Chapter 10 Fly Me to the Moon

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I got a frantic phone call from Cassie in the car while Pierce drove me home. They had been worried about me ever since Trey dragged me off and had been hunting through the whole school looking for me since then.

"Amber, are you alright? Where are you?!" She and Haruko asked me simultaneously.

"I'm alright now, guys, I'm with Pierce," I told them, but my voice shook a little. Guess I was still shell-shocked from what happened. My friends would definitely know something's wrong from my voice but I didn't want to go over everything now.

"You sure you're okay, Amb?" Haruko asked, evident concern ringing in her voice.

"Really, guys, Pierce is driving me home," I assured them. I heard sighs of relief.

"Okay, call us as soon as you can!" Cassie said and hung up. I put my phone away and leaned my head back on the car seat, shutting my eyes in exhaustion. My legs hurt too from the bruising I got falling out of the window—I seemed to get my legs hurt every time I had a clash with Trey. But at least I was in the safe and tender care of my golden boy now.

"Amber, sweetheart, breathe," Pierce told me, and I opened my eyes to glance at him. Crud, I'd been unconsciously holding my breath. It reminded me of the time I held my breath in this very car three years ago, when I broke my leg. Pierce had to ask me to breathe back then too. Only he didn't realize he'd become my oxygen now, I couldn't live without him. I exhaled, giving Pierce a tired smile.

"So... your friends know about—us?" He asked cautiously. Us... Mmm, that sounded nice.

"Yeah, they were the ones who sorta got me to ask you out," I admitted shyly. Pierce gave a smile.

"I'm glad they did," he replied. Yeah, so was I. Without him as my protective knight in shining armor, I don't know what would've happened today. I glanced at him curiously.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" I asked.

"Like what?"

"Y'know, like you did earlier, it was pretty cool, like a ninja," I replied with admiration. Pierce chuckled sheepishly.

"Oh that. I have a black belt in martial arts," he admitted modestly. I practically purred inside. My boyfriend was the hottest guy on the planet.

"Thanks for saving me, Pierce, I don't know what I would've done without you," I said after a moment.

"You don't have to thank me, babydoll, when you're in trouble, it's my job to protect you, and be there for you." Oh, you are, Pierce, you're in my every breath...

"I hate to disappoint you but... I'm not driving you home," Pierce suddenly said apologetically. I blinked.

"Huh? Then where—" I stopped when he'd arrived in front of a huge mansion, driving through the gates. I spotted the address plate as we drove through—One zero six Petermont Drive. Pierce just brought me to his house; and I couldn't be gladder.

"I didn't want you to be home alone after that ruckus, especially since your parents won't be home for a few hours," Pierce explained as he got out of the car. He came to my side, opened the door and continued, "I can't leave my babydoll alone when she's hurting." He took my hand and helped me out while I watched him with a touched smile.

"Did anyone ever tell you you're the best boyfriend ever?" I asked, giving him adoring eyes. He chuckled quietly.

"Actually, you're the first to say that. But I think I can stand to hear that if it's only from your lips," he replied playfully. He helped me inside as I was limping a little and guided me to the couch in his living room—his house was huge both inside and out by the way, and very tastefully decorated.

"You live here all by yourself?" I asked.

"Nah, my mom's at work, she works late too," Pierce replied.

"Oh." A little thrill of excitement shot through me at the thought that Pierce and I were all alone again. What did I do to deserve these rewards?

"Keep your feet up, babydoll, I'll get you some ice packs," Pierce said, pulling my shoes off and lifting my feet off the ground to stretch out on the couch. I blinked in surprise.

"Ice packs? But why—"

"Because I know pain when I see it," Pierce interposed with a keen gaze at me. He gently squeezed my shin and I winced—yep, those bruises were too obvious to ignore. I glanced at Pierce, something in his tone making me look up. It felt like his words had a double meaning, like he wasn't just referring to my injuries.

"I'll be right back," he said, and went off to another room. I lay my head back, feeling drained but still comfortable and relieved to be in Pierce's house instead of alone at home. It was the first time I'd ever been here and although I wished it was under better circumstances, I just felt lucky that Pierce cared enough about me to bring me here and tend to my wounds.

He came back with a couple of ice-packs and a bottle of pain relief spray. The pitter-patter of little feet behind him aroused my curiosity—what was that?

I soon found out when a little white and sand-colored fluffball of a dog appeared, giving short yappy barks as it ran toward me. I gasped as it jumped on the couch and padded right over my tummy—to lavishly lick my face!

"Down, down girl!" Pierce commanded her, picking her up off me and putting her on the ground. I laughed as she promptly jumped onto the couch again and padded over me with her little paws so she could lick my face again.

"Oh my gosh, Pierce, she's adorable!" I said, delighted with the loving little dog. "She's the sweetest little thing ever! What's her name?"

"Peanut," Pierce replied, watching us in amusement, "She's a shih-tzu. She woke up from her nap in the kitchen, must've smelled a new human and had to come investigate."

"Peanut? That's a cute name but why 'Peanut' exactly?" I asked as Peanut settled down beside me like we were already the best of friends. I stroked her hairy body and she gave a content-sounding whine.

"Because that was her size when I got her," Pierce said with a laugh. "She was practically the size of a peanut—just a tiny little thing. Even now, she's two years old and that's as big as she'll ever get."

"Aww, what a darling!" I said as Peanut got up and decided to make me her pillow. Thea would've run for the hills if she had to meet her—but not me. I loved dogs. Always wanted one of my own but couldn't have one because of Thea's phobia.

Peanut panted for a bit with her tongue out, then settled down and rested her head on my tummy. Her fluffy little body felt like a hot water bag slash pillow—comforting. Pierce whistled.

"Huh, I've never seen her warm up to anybody this fast, she really likes you," he said in surprise. "She's usually only a fan of women—she loves my mom more than me. But she's never taken to strangers right off the bat like this."

"Really?" I asked in delight. "I'm honored! I like you too, little fluffy pie." I hugged Peanut and she gave my hand one more lick before settling down. Pierce smiled as he sat down on the couch beside me.

"She probably sensed you were hurt, she's really sensitive to people's feelings," Pierce said while he sprayed my bruises and applied the ice packs to them. I stroked Peanut's head, gazing at Pierce.

"Like you are?" I asked softly. Pierce met my eyes with his own filled with unreadable emotions.

"What makes you think that, babydoll?" He asked, turning his attention back to my legs.

"Isn't that what you meant when you said you know pain when you see it?" I asked. He smiled, but it held a touch of melancholy.

"Guilty as charged," he answered quietly. I pulled out his letter from my coat.

"I know what you meant by this, Pierce," I continued in a gentle voice, "I knew that since I met you, you were hurting. And... I know who made you hurt all this time." Pierce looked up at me but didn't speak so I took it as a good sign to go on.

"I don't want you to hurt anymore, Pierce." I put his letter away, reached out and cupped his face with my hand. "I wanna take away your pain."

"You already have, babydoll," Pierce replied in a husky voice ringing with truth. Our gazes were fixed on each other for a long moment as a quiet understanding passed between us. Then Pierce spoke.

"Peanut, go get your snack from the kitchen," he commanded. Peanut quickly raised her head in excitement, jumped off me and scampered off to the kitchen. I stuck my bottom lip out, saddened by her departure.

"Did she have to go already?" I asked petulantly. Pierce smirked.

"Mmm-mm. Or else she would've gotten in the way of this." Pierce was hovering over me in a moment, his hands slipping around my neck, drawing me in close to his lips for a soft, sweet kiss. I gasped before closing my eyes and falling into the trance of his spell. My hands automatically crawled up his body, feeling his chest heaving with desire. All my petulance left as my dopamine levels started to rise. I hummed as Pierce deepened the kiss, his tongue gliding across my lips, seeking permission to penetrate their depths. I parted my lips, welcoming him in. His tongue gently swirled with mine while his lips continued to imbibe me. I began to lose my mind as pleasant shivers ran through me. How different was this kiss compared to the brutal one Trey gave me earlier!

"Amber... my perfect shade of gold..." Pierce whispered between kisses. I let him lead the dance inside my mouth, submissively following his rhythm. I loved it when he took control of me, like he possessed me, like I was his own...

"Oh!" I gasped as he leaned me deeper into the couch, quickening the pace with which he played inside my mouth. His hands meanwhile caressed my cheeks, my neck, my throat... before slipping down around my waist. I felt his fingers massage the small of my back while he continued to ravish me.

"Mmm... Pierce..." I moaned as his lips left mine and traveled down my neck, sucking along the way. He found all my nerve-endings with ease, planting sizzling hot kisses on each, practically unraveling me. When he sucked extra hard on a spot on my neck so much that the unfamiliar sensation made me gasp, he withdrew. I immediately wished I'd kept my mouth shut, I felt deprived without his lips on me. I'd never been kissed like that before.

"Sorry, babydoll, guess I got a little carried away," he said with a contrite smile. He wiped his moist lips with his thumb, then swiped that same thumb across mine. I laid my hands on his cheeks while his fingers massaged the spot on my neck he had just kissed.

"You don't have to say you're sorry," I said softly, letting him see in my eyes how much I loved what he just did with me. He laughed quietly.

"I do, if I gave you a hickey, it'd be a bit of a problem for you tomorrow."

"I don't mind," I said proudly. If Pierce left his mark on me, nothing would thrill me more—I might even show it off. I remembered when Thea woke up one morning to a neck full of hickeys—those must've been Pierce's work. Damn, Pierce had some skills.

"You really are a troublemaker, aren't you, babydoll?" He asked rhetorically. I smirked, puckering my lips.

"Only when you're around to bail me out." His lips were on mine in a second again and I was prepared for another long, heavy making out session. But Peanut had other plans.

"Wuff!" She reappeared, announcing her entrance before jumping on the couch next to us again. I laughed as she gave both me and Pierce a lick each before settling down right between us.

"Alright, guess she's in charge now," Pierce said teasingly. "It's a good thing she came when she did though, she reminded me that we have unfinished work."

"What work?" I asked blankly.

"Discussing a certain tutoring schedule?" Pierce reminded me, raising a sexy eyebrow at me while he shifted Peanut to the floor. I giggled sheepishly.

"Hehe, yeah, almost forgot about that."

"How about," Pierce readjusted himself on the couch and raised my legs to rest over his lap, "I pick you up," I gasped at how intimately close my bare legs were to him, "we do five days a week," his hands began to stroke my calves, "every evening after school?" I nearly swooned as his distracting hands caressed me, making me crave even more.

"F-five days a week of tutoring?" I asked breathily, feeling both revolted at the idea of having to cram that much and enraptured that I'd get to spend every evening with him.

"Oh, I didn't say it'd be just tutoring, babydoll," he said huskily, his fingers playing dangerously close to the edge of my skirt. Gosh, was I glad I decided to reveal my legs. Pierce's fingertips skated across my skin with a feathery touch, making me tremble and tingle inside as he induced pleasurable gasps from my throat.

"Then you can have my weekends too," I said eagerly, despite my struggle to keep my wits about me with his tantalizing fingers driving me to distraction. Pierce chuckled huskily in his chest.

"Oh no, I was saving those for more pleasurable activities," he answered, seducing me with his words. Holy smokes, this guy was gonna make me lose my mind! My cheeks burned to a third degree, red hot in flames. Pierce smirked and his eyes flickered across my heated cheeks. He took my hand in his and lifted it to his lips, brushing a slow but fiery kiss across my knuckles. His lips traveled downward, trailing kisses across my wrist and into my palm. I gazed at him, utterly spellbound by his every move. He was like the Pied Piper to my soul—completely in control of it.

"Hey, you hungry, babydoll? I could whip up some snacks if you like," he offered as though suddenly realizing I might need food. I smiled, torn between the sudden rumble in my tummy at the mention of food and not wanting Pierce to move an inch.

"Hang on, I'll get something for you to munch on," he said, getting up and heading back to the kitchen before I could answer. I sighed—I loved the way he cared, I just loved his presence more.

Peanut returned to the couch when he left, determined to snuggle beside me. My hand idly stroked her while I looked around the house. I suddenly spotted a sleek acoustic guitar in the corner and my eyes brightened. My golden boy had a musical side to him?

Pierce returned just then, carrying a tray of what looked like pastries and a glass of juice.

"My mom made these, they're savory pastries," Pierce said, offering them to me. "And I hope you don't mind freshly squeezed mango juice. My mom doesn't like anything that's not homemade so I don't have the kind of stuff you might find in a supermarket."

"That's okay, these taste way better than anything store-bought anyway," I replied, tasting the pastry and finishing it off in seconds on finding it delicious. Pierce looked pleased.

"Thanks, my mom will be thrilled to hear that," he said. Hmm, considering how madly I was in love with him, I would've eaten anything out of his hands and said it was all equally delicious—even if it were brussel sprouts.

"Hey, do you play?" I asked, indicating the guitar while I ate and drank. Pierce turned and glanced at it.

"Yeah, it's kind of a hobby of mine," he replied somewhat bashfully.

"Can you play something for me?" I asked eagerly. He gave me a long, studying look before getting up and fetching the guitar. He sat beside me on the couch and I watched him with bated breath like an ardent fan as he began to strum—and sing.

Fly me to the moon,

Let me play among the stars,

And let me see what spring is like on,

Jupiter and Mars,

In other words, hold my hand,

In other words, baby, kiss me... Oh. My. Gosh. Pierce chose one of the most romantic songs ever to sing—for me?!

Fill my heart with song,

And let me sing forevermore,

You are all I long for,

All I worship and adore,

In other words, please be true,

In other words, I love you. My breath caught at that last line, my eyes mesmerized by his. I knew he had feelings for me, that was obvious; but the way he sang 'I love you' felt so real, like he was actually confessing it to me...

"That was beautiful," I said breathily when the song came to an end, "it felt so real..."

"Felt?" Pierce frowned. "Huh, I gotta do a better job of convincing you then." He strummed again on a different chord this time and opened his sexy lips to sing.

I love you, babydoll,

And if it's quite alright,

I need you, babydoll,

To warm my lonely night,

I love you, babydoll,

Trust in me when I say,

Oh, pretty babydoll,

Don't bring me down, I pray,

Oh, pretty babydoll,

Now that I've found you, stay,

And let me love you, babydoll,

Let me love you...

You're just too good to be true,

Can't take my eyes off of you,

You'd be like heaven to touch,

I wanna hold you so much,

At long last, love has arrived,

And I thank God I'm alive,

You're just too good to be true,

Can't take my eyes off you... Thank you, Frank Sinatra. My heart melted, swooned, did somersaults, I didn't know which. This time there was no doubt Pierce meant every word for me. The way he even tweaked the lyrics a little to fit my pet name was all too sweet. I could see the inner sanctuary of his soul reflected in his eyes, bespeaking nothing but passion—for me. And Pierce played and sang so beautifully with his heart in it, it put me under his spell again—like I said before, he was my Pied Piper.

"Have I convinced you now, babydoll?" He asked softly, setting his guitar aside and wrapping his arms around me. If I had felt insecure about his feelings for me before, I definitely didn't anymore. True, I had had a little doubt about whether he really cared for me or if he only poured out his affections for me while reminded of Thea until this moment. But the way he looked at me now with those heady aquamarines, I knew. I knew it deep in my heart.

Pierce was in love with me.

"Yes," I whispered before our lips reconnected for another passionate kiss.


AHHHH I had so much fun writing this chapter, the romance just flowed out!😍 So ladies, did you like Pierce's sultry singing?😏 Ugh, love Frank Sinatra's romance songs, they fit so perfectly!🥰 You'll see more of it in the up coming chapters. Till then, hope you enjoy and wait with eager anticipation for the next, do drop those comments!😊 Muah!💋

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