Our Love Kiss

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As we chatted away Prince Jackson came in and said goodnight to me and Prince Charming as he left I realised that Prince Charming was closer to me then ever before he leaned over me I didn't like this. " Umm what are you doing?" He looked embarrassed. " I I I lov.." " I know you love me I do to you idiot." He got close to me but I leaned this time with my lips puckered up to his. He leaned in his eyes closed as our lips meet we fell for each other. When reluctantly pulled his lips away he said," Princess Elizabeth I love you to the day I die and forevermore." " I do to." Then our lips met again. I fell again I didn't want to pull away because I drank from his lips for now until I realised that Prince Jackson was standing there with his arms folded and anger glittered in his eyes. I pulled away quickly realising that I made the prince mad at me more than his brother. " I am sorry you are just not right to me..." " I have seen enough, we shall talk alone."

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