you don't mind."

"A picnic? That sounds amazing!" Aurelia's eyes lit up with excitement. "I love picnics!"

"I'm glad you're excited." Harvey grins, squeezing her hand gently. "I thought it would be nice to have dinner by the beach, watching the sunset."

"It's perfect." Aurelia smiles feeling a warmth spread through her chest. "Thank you for planning all of this."

"Anything for you, Aurie." Harvey's gaze softens as he looked at her. "I just want to make you happy."

"You already do, Harvey." Aurelia's heart swells with affection. "Just being here with you is enough to make me happy." She admitted, her cheeks heating up slightly.

"You're the best." Harvey smiles, kissing the top of her head. "Come on, let's get settled down."

They soon sat down on a towel and he opens up the picnic basket he brought with them. He brings out sandwiches, chips, fruit, and some bottles of water. "Hopefully you like it, I made the sandwiches myself." Harvey said, looking at her sheepishly.

"I'm sure I'll love it, thank you." Aurelia smiles, feeling her heart skip a beat. He was so thoughtful and sweet, she couldn't believe her luck. "It looks delicious."

"Dig in." Harvey encourages, handing her a sandwich. "Oh! And I brought some dessert too." He adds, grabbing a plastic container from the basket. He opens it, revealing a chocolate cake. "I know how much you like chocolate, so I made you a little something."

"Chocolate is one of the ways to my heart," She grins at him, her face brightening up. "That's very sweet of you. Did you make all this?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah, I dabble in baking." Harvey shrugged, his cheeks a light shade of red.

"Dabble?" Aurelia repeats, a smirk on her face. She continues to eat her sandwich and tries s a bite of the cake. It's delicious, and she can't help but let out a small moan of delight. "Harvey, this cake is amazing!" She exclaims, a wide smile on her face. "You're so talented."

Harvey's cheeks turn an even deeper shade of red, but he grins at her. "I'm glad you like it." He replies, looking genuinely pleased. "I wanted to make something special for you."

"Well, you definitely succeeded." Aurelia smiles, feeling a warm sense of contentment settle over her. She couldn't have asked for a better date, or a better guy to share it with. "Thank you for everything, Harvey."

"Anytime, Aurie." Harvey's smile is soft and genuine, and Aurelia can't help but feel her heart swell with affection. Butterflies filled her stomach, and she knew that she was falling for him, hard. "I'd do anything to make you happy."

She felt herself melt a bit, her face a light shade of red. It was a new feeling for her, having someone care about her like this. Someone who put her first and wanted her to be happy. It was something she had never experienced before, and it was both overwhelming and wonderful.

They continue to eat and talk, sharing stories and laughs. The food is delicious, and the company is even better. Aurelia feels more and more relaxed as the night goes on, enjoying herself and her date.

When the sun had finally set, they were left sitting on the beach, staring at the stars. The moonlight shines down on them, illuminating the scene. Aurelia feels like she's in a dream, like nothing could ruin this moment. It's perfect.

"I can't believe this is real." Aurelia murmurs, her gaze on the stars. "Everything feels so surreal, like it's not actually happening."

"I know what you mean." Harvey agrees, a soft chuckle escaping him. "It's almost like a dream."

"One I don't want to wake up from." Aurelia confesses, a faint blush on her face. She looks over at him, a smile on her lips. "I've never felt like this before, Harvey. Never had someone care about me the way you do. You're so thoughtful and kind, it makes my heart flutter. I'm not used to this, but I'm starting to like it."

"I'm not used to it either." Harvey admits, a small smile on his lips. "But I'm glad we're both new to this. I never felt like this about anyone before, Aurie. It's a new feeling for me too."

Aurelia's heart skips a beat and she grins, a surge of joy rushing through her. "Really?" She asks, a hopeful lilt in her voice. "You've never felt this way before?"

"No, I haven't." Harvey chuckles, a slight blush on his face. "But I'm glad I get to experience it with you, Aurie. You're special."

Aurelia feels her heart race, the butterflies in her stomach fluttering wildly. "You're special too, Harvey." She replies, her voice soft and earnest. "I've never had someone make me feel like this before...I think...I think I'm falling for you, Harvey." She confessed, her cheeks heating up. She never thought she would hear herself say that, but it was true. She was falling for him, and she couldn't be happier.

"I'm falling for you too, Aurie." Harvey smiles, his gaze soft and sincere. "I can't believe how lucky I am to be with you."

Aurelia felt her heart soar at his words. She hadn't expected the evening to be this perfect, but Harvey always had a way of surprising her. His sincerity and the depth of his feelings matched her own, and she felt a warm sense of contentment settle over her.

They sat in silence for a moment, just enjoying each other's company and the beauty of the night. The sound of the waves crashing gently against the shore provided a soothing backdrop, making the moment even more magical. Aurelia leaned her head on Harvey's shoulder, feeling completely at ease.

"Harvey," She said softly, breaking the comfortable silence. "Thank you for tonight. It means more to me than you could ever know."

Harvey turns his head slightly to look at her, his eyes filled with tenderness. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, Aurie. I just wanted to make tonight special for you."

"You succeeded," She replies, her voice filled with emotion. "This is one of the best nights of my life."

Harvey's smile widens, and he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head. "Mine too." He admitted.

They sat there for a while longer, watching the stars and talking about their hopes and dreams. The connection between them grew stronger with each passing moment, and Aurelia knew that this was just the beginning of something truly special. As the night grew darker and the air cooler, Harvey wrapped his arm around Aurelia, pulling her closer.

"We should probably head back," He said reluctantly. "I don't want you to catch a cold."

Aurelia nods, though she was reluctant to leave. "Yeah, you're right." She stood up, brushing the sand off her swimsuit, and Harvey did the same. Harvey had packed everything up and once they both got dressed, he intertwined their hands and they walked to the car. He opened the door for her, and once she got in, he closed the door and went to the driver's side.

The drive home was filled with laughter and conversation, and Aurelia couldn't help but notice the way Harvey's eyes would occasionally dart over to her. It was cute, and made her heart flutter. She was so happy, and she knew that this was just the beginning. Soon they got to the house and he was walking her up to the front porch.

"I had an amazing time tonight, Aurie," Harvey said, his voice sincere. "Thank you for making it so special."

Aurelia smiles up at him, her heart fluttering. "Thank you, Harvey. You made it perfect." She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. But he caught her by surprise when he cupped her face and pulled her into a passionate kiss. A surprised noise escaped her lips, but she quickly melted into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. The kiss was filled with emotion, and she could feel the depth of Harvey's feelings for her. It was as if everything they had felt and shared throughout the evening culminated in this one perfect moment.

When they finally pulled away, both of them were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other. Aurelia's cheeks were flushed, and she couldn't stop the smile that spread across her face.

"Wow." She whispered, her voice barely audible as her heart pounded in her chest.

"Yeah, wow," Harvey echoes, his eyes still locked on hers, his gaze full of love and admiration for her. "I couldn't help myself. I just...I needed to kiss you." He sheepishly said. He was a blushing mess, his heart was racing.

"I'm not complaining." Aurelia giggles, her face brightening despite her face bright red. "That was my first kiss." She murmured, a shy expression on her face.

"I'm glad I could give you your first kiss." Harvey grins, his thumb stroking her cheek. "You're adorable, Aurie."

They stood there, the night air cool around them but filled with warmth from their shared moment. Aurelia's heart was still racing, her cheeks flushed with excitement and joy. She couldn't believe how perfect the evening had turned out, and Harvey's tender words only added to the magic of the night.

"I should get going," Harvey reluctantly said, pulling away. "It's getting late."

"Yeah, I should get some sleep." Aurelia agreed, though she was reluctant to see him go. Her gaze flickered to his lips for a moment, before looking up at his eyes. She felt her cheeks heat up even more, the fluttering in her stomach growing wild.

"I'll text you later." Harvey promised, kissing her forehead. Aurelia grinned, her heart fluttering.

"You better." She teased, her gaze falling to his lips again. She couldn't help it. They had felt so soft and warm against hers. She wanted another kiss. So she suddenly reached forward, surprising him when she grabbed his collar and pulled him down for another kiss. This time, it was more confident, filled with the eagerness and joy she felt inside. Harvey, taken aback for a split second, quickly reciprocated, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. The kiss deepened, each of them pouring their emotions into it, creating a memory that would stay with them forever.

Finally, they pulled away, both of them breathless. Harvey looked surprised, but there was a smile on his face. "Wow," He whispers, his eyes bright. "That was unexpected. But not unwelcome."

Aurelia giggles, her cheeks flushed. "I couldn't help it." She admits, her face hot. "I just had to kiss you again."

"Well, I'm glad you did." Harvey grins, leaning down and pecking her lips. "Have sweet dreams, Aurie. I'll text you when I get home."

"Goodnight, Harvey." Aurelia's voice was soft and affectionate. She watched him walk to his car and get in, before he drove away. Her heart was filled with a warm sense of joy, and she couldn't help but let out a sigh.

As she went inside, her thoughts were filled with Harvey and the magical evening they had shared together. She was still smiling, even as she closed the door behind her. She noticed the house was empty, she figured they were all still at Laurel's book signing party and Belly was still at her date. She hoped it was going well for her, but she was excited to tell her all about the date. She had a lot to tell her.

(aurelia's outfit for the rest of the chapter)

She walked up to her room to get ready for bed, still riding high from the incredible date she had. As she changed into her pajamas, her thoughts were still filled with Harvey. His warm smile, his kind words, the passion and tenderness he showed her. She knew that this was just the beginning of something special, and her heart was filled with a sense of anticipation and joy. She had never been in a relationship before. Never felt this way before. She had always wanted love, and now she was certain that she had found it.

She was climbing into bed when Belly suddenly stormed in, closing the door behind her with tears in her eyes. She still was dressed up, Aurelia assumed she had just got home from her date. Aurelia hoped her being like this didn't mean that her date didn't go well. She didn't say anything and simply scooted to the side to give her room by her. She patted the space beside her, a silent invitation for her to join her. Belly took it, and climbed into the bed, facing away from her. Aurelia moved closer and wrapped her arms around her, hugging her tightly. She didn't know what was wrong, but she was here for her and she hoped that was enough.

"I'm sorry you're upset." Aurelia murmurs, holding her close. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Your brother is a jerk." She mumbled, her voice shaky.

"J or Conrad? They can both be a jerk at times." Aurelia admitted with a small chuckle, her hand running through Belly's hair in an attempt to comfort her.

"Conrad. He's such a jerk. Did you know he, my brother and Jeremiah crashed my date at the drive in?" Belly asked, her voice still shaky.

"What?!" Aurelia couldn't help but exclaim, her eyes widening. She didn't think they would do that. She couldn't believe they would do that. "They are all jerks for that. What did they do? You know what, doesn't matter. Jerks." She mutters. She already still didn't like Conrad much after that bonfire and now she really was upset with him. She pulls away carefully and climbs out of bed. "I'll be back."

Belly furrows her eyebrows, sitting up and wiping her eyes. "Where are you going?" She asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

"Just need to do something." Aurelia reassures, giving her a small smile. She walked downstairs and headed straight to Conrad's room. She didn't even knock, simply walked inside. "You're an a**hole, you know that right?" She hissed, closing the door behind her as she glared at her older brother.

Conrad, who was laying on his bed, looks up at her with a surprised expression. "What?" He asked, his voice filled with confusion.

"Belly just got home and told me what you, Steven and J did." Aurelia glares, crossing her arms. "Seriously, Conrad? You crashed her date. Why would you do that?"

"It was just a prank," He shrugs, not looking at all apologetic. "It's not a big deal."

"Yes, it is." Aurelia argues, her voice firm. "You ruined her date and made her feel bad. That's not okay. This was such a big deal for her and you ruined it."

"She's overreacting," Conrad scoffs, rolling his eyes. "It was just a joke. She needs to learn how to take a joke."

"It wasn't funny," Aurelia snaps, her eyes blazing with anger. She walks up to him and punches his shoulder, hard. He yelps and she punches him again, harder this time. "Don't ever do that again. Do you hear me? You're lucky you're my brother and I love you even though you're an a**hole, otherwise I'd have kicked your a** for hurting her. And twice for hurting me. I mean, I know you were drunk but that really hurt, Conrad." She added, her voice softening slightly.

Conrad looks at her, his expression softening slightly. He really did feel guilty about hurting her. He wanted things to be better between them, and he hated knowing that he was the one that hurt her. "I'm sorry," He apologizes, his voice sincere. "I didn't mean to hurt you, Aurie. I'm sorry, I really am. I was just so drunk and wasn't thinking straight. I didn't mean anything I said, okay? I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't have done it at all." She sighs, her shoulders slumping slightly. "And you guys shouldn't have crashed her date. You're all jerks."

"Yeah, we were. I'm sorry." He apologized, his voice soft. He reaches out and grabs her arm gently, pulling her down to sit on the edge of his bed.

"I'm serious, Conrad." Aurelia sighs, her expression still irritated. "I won't forgive you if you do this again. And you better apologize to Belly, because you really hurt her."

"I will, Aurie," Conrad promises, his eyes locked on hers. "I'll apologize, okay? I promise."

"Okay." Aurelia sighs, feeling her anger start to dissipate. "I hope so, Conrad. I don't want her to be upset anymore."

"Neither do I." Conrad admitted, his voice filled with regret. He really did feel terrible about hurting Belly and making her upset.

"I should go. Belly's waiting for me." Aurelia stood up and walked towards the door, before pausing. She turned around, and punched his arm once again. Hard.

"Ow!" Conrad exclaimed, rubbing his arm.

"That's for what you did tonight and the bonfire." She huffs. "I should do more but I'm going to be the bigger person and not punch you anymore. Goodnight, jerk." She muttered, walking out of the room and closing the door behind her.

Conrad watched her leave, his expression softening. Despite the fact that she had just punched him twice, he was glad they were talking again. He missed his little sister. He sighed, laying back down on his bed. He couldn't believe he had actually apologized, but it felt good to do it. He knew he had a lot of making up to do with Belly and Aurie. He wasn't sure if he was ready to talk with Belly yet after the conversation they just had when she got home. But he would, soon.

Aurelia returned back to her bedroom and crawled into bed. Belly looked at her expectantly. "What did you do?" She asked, her curiosity getting the best of her.

"I might have punched him." She admitted with a shrug. "Twice. Once for the drive in and the bonfire."

Belly laughs, the sound genuine and happy. "Thank you, Aurie. But you didn't have to do that. Though I really appreciate you defending me."

"He's my brother and I love him, but he's a jerk. A big one." She mutters, cuddling closer to her. "And I'm sorry they did that to you, Bells. You didn't deserve that."

"Thanks, Aurie." Belly murmurs, her voice soft. "But enough about me. How was your date? Was it amazing?" She asked, her tone teasing.

"It was the most perfect date," Aurelia says, her voice filled with warmth and happiness. "He planned this whole thing. He took me to a beautiful cove by the beach and we had a picnic there. I got my first kiss from him too."

"You did?" Belly exclaims, her eyes widening. "Tell me everything! I want to hear all about it."

Aurelia's smile widened as she began to recount the details of her perfect date, and the magic of the night. Belly listened attentively, her smile growing with each passing moment. She was so happy for Aurelia, and glad that she was finally experiencing love. They talked late into the night, the conversation flowing easily. It was clear that Aurelia was smitten, and Belly couldn't help but be happy for her friend.

As the night drew to a close, the girls settled down, the exhaustion of the day finally catching up to them. Belly had changed into pj's before climbing back in bed. "Thanks for being here for me, Aurie." She whispered.

"Of course. I'm always here for you, Bells. No matter what." Aurelia replied, her voice sincere.

"I'm always here for you too." Belly murmurs, wrapping her arms around her as her head laid on her chest. "I love you."

"I love you too." Aurelia smiled warmly and kissed the top of her head, her arms wrapping around her tightly. "You've always been like a little sister to me, I'm so happy that we're friends. "

Belly smiles, her heart warming at the words. "Me too, Aurie. You've always been like a big sister to me. Thank you for always being there for me."

The two of them drift off to sleep, their hearts filled with happiness and love. Despite the drama of the night, they were grateful for each other, and the bond they shared. It was a friendship that would last a lifetime.

AN harvey & aurelia >>>> but also love aurelia's & belly's bond so much

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