Chapter 15 Notes, Notes, Everywhere

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I raised my finger to ring the doorbell but it never made it to the button. It just froze in midair. Pierce saw it and chuckled, pressing the doorbell himself and leaving a peck on my cheek.

"Breathe, babydoll," Pierce whispered to me. Yep, he always reminded me of that when I needed it. I exhaled just as the door opened, flooding the porch with light from inside before the shadow of a figure fell on me—great, the person who opened the door had to be Thea. I sucked in a breath.

"Hey, sis," I said nervously, bracing myself for an explosion. Thea's eyes fell on me and she smiled before they shifted to Pierce beside me. Then they slowly widened and the smile faded from her face. Uh-oh.

"Amber, Pierce?" Thea asked in bewilderment. "What—"

"Thea, there's something you need to see first, don't freak out, okay?" I told her tentatively. I took Pierce's hand into my own, intertwined our fingers together and held up our paired hands in front of her. Pierce took it one step further, kissing the top of my hand. I glanced at him before turning back to Thea. Matteo appeared behind her, leaning on the doorpost. He smiled at his cousin.

"Hey, cuz. Congratulations on your new girlfriend," he said, taking it in his stride like he'd known all about it. Pierce grinned.

"Thanks, Matt." Well, that was the most casual revelation I'd ever seen. Now all that was left was Thea's reaction—for the love of everything, why was she so slow on the uptake?! It took her another minute for it to click as her gaze flickered from me to Pierce. Then she squealed shrilly, ran forward and hugged me. And I thought my friends and I squealed too loud...

"Ahhh! My baby sister is all grown up and dating!" She exclaimed in excitement. I gaped in horror.

"THEAAA! Can you not call me that in front of my boyfriend?!" I hissed in her ear. She laughed.

"Oh my gosh, this is amazing! When did this happen and how come I haven't heard about it?! You and Pierce?! Matteo, you knew and didn't tell me about it?!" She gave Matteo a playful punch before turning back to us with a beam. "I'm so happy for you guys!"

"Thanks, Thea," Pierce said with a smirk before glancing at me as if to say 'I told you so'. A smile finally started to spread on my face.

"Guess I can breathe again," I mumbled to myself as we all went inside the house. It felt like I'd just jumped a final hurdle and crossed the finish line—Pierce was right, everything was just fine again.


The boys stayed over for dinner (our first dinner with our boyfriends at home, yay!) and dinner had never been a more lively affair. After sharing the bare minimum of how and when Pierce and I started dating, nothing but hilarity followed. Pierce was an excellent conversationalist and an expert in satire like Mom—he could crack those dry jokes you'd need a higher IQ to understand. Luckily I did, and laughed so hard I almost fell to the floor. Matteo had been over many times so his presence wasn't new at the table—but he was just as vivacious as his cousin. It was great having them both over.

What thrilled me the most though was the fact that Thea seemed genuinely happy for me and Pierce and didn't show the slightest bit of remorse or regret. I underestimated how good her relationship with Matteo was—four years and they were still lovey-dovey as new lovers.

I hoped Pierce and I would be like that too in four years.

It was wonderful, seeing both cousins get along so well with my family—they felt like family already. I'd never been happier. When it was time to go home, they both kissed us, their girlfriends, on the cheek before getting into their cars and driving away. Thea then turned to me and hugged me again with a squeal.

"AHHH! I still can't get over the fact that you're dating Pierce!"

"And I can't get over the fact that you're okay with it," I mumbled. She giggled.

"Sister-sleepover, you and me, right now." Looks like I wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight, Thea would keep me up asking a million questions.


"So tell me everything you couldn't say in front of Mom and Dad, I want all the juicy details!" Thea squealed in my room that night while she braided my hair. "Have you been on your first date? Have you guys kissed yet? How do you guys manage your relationship at school? How did you guys even hit it off?!" Yep, a million questions.

"I'll start answering those in reverse order," I said, smiling at her through the mirror. "One, it was sorta love at first sight—two, it started at school and it's somewhat a secret relationship since he's the TA—three, I kissed him first—"

"EEEK!" Thea squealed, not letting me continue. "I have to hear all about that!" I cleared my throat, giving her the story while leaving out the sordid details about Trey.

"And yeah, we've kissed a lot since then," I continued with a demure smile, "and finally, we'd just had our first proper date today, it was amazing! Although he did take me out a couple times before and we did share a fancy lunch at school—"

"Whoa, whoa, back up, you kissed a lot in the span of one week?!" Thea asked, gawking at me with her jaw on the floor. I nodded impatiently.

"Yes, keep up, Thea, he's very romantic and loves kissing me!"

"I didn't get my second kiss for weeks after the first!" Thea whined. I guffawed. Did she seriously latch onto that little point after all I've told her?

"Thea, for crying out loud, you've kissed Matteo a gazillion times since you started dating!" I pointed out. "Or is it that he's kissed you..."

"Mmm, Matteo gets awfully romantic when we're alone," Thea admitted with a dreamy smile on her face. "He's just a little shy sometimes."

"Trust me, Pierce is not," I said with a laugh. "He has a hard time keeping his hands off me most of the time."

"Amb!" Thea gasped and I laughed.

"It's true!" I insisted. Thea nodded.

"Mmm, I know, did you know he was once called the 'Kissing King of Bellfort High'?"

"Holy smokes, seriously?!" Now it was my turn to gawk.

"He was quite the playboy in his early days," Thea said with a giggle. "A real ladies' man. Girls would die to go out with him but he was the sorta guy you approached by 'invite-only'," Thea made finger quotes in the air. I blinked in astonishment. I knew Pierce was hot enough to draw women like moths to a light but... He said he hadn't dated since high school—since my sister. How did a guy like that go from 'playboy' to an inactive dating existence to madly in love with me?

The Kissing King of Bellfort... sounds about right. I was just glad those kisses were all reserved for me now.

"So your boyfriend's the TA, huh?" Thea asked me with a smirk. I giggled sheepishly.

"Yeah, and my tutor. He helps me out big time in chemistry."

"Mmm, he used to be the ace student," Thea said, "had a hard time topping him myself." She tied up the ends of my braids and turned me around to face her.

"I'm glad you're going out with him, Amb," she said with a kind smile, "you're the best person for him, he deserves you. No one could make him happier and hold his heart better than you."

"You really think so, sis?" I asked meekly. "Because I'd been nervous about dating him when I knew what he once meant to you—"

"Tsk, tsk, that's all in the past," Thea said, hugging me. "Pierce is amazing and deserved better, I just couldn't give it to him. I was no good for him, I broke his heart. I always hoped he'd find the right girl to heal it and who knew the right girl would be my very own sister?!" I hugged my sister back tightly.

"Thanks, Thea, that's a load off my chest," I admitted to her. She laughed.

"Never thought you'd be one to worry—but I expect to hear all about how it goes from you every week, okay?" Of course, a small concession to pay. I nodded and we went to bed together, Thea with a smile on her face and me with a happy heart. I had a feeling things would get better from now on.


The following Monday morning (Thea had gone back to college) found me and my friends discussing our early morning gossip after Pierce dropped me off in front of my locker before heading for his office—the girls wanted to know where I disappeared to from my lack of calls and texts all weekend. I told them all about my date (minus the heavy making out bit) and how Thea was totally fine with me dating Pierce. They only wanted to hear about the date bit, however, squealing at every juicy detail I gave them.

"EEEK! You had a seriously romantic Saturday, Amb!" Haruko squeezed my arm, jumping up and down.

"Ugh, better than our Saturday, it was a total waste of a day!" Cassie grumbled. "All that freaking cheerleading and we lost to Terrywood by a single point!"

"No doubt we would've won if our star player hadn't got himself benched," Haruko grunted, "but that was the most frustrating game I ever watched."

"Speaking of, where is Trey?" Cassie asked, looking around. "I didn't see him today."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you guys..." I quickly whispered about Trey's two-week long suspension and they gasped.

"Serves him right for trashing a teacher's car like that," Haruko gloated with a gleam in her eyes. "If you ask me, he got off lightly."

"So he won't be around for a couple of weeks, that's a relief," Cassie said with an exhale. "If he hadn't acted out of place, he could've at least played on Saturday and not let us get trounced by Terrywood!" I smiled sympathetically.

"Sounds like my girls need some cheering up," I said with a laugh, wanting to share my good mood with them. "How about a movie night?"

"Oooh, yeah, I'm dying for some romcoms!" Cassie said eagerly. "Seeing how my real-life romance is stagnant, I need some fictional love."

"Come on, Cass, don't tell me you don't have a potential date for Homecoming!" I exclaimed in surprise. Cassie was usually the most sought-after girl at Bellfort thanks to her undisputed beauty.

"I want a guy who's not shallow, you know?" She groaned in frustration. "I am so sick of guys walking up to me and going, 'hey, beautiful' and asking me out just coz they think I'm pretty!"

"Ah, the trouble with blondes," Haruko said, shaking her raven locks back. "Takes a while to convince numbskulls you're more than just a hot dish, Cass, I feel ya." She giggled at that.

"I'm hoping a guy walks up to me while I'm jogging down the street in my sweats and asks me out just like that," Cassie said, snapping her fingers in emphasis. A few guys passed by us and stopped to make kissy faces at me and croon the usual 'Amber I love you!' jibe at me. I groaned in irritation. The teasing on Trey's behalf still continued despite his absence and how I hated it!

"Just don't ask those jerks out," I muttered furiously, "I'm sure he'll come, Cass, Mr. Perfect could be right around the corner." I patted her shoulder while glaring after the other guys.

"Like he is for you?" Haruko nudged me with a sly smile, nodding her head ahead. I turned and saw Pierce walking our way again, giving me his familiar seductive smirk, mouthing, 'Catch you later, babydoll' as he passed by. I blushed, smiling bashfully. Ah, it was eye candy every time, seeing my golden boy.

"Believe me, took me three years to get to where I am now," I said. My friends and I giggled as we headed to class.


Trey's punishment for his misdeeds was anonymously announced by the principal on the PA system later while we were in class—she confirmed that the culprit who had trashed Pierce's car had owned up and been dealt with and commanded that nothing more be said about the incident. She didn't mention Trey's name, of course. She also gave a terrifying warning that she expected better from her students and misbehavior like that will not be taken lightly a second time. Many people guessed it was Trey from his absence and kept glancing inquisitively at me. And while I got itchy interrogations in-between classes, I gave no answers and left everyone killing themselves with curiosity.

The clash in the gossip grapevine continued though—the people who had seen the video of me and Trey smashing lips together kept up their merciless teasing of me while the few people who thought that there was something going on between me and Pierce said otherwise. They had seen me holding hands with him and it was undeniable that he took a special interest in me—they just didn't know how much of an interest. I simply continued my day as if nothing happened, doing my best not to think of stapling together the lips of the guys who made kissy faces at me. At least my golden boy cheered me up at lunch.

"It's so frustrating, I've never been harassed before!" I ranted to Pierce while we ate. "Every damn time, it's either a kissy face or a taunt! Urgh, I wish I could mind-wipe that wretched video from everyone's heads!" Pierce patted my hand.

"Mmm, I know what it's like to be in the limelight like that, babydoll, I'll think of something to fix this."

"But I don't want you to get into trouble with your job, Pierce," I told him in concern. "If the school finds out the TA is dating a student—"

"Shh, don't you worry your head about that, babydoll," Pierce assured me. "You just focus on keeping your grades up. I'll do the rest." I visibly relaxed, feeling more at ease. Somehow, Pierce could always make me feel better.

After a delish lunch of focaccia sandwiches with him (he knew the best restaurants in town!), I had math and then a free period before classes ended. Since Homecoming was almost upon us, our class gathered in our homeroom during our free period to discuss preparations for it.

"Alright, so we've decided the theme is 'Fashion Runway', nobody go changing it again!" Haruko yelled at our class. "Even if you do, the decorations have already been ordered so it would be POINTLESS to give your opinion at this time!" I giggled at Haruko's ferocity. So far, as class president, Haruko kept everyone in line, even Vera Wallis who had a lot of ideas of her own she tried to argue with. When the bell rang indicating classes were over, we headed out together.

"If I hear one more whiny complaint about my decisions from Vera, I'm gonna yank her hair out!" Haruko ranted while we walked to our lockers. Cassie and I laughed.

"She is opinionated, that's for sure," I said.

"That's why she made a good, villainous president for the newspaper club," Cassie added and I tittered again. Haruko growled.

"Yeah, good riddance to that!"

"Even Pierce said he hated it from his time here," I said. A smirk replaced Haruko's scowl.

"Speaking of 'Hot Hartman', don't you have to go meet him now?" She asked me. I nodded with a smile.

"Just gotta keep my books away in my locker," I replied as I arrived at my locker and opened it. "I'll call you guys tonight after—"

"Sweet marshmallows!" Cassie exclaimed, pointing inside my locker. I looked inside in confusion and saw—a red envelope with my name on it! EEEK! Pierce again!

"Oooh, another love letter, spankin'!" Haruko nudged me slyly.

"Haru!" I gasped, laughing before opening the letter and reading.

Every time I look into your eyes,

It takes me by surprise,

Love I see within them lies,

And all my senses capsize,

Though precious time spent with you flies,

Every moment I get is paradise,

With you, my heart is catalyzed,

My soul, completely mesmerized.

Good thing classes ended already because the squeals my friends gave were enough to earn them detention.

"You literally found your 'Pierce Charming', Amb," Haruko said excitedly, beaming at me. Cassie sighed melodramatically.

"Why, why aren't there any more golden boys at this school?!" She cried in exaggeration. I laughed.

"He's around here somewhere, Cass. I'm sure he'll come," I assured her.

"Yeah, but you gotta go now, go get your man!" Haruko said, pushing me forward. I laughed, waved them goodbye and ran off to meet my golden boy and smother him with kisses for the perfectly wonderful note he left me.


The rest of the week passed by with a semblance of normality. Classes continued as usual, my tutoring with Pierce progressed, and Homecoming fever was in the air. True, the razzing from guys continued, but at least I didn't have to see Trey's fuming face for a few days. Ronnie and Juno completely ignored me these days. Fine, whatever. I had my beloved Pierce, he was the reason I woke up singing in the mornings, ready to rush to school just so I could see him. Well, rush out the door, he drove me to and from school every single day now.

Our tutoring sessions were rewarding too—my C+ in chemistry at a recent test proved it. But those weren't the only rewards I was getting. Usually Pierce would tutor me at my place when he'd drop me home unless his mom made mouthwatering rice paper rolls or stuffed pita pockets—then we'd spend the evening at his house snacking while he tutored me. And engaging in heavy making out afterward.

The love notes from him also continued—sometimes he'd slip them in my chemistry textbook, other times he'd leave them in my locker. I loved finding them all over the place, made me swoon. And they were so romantic! By the end of the week, I had a scrapbook's worth of love notes—I had chucked his old notes to Thea and replaced them with my own in my drawer in a special jewelry box covered with heart and flower stickers.

On the Monday two weeks after Trey's suspension, however, I got a note I wished I'd never received.

Trey was back at school, looking acidic as limes. He gave me dirty glares from time to time whenever he passed by but so far avoided me. That suited me just fine. As long as he didn't try to traumatize me again.

"Whoohoo! Yeah, baby, seventy-four votes already!" Cassie whooped, checking her phone while I put my things away at my locker. "Now all we gotta do is get some dates and we're set for Homecoming!"

"That Homecoming crown is as good as yours, Cass," Haruko said, giving her a double-point. "You da queen!" I laughed. Cassie was running for Homecoming queen and so far it was a no-brainer she was the top nominee. As a beauty-queen, cheerleader, and the head decorator for the Homecoming committee, she had the title in the bag.

"It's too bad you can't ask Hot Hartman to the dance as an official date, Amb," Haruko said to me sympathetically.

"That's okay, he'll be there anyway, I just have sneak some private moments with him when no one's looking," I replied, winking. Cassie giggled.

"Oooh, forbidden love, I love it! The secrecy makes it that much more—hey, what's that?" Cassie pointed inside my locker. A folded white paper lay inside.

"That's funny, Pierce's letters to me are usually on those red cards," I said, frowning and taking out the note. I opened it, read the big black letters on it and paled.

"What, what?" Haruko asked, seeing my face. I passed it to her and she frowned, reading it aloud.

"You're gonna regret you ever messed with me." Cassie gasped, covering her mouth while Haruko sighed.

"It's anonymous, and in all caps so you can't tell who wrote it," Haruko said, staring concernedly at me. "Amb, I think you just received a threat-note."

"Oh my gosh, what are you gonna do?" Cassie asked, looking fraught. I swallowed, trying to contain the terror that rose within me.

"I—don't know..." I rasped out, shaken up. No, wait, I did know. There was one person I could go to who'd know what to do. One person who often broke into my locker and might know something about this. One person who'd help me get to the bottom of this and set things right because he loved me. 


YESSSS, halfway through the book! Whooohooo🥳🎉! We did it! So did ya like? I'm sure this chapter satisfied a lot of itching curiosity, Thea and Pierce meeting again with Amber in the middle - hope this resolved all your disappointment from the last book🤭. Mystery solved... just in time for a new one! Who's threatening Amber, who sent that note?🤔 I know y'all will all guess Trey but... is it reeeeally???😏

Oooh, and hope y'all like the longer chapters, after all it's also a longer book.😉😁

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