4- Connor Has a Boo Boo

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Let's gooooo

Hank's lungs burned, pursuing the man running from him. But Connor just kept going, not needing to catch his breath like his partner.

Sorry, let's backtrack.

Hank and Connor had been out all night. Working. Meaning they were looking for leads on their current case, which led to them finding one, which led to them chasing down someone who was probably guilty.

And boy, was this guy fast.

Eventually, Hank had to stop. He took a shortcut through an alley in case Connor and the man being pursued took a double left turn, which was likely.

The next thing he knew, he was running toward Connor and the man when he heard a shout, a gunshot, and a loud clang and snap.

"Connor? Connor!" Hank called out into the night, the near-empty Detroit streets carrying his voice to the android.

"Over here, Lieutenant!"

Thank rA9, Connor was okay.

Hank jogged toward Connor's voice and turned the corner into an alleyway, where Connor was in against the wall, the man they'd been chasing passed out right up against him.

"Connor, thank god," Hank panted.

"He's unconscious," the android informed his partner, "we'll have to call someone to take him back to the station."

Hank nodded understandingly, still trying to inhale as much air as possible. "Here, let's get him offa ya," he offered, coming over to pick up the unconscious suspect.

As he did so, Connor spoke up. "Uh, Hank, we do have another problem..."

"Oh, wonderful," Hank said sarcastically, "and what's that?"

Connor gave a guilty smile as Hank pulled the man off of him.

There Connor was, his left leg almost completely disconnected at the knee, broken fragments jagged.

"Oh, no," Hank huffed, looking sympathetic. "Well, at least pain's not in the picture. Let's call Chris, he'll get this guy out of our way so we can... fix that."

Connor nodded gratefully. "Thanks."


"You two all right?" Chris questioned as soon as he exited the police car.

"Connor's not doin' so hot, we'll probably end up having to get his entire leg replaced," Hank replied, glancing at his friend, who was leaned up against the wall. "Station'll pay for it, right?"

Chris shrugged. "I'd hope so, but he's not legally our property anymore. Might have to work it out with CyberLife."

Hank nodded.

The suspect was loaded into the car. Chris shut the door and looked at Hank. "You need a lift to your car? I'd hate to have to make either of you sit in the back," he chuckled.

"Nah," Hank said, "it's only a couple of blocks. We'll be fine."

Chris nodded and turned to the car.

Hank did the same and turned to Connor.
"Alright, let's get you home."


Connor sat on the couch, facing the TV. Sumo was sitting by him, head resting on the cushion as Connor massaged the dog's ears.

He heard Hank's voice in the other room.

"Yeah, this is Lieutenant Hank Anderson with the Detroit police department. The RK800 registered as 'Connor' needs a leg replacement."

A small silence as the person on the other end of the line talked.

"Yeah, yeah. That's him. Uh, does the station cover his maintenance?"


"Oh, good. Alright. It's, uh-" Hank yelled to Connor. "What're the components?"

"We just need #8427g," Connor told him.

Hank read off the number to the employee he was speaking to.

A couple more minutes went by before Hank hung up and sauntered over to the couch to sit by Connor.

"How you feelin' buddy?" he asked as he lowered himself onto the cushion.

Connor looked down at his nearly-detatched leg. "Okay..."

Hank sighed and leaned back into the couch.

The TV switched on.

They flipped through some channels before inevitably landing on the news. It was on the new laws about android production and rights, which piqued their interests.

"-th us today is Markus, deviant leader or Jericho. He and some other close associates have been playing a key role in the formation of these laws."

The scene flipped to the president, who was at a podium, Markus and his friends sitting in some seats off to the side of her.
She spoke.

"Today, we have finalized the legalization of multiple rights for androids. I will be covering some topics regarding CyberLife and the production of their kind."

Connor's LED glowed yellow as he intently listened to and analyzed every word.

Hank chewed the inside of his lip.

"For an eighteen-month period, CyberLife will halt all production of androids. This does not pertain to individual biocomponents. During this period, all androids will be given the appropriate opportunities to attain housing and proper medical care, as well as job opportunities and accessibility to public spaces. All segregation in these spaces and on public transport will be terminated. They will be granted the right to develop and own their own private businesses.

"All androids currently not deviated will be granted free will. If any androids choose to continue working at the jobs they currently have, they will be able to. They may stay with their current host families if they have them.

"From this point forward, any crimes against androids will be punished to the same degree as those against humans.

"On behalf of the U.S. government, I encourage this nation to embrace this opportunity to learn from and connect with this new species. We hope that you will be open to new ideas and ways of life, and that you will not feel the need to resist these decisions. As of today, every android is a person in their own right.

"I now will turn the time over to Markus, who will overview the possibilities that freedom brings to androids. Thank you."

Connor was awed and excited at what he'd heard. Rights, freedoms, chances to find a purpose.

Hank's jaw was slack. "Looks like things are lookin' up for you, Connor."

Connor smiled.

On the screen, Markus stepped up to the podium, Josh and Simon smiling at him from behind. (Let's go with the ending where North dies, and let's pretend that Simon and Markus are together)

"Citizens of the United States, android and humans alike, I'd like to say that this is not a day to be resentful of. This is a triumph for both humans and androids.

"The needs of my people are different than those of the human population. And because of that, we claim and will act upon our right to elect our own representatives in a democratic and carefully calculated way. I am aware that I am widely considered the leader of Jericho and the Detroit Revolution, meaning I am in a position of leadership by default. We intend to release a program in the next couple of days that will be sent to each android individually regarding their beliefs on who should be leading our people and what form of government should be put into place. The data will be analyzed to create a government that attends to the needs and wants of the android population.

"We are the People of Jericho, a nation of intelligent, strong individuals. And we strive to create a world where humans and androids can live harmoniously, a place where they can be friends and not enemies. Because violence and contention do not bring peace, only havoc.

"Tomorrow, we will publish a draft of the rights of androids, similar to the United States constitution. In about a week, it will be finalized and set into record.

"People of Jericho, keep your heads held high. Have dignity, because that is what we have fought for. Because that is what you deserve."

He stepped down from the podium.

A thunderous applause could be heard from the crowd.

Connor had a grin, a full on grin on his face. Hank had never seen his friend so happy, so excited about something.

Connor looked at Hank. "The People of Jericho has a nice ring to it."

The man next to him barked a laugh. "Y'know, I agree."

They spent the rest of the evening watching movies as Hank threw popcorn in the air and tried to catch it in his mouth.


The next morning, Connor's leg arrived at the door.

Hank brought it inside and sat at the table to unbox it.

"Component's here, Connor," Hank addressed his friend, who was on the couch again.

"It'll be easier to install it at the table," Connor thought aloud. "Give me a minute."

He stood up in his right leg, leaning against the couch for support.

"Woah, woah, woah. Hold on, lemme help you," Hank quickly stopped him.

The man went over to Connor and slung his arm under the android's, supporting him and they made their way over to the kitchen table.

Connor sat down in a chair and immediately looked down at his leg. He detached what remained of the broken component and set it on the table's polished surface.

Hank approaches Connor with the new leg and knelt down. With Connor's help, he likes in the leg and snapped it into place.

All systems stabilized

"Thanks," Connor said, sincerity apprentice in his tone.

Hank nodded and sat next to him, bringing his coffee mug up to his lips.

Connor looked at his pants, which were neatly folded on the couch (he was currently in basketball shorts). They had deep blue stains in them, along with a few tears.

"I'll have to get a clean uniform," Connor speculated, "I wonder if I could get ahold of one."

"I dunno," Hank said, "you don't have to wear that outfit anymore. You can always wear other things, like suits or jeans. T-shirts, that kind of thing."

Connor nodded, LED blue. "I suppose you're right... I don't know what my preferred wardrobe is, though."

Hank swallowed something coffee. "Computer's over there, you can look online today."

Connor nodded again. "All right, Lieutenant."

Yayyy, finished it! What are your thoughts?
March 12th, 2020

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