Chapter 7 Give Your Heart a Break

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'EEEEEK!' Was the first reaction from both my friends when I got back and told them what happened with Pierce. They immediately whisked me off, racing me home to change and get ready for my 'date'.

"He said yes, HE SAID YES!" Cassie squealed excitedly. "Amber, you know what this means? HE'S INTO YOU!" Her excitement was so contagious it fueled my dopamine and I laughed, even more thrilled than her that Pierce said yes.

"I don't care if you're gonna be cartwheeling on wheels, that's no excuse not to look drop-dead gorge!" Haruko said insistently, flinging things out of my closet onto my bed haphazardly.

"Yeah, you can look hot for 'Hot Hartman' and still pull your killer moves," Cassie said, smirking at me.

"Brilliant!" Haruko said, holding up my violet mini skort. "This will show off those legs you kept hidden all these years and give Hartman something to look at!"

"Mm-mm, and he might just fall harder for you and seal the deal with a kiss by the end of the night!" Cassie said, folding her lower lip inside with a sly smile. I gawked in shock.

"Guys, I don't wanna look like I'm trying too hard! Are you tryna turn me into a siren?!"

"Exactly," Haruko said, nodding in affirmation. "You've never tried to snag a guy in your life, Amb, what do you know about flirting?"

"This is your first chance at love, we're not gonna let you blow it!" Cassie said impatiently. I suddenly looked at my two friends with overwhelming affection and hugged them both.

"You really are the best friends in the whole world!" I said, overcome with emotion. They both grinned.

"Yeah, we know," Haruko said smugly. "Now go get dressed, for crying out loud! You shouldn't be wasting time hugging us, go hug your man!"

"Right after I do your makeup!" Cassie added. I smiled. This was turning out to be another perfect day for the second day in a row.


"Damn, did I agree to go skateboarding with Tony Hawk or Kendall Jenner?" Was Pierce's first statement to me as I got into his car. I blushed hard, smiling shyly as Pierce's hooded eyes gave me an appreciative stare, taking me in from head to toe, obviously checking me out. Cassie and Haruko had put me in an attractive V-neck heart-patterned t-shirt they dug out of my closet and my violet mini skort and Cassie really did a good job with my makeup—she made it both subtle and sexy at the same time. Don't know how she did it, I knew very little about being feminine.

"Hehehe, I hope that's a compliment," I replied to Pierce, lowering my eyelids bashfully.

"Heck yeah, you look so good," Pierce smiled at me. Holy smokes, Pierce just said I looked good. My heart just sprouted wings and fluttered. It was incredible how he had no reservations about being honest with me. Or complimenting me.

"So, Amber," Pierce began while he drove, and my heart did somersaults when he called my name, "I'm kinda surprised you'd wanna hang out with the TA on a fine evening like this. I mean, wouldn't you rather hang out with your friends, or... a boyfriend?" No freaking way, was Pierce actually trying to find out if I had a boyfriend? My curiosity burned wondering why he'd ask.

"My friends have things to do and—I definitely don't have a boyfriend," I said after an emphatic pause. "And I'd much rather hang out with you." Oh my gosh, did that just come out of my mouth?

"I'm flattered," Pierce said with a grin, setting me at ease. Phew, at least I didn't come off as too strong or desperate, despite my overwhelming feelings for him.

"I'm more surprised that you agreed to go skateboarding with me, Pierce," I said, his name coming a little breathy from my lips. "I mean, don't you have some hot, overachieving, college girlfriend waiting for you for a date night or something?" I was testing the waters, I knew, I couldn't believe my own daring at asking something like that.

"Nah, I haven't dated since high school," Pierce said casually, but I saw a shadow cross his eyes. My lips parted in surprise. No way, did he seriously not date anyone since my sister? And did he actually just admit that to me? That spoke volumes more than he let on.

I thought back to when I met him three years ago when he took me to the hospital... Even then, I could see he was still hurting from the fresh wound Thea had given him. But I thought by now, he'd surely have gotten over it... over her... did that breakup really break him that much?

He must've really loved my sister. Yet she broke his heart. Was it okay for me to hope for a chance with him? Would he ever look at me like that? The way he once looked at my sister? The way... I looked at him now?

"Alright, let's gear up and go blaze some trails," Pierce said cheerfully when we'd arrived at the skatepark, all traces of melancholy gone. I smiled widely at him as I put on my helmet and he put on his, feeling a little petulant that he still wore that big black biker's helmet instead of the regular cyclist's one like mine. Made it impossible to see that mesmerizing face of his. Still, it was a treat just getting to skateboard with him—alone and uninterrupted.

But my heart was only half on the skateboarding, to be honest. True, I did pull some sick moves with Pierce and even simply stood still to watch Pierce do some heart-stopping acrobatics in the air on his skateboard (took my breath away) but the other half of my heart was aching for him. Ever since that day I broke my leg three years ago and Pierce rescued me, I knew he had still been hurting from a broken heart. But I didn't think he'd still be hurting after all this time. Made me wish like crazy that I could take away that hurt, that he would let me into his heart and love him the way he deserved... all or nothing.

I wouldn't break his heart, I would give his heart a break.

"You ready?" Pierce asked me through the open visor of his big black helmet, holding my hand tight.

"With you? Definitely," I replied, smiling at him excitedly. After a good hour of covering the skatepark from end to end, he'd suggested we race down the tallest bowl together, hand in hand—just holding his hand nearly gave me a seizure. When his skin touched mine, it felt like I'd touched a livewire. And I was holding his hand for the first time... God, it felt like a gift from above.

We took off, rolling down the bowl at top speed, Pierce whooping and me squealing as the adrenaline rushed through us like a jolt of electricity. When we'd reached the other end of the bowl, riding up from the remaining speed to the top, Pierce skillfully maneuvered to a stop on the ledge, pulling me up beside him in one fluid motion despite my weight—damn, he was strong.

"Thanks," I said as we sat down at the edge to watch the sunset. The last time I'd been up here was with Trey and I ended up breaking my leg. Now, however, I was with the guy who stole my heart—and it warmed my insides that he was really here and actually wanted to be here, with me.

"This was really great, I haven't had this much fun in a while," Pierce said, taking off his helmet and revealing his exhilarated face. I smiled, removing my helmet as well, glad to see him so happy and even more thrilled that it was while he was with me.

"We should do this more often, then," I suggested with a laugh, not thinking he'd take me seriously. He turned to me with an intent gaze.

"Yeah, I'd like that," he replied disarmingly, sending my pulse into overdrive. Freaking fruit loops, did Pierce just imply he wants to go out with me again?

"You tired?" Pierce asked, turning to me after glancing at the sunset. He patted his shoulder. "Got a pillow right here if you want." Eeek! Pierce just offered me his shoulder to rest my head! Stars exploded in my heart as I lay my head on his super comfy warm and cozy shoulder.

"Thanks, Pierce," I said gratefully, glad to get a chance to say his name once more. So far he didn't say anything about no first names again—guess he didn't mind when it was out of school.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I asked tentatively, somewhat terrified my question might turn him off.

"Sure, go ahead," he prompted. I stared at the setting sun before us for a moment before I spoke.

"Do you still miss her?" I asked softly. The audible silence from him for a minute made my heart sink.

"You're talking about Thea, aren't you?" Pierce asked quietly after an interval.

"Mmm-mm," I hummed, not daring to meet his eyes. I heard a soft chuckle deep in his chest.

"I used to," he answered, and I could hear the truthfulness in his voice. "For a while. But not anymore."

"Do you think... you could be happy with someone else someday?" I asked in almost a whisper. This time I heard the note of confidence in his voice.

"I didn't think I'd ever find love again like that... but maybe I was wrong. Maybe I just didn't find the right person... till now." His last two words were so softly spoken that I almost didn't hear them. But I did, and euphoric shock filled me. Did Pierce—in a one-in-a-million possibility—suggest that he'd found the right person now? And could he be implying that that right person was... me?

I raised my head to look at him, meeting his heady blue aquamarines. They were filled with silent emotion but were inviting at the same time. And they were fixed on me.

"Pierce..." I breathed, watching him lean closer to me, ever so slowly. He rested his forehead against mine, his eyes dipping to my lips while his warm, succulent breath enveloped my face. My heart felt like it was bouncing on a trampoline, my breath came out short and ragged. I knew what was coming, I'd seen it in every romance movie...

And then he withdrew, smiling with those sparkly white teeth.

"It's getting late, I should get you home, troublemaker." Nooo, so close! He was so close to kissing me, I knew it! I could feel it, the attraction was undeniable! The charged electricity between us screamed that he felt something for me, but something was holding him back. Was it because I was the sister of the girl he once loved? Or because I was three years younger than him? Or because he was now my TA and fraternizing with a student was forbidden?

"I had a great time today, Amber, thanks," he said, when we had arrived back at my place after he drove me home. Staring at my house, I wasn't quite ready to leave Pierce yet and wanted more time with him.

"Anytime, we can do this again whenever you like," I said with a shy smile. I hesitated to get out of the car, gazing at Pierce inquiringly. "Hey, er, would you like to come in for a bit? There's fresh lemonade and my mom's sure to have made some snacks."

"Um, yeah sure, thanks," Pierce said, looking surprised but not averse to my invite. "As long as you're sure I won't be a bother—"

"Oh, no bother at all!" I quickly reassured him, shaking my hands. "Please, I'd love to have you over." Crud, Amber, zip it before you fall over yourself! That sounded way too desperate...

"Alright then, I've got time before I gotta go home and correct those chemistry papers," Pierce said with a smile as he followed me into my house. The lack of lights told me that Mom and Dad weren't home yet—they'd usually be home by seven and it was only six now. Score, I had one more hour to spend with Pierce alone!

"Have a seat, make yourself comfortable," I gestured to the couch for him to sit. He gracefully slunk into it, lifting his ankle to rest on his knee as he leaned back. Holy smokes, there he goes again, looking too damn sexy for his own good...

I scurried off to the kitchen to get some food and drinks for us, practically having to tear my eyes away from him. Mom left a note for me saying there were chicken salad sandwiches in the fridge—perfect. Serving them up with some ice-cold lemonade I made myself, I returned to the living room and placed them on the coffee table in front of Pierce.

"Hope you like it," I said, placing the glass of lemonade in his hand. As cold as the glass was, it did not quench the heat that ignited on my skin when our hands brushed together. Or the heat on my cheeks.

"Mmm, thanks, this really hits the spot," Pierce said, drinking it down with relish. I smiled in relief, glad that I'd made it right. While Pierce took a sandwich, I sat down as close to him as I dared and watched him silently, my mouth salivating at the sight of him. Just looking at him was intoxicating, no wonder he was once labeled a 'golden boy'. I could stare at him all day.

I guess I had high standards, like impossibly-high-to-reach standards. The average Joes in my class could never measure up to them. Only one person went way above the bar in my books, and that person was sitting in front of me, exuding the charisma of masculine perfection.

"So, no homework to get done, Amber?" Pierce asked me after a spell of me ogling him.

"Nah, it's only the start of the term," I reminded him with a laugh to try and diffuse my intense feelings when he called my name again. "Unless you're planning to give me homework tomorrow..."

"Mmm, I might keep that to a minimum if we're planning to go skateboarding again," he said, smirking at me. He wanted to go skateboarding with me again... huhhhh...

"Hey, is it just you here? I thought I'd have to meet your parents, introduce myself..." Pierce looked around as though expecting someone to show up.

"No, it's just me, my parents won't be back till later," I explained. He took another sip of his lemonade.

"Does it get lonely, without your sister?" Pierce asked lightly. I almost raised my eyebrows—was he asking because he was concerned about me or—because he wanted to talk about Thea?

"Not—really," I answered, dropping my gaze from his face with slight disappointment. "She does come home some weekends so it's hard to miss her."

"Mm. That you? You looked cute." Pierce's statement made me look up in confusion. He was staring at the pictures of me and my family on the wall. I saw his eyes were particularly fixed on one picture—the one of me at my twelfth birthday.

"Looked?" I asked playfully, catching on that word. "So I'm not cute anymore?" At least he wasn't talking about Thea anymore.

"Oh, 'cute' isn't the word I'd use for you now," Pierce said in a smooth yet husky voice. I swallowed, my heartrate speeding up again. Something in his tone turned me on and suddenly the room heated up by ten degrees.

"Then what word would you use for me now, Pierce?" I asked breathily, watching him with devoted attention. He set his lemonade glass down and gazed intently at me, leaning ever so closer to me.

"Ravishing..." He whispered, his eyes flickering to my lips again. "Tantalizing..." No way, NO WAY. Pierce was definitely flirting with me now. I'd be a fool to deny the ardor burning in his eyes as they bore into me.

"Pierce..." I sucked in a breath, a small part of my heart still doubting it was real. Was Pierce really attracted to me despite the unfavorable circumstances? And was it really me whom he had eyes for or... did I simply remind him of Thea?

"Amber," he uttered my name like a caress. This was a dangerzone to enter—once I did, there was no going back. I already broke the rules once by kissing him... if he was about to bare his heart to me now, there's no way I'd be able to stop my feelings from spilling out like a burst dam.

"I..." He continued, gazing at me with fire in his eyes. I waited for him to speak with bated breath. He suddenly sighed.

"I should get going." My heart fell to the floor with a thump. Of course he wasn't attracted to me, I was just caught up in the heat of the moment! He was probably just being nice and only saw me platonically. I swallowed the wave of bitter disappointment that hit me and stood up to show him to the door.

"Oh, of course, it's late and... yeah." I hope it didn't show in my face how let down I was. I saw him out with a bright smile, hoping it met my eyes as well.

"Good night, Pierce, see you tomorrow," I said softly, gazing up at him with longing in my heart and wishing again he didn't have to leave so soon. He smiled at me.

"Good night, troublemaker." He turned on his heels and sauntered off slowly to his car and I couldn't help feeling miserably despondent about our 'almost' moment. So close, and yet so far...

"Wait a sec... You know what? I believe I forgot something," Pierce suddenly said, turning back and walking briskly towards me with a smirk. I looked confused.

"In the house? I don't think so because you weren't carrying anything when you—OH!" I was cut off with a gasp in total shock as Pierce took me in his arms and kissed me—right on the lips.


'Don't wanna break your heart! Wanna give your heart a break!' 😄Woohoo, this song totally inspired this chapter. Ahh the good ol' days when music was so good it made ya wanna sing...🥰 they're gone...😔 but my romance stories are here to stay!😍🤩 So enjoy the love and - AHHHH first real kiss from Pierce, fireworks!😃🥳💥 I MUST KNOW YOUR REACTION.❤

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