Chapter 3 Return of the Golden Boy

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3 years later...

"I am seventeen, going on eighteen..." I hummed to myself as I got ready for the first day of school. Yeah, Thea and I have a thing for old movies. Here I was, almost an adult, starting my final year at Bellfort High. The last three years of my life have been—interesting, to say the least.

I'd gotten through freshman, sophomore, and junior years without dating even once. Yep, I broke a few hearts but didn't let anyone break mine. Ain't no boyfriend tying me down.

Thea and her prince boyfriend were still finishing their final year at college in New York—she and Matteo would visit on weekends—while my friends and I dominated Bellfort High like kings and queens. Don't worry, we were benevolent rulers. We just didn't let anybody mess with us and get away with it.

Cassie dated and dumped quite a few boys—she was a beauty queen guys fell for—Haruko couldn't hold a boyfriend for more than a week but was proud to be single, and the guys failed miserably to keep every girl they dated—I guess their girlfriends felt threatened or jealous of me, Cassie and Haruko, the six of us still hung out as a friends-for-life group that might seem a bit exclusive to an outsider.

You must be wondering whatever happened between me and Trey ever since he confessed to me years ago—after I came back from the hospital, I made it clear that I would never be into him that way.

"You're one of my best friends, Trey," I had told him, "you've always been like a brother to me. I can't ever love you the way you want me to."

"Can you at least consider it?" He pleaded. "Maybe someday you'll change your mind about me, Amb. I'm prepared to wait." I sighed. Monte could be so mulish sometimes...

"Look, Trey, I don't want you to have hopes I'm gonna have to dash into pieces again someday, alright?" I tried to reason with him as gently as possible without getting him on the defense. Sheesh, this was Thea's area of expertise, not mine!

"I will wait for you no matter what, Amb," Trey insisted. Ugh, boys... I blew out my cheeks.

"You ain't gonna compromise on this, are you?" I asked rhetorically. "Alright, I'll make you a deal. Ask me again in three years. If I still say no to you, Trey, I don't want you to hang on to me. Okay?" Trey gave me a long, unwavering look before exhaling disappointedly.

"If that's the best I can get... I'll take it." Gosh, he agreed to that? To wait three whole years for someone who might turn him down in the end? He's got willpower... I just hoped someone else would steal his heart before that fateful day when I'd have to answer him came. Because I would say no anyhow...

Which brings us to the present day.

"You nervous?" Cassie asked me while we rode our scooters to school.

"No, why'd you ask?" I asked her. She smiled.

"Because I know my best friend and I know when she's mulling over something," she replied. "This about the 'cheese' situation?" I gave a little smile at that. I had told Cassie and Haruko all about my situation with Trey and how I was stuck having to make a decision at the risk of breaking his heart someday... she promptly codenamed it the 'cheese' situation, referring to my nickname Monterrey Jack for Trey.

"You know the boy's been pining for you for three years, right?" Cassie asked. I groaned.

"Cass, you've been reading historical novels again, haven't you?"

"I'm serious, Amb, he might be expecting an answer from you today," Cassie continued, "what are you gonna do? Lose your best friend or... gain a boyfriend?" I sighed. I knew this day would come, just wish it hadn't come so soon. How that boy staunchly refused every girl who flirted with him I'll never know.

Nobody could deny that he had looks women would fall for—over the past three years, Trey had grown tall, dark, and handsome—I suppose—stood out on the football field as a top player, and was generally a lovable guy... When his obstinacy didn't clash with mine.

Overall, we had gotten along well enough these last three years—sure he'd never miss a chance to hang out with me, would do anything for me, and would always take my side in a fight—but I knew what was going on beneath the surface and it worried me.

I would often catch him staring at me like I was cake and he wanted to devour me—he would often sneak in a chance to hold my hand whenever possible—and he'd frequently ask his mom to make my favorite foods to bring to lunch for me. His mom was Indian so it was really hard turning down the spicy, mouthwatering fried snacks she'd make. Trey knew I loved spicy food and used that against me—hmph, sneaky. However, I didn't want him to think the food had anything to do with how I felt about him, that would never change.

I'll admit, thinking back on all his good points, Trey was quite a catch—a guy worth dating and totally loyal boyfriend material. But he could never be that way to me—why? Because I already had someone in my heart.

I'd never gotten over the crush I formed three years ago. In fact, it had only deepened its roots in my heart over time, absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that. I knew it was impossible, that there was no way he'd ever feel the same way about me, there was no way we could be together, no way we could date... he was three years older than me and in college and I hadn't seen him in town except from a distance... but I still hoped. Like a fool in love, I hoped.

Who was I hoping for? My sister's ex-lover, Pierce Hartman.

I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss, and a Pierce I'm hoping comes with this... I had been in love with him ever since that day he took me to the hospital... no wait, I think I started having feelings for him since I pilfered the love notes he gave Thea—I still kept them, she never missed them—and I've been waiting with infinite patience simply for a possibility of a 'someday' with him. It's why I closed off my heart to every other guy who tried to steal my heart. Nice try, boys.

But I was—like I said before—a fool in love... for Pierce. And I waited three years just to be able to see him again. Guess I was no better than Trey...

"Amb, you sure you wanna break that boy's heart?" Cassie asked me, pulling me out of my thoughts. I gripped my scooter handles tighter. It can't be helped. I can never love Trey the way he wants me to.

"I can't help it, Cass," I told her, "we're never gonna work out. My answer hasn't changed in three years and never will. Best I can do is let him down gently for the sake of our friendship." Cassie nodded thoughtfully.

"Mind if I ask, why? Why you don't feel the same about him? I mean, the guy secretly worships the ground you walk on."

"Cass, I'm not attracted to him and never will be!" I said impatiently. "I can't force myself to fall in love with him and I'm not gonna!"

"Okay, okay, don't get all fired up, I was just asking," Cassie pacified me. "I understand. You can't fall in love with someone like that."

"Thank you," I exhaled to her. I thought the interrogation was over but Cassie blew out her cheeks and spoke again.

"You know there's a possibility he won't be your friend ever again once you reject him, right?" I groaned in frustration.

"Cass, seriously! I've been preparing for this for the last three years! I know I'm taking a risk but—my feelings will never change."

"Mmm, just... don't end up regretting it later, okay?" Cassie warned me gently. My determination became more resolute.

"Trust me, Cass, this is one decision I definitely won't regret."


I rode into school with Cassie on our scooters, a feeling of both excitement and repulsion welling up in me at being back—excitement because it was my final year and I'd be free of this place soon—repulsion because I still had a whole year to get through... ugh, bye-bye rest, relaxation, and summer vacation. And there was that gut-wrenching rejection to make...

"Hey, guys! You ready to turn Bellfort into ground beef?" Haruko greeted us with a wicked grin as she stepped out of her brother's Hummer—he'd given it to her while he was at college. I groaned while Cassie giggled.

"Ugh, I already wanna go back to bed..." I said mournfully. Ronnie and Juno rode up to us in their vintage nineteen-ninety Ford Mustang—A gift from Ronnie's father to his son.

"Sup, girls? You ready to kick ass and take names again this year?" Juno asked with a goofy grin as he and Ronnie got out. Haruko slapped his back.

"Yep, got my ass-kicking boots on," she said, doing a high kick and showing off her ultra-hot studded leather lace-up boots. "So where's Trey?" She asked, giving me a brief glance. No doubt she was also wondering what I was gonna do about my—'cheese' situation.

"Someone asking for me?" Trey's voice sounded right behind my ear right before a waft of heavy masculine perfume filled my nostrils, making me cough and choke.

"Dang it, Monte, whatcha do, spill an entire bottle of perfume on yourself?" I asked, wincing at the scent as I turned around to face him. "Ever heard of 'too much'?"

"Oops, sorry, didn't know it'd be that potent," Trey simply grinned. I rolled my eyes. He didn't look sorry, he looked overconfident; I bet he thought the perfume would turn me on. Newsflash—I hated it.

"Hey, let's go make our final grand entrance!" Ronnie said, grabbing Cassie's hand and pulling her along while Juno pulled Haruko's.

"Give us a minute, guys, Amber and I will catch up and be there in a few," Trey said pointedly. My eyes widened. Oh no, being left alone with Trey meant—no, I didn't want to deal with this first thing in the morning! I threw pleading looks at Cassie and Haruko, silently begging them not to leave me alone with Trey. They hesitated to take another step.

"Why don't we all walk in together?" Haruko suggested. Cassie nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeah, it's tradition!" She said. Trey smiled at them, but I saw it didn't reach his eyes.

"Okay, then just give us a minute, okay? I just wanna talk to Amber about something," he said. Ronnie and Juno pulled the girls away while Haruko mouthed 'sorry, Amb' at me. Going a little distance, they went out of earshot leaving the two of us alone but they never took their eyes off me. I turned to Trey, bracing myself for the unpleasantness that was about to come.

"Hey, Amber," Trey said in a quiet voice. I sighed inside.

"Hey, Trey."

"I missed you a lot over the summer," he said, taking a step closer to me. I involuntarily took a step backward. Trey had spent the holidays in India with his family and cousins so he hadn't been around to ask me that impending, foreboding question—or stress me out. But now...

"Hope you had a good holiday," I said, trying to sound conversational and at ease. Trey gave a sad smile.

"It was average at best, without you," he said. I exhaled heavily.


"You know what I'm about to ask you, Amber," he cut me off, looking lovelorn. "I waited three years for this day. For you. My feelings for you are only stronger than before. They haven't changed." I swallowed, looking resolute.

"Neither have mine, Trey." My answer definitely made him falter visibly, but he plodded on.

"I'm not backing down, Amb. I waited for your 'yes' for three years, and I—"

"Then you're never gonna get it, Trey," I said determinedly. I detected that trace of obstinacy in his voice and my walls went up. Trey and I would never make a good couple and it's time he came to terms with that.

"I'll never stop loving you, Amb," he said forlornly. I knew he was putting it on to guilt me. "Why? Why can't you give me a chance? Why can't you at least try loving me before you give up on me?" I felt offended at that.

"Is that what you think? That I don't love you? I have loved you since the day we met, Trey, but as a brother and a friend! Why can't you understand that? There are a million girls who would die to go out with you!"

"There's only one girl I want, Amb, and she's the one breaking my heart right now," Trey said, looking wounded. I groaned and felt like kicking something, Trey was still so mulish!

"Is there someone else, Amber?" He suddenly demanded of me. "Am I not good enough for you because there's someone else you've set your heart on?"

"Do you even hear yourself?" I asked in disgusted disbelief, although my stomach knotted as he had unknowingly hit the nail on the head. "You wanna go down the path of self-pity and think that's gonna win me over?!"

"What else is gonna win you over, Amber?!" Trey was practically arguing with me now. "I tried everything, I tried my level best for you! What is it that I..." I tuned out of his tirade, emotionally exhausted already. I knew this would happen. And it was only eight a.m. in the morning. Damn, it was already a bad day.

I looked around for a distraction—maybe Cass or Haru would get a clue and come rescue me—but I saw something else that made my eyes widen—something red, shiny, and familiar.

"No, way, it can't be..." I mumbled to myself, unheeded by Trey who was still ranting. A gleaming red Jaguar pulled into the parking lot, looking way out of place among the regular hand-me-down cars almost everyone who drove to Bellfort owned. My jaw dropped to the floor like a brick when I saw the driver of the Jaguar get out—clad in a stylish cream-colored suit and dark blue pants. It was none other than my long-time crush—Pierce Hartman.

"Freaking fruit loops, what's he doing here?" I breathed to myself. I thought he was in college! Didn't he have like one more year to finish?

I checked him out from afar—he was still hotter than the sun, that sexy body of his hadn't changed much... only indicated that he had hit manhood. He still bore those alluring tufts of chocolate brown hair swept around the sides of his forehead, just as I remember from years ago—that hadn't changed. In other words, he was still handsome as—

"Amber, at least have the courtesy to listen to me when I'm talking to you!" Trey snapped me, grabbing my attention. I turned to him, despising him bitterly for a moment. So much for salvaging a friendship.

"You know what, Trey? I'm done. You've held this sword over my head long enough. Get yourself another girlfriend and get over me. I'm through. If you don't want to be friends anymore, fine. Just leave—me—alone. I mean it." With that, I turned on my heels and walked away from him while he stuttered in shock—walking straight toward Pierce. Not only did I genuinely want to know what he was doing here but he was also my welcoming ticket to get away from Trey!

"Pierce, hi!" I called out to him while he was getting a bag from the passenger seat of his car. He shut the door and turned around at my voice, his heady blue eyes falling on me. Holy smokes, they were gorgeous. They took me in from head to toe with slow appraisal—was he—checking me out? No way, maybe he was just trying to recognize me...

That little smirk that spread on his lips while a twinkle sparkled in his eyes told me that he did.

"If it isn't Amber Gardener, all grown up. Or as I remember, Boston's very own Tony Hawk. It's good to see you again, troublemaker." Oh my gosh, HE RECOGNIZED ME! Deep breaths Amber, stay cool. Pierce's greeting caused a spike in my dopamine levels.

"It's good to see you too, Pierce," I smiled widely at him, "what are you doing here? Didn't you graduate like a while back?" Pierce chuckled.

"I did... I'm not here to enroll though."

"Then what brings you to Bellfort?" I asked. It can't possibly be me, can it?

"Oh, it's a bit of a secret, for now," Pierce winked at me. Sweet hunking marshmallows, the guy just winked at me. And I was dying to know what that secret was.

"Hey, don't you have to get to class?" He asked me before smirking mischievously. "Or are you planning to ditch first period?" I laughed.

"Ha, you're hilarious. I may be trouble, but I'm not that troublesome, Hartman."

"Good girl, then don't let me keep you," Pierce said with that unwavering smile of his while his eyes were on me. Huhhhhh... My heart melted like a marshmallow over a campfire when he called me 'good girl'.

"Oh, come on, I can't go without finding out why you're really here," I said with a playful pout after composing myself from a blush. "At least tell—"

"Amber!" Trey shouted behind me, and I was suddenly filled with dread. Dang it, Trey was gonna ruin this moment I was having with Pierce!

"Hey, looks like your boyfriend's tryna get your attention," Pierce said, glancing over my shoulder. "Don't want to keep him waiting." Ugh! I SO didn't want Pierce to go around thinking Trey was my boyfriend—or that I even had a boyfriend!

"Crap..." I muttered as I glanced around in repulsion and saw Trey marching toward me. He'd be here any second... I turned back to Pierce with a desperate look.

"Pierce, can you do me a favor?" I pleaded. He looked surprised but unaverse to the idea.

"Um, depends. What—"

"Just play along for a minute, okay? And... I'm sorry." Without much thought, in a spur of wild and instinctive daring, I stood on my toes, threw my hands around his neck, and—kissed Pierce right on the lips


Ahhhh the romance begins😍🥰💋! Hope nobody feels bad for Trey lol😂. But there ain't no competition with a golden boy in town.😎

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